Chapter 1535: Out of time

The Ark at rest is now docked at a high altitude on a large continent.
The huge shadow brought by the huge steel body obscured the sky of dozens of cities on this continent.
It also allowed some local extraordinary people to lose their courage after witnessing such incredible artificial creations.
Inside the Ark of the Rest, there are a large number of professional teams under the command of black guards, and they flew out of the ark as soon as possible to find the geniuses of this continent.
Of course, in order to avoid conflicts with local nobles, the scope of talents is mainly those civilians and even slaves who have no money and no opportunities.
Many civilian children and even slaves who did not know what was happening in the outside world were stunned to see that extraordinary giants descended from the sky, and then summoned them to test, and announced the enrollment policy of the city of miracles to the lucky ones who tested successfully .
The lucky ones don't understand much about seven out of thirteen.
But they understand that as long as they respond to the conditions of the responding party, they can become extraordinary and take their families out of this bitter sea.
As for the price?
Haha, for civilian children and even those who are slaves, it is a matter of selling slaves for a seemingly powerful force for twenty or thirty years.
You know, for most of them at the bottom, being able to make their families live better is enough for them to give their lives.
I don’t even need to die now. Is there any better treatment?
So, the rulers of this continent soon noticed that it was not only the branch they selected and some timid families that got on the Ark of the Dormition.
Along with it are tens of thousands of civilian slaves.
This makes the morning star wizard of this continent a little unhappy.
In his view, the city of miracles is clearly digging his corner in front of him.
It's just that the prestige of the city of miracles is too strong, plus he also wants to ask each other.
Even if he was a morning star wizard, he could only bear it, secretly cursing the abyss queen.
I think all these troubles are caused by the will of the abyss.
Otherwise, why should I endure such humiliation?
"The seedlings I got this time are good."
"Twelve people have achieved excellent in alchemy!"
A great alchemist wearing monocles looked at the newcomer's inspection report and smiled:
"Write down the name of this continent, next time, we will give priority to come and see."
"Okay, teacher." The alchemist's deputy quickly nodded and recorded.
At this moment, a branch of the local nobleman passed by nearby. Upon hearing this, the leader could not help but stagnate for a while, feeling a little uneasy:
Lying! Come again?
You are already very unhappy. Okay, next time, can you bear the humiliation given by the city of miracles?
The leading aristocrat was a little worried, but he didn't dare to show it. He also had to take his family in the city of miracles to prepare a foundation to prepare for the future revival of the family.
Boom Boom Boom!
Suddenly, the expression of the great alchemist changed a bit, and it seemed that he had received some news.
"Message from unknown continent?"
The news obtained by the Grand Alchemist came from the space exploration room of the Ark of Rest.
The wizards who have the gift of space are all arranged here to receive and explore the witchcraft signals around the space and time.
After the spark from the Star Tower.
The space wizards of the space ark of the Sabbath were aware of the anomaly here for the first time, and obtained a new coordinate by calculation.
Then I found that this coordinate has never appeared, it is likely to be a lost continent!
The Grand Alchemist quickly returned to the space exploration room of the Ark of the Rest, rubbed his palm twice, and could not wait to hold the control crystal ball.
Massive energy flowed out of the engine block, following the path of the magic circle and submerged into the space exploration room.
Powerful energy fluctuations broke out.
So that the wizards who had just settled in the immigration army of the Ark of Rest, felt the fluctuations and were surprised.
After learning that this was just the wizard on the ship after doing experiments.
Many immigration wizards took a sigh of relief and secretly palpitated.
Are the wizards in the City of Miracles so exaggerated?
An experiment can mobilize more energy than a large morning star array to assist.
How much magic stone or other alternative materials does it cost?
After a few minutes.
In the Ark Space Exploration Room of the Dormition.
Relying on the powerful help of the great alchemist, they accurately locked the location of the continent that sent the signal and formed a projection map.
"So many time and space vortices!"
Seeing the situation in the sea, the alchemist frowned slightly.
In such an environment, if the Ark of the Sabbath passes, it will waste a lot of time.
Is it worth waiting for the other person to pass this way?
After all, the continent waiting for the Ark to rest on the Ark, but waiting in line to wait for others.
"Let's analyze the other party's witchcraft composition. If it is just an ordinary lost continent, remember the coordinates. The next time there is a caravan in the nearby sea area, just take a look."
"Under such a sea environment, without the Lost Continent of the Morning Star Wizard, it is equivalent to stepping into a dead end."
"But don't worry about losing your target."
After being judged by the alchemist in this way, he did not dare to sloppyly analyze it with the wizards of the space department around him.
That firework uses standard signal witchcraft, which is not unusual.
However, as the analysis is strengthened.
The great alchemist found out that the caster should be a wizard at least at the same time as the legendary peak.
He also noticed the purity of the mana left by the wizard.
This is a feature of rarely taking auxiliary promotion drugs.
And without taking auxiliary drugs, the powerful who can reach the legendary realm can be regarded as the arrogant of the sky, and they are expected to become the morning star powerful!
The eyes of the great alchemist narrowed slightly.
The other party is willing to release the signal, which means that the other party is impressed by the advertisement of himself and others.
Wouldn’t any of the top ten forbidden prefecture-level forces be too much for a future morning star wizard?
And for the city of miracles.
The number of strong players under the legend can be called the world's first.
However, the number of strong people above the legend has always been the weakness of the city of miracles, which is also impossible. After all, the city of miracles has developed so little, and the number of strong people he cultivated is limited and not developed.
Facing the facade are other mainland powerhouses lured by coercion and profit.
I want to come, if His Highness the Son of God knows that he can get the loyalty of a morning star wizard, will he be very happy?
Thinking of this, the great alchemist contacted the bronze dragon Bleu, hoping to get support from the other party.
Bronze Dragon Bleu is now admiring the glittering toys in the pile of gifts that the big family on board gave to himself.
Wen Yan thought about it and nodded and agreed.
After receiving the last batch of immigrants in three hours.
The Ark of Sabbath slowly pulled away from this continent, away from disappearing in the eyes of the morning star wizard who hated and loved and feared.
The Star Tower is lost in the mainland.
After the old wizard released the signal, he sat on the floor decadently, waiting silently for his colleagues who came to inquire into the crime.
The old wizard himself was also confused, not knowing whether he was right or wrong.
Therefore, when the strong men of other wizard organizations rushed to the top of the wizard tower.
The old sorcerer chose to lay hands and arrest, and knew all the facts.
Then, in the three major wizarding organizations in the mainland, the powerful men of the Seven Kingdoms were forced together.
They also watched the promotional advertisements of the city of miracles collectively through the crystal ball.
After being shocked by the scale of the city of miracles.
They all suspected that this was actually a conspiracy of an evil or a certain lord in the abyss.
After all, this is not the first time their mainland has encountered it.
Although, the information content of this time is not so incredible.
"Ah! You are confused!"
A sorrowful face, a figure with a thin, red-eyed swordsman because of his old age, came to the trapped old wizard and shouted angrily.
"Yeah, I'm so confused."
"Just... I'm not reconciled!"
The old wizard saw the old friend of Red Eyed Juggernaut also came, smiled bitterly, and looked up at the starry sky:
"I started witchcraft at the age of three, and began to meditate at the age of five."
"Become a wizard apprentice at the age of twelve, become a formal wizard at the age of thirty, and then advance to legend until the age of one hundred. I have never failed once."
"My path to promotion is much faster than the Tianjiao in the ancient records..."
"Old man, my talent...not bad!"
The old wizard said this, and old tears had flowed into his eyes.
Red Eyed Sword Saint Wen Yan shook his body, and smiled bitterly: "Why am I not like this? Talent asks himself will never be worse than the ancient Tianjiao."
"But, we are out of time!"
Red Eyed Juggernaut shook his head slightly and sighed, "This is also the common demon I wait for these older generations."
"Evil God, the abyss' favorite thing is to aim at us and seduce us to fall."
"Yes, I know this too, just..."
The old wizard said, looking at the crystal ball in the room, his eyes flashed with hope:
"In case, is it true?"
"If it is true, are you ready to sell the boat?"
"Yes." The old wizard nodded without hesitation in response to the red-eye swordmaster's inquiry: "Morning Star Road, you should understand what it means to us old wizards."
"No matter how much the price is, we will not give up and will not regret it."
Red Eyed Juggernaut sighed softly, and then turned to a group of wizards.
Soon, a test was sent to the Red Eyed Sword Saint, letting him breathe quietly.
Either the crystal ball or the old wizard.
There is no breath of evil spirits or abyss.
It seems that the most worried pollution has not happened.
But for the sake of insurance.
The wizarding organization together with the seven kingdoms approved the proposal to destroy the crystal ball.
And, in order to avoid possible invasion of outsiders.
After returning from the wizarding organization and the Seven Kingdoms, they used their respective relics and performed multiple spatial camouflage for the continent.
If this continent still has the Morning Star Wizard, or this continent is movable.
This disguise will also be somewhat effective.
But in today's situation.
These disguised witchcrafts are just deceiving themselves.
Any time-space merchant ship can find clues.
Not to mention, the more advanced, powerful Ark of the Sabbath.
"What's the matter!"
Among the seven kingdoms, the strongest is the bright kingdom where the star tower is located.
The national master of the Bright Kingdom and the deputy tower owner of the Starlight Tower, he learned that his great elder had made such a big accident.
I had to squeeze my nose around and calm down the anger of other forces.
Then, taking advantage of the night, he also brought his disciples to the open altar of the king capital, using his cherished cards to arrange, just in case.
"It's just an ordinary evil who wants to target us."
"Well, plus the space is not contaminated, a little shock, then the evil should retreat with difficulty."
Thinking about this in the heart of the State Master, he took out a fist-sized crystal statue, held it in the palm of his hand, stood in the center of the altar, and began to cast spells.
As a legendary wizard, although it is not the peak, it has altars and artifact blessings, plus so many disciples as mana batteries.
This national teacher condensed a 100-meter-high human-shaped phantom phase, which immediately made this phase break through the sky and reach the edge of the space boundary.
Looking around, the national teacher felt a little relieved.
There are still endless turbulences in time and space nearby, and several vortices in time and space not far away, it is time for riots again.
Such an environment, it is estimated that historical records should be the safest period.
Even the evil hates such an environment.
I don’t think it’s a big problem this time. Maybe a meeting will be held. Please eat and drink something good. Will the pot be filled this time?
The National Teacher thought so, and his mood just got better.
He noticed that there seemed to be some changes in the spatiotemporal flow in the northeast direction.
He could not help but snorted.
Then, he couldn't help but twitched the massive mana of the altar formation to fill his eyes, making his eyes glow with two bright blue lights.
The eyes of the national teacher could see through the mist formed by the layers of time and space.
Finally, I saw the source of the change, a ship...
An iron ship that is too big for him to describe in words!
No, it should not be described as a ship.
This is clearly a moving steel continent!
The ancestors are here, how did you never tell us that there are such monsters in the space of time and space!
National Teacher: (□′)┻━┻
The Master of the State was in a state of Under excessive force, the wizards who were mana batteries around the altar screamed together.
One by one, the pain was so soft that he had difficulty breathing.
The state of the national teacher also disappeared.
He himself was repulsed because his emotions were out of control, and his eyes shed a ray of black blood.
The nobles of the kingdom were frightened and came to inquire.
The national teacher looked at the nobles who were greeted with warmth, but after shaking a little, he suddenly grabbed the sleeve of a prince and shouted:
"Help me to see the king!"
"I have something important, tell Wang immediately!"
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