Chapter 1539: Justice has been launched

Is this a threat?
This sentence must be a threat?
Hearing the unchanging expression of the diplomats from the Ark of the Dormition.
Many witches and knights behind the storm master lost their hearts, and their faces became ugly.
Some passionate young people, even with a blaze of blood on their heads, were all hot, as if they felt a great humiliation.
To be honest, if the Ark on the rest of the head did not show the exaggerated pressure just now.
Many old guys would not mind adding a fire, sending these knights or wizards as cannon fodder and exploring the way.
Now, they are afraid of being affected, but they have become the accomplices of the Ark of the Rest, helping to stop the behavior of the guys, and asking them to take the overall situation seriously and calm down everything.
"Your kindness...we must not dare to forget it."
The Lord of the Storm nodded slightly and answered quickly.
Diplomats and others from the Ark of the Dorm stayed directly in the center of the square and began to set up recruitment venues.
No matter how ugly the eyes of the big nobles nearby.
All the tables, chairs and benches were removed from the Ark of the Rest, and large recruitment billboards were erected.
The most amazing thing is that they projected the most attractive cultivation resources in the city of miracles through projection.
Yuehua Yulu Elixir, Red Crescent Crystal, Originating Crystal, Unlimited Refined Baiyuan Liquid, and the corresponding knowledge and promotion help from level one to morning star.
So many benefits, even if many people curse in their hearts, they feel that their family has been bullied. Looking at these contents, they still can't help but be emotional, and they want to try it.
What if it succeeds?
Wouldn't it be a chance to be the first morning star on this continent?
Counting on the scenery of Yijin returning home after success, countless people swallowed secretly.
"We are not betrayal, but learning!"
"After we return to school, we can better make us stronger and rise!"
"We are studying for the rise of our hometown!"
A wizard from the Starlight Tower, one of the three major wizarding organizations, whispered a few words, and after finding enough psychological comfort for his behavior, he was originally an orphan, and he clasped the staff in his hand without worry. Going to consult.
Suddenly, there were fluctuations at the top.
Let the little wizard and others quickly stop the small movements under their feet.
After going back, the storm master had a fierce and friendly conversation with the high-level leaders.
The conversation was full of unhappiness.
After learning the requirements of the Ark of Rest, everyone noticed the drastic changes that would bring to one side, and they hoped to make the other side compromise. It is best to compromise.
However, the strength since the arrival of the Ark of the Rest made these seniors feel their powerlessness, so that despite the complaints, no one would take the lead to protest in front of the diplomat.
The power of the three true goddesses can't be fake.
Even the terrible steel sky above the human head can't be faked!
At this time, the deputy pagoda master of the Starlight Tower, and also the master of the Kingdom of the Bright Kingdom, suddenly thought of a bold idea and brought it up on the spot.
Soon, everyone at a loss nodded in recognition.
Therefore, the diplomat of the Ark of Rest has just arranged the decoration of the venue at hand.
The Lord of the Storm came over again, first praising the ruler of the miraculous city, after the supreme benevolence and greatness.
He sighed softly and mentioned a long-standing worry in their continent.
However, more than 500 years ago, in a black forest in the southern region of the mainland, a legendary wizard chose to beg for strength from the evil in order to break through the morning star before he died.
He eventually failed, and still came to the limit. He died in the wizard tower in the Black Forest.
But this old wizard himself died.
His call was successful after his death.
An evil spirit occupied the body of the old wizard and became the new owner of the Black Forest Wizard Tower.
The ancestors of the storm master and others naturally sensed this vision and hurriedly started crusade.
After some fierce fighting, rely on the help of heroes who can always come out in a crisis.
The Evil God was hit hard and had to flee back to the Black Forest Wizard Tower.
Immediately evoked a mist, covering the wizard tower and the Black Forest area within ten miles.
This made the area a forbidden place, and even the heroes who held the morning star wonders at that time could not enter.
In desperation, the heroes had to set up eight giant stone monuments in the forest around the wizard tower where the evil was, to trap the evil with a demon formation.
This magic circle, if the Morning Star Wizard is still present, is naturally a very powerful magic circle, which can cut off the supply of aura in the formation, and at the same time use the power of the world and the world to slowly wipe out the other party.
Even the Morning Star Wizard of the same rank, trapped and tortured to death.
But placed on this continent five hundred years ago, the Great Demon Formation played a role in cutting off the aura and trapping each other.
It is impossible to eliminate.
And over the past few decades, that piece of magical land has become more and more restless.
The frequency of riots is becoming more frequent.
Six of the eight giant stone tablets now have cracks.
If the Ark of the Dormancy does not appear, in a few years, the continent will join forces here to form a coalition to deal with this crisis.
"Evil God?"
The diplomat informed the upper class at the same time, and he quickly received a response. He looked at the storm master and smiled slightly:
"Please rest assured to us."
"We will prove the goodwill and justice of my wait."
"We have a lot of experience on how to eliminate evil spirits."
"Not long ago, the supreme supreme I waited for, and even personally shot, the foremost existence of the evil god, the heart of the dusk and the of destruction, forcibly listed as his own collection."
Dusk and God of Destruction.
The name of this evil has never been heard by the Storm Lord and others.
But this does not affect their confirmation of whether this powerful existence is true.
The of twilight and destruction as the existence of nearly moon, it has not died, nor has it been sealed.
The moment when these legendary wizards silently recited its name.
In the middle of the world, a trace of its existence has been sensed.
This caused the legendary wizard and other legendary wizards to have a headache and sweat all over.
It's just such a reaction when you recite the title silently.
They are no strangers to this kind of existence, and they fully understand what this means?
This is... one of the characteristics of that level of the abyss!
Even if the of dusk and destruction is not as good as the abyss, I'm afraid it's not too far apart.
And that supreme supreme adult, who can take away the heart of the other party as a collection, does it mean that I wait for the backstage of this steel sky above my an abyss? Even scarier than the abyss?
After all, the abyss is a madman without a brain.
And that supreme supreme clearly has his own subjective initiative!
The Lord of the Storm could not help but sighed in his heart, maybe the end of his own forces really came.
Immediately no longer questioning anything, but saluted the diplomat looking forward to the arrival of justice.
The diplomat waved his hand, smiled and waved his hand, and released a projection from the bronze dragon Blu:
A black forest surrounded by mist.
Around the fog, eight gray giant stone monuments about 100 meters high were all shaking slightly at this time.
And cracks spread on these giant stone monuments at a speed visible to the naked eye.
"Please also look at the place where justice is needed, but this place?"
The Lord of the Storm looked at the projection and saw the change of the giant stone monument, his eyes widened:
"It is indeed here!"
"No, the boulder stone will not be able to hold it! It seems that your arrival has stimulated the evil spirit in the mist!"
The Lord of the Storm is not wrong.
When the Ark of the Dormition forcibly entered this lost continent, it also suppressed the continent's ignorant mainland will.
One of the main reasons why the Great Demon Formation works is the instinctive coordination of the mainland's will.
This time, undoubtedly let the power of the Demon Sealing Team decline.
The evil spirit in the mist immediately noticed this slight anomaly. Where would he spare this opportunity?
He has been in this continent for so many years. Although he can't get out, he also found many interesting places through the knowledge left by the wizard tower.
But he couldn't wait to go out and explore those secrets, so that his own way of evil could go further!
"Quick! Let the heroic descendants of the sealed evil gods come together, we should need to use their blood power!"
"Also, the deputy master of the Tower of Starlight, we need the help of your imprint of the towermaster, and use the light of the Starlight Tower to weaken the pollution of the evil god!"
"no problem!"
As the deputy pagoda master of the state division, his expression was serious, and his eyes were very firm when he looked at the projection.
The high-level leaders of the Seven Kingdoms also understand the consequences of running out of evil spirits.
They also stated that they must fully cooperate with the action of the storm master.
In the four weeks, hundreds of thousands of troops also learned the situation and responded in unison.
For a time, around the camp, there was a great deal of pride and magnificence.
After a roar and determination to end.
The diplomat shrugged and watched the Storm Lord wait for others to spread his hand:
"If this place is a place of evil."
"Please rest assured."
"The justice I wait for will start now."
"The supreme anger will purify all evil!"
"Wait, we can help too!"
The Lord of the Storm heard a little stunned, and quickly stepped forward to express his position: "You may not know that that Evil God is not simple!"
"Its body is said to be one of the great figures in the evil spirit, and if we want to seal it again, maybe we can help."
The diplomat froze a little, and shook his head immediately:
"It seems your misunderstanding."
"I will not seal the evil spirits, but only purify and destroy them."
"As for your help, we have always refused to come."
"It's just... your help is a little late."
"The justice I have waited for has been launched from the Ark of the Dormition."
The Lord of the Storm and other wizards were confused.
The diplomat waved again, and the vision provided by the bronze dragon Bleu suddenly opened the water curtain and appeared over the camp.
So, these turtles were able to see.
Above the outline of the Ark of the Dormition Barely Recognizable from high altitude, a long object shimmering with many witchcraft light and shadow effects shouted and torn the air and flew out of the steel sky.
This long object is very thick like the steel sky.
According to the contrast between it flying across the sky and some frightened birds.
The wizard and other wizards quickly calculated that this long object was at least 1,200 meters long and its diameter exceeded 80 meters.
The speed is so fast that even the legendary wizard who is best at flying among them is difficult to catch up.
Plus a lot of witchcraft reactions burned or enchanted on such a huge body.
They can hardly believe how much such a piece of alchemy is worth.
It was a surface-to-air missile provided by the ancient eastern kingdom that the Ark of the Dormition launched out of the Black Forest Wizard Tower.
The original intention was to destroy the high-altitude reconnaissance missile, which has a strong advantage in flight speed.
And after the witchcraft improvement in the city of miracles.
It is divided into two types: air and ground.
The reinforced alloy shell is filled into the air, and the warhead is mainly used to destroy the medicine.
The head of the missile on the ground is stuffed with cloud detonation components.
And in order to ensure the power, you can also hang multiple cloud explosive bombs on both sides, just need to apply witchcraft in accordance with the steps to reduce the air resistance.
This time the missile was used on the ground model
In addition to the cloud ammunition on the head, the loaded ammunition is also bound with two barreled cloud explosives.
It guarantees the ability to destroy all surrounding areas after approaching each other by size and witchcraft power.
call out!
After flying for several decades at high altitude, this surface-to-air missile has already approached its destination.
Its speed also reached the maximum speed after this period of jet acceleration, and it hit with a thunder at an angle of forty-five degrees with a thunderbolt!
The so-called enchantment formed by the eight giant stone tablets was already very fragile, and was impacted by such foreign objects, and it shattered like an egg shell.
The eight giant stone tablets light up at the same time!
The eight beams of light just shot into the air.
The surface-to-surface missile was completely immersed in the mist. After the missile's head directly broke the waist of the small wizard tower in front of it, it slammed into the ground, so that the wizard who guarded the evil spirit on the top of the tower still kept it. With a shocked look on his face, he failed to respond at all.
The spirit of Evil God felt great fear coming from the accident just now.
He quickly wanted to cast a spell to avoid.
It's too late.
The explosion from below is too fast and too big!
Three cloud bombs exploded at once!
Three groups of fireballs were born in an and immediately merged into one, forming a bigger and blazing fireball!
The terrifying heat waves and air pressure instantly spread from the ground, instantly submerging the misty area where the wizard tower is located.
The rays of the boulders have not completely submerged in the sky clouds.
The fire mass produced by this explosion was swept in, and the light suddenly stopped dumb!
The fireball erupted to the extreme, but the mushroom cloud covering the sky was just lifted off.
With the birth of the explosion, the vibration of the earth spread all around.
The sky uttered a horrible wailing sound, and the heat waves generated scattered rapidly.
Even the hundreds of thousands of troops in the camp thousands of miles away quickly felt the aftermath of this mighty force rushing at them.
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