Chapter 1489: Summon?

Seraph suppressed the formation.
Cardinal Cardinal regained his youth on the spot, demonstrating the power of the Holy Master.
A riot was suddenly wiped out in the bud.
The city of the Lord has severely swiped prestige in the eyes of the major forces.
But it also exposed the extraordinary identity of the Holy City.
The representatives of the diplomatic departments who arranged the major forces in the city of the Lord have secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and feel that the future work will be much smoother.
And inside the Church of the Holy City.
The cardinal in red who went back to the meeting faced the envy and jealous eyes of his companions.
But even the strength to argue is gone.
I don't want to have it.
He understood.
No matter what he said.
The companions will definitely not believe it, and will jump out and say:
You can rest assured that we understand, we will not ask.
Everything is arranged by the Lord.
The Archbishop in Red who heard these words wanted to jump on the table and shouted several times due to the blood side effects of the Behemoth:
"Chat! I don't know what happened!"
"What can you understand!"
In the end, the Archbishop of Red Card disbanded in advance and went back to his bedroom. He asked the assistant to find the latest shaving suit and began to repair it.
Xiao Yu used the city of the Holy Lord to cover up the goddess of goddess formation.
He also went back to Tiangong, and handed over the parts of the spacecraft prototype 2 to those experts and professors in advance.
In addition, Xiao Yu will discuss some of the situations encountered by the Queen Alice in the spacecraft, and discuss with the experts to make modifications on the prototype No. 2.
As time passed, two days passed.
In two days, the Valkyrie spacecraft had entered the waterway from Aquamarine to Mars.
No more fine-tuning by the driver is required, everything is left to the supercomputer powered by the nuclear fusion system.
Xiao Yu also ended the brainstorming with the experts, and threw the task book to the Dragon Clan in the portable secret realm.
It is rare for him to be light.
Suddenly his body stunned slightly, but he felt that there was a summoning presence on the side of the stick country.
Reciting the name of his vest.
Bangziguo, a private manor in the capital district.
The old and ridiculous chairman Li Jian analyzed that the body has deteriorated again due to the loss of targeted drugs.
Nowadays, only by injecting certain special medicines can we temporarily support our body.
"Cough cough cough!"
Li Jianli, chairman of the board, understands that he will die when the efficacy of the drug still fails in the past.
He wasn't reconciled, and he wasn't reconciled to the great mountains and rivers he had beaten with one hand, so he was ruined by the next generation.
In a sense, this is also a big reason why the chairman of the Li Jian analysis refused to give up survival.
His industry is facing the dilemma of succession.
His children, both men and women, have all the poisons. How can he leave with peace of mind?
You know, the capital of Citigroup has already infiltrated their group while taking advantage of the financial crisis. If he dies, he can foresee a maximum of ten years.
His property should be changed to the capitalist name of Citi.
"No matter who it is, answer my call!"
In the wine cellar of the manor.
It is full of more than ten kinds of folk calling circles.
The walls are covered with more than 20 kinds of tablets including the Lord of All Things, the Goddess of the Moon, the Goddess of War, and the Valkyrie.
More than a dozen local priests from the stick country who were caught and hired with high salary, just like jumping gods, bouncing around in the wine cellar, singing various prayers adapted from classics in their mouths.
The assistants on the side looked.
It can be said that Chairman Li Jianlu has gone crazy in this great horror between life and death.
In their view, such a calling ritual like a child's play would be successful.
How relaxed are the evil gods?
"Call, call!"
A middle-aged man wearing a white headscarf knelt in sweat and knelt in front of Chairman Li Jianli.
This middle-aged man is one of the real cultists in the stick country.
When Xiao Yu used the muscle rabbit to flick a hand of cult staff to knock them out of the net.
This guy happened to go to Citigroup to learn how to better control the hearts of his predecessors, so he escaped.
It was only after he returned that the environment had changed greatly, and the large denominations of the Bangzi Kingdom were almost wiped out.
He also had to be a man with his tail in his tail, but his empty ability was nowhere to be played.
Now, Li Jian analyzes the chairman's call but let him see the opportunity.
The glory of ambition flashed in his eyes.
When he knelt down, he thought of his predecessors, those cult leaders who were so powerful, but at their peak, even the great commander of the stick country was their people.
Moreover, even the internationally wanted counterparts held in large prisons can allow the prosecutors of the stick country to refrain from the future.
Think about the scenery at that time.
This middle-aged man longs for it.
Then an excited spirit, in the gloomy eyes of Li Jian’s analysis of the chairman, climbed a few steps:
"Dear Chairman!"
"I think our calling ceremony is not sincere enough!"
Li Jianli, the chairman, stared slightly, staring at the middle-aged man, coughing and said, "Say!"
"Since I want to be watched by great existence."
"You can't simply rely on these mortals to sacrifice."
The middle-aged man exposed his white teeth and smiled with humanity: "We should use human sacrifice to get our attention."
"Human sacrifice!"
"This is a cult!"
The assistants changed.
Anxiously looked at Chairman Li Jianli.
You know, the situation today is not a year ago.
All major forces are very sensitive to cults.
Even if it is Li Jian's family of chairman, if they die on this critical issue, they will really die!
"Yes, human sacrifice!"
"It's better to sacrifice with children under ten years old!"
The middle-aged man said this and became more and more excited, and believed that by this sacrifice, he would be able to firmly scare the hearts of those participants, so that he could control it.
I don't want to.
Those who jumped next to him suddenly rolled their eyes and knelt to the ground.
A breeze blew into this cellar.
Violent heartbeat.
Suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.
A voice appeared in the air in the cellar:
"I prefer your filthy soul."
The voice was so cold that there was no emotion.
Stopped in the ears, but made people stand upright with their hairs all over the Chill all over.
"We have successfully summoned it!"
Compared to the uneasiness and fear of those around.
Li Jianli, chairman of the board, was excited and opened his hands:
"Save me!"
"Great presence!"
With the call.
In the eyes of middle-aged men dumbfounded.
A fist-sized dark red beam appeared over the cellar.
Then, this light group suddenly fell into his head.
He even screamed too late.
It just turned into a pile of ashes.
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