Chapter 1399: Experiment and experiment

"I just want to know the effect of the giant stone monument."
"Let those of you who experiment with others, also come to be my experiment."
Xiao Yu soon came to the main entrance of the Financial Building and looked up at one of the representative buildings of the mountain. Xiao Yu waved his hand and moved his heart.
The technique of detecting evil has eroded the entire financial building.
The staff in the building felt cold for the first time.
Someone looked up and left the computer screen, and whispered whether the air-conditioning system of the building was too low.
And in the laboratory on the third floor underground.
Numerous criminals and criminals who have been tortured for many days have reacted the most.
Their eyeballs were raised, as if something in their brains was pressing their eyes.
A lot of dark fog that is invisible to ordinary people has spread from them, which represents that their evil has reached a level that can satisfy the necromancer.
"Strange, what happened just now?"
"How come four-fifths of the experimenters are abnormal!"
The supervisor wearing chemical protective clothing stood up and shouted loudly.
The technicians around him shook their heads in confusion.
"Record it down and wait for it to be analyzed above... In addition, the drugs in Group B have arrived, and today a strong psychoactive drug injection experiment can be conducted."
"Hopefully we can succeed."
The supervisor frowned and waved his hand to order.
His heart was beating for a moment just now, but the supervisor thought it might be caused by too much pressure these days.
After all, no one can change their minds if they are scolded by their superiors for an hour every day because they have no results.
"Oh, is the experiment in Group A effective today?"
"The experts imitated the pictures drawn by the visual map, but failed to produce a little spiritual power?"
"Forget it, stop, let Group A rest for an hour, and then continue the electric shock test."
The supervisor said this and couldn't help looking down at a strong middle-aged man in Group A on the screen.
It was this guy who was named by many big-names to make him die better.
Although the supervisor had some admiration for this guy's courage in his heart, he dared not to carry out the order.
As the supervisor entered several passwords.
The room where Group A is located appears on the large screen.
This is an enclosed space about the size of a hospital ward, with five beds arranged against the wall.
The man named Doni, who created the city-wide blockade, was on the fifth bed, and was trapped tightly by belts and shackles like other experimenters.
Duny was numb like a dead man.
Only the undulating chest can prove that this guy is still alive.
"Preparation is ready."
"Now start the first experiment..."
The experiment will begin as soon as the sound is played by the player.
Just as the technical staff looked at the supervisor and waited for the command.
Xiao Yu has already stood on the rooftop of this building, relying on the right place to unlock the control of the giant stone pedestal, and released the power of chaos, and fell into the experimenters on the third floor underground.
Of course, that Doni, and a few criminals who had survived the evil detection were not invaded by Xiao Yu using this energy.
Next second!
The mouth that the supervisor had just opened suddenly froze in the air.
The supervisor looked at the changes in the screen with horror, and only a hoarse breathing sound in his throat.
The other technicians also looked at the expression of the ghost, watching the changes of the experimenters on the screen, and thought of their peers who conducted extraordinary experiments on Hell Island.
The end of those peers, but all destroyed!
In the experimental chamber.
The chaotic energy easily invaded the mind space of those criminals through the spiritual web,
The criminals reacted quickly.
Most of them screamed for the first time, and at the same time the seven holes began to bleed, their limbs began to deform.
Some criminals have their hands turned into jagged limbs that are unique to praying mantises, with layers of thick gray fat growing on their bodies.
The feet are becoming obese and turning into anti-articulated legs after becoming fat.
Even more terrifying.
In some secret rooms, five criminals with mutations appeared. After breaking the imprisonment easily, they screamed and stuck to each other.
And in just a few seconds, with a change beyond common sense, the mutation became a big meat ball.
The top of the big meat ball, five bald heads that had been severely deformed, grew there, screaming like dead fish eyes, and madly shouting the word of the evil god.
The office area where the supervisor received the words of these evil gods, and immediately, these ordinary people rolled their heads on the ground in pain.
These prayer words from the goddess of the witch are far more terrifying for them than subsonic weapons.
If possible, these people will choose to commit suicide to avoid this pain.
Xiao Yu found that the researchers affected by the words of the evil gods, their pain and their fears were constantly sucked away, and then drilled into the most powerful variants, so that these variants got More energy support.
Xiao Yu also noticed abnormal fluctuations in spiritual power around him.
The Lingli Lake that Xiao Yu gathered for the spirit net was swallowed up wildly by these variants, and a vortex of spiritual force has formed under the financial building.
Xiao Yu was relieved when the spiritual vortex appeared.
This witch really is not as overbearing as the abyss.
The abyss can shake the solid aura.
It is not an exaggeration to say.
Without Xiao Yu, the abyss appeared in the real world.
Give it time to grow, and it will eventually swallow the entire planet!
However, this witch still needs the environment like the villain to support the increase in mutation strength.
In a sense, the real world is actually equivalent to the restricted area of ​​these evil gods.
It is only through the spiritual power produced by Xiao Yu that he can scare people.
Without spiritual power, you will be beaten back to the prototype immediately!
Xiao Yu is analyzing.
Three floors underground, but completely messed up.
Even Citigroup, who paid attention to the laboratory, controlled the laboratory remotely for the first time and cut off the broadcast, so that the supervisor and other researchers were free from the influence of the Word of Evil God.
The heavy iron door was closed with a clatter, isolating the entire test area.
But this sudden change.
It still shocked The Citigroup Commander was the first to learn about the situation and screamed:
damn it!
Why do monsters come to us again?
We obviously have no superheroes!
Why do those monsters still let us go!
Complaining to complain.
Citigroup officials acted for the first time.
The Financial Tower is listed as a restricted zone for ten miles.
A large number of armed forces were mobilized.
And, interestingly, it seems that the magic effect will be better than the artillery fire.
More than 100 military spirit net experimenters were also assigned to the frontline positions after being assigned spiritual power.
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