Chapter 1327: Destroy the true power of God

Bronze dragon blue roared.
The roar of the dragon rushed straight ahead with the amplifier of the audio equipment.
In the next moment of Dragon Roar, the most luxurious audio equipment from the Kingdom of Cherry Blossoms exploded instantly.
However, before the explosion, these sounds completed the mission long ago, and sent the dragon roar of the bronze dragon Bleu to the ears of the troll legion of the Ares.
Just relying on the power of the volume itself, a hurricane has been set off, which caused the thousands of trolls to fall to the ground and bleed in the ears.
The God of War Ares noticed something wrong the first time, and opened up the field of war to try to block the opponent's tricks.
However, Ares did not expect that this bronze dragon attack would be the most incredible sonic offensive!
Let his God of War realm only play the lowest effect.
Although he was not affected by this wave of sound waves, his men were shocked by this roar.
God of War Ares blushed, raised his spear and hit the ground again.
Suddenly, translucent souls emerged from the fallen trolls.
These souls were still vague at first, and as the red light flashed on the Ares, they solidified.
"This is the magical ability of the God of War, is the hero returning?"
Bronze Dragon Blue squinted slightly and looked at the Ares, and then looked at the sound broken by his roar. It felt a pity.
Bronze Dragon Bleu has never learned sonic techniques, but...these gods of war are extremely resistant to physical attacks, but in the face of ubiquitous osmotic attack methods, they will be restrained.
It's just that this kind of alchemy that can greatly enhance the sound wave is definitely very expensive, right?
It can be used once, and it’s already good. Where can I continue to make money for your highness?
Bronze dragon Bleu thought about it, but a wizard noticed the weakness of these troll heroes and quickly informed Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu stunned slightly, and quickly waved his hands out of nothingness, grabbed another set of audio equipment from the secret realm and threw it in front of the bronze dragon.
The bronze dragon Bleu and the Ares opposite were stunned.
Xiao Yu smiled slightly to show respect, and then looked towards the of destruction.
The God of Destruction is being at this time. The Venerable Tree Realm mobilized the power of the ancient trees extraordinary, and with the power of the wonders in their hands, the roots of the trees secreted green juice.
These green juices are extremely corrosive to all non-tree creatures.
The real world royal jelly often cannot match this kind of juice.
As a result, Xiao Yu remembered this silently after noticing it, and planned to check it after the war.
See if it can be a magical alchemy material.
"This is too resistant?"
The one-eyed morning star wizard looked at the continuous wave of shock waves, which became larger and larger basins, and his heart became more awed by the existence of the destructive behind the scenes.
"Mother of Life, can you really trap such a monster?"
Another morning star wizard was also preparing witchcraft while worrying about whispers:
"Even if the tree world's rebound witchcraft is the world's first, but every time it is bombarded, it is not without any damage."
"If it was broken before we prepared for this large ban."
"We gave up our efforts."
The morning star wizard said his worries and suddenly found a new strong breath around him.
They could not help but feel the past.
Suddenly found that next to the Venerable Tree Realm, two big demons with a height of five or six meters, all covered with dark red scale armor.
These two demons have snake-like tails, bat-like wings, and two horns on their ugly faces.
Only when it appeared, it brought a dark red halo, which affected the surrounding space and caused the surrounding environment to be abnormally distorted.
"It's the Chaos Demon of Chaos Demon Realm!"
A morning star wizard recognized these two great demons and whispered: "I didn't expect God Ticia to say that it was true, and Chaos Demon also sent the strong to come to help."
"In this case, the strongman of the Dead Canyon must have come over?"
The voice just fell.
A mountain range near the basin in front of the right side of the Morning Star wizards suddenly collapsed with a thousand-meter high mountain, and a blue light pierced through the mountain that collapsed.
Immediately, Medephael, the deceased lord who rode a fifty-meter-high skeleton colossus, came out of the blue light first.
It shook its body, gazing proudly at the location of the of destruction in the basin in front, and pulled out a gleaming sword, and pointed it gently towards the sky.
Behind it, hundreds of frost bone dragons roared and flew out accompanied by thousands of black gargoyles.
On the hillside, there are countless undead knights wearing thick armor, holding a spear or a sickle, forming a black wave, and their eyes flashing through the cold blue light, rushing towards the basin.
These undead knights will not condense the supernatural aura of the guards.
But Medeel, the undead lord, roared with an open mouth.
A glimmer of red light flashed immediately on the undead knights.
Immediately, the breath of all undead knights diminished rapidly, and similarly, the weapons on their hands began to shine with a fascinating blue light.
"Morning Star Undead Forbidden...Desperate!"
"Let all the power of undead creatures be concentrated on the weapon, so as to obtain the opportunity to hit beyond the limit of their own strength."
"However, under such a blow, the undead creature will be useless in a short time."
"And I think that the undead king's forbidden technique should be a mutant version. I'm afraid that after a blow, those undead knights will be wiped out!"
Several Morning Star wizards in the air are powerful eyesight, and soon saw the other party's details.
Apart from admiration, I also have a little confidence in defeating the God of Destruction.
"Chaotic Demon Realm ran, and the Canyon of the Dead also appeared."
"Looking at the end of the big move they are preparing for, it seems... Isn't the tree card almost the same?"
Xiao Yu perceived the entire battlefield with the power of the God of Destruction, and confirmed that there should be no hidden strongmen around. Don’t worry about the God of Destruction to scare away the Xiao Yu decided to make the God of Destruction seriously!
The God of Destruction was under the direct control of Xiao Yu, raising his hair and roaring at the same time.
There was a red glow in his body.
Countless alien ghosts appeared in the red light.
It penetrated the roots of the trees at once, and covered the airspace with a radius of tens of miles.
This is a talented stunt of the God of Destruction: Senrow Vientiane Hell!
This represents the opening of the field with the strongest main level.
The entire basin instantly changed into a of Vientiane.
The green light of the mother tree of life is directly blocked by the blood light for thousands of kilometers.
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