Chapter 1368: Bloodline

As one of the important ministers of the Qianqian Empire.
   as a Duke who is too shallow.
   Grand Duke Hailan's loss to the mainland represented a part of the surrender.
   Xiao Yu treats these people just like watching a group of clowns.
   In this world where extraordinary power belongs to himself, Xiao Yu did not even specifically limit these guys.
   Of course, their family property, in addition to the extraordinary materials needed to contribute, the rest of Xiao Yu is not greedy.
  However, at this time, the two black guards found the Grand Duke Hailan, but they were not in trouble to find each other.
  Princess Hailan secretly made friends with the officers, and the rest were also doing it.
   But as long as it is not excessive, it does not involve bribery and does not break the law.
  The black guards will not pay attention.
   But the officer in question could be discovered in advance by the black guards, preventing them from being promoted or even having to change jobs.
   After a few hours.
   Grand Duke Hailan came out of the training ground in a trance, looked at the badge in the palm of his hand, and he was a little dumbfounded.
  Is this time fortune?
  Not only was he not yelled by the black guard: Grand Duke Hailan, your business happened!
   instead got a promise from a big man in the black guard, as long as he willingly agreed to join a secret column, he could become a glorious black guard consultant.
   compared to the black army guard who became the secret force of the Son of God.
  The leisurely position of consultant in black is undoubtedly a good position for those nobles who surrender.
  Late night, the moon hangs high above the stars.
   Grand Duke Hailan held the badge given by the big man in black and came to a hall.
   After a secret inspection.
Grandpa Hailan was surprised to find that he was placed in a steel chariot.
   This kind of steel chariot like a hill is a war machine directly called by the great Son of God.
   Seeing this steel tank, Grand Duke Hailan's heart relaxed.
   was able to dispatch such a steel chariot, apparently with the consent of Lord Son of God.
   didn't get involved in bad internal dumping.
   Grand Duke Hailan sorted out his clothes, but this was the best and most expensive dress he bought from the half-elves after he came to the city of miracles.
   boarded the steel tank and couldn't help but praise the art of steel.
   Grand Duke Hailan found that more than one person was sitting in the carriage.
   "Sure enough, I am not the only lucky one."
   Grand Duke Hailan grunted in his heart and smiled as he prepared the suit.
   found that more than ten companions arrived early, all of them also showed false smiles.
   Their intimate temperament made Grand Duke Hailan feel like he saw the same kind.
   had no dialogue, and Grand Duke Hailan had already guessed that these people, like themselves, were surrendered nobles who lost the empire or kingdom on the mainland.
   is similar to himself!
  More than ten minutes later, there were more than a dozen people in the steel tank, until the number thirty was rounded up.
   The steel chariot moved slowly, with Grand Duke Hailan and others, actually leaving the city of miracles, and spent half a night driving to the plateau that once belonged to the plateau barbarian and centaur tribe.
   This plateau once had a mysterious ruin.
   It's a pity that this ruin has collapsed and disappeared following the destructive excavation after Xiao Yu became stronger.
   However, the area where the original site is located still has a strange atmosphere, and the spatial boundary of the place is extremely weak.
   Such a weak space is easy to attract the invasion of evil spirits and abyss monsters.
   The intelligent life living in such a place, the chance of being lured to fall is much higher than the normal area.
   is just lost in the mainland because of the existence of Xiao Yu, has been regarded as a restricted area by both the abyss and the evil god.
   is bold and unbelief, but it is just a routine cleaning operation to help some people in black clothing add a little credit.
   Grand Duke Hailan and others were brought here, and then concentrated in a newly built camp.
   "Welcome to you."
   "Introduce yourself, I am the second deputy of the elder Mafa wizard, the Maros alchemist."
It didn't take long for Grandpa Hailan and others to see a middle-aged gentleman with a golden ponytail wearing a magnifying glass in his right eye, and came over gently.
Grandpa Hailan heard the introduction and couldn't help but move his heart.
  Maffa Wizard He has heard of it.
   This guy who was only a small country teacher in a remote place, if placed a year ago, would not even have the qualification to enter the threshold of his castle.
  Why did you think of it for a year, this wizard who looked down on him at that time has already become a high-profile existence.
   And being able to serve as such a No. 2 assistant is also a big offend to himself.
   must be pleased!
Grand Duke Hailan thought of this and smiled, and immediately found that the rest of his companions showed the same expression.
   Hmm... there are a lot of competitors!
"Ha ha."
   Maros alchemist glanced at these nobles and opened a scroll:
   "Let me explain why you are here."
   "According to the information collected by the scholars, you are all aristocratic families who can trace their roots back to thousands of years ago."
   "According to historical records, there are many superpowers in your family that appear half-human and half-god."
   "Even..." The Maros alchemist swept over a bald old man from King Philip's royal family: "There is no shortage of ancestors who were the bloodline heirs of this continental morning star wizard."
   "In a sense, you can be called descendants of heroes!"
   "Blood of possibility flows!"
   Listening to the praise of Maros Alchemist.
   Grand Duke Hailan was a little bit guilty.
   My family knows their own affairs best.
  The three generations of ancestors have never been born the true prince Hailan, who has always been a genius.
  Of course, Grand Duke Hailan will not say this suspicion, but will concussion anyone who doubts his noble blood.
  However, nowadays, he finds himself selected because the ancient books record the deeds of his ancestors.
Grandpa Hailan couldn't help worrying about it, if his ancestor was actually bragging about being checked out... what should I do?
  Will the alchemist master be very think I'm cheating him?
  Maros alchemist noticed many strange faces of nobles.
   smiled faintly:
   "You don't have to worry, you can be selected here, which in itself shows your uniqueness."
   "Next, I will customize the blood vessel activation agent for you."
   "In addition, the Mafa wizard will also come after he is busy with the project in his hand, and tailor a bloodline promotion ritual circle tailored for you."
   "Please rest assured to cooperate with us."
   Grand Duke Hailan and others could not believe it when they heard this.
   But I don't know, these people are just a small part of Xiao Yu's huge plan to find the real secret of lost continent.
   After Xiao Yu was promoted as a legendary wizard and became the master of the gods, the greatly improved perception made Xiao Yu feel even more abnormal about losing the mainland.
   So, this old noble blood trace back to the source to find a secret plan was found by Xiao Yu to implement.
   Even if it failed in the end.
   Xiao Yu doesn't mind either.
  Because of the blood of these old nobles, there was indeed no fraud.
   If it can be activated and purified to return to thousands of years ago...the value is absolutely great!
  If you can discover the secret.
   That naturally ended Xiao Yu's heart, no doubt it was a big profit!
  :. :
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