Chapter 1516: Forbidden Ground

The abyssal lord Barnhardt was full of suffocation and depression at the moment.
Whether the Queen of the Abyss can fight, he is not sure yet.
However, the Queen of the Abyss can make her servants particularly able to fight, already sure!
Abyssal Grandmaster Barnhardt can feel that this wood giant's level of use of super artifacts in his body does not know where he is higher than himself.
This put Baron Hart, the abyssal lord, in the confrontation of the Huiyue class, which can be said to be at a disadvantage.
If it hadn't been for him, he would consume at least twelve ordinary abyssal lords' magical powers to counteract the shortage.
Now he can't even do this illusion of close competition!
Wood Giant's right palm shook slightly.
An invisible wave oscillated, and the abyssal lord Barn Hart took advantage of this opportunity to quickly retreat and instantly retreated thousands of miles away.
It's too late to gasp.
The abyssal lord Barnhardt was about to retreat, when he left this abyss continent.
Suddenly, he saw a pair of beautiful eyes of the abyss queen standing on the head of the wood giant staring at herself.
Although this gaze is less irresistible than the abyss gaze of the original abyssal will.
But it still gave the abyssal lord Barnhardt some kind of suffocating fear.
And with the beauty of the Queen of the Abyss watched.
The abyssal lord Barnhardt found the super-artifact two-handed sword in his hand and flicked his hands away.
Then it transformed into a large mass of black slime, and then fell into the right palm of the abyss queen, slowly melting and decomposing, and returned to a pale wooden pole.
This wooden pole is the same species as the super artifact on the giant palm of the wooden giant.
Obviously, it is also produced by the tree-building mother tree.
So, this wooden pole super artifact was thrown by the abyss queen to the wooden giant.
And quickly melted into the giant wood body.
The appearance of the Giant Wood has a deeper and stronger grain.
There was such a natural breath in his body.
In this abyss continent, it is particularly conspicuous.
"Queen of the Abyss!"
The abyssal lord Barn Hart looked at his empty hands, and after remembering the appearance of the abyss queen in his mind, he turned into a mass of red mist and turned into dozens of lights scattered.
This is the escape of the abyssal lord Barnhardt.
It's just that he made a little bit of difference.
The Queen of the Abyss was not interested in him, and after taking away the Super Artifact, she would no longer pursue him.
The Queen of the Abyss looked around.
In addition to the sluggish legend under the abyss army.
The legendary abyssal powerhouses such as the abyss demon, one-eyed troll, etc. who had no time to flee or dared to flee again, hesitated for a while, and then knelt down to the ground, begging her forgiveness towards the abyss empress.
The Queen of the Abyss accepted the prayers of the abyssal powerhouses. She waved her hand, and in this continent without the obstacles of the Abyssal Lord Barnhardt, it was easy to make the abyssal Lord Barnhardt’s imprint in all the abyssal magic objects. broken.
Then she raised her neck and made a beautiful humming noise.
In this abyss continent, the sky was filled with black gas, and it fell into every abyss magic object present, forming a new inscription belonging to the abyss queen, and at the same time, they also gave birth to new abyss organs in their bodies.
These are either the heart of the abyss, or the eyes of the abyss, the organs of the liver of the abyss, so that the size of the monsters of the abyss can be further expanded and expanded.
Legendary powerhouses feel that their strength has seen a leap in growth, and they have never seen the door to a new realm of hope, and they seem to be slowly releasing.
The land of the abyssal continent was also trembling violently, and there were a series of underground cracks. Flames and lava poured out of the cracks. These lavas seemed to have life. They climbed up to the body of the abyss monster and tailored them for them. Out of the black lava armor.
"Roar roar!"
The Queen of the Abyss released her coercion.
Thousands of monsters in the abyss made a roar of excitement and cheers.
The forbidden-level forces followed the surveillance wonders that the abyssal lord Barnhart went to, and successfully passed the message back.
The Abyss Queen who had mastered the military power of tens of millions of abyss monsters in the projection instantly.
The senior leaders of the major forces realized that their combat policy of consuming the abyss from the abyss was a mistake from the beginning.
"The combat power below the abyss lord is not reliable!"
"Yes, in the next action against the Queen of the Abyss, we can only rely on our own military strength."
"Those abyss lords, only they can be useful."
"What about the Super Artifact?"
"Why are your super-artifacts in the tree world assimilated so easily!"
"We can't know exactly what happened. Now we can only guess that it may be the moment of collision, because of the homology between the super artifacts, so it was invaded by the abyss queen."
"We will not make such mistakes again."
The Supreme People on the other side of the tree world also answered with solemn expressions.
They did not dare to use the super artifacts of the Mumu mother tree.
However, this does not mean that they do not have the power of Huiyue.
Fortunately, it is also a forbidden prefecture-level force, so naturally there is no such thing.
The Pantheon also sorted out and redistributed the legacy of the noble Yarut.
They also found the two super artifacts with the same origin, and no longer use them first.
And when the forbidden-level forces are waiting for the scorching head.
Nine Leaf Continent.
The master of the nine-leaf wizard tower hiding in the blood pool learned the worst result in his opinion from the faithful deputy master.
The will of the abyss has not been defeated, it has become the queen of the abyss and is becoming more terrifying and powerful.
The tower master regretted that he provoked the will of the abyss, but there was no way.
On him, the curse of the abyss was imprinted in the soul.
There is no way to get rid of it!
The owner of Jiuye Wizard's Tower thought left and right, and finally decided to leave Jiuye Mainland.
It is not that he is reluctant, if the demise of Jiuye continent can be exchanged for his survival.
Naturally, this tower owner will not blink.
Only now, no matter whether it is Jiuye Mainland or Wizard Tower, it is obviously impossible to protect him.
The tower owner couldn't help but go to the forbidden prefecture-level forces for help.
It's just that seems to the forbidden-level forces.
Once the abyss queen killed the abyss.
His curse must explode.
Even if there is no luck, he will surely attract the abyss queen to hunt down.
Regardless of who is in the forbidden-level forces, they do not want to be the first to face the Queen of the Abyss, and then use the hole cards to beat both sides and hurt both sides.
They had to reject the request from the tower owner out of the overall situation.
Fortunately, there was a holy dragon on the side of Shenglong Island who received quite a lot of benefits.
This world has a place where the abyss can't watch even if it is marked by aristocrats.
The city of miracles, the hometown of the sons of the gods, the land of the Yanhuang giants.
Already recognized by the abyss lord...the forbidden place of the abyss!
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