Chapter 1520: 2nd Kimir

Roskimir always believed that his ancestor was the greatest brave and patron saint of the Slavic people in ancient times.
In his body, the blood of ancient gods ran.
As for the reason, naturally, it was because when dreaming, the great Peren ancestor Tomo told Roskill.
Moreover, after arriving in Mosca, Roskilde stood by the river where the statue of the ancestor was pushed down, and indeed did hear the whispering of the ancestor again in his ear.
Although this whisper was not understandable by Roskilde, he believed the message he had gotten in his dream and strengthened his thoughts that he was a descendant of Peron.
Even when he was in a psychiatric hospital, the attending physician told Roskiller with a constipated expression, and the whispering by the river was just a hallucination.
And the river where the statue of Peron was pushed down was actually...not the one that Roschimir ran to worship.
But how can Roskilde believe the words of these mortal men who are jealous of his great blood?
Haha, what is the wrong place to worship?
I have checked the information for a long time before I went there, how could it be wrong?
It must be that the other party is jealous of himself and is referring to the deer.
This is the way it must be!
He also said that he was influenced by the extraordinary manifestation of this year, so his condition became worse.
This is a big joke!
Roskimier simply dismissed the remarks.
He walked on the street and touched the psychiatric patient's certificate that he carried with him. The date of the certificate was obviously three years ago.
Three years ago, where was the extraordinary manifestation?
But three years ago, he was already a patient in the Mosca mental hospital!
Roskimier got on the tram and indulged in the fantasy world in his mind, he quickly returned to his house on the outskirts.
This is a single-family villa that looks good, with three floors.
It is a pity that it is too far away from the urban area, and the surrounding area is not rich, and it is not valuable.
"Father, are you back?"
Roskimiel opened the door and saw that his eldest son and wife were already waiting for dinner.
He nodded slightly, and immediately the three sat together and began to pray.
The content of the prayer was not those of the Holy Bishop, but after an adaptation of Roskilde, he prayed to Peron.
The usual prayer, there will never be any accidents.
Today, just after praying, the three heard a loud noise, which seemed to sound from the sky.
Roskimiel's eyes widened sharply, and he felt his body trembling with excitement.
He could not help shouting loudly:
"I feel it now!"
"The great patron saint Peron is watching me..."
"Look, I'm trembling with excitement!"
Roskimiel stood up and exclaimed.
His wife and elder son were worried.
The eldest son quietly touched the mobile phone, preparing to find relatives and friends to help if his father became ill.
As for finding a hospital.
Um... Recently, the economic situation of the Roskilde family is not very good. If you can save the cost of the ambulance, it is the best choice.
Xiao Yu was also a little dumbfounded at this time.
After he came to Mosca, he first cooperated with the official side, recorded the parts and difficulties that the other party needed, and then threw it to the wizarding organizations in the secret realm to solve it on the spot.
Xiao Yu noticed this seemingly interesting Roskilde while wandering.
Xiao Yu was very convinced that Roskilde was a very ordinary Slav.
However, the other party's self-hypnosis for more than a decade has made Xiao Yu feel that this may be used.
So Xiao Yu took the time to prepare for a small electric shock to let Roskilde feel the power of Thor.
Unexpectedly, I just opened the game, and the witchcraft has not been released yet.
This Roskilmi first sensed the existence of divine power, and self-intoxicated self-hypnosis completed the effect Xiao Yu wanted to achieve.
"Father, I think you need to take a break first."
"Relax, I'm fine."
"I have never been so good now."
Roskimir took a breath and waved his hand to let his eldest son sit down. Then he returned to his main position and looked at half-eaten mashed potatoes. He stood up again and walked towards his bedroom:
"I don't eat anymore. I think I need more time to realize the sentiments given by the ancestors of Peron."
"Father's fantasy seems to be getting worse."
"Yeah, he has gotten worse since the appearance of the extraordinary."
"But he still has good self-control, so the hospital refuses to accept him. You know, the wards in psychiatric hospitals are always hard to find."
Roskimiel’s eldest son, named Varojimir, who had just graduated from college this year, was also a headache for his father.
His parents did not know.
This Varojimir classmate is actually deep in his heart, and quite expects his father's fantasy to be true.
After all, as a member of the Kimir family, isn't that also the demigod that flows with the blood of God?
Maybe after acknowledging the ancestors, can they become great transcendents?
Varojimir returned to his room, picked up the diary, and recorded the fantasy in his heart.
After writing his father and getting sick again today, Varojimir suddenly felt a burst of drowsiness and soon fell asleep on the table and fell asleep.
Darkness, after the deepest darkness.
The light suddenly appeared.
Varojimir opened his eyes with a shock.
Suddenly found that he appeared on a bare mountain.
And, a few meters away, his father, Roskilde, stood there, too, at a loss.
"This is where?"
"Why would my father be there?"
"Oh, this must be... a dream?"
Varojimir rubbed his head and muttered to himself.
Xiao Yu is playing with a crystal ball.
Use dream magic to play with the dreams of two mortals.
This is really easy for him now.
Coupled with a lot of materials, Xiao Yu didn't have to worry about the dreams he made were not real.
Xiao Yu directly applied the scene of the Battle of the Dragon Slaughter in a villain in the villain.
And broadcast it in front of the two Kimir.
For a time.
The two Kimirs stood tremblingly on the bare high mountain and saw a large number of heavily armed ancient formations suddenly appearing on the horizon.
Those formations were all made up of soldiers in thick and heavy armor, each of which was powerful and radiating fearful blood.
However, the formation of their formations is so disciplined that it is not much more difficult than the modern formations.
There are also terrible knights, each of which is at least three meters tall, and even a man with a horse body wrapped in black iron armor. From a distance, it is not much like a black iron tank.
However, such a mighty knight, actually listed more than a dozen squares, and the number is not lower than 10,000.
To the extent that both Kimirs had a sense of unreality~ After all, as far as their common sense is concerned, in ancient times, no matter in the history of East and West, how could there be such a powerful army?
It was France, the kingdom of knights, that counted as a knight servant who could have seven thousand heavy rides.
Moreover, the so-called heavy riding, compared with the black iron knight in front of it, is simply a little witch!
A little bit, as the formation was fully expanded, including infantry, archers and other phalanxes, the total strength of not less than 200,000 people all spread out in the plains under the high mountains.
Roskimiel shouted like a dream, and shouted:
"This must be the war experienced by the great Peren ancestors!"
"Belongs to the war between the extraordinary!"
"Yes, this must be the case. Otherwise, where did the mortals in ancient times have such a military power, and where did they need to use such military power?"
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