Chapter 1493: It's better to sit still and wait (thanks to Rui Zhibo's book friends to become a book alliance...

Bronze dragon blue has been in the city of miracles for a long time.
Already infected with the habits of the Yan and Huang giants, they subconsciously forgot.
Everyone understands the fact that people can develop better.
Among the thousands of continents in time and space.
In addition to the city of miracles, where are the forces with extra resources to train a group of craftsmen or scholars who have not cultivated talent?
I don’t have enough food for my family. Every year, I don’t know how much the first-line difference is.
Not to mention resources to subsidize a group of slaves?
Is this a joke?
Lost the local indigenous rebel army camp.
The last legendary strongman of the Jackal family, the long princess Jackal was alone, kneeling on a gravel beach dozens of miles away from the camp, looking up at a pair of eyes that were absolutely holy and beautiful to the Jackal, staring Looking at the moon, praying to the moon god.
For most indigenous people who have lost their continents, the moon and the sun are the most primitive beliefs.
When the morning star does not exist, it can often become the psychological sustenance of many people.
It's just that in the villain kingdom, these two gods don't exist. Looking forward to them, that's a bit of psychological comfort.
And if there are related visions on some continents...don't think about it, either Evil God, or a wizard who walked into the Divine Department is playing role-playing.
As a member of the royal family and a legendary strongman, the princess Jackal naturally received relevant education and knew these secret inside stories.
But now, she has nowhere to go.
Desperate, she could not find any other way than to plead with her heart.
It was quiet at night, and the princess Jackal, who prayed alone, suddenly heard a slight footstep.
Without looking back, the princess Jackal had guessed who came:
"High priest, are you here too?"
"Yeah, this should be the last time I saw the moon in my hometown?"
The white priest nodded silently and sighed:
"You think we can win a few points this time."
The Princess Jackal heard this, her throat moved slightly, and said, "No."
"Tomorrow's battle, our life and death, but just the other side's thoughts."
"Since you feel the same way, you might as well... run away." The white priest smiled bitterly and sat cross-legged on the ground: "Using that relic, you and some people have a chance to escape."
"I won't run away."
The princess Jackal shook her head and rejected the other party's good intentions:
"I am the royal family, and one of the only legends left. I have fled the battlefield first, and our two families have really become the playthings of those invaders."
"But, this is just self-seeking destruction!"
"It's better to sit and wait!"
"I want to tell those intruders that we can't decide how long we can live, at least we can decide when we can die!"
The white priest twitched his mouth and sighed secretly, feeling that the biography of the brave who had been bought from those time-space merchants was indeed a reading that had harmed the millennium.
It turned out that the princess Jackal was so old, and was deeply hurt!
Now, this is not the time for willfulness!
The white priest is thinking about how to persuade the princess Jackal to leave Qingshan without worrying about firewood.
But not wanting, the long princess Jackie has undoubtedly extended a round crystal-like shield and wrapped herself in it to isolate the connection with the outside world.
"After this battle, we do not know how many years will pass before our two families will be free again."
The high-priest in white groaned, and saw the princess Jackal's decision, and turned around and went back to the camp.
Now that we are ready to die together, let's...desperately!
At least let those abominable invaders see the great fearlessness of their two races!
Under the shield, the princess Jackal continued to pray, as if preparing to place all prayers to the moon in the next year at this moment.
After a few hours.
When the sky started to whitish slightly.
The princess Jackal suddenly stunned, feeling a sense of consciousness with great power, and quickly approached herself.
"Isn't that the Morningstar powerhouse not following the rules?"
The princess Jackal was secretly surprised, thinking that the other party wanted to attack himself.
When the chill approached.
The long princess jackal discovered that it was a silver-white charm in the shape of a meniscus.
After taking a few deep breaths, the princess Jackal shivered and held out the pendant with her right hand.
The divine and solemn image of the goddess of the moon, Fiya, is reflected in the mind of the princess Jackal.
At the same time, a memory has also penetrated into it.
The princess Jackal is a legendary strongman, even if it is only a wild heritage, the overall combat power is half a level lower than that of the knight.
However, he is also a legendary strongman in the realm of self-virtual law.
It is so easy to invade people's spirits!
Such a method is unbelievable to the long princess Jackal, and only the strong stars of the morning star can do it after thinking about it!
Therefore, besides the surprise of the princess Jackal and the content, it is inevitable that this is a trap, a game in which the intruders tease their inner things?
The princess Jackal remembers that there are records in the relevant materials that she has seen:
Are those despicable and shameless evil devil the most like to give hope first, and then strip that hope to create the deepest desperate game?
In the view of the princess jackal, the intruders' minds are no different from those of the devil, and even more so!
Obviously, you can destroy the poor resistance forces of yourself and others, but you must announce it in advance, and then give a little unexpected expectation.
"It's time to go back."
The princess Jackal wanted to throw away the charm.
After hesitating, he finally squeezed it in his hand and turned to leave.
In the distant clouds.
Bronze dragon Bleu blinked his eyes, hummed.
Just now if the princess Jackal dare to drop the charm, it doesn't mind going down to talk about life and reason with the other person in person.
Now, since she left something as hope, she will definitely use it when she is desperate?
As the just messenger of the city of miracles, should we just appear on the scene and then save this unfortunate group of poor people?
"Hopefully, the name of the city of miracles is not so easy to use."
"That will be really interesting."
"I am moving my muscles and bones, and take some souvenirs by the way!"
The bronze dragon Bleu slowly re-hidden.
On the sea, a huge black turtle with the size of a real-world car is almost on the back.
Built a lot of wooden buildings.
The most central and largest building in the city.
The owner of the giant tortoise, the morning star wizard Yuan Yuan of the Yuan Turtle continent, feasted on more than 20 morning star wizards to form a close relationship with each other and form an alliance.
Right away.
The morning star strongman who announced the announcement, the tower owner suddenly blew, and noticed that there was a peer at the same level peeping at the enchantment placed in the resistance camp.
However, he didn't care. He was only a fellow Chinese who came after learning the news, and he sent an invitation message to him as he moved.
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