Chapter 1434: Ancient Evil God

  All the regular forces of the Allied Forces came from the noble class in the first-class forces.
   is also the second son of a baron in a certain place.
   This makes the overall combat capability of these regular army personnel not to be underestimated.
   Those family members of the great forces can take out a mysterious and strange thing to help out.
The generals headed by    are more of the royal family in the powerful forces or the children of the morning star wizards.
   didn't have more than two morning star wonders on his body, and he was embarrassed to stand up and stand in this position.
   Therefore, in Xiao Yu's eyes, this regular army is shining with colorful treasures all the time.
   Very attractive.
   Let him secretly feel that his background is too shallow.
  Look at your God Guard, except for strengthening alloys and formation tactics, there is nothing to do.
  If there is no modern firepower to help out, my guards will face the regular army of these coalition forces, I am afraid that the other party will be ruthlessly crushed?
  Xiao Yu thought about it and asked the Uturu wizard and others in the hall to watch the battle with himself:
   "Do you know which forces can mass-produce ordinary and extraordinary war wonders?"
   "Ah... But seeing the equipment of these noble armies, Your Highness, has you thought about configuring the wonders with wonders?"
  Uturu Wizard was surprised and whispered:
   "In fact, it doesn't have to be this way. This cost is really too high, even if these troops are also deployed at their own expense."
   "If your Highness really has this plan, I remember hearing a time-space merchant mention that the Starlight family is extremely good at refining. They once sold tens of thousands of strange objects in exchange for a certain precious material."
   "Star family?"
   Xiao Yu heard the words, and suddenly felt a little familiar.
   recalled, he immediately remembered his world wonder star night treasure tree.
   He remembered that using Starry Night Tree in the Little People's Kingdom would attract the attention of the Starlight family with a high probability.
   The chairman also told him to be careful.
   The question is coming, have you used the Starry Night Tree many times in the little country?
   It seems that I have seen the trace of the Starlight family once, and then they haven't appeared?
   won't be really remembered by the abyss, are you overwhelmed?
  Xiao Yu remembered the bad luck who was slammed by the abyss and then pulled a whip back to his hometown of Starlight Son.
   thought of the nature of the abyss.
  Xiao Yu worried about the Starlight family.
  He thinks this thing is because of himself.
  If the Starlight family is really invaded by the abyss, maybe they are adhering to a heart of justice and kindness, should they help the Starlight family?
  On the star continent far away from the dusk continent.
  A blue-skinned, pointed-eared elf, known as the Son of Starlight, suddenly had a feeling of trouble in his head.
  This made him tremble, and quickly contacted the Presbyterian Church to report this uneasy hunch.
  Elders attach great importance to this.
   thinks that this may be the abyss is planning a big move against Starlight Continent!
While cursing the abyss and the Son of God who made them noticed by the abyss, they conducted a new round of stern inspections again, hoping to find the traces of the fallen abyss who had infiltrated them, and rushed to the end of the abyss calling ceremony Before, destroy it to prevent the invasion of the abyss breath.
   The mainland at dusk.
  With the floating islands controlled by the coalition forces, they reached the center of the mainland.
   The terrifying battle broke out.
  Here, the coalition strongmen met the dusk prayer meeting strongmen worth fighting for.
   A ray of dazzling divine light then cut through the sky and landed there.
   Wizard Hain looked up at the sky, and understood in his heart that each divine light represented an incarnation of the true god.
   He secretly whispered this time, the Pantheon is really making blood.
   Before and after, I am afraid that not more than twenty incarnations of the true have come.
  It was treated like this at first, it seems that he has been his own son of God for hundreds of years?
   thought that the son of his own could still win under such treatment.
   The wizard Hain couldn't help but feel a sense of pride surrounding his heart.
   This trace of pride was immediately noticed by a half-dragon general.
   But the half-dragon general did not doubt that he was there, and thought it was the wizards of Hain who were proud of the powerful force of their coalition.
   In fact, he also has such a feeling.
   The army in front of him is definitely the strongest army he has ever seen in his life!
   "Taiwan evening prayer meeting, just today!"
  The half-dragon general raised his spear, and there was a black dragon wing growing behind him. He flew up to the sky and shouted loudly.
   Soon, the sound of wailing came from the army below and the left and right floating fortresses in the air, echoing each other, making the momentum climb to the extreme.
  Under such a warm atmosphere like a stove, no one except the Wizard of Hain felt that there would be any problems with this expedition.
   Many of them have begun to think about how to act after the war to ensure that enough loot is distributed.
  Although at present, the mainland is barren at dusk.
   But around the giant temple, but the base camp of the evening prayer meeting, there is always nothing worthwhile, right?
   "For glory and wealth! To smooth the twilight continent!"
   The half-dragon general flew faster and faster, and gradually came to the front of the green leather orc formation.
   Then, at the moment he waved his spear to boost morale.
   A black light covering half of the sky suddenly pierced the space from a distance.
  In an instant, when everyone hasn't responded yet.
   General Half-Dragon was taken away by black light for most of his body.
   Only the feet below the knee are still intact, but they can only shake and fall from the sky.
  Black light also swept over floating islands and floating fortresses at high altitudes.
   After the black light flashed, Wizard Hain quickly turned around and looked up at the sky.
   saw the floating fortress and floating island in the high altitude, as if erased from the drawing board by the eraser, a large part of each building disappeared.
   Under such damage, these floating objects could not be maintained quickly, and fell one by one from high altitude.
   "God, what's going on?"
   When the wizard Hain exclaimed.
   That black light had already flew away from the twilight continent, and showed a complete half-moon shape in the space of time and space ~ ~ hit the breeze continent heavily.
   under this blow.
  The priests responsible for maintaining the wizard tower in the breeze continent have almost been bitten by everyone, and they have suffered some internal injuries.
  In the underwater temple, several huge cylinders were subjected to the recoil force and appeared dense cracks.
  The voice of the storm goddess Jiela roared in the temple:
   "Damn! What are those fools doing?"
   "How to make the other party free to attack the breeze continent!"
   The scream caused by the black light has just disappeared.
   Over the mainland at dusk, a translucent dark red ghost suddenly appeared.
   This phantom is so big that it gives people a feeling of being unreal.
   It is a dark red scaly skin covered with hundreds of octopus heads, surrounded by six large tentacles and countless small tentacle monsters.
   Even if they are far apart, the bronze dragon Bleu still sees from this translucent ghost monster, ancient, crazy, ruined and desperate!
   Even if I have never seen this monster.
  Bronze dragon blue can still determine the body of this ghost monster.
   must be the master of the evening prayer meeting, that the of witch and a certain evil spirit surrender to the of evening and destruction! ) Book friends, pay attention!
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