Chapter 1546: Good news (thanks to the late stage of lazy cancer and childishness to become the leader of this book...

After seeing the prosperity of the miraculous city and the advertisements, I was even more shocked by the naked eye.
All the guests on the Ark of Rest Dormitory secretly relaxed, feeling that they and others had not paid the boat in vain.
Many wizards can’t wait to get out of the boat to experience life in the new world.
How to arrange for the guests of the Ark of Rest.
There is no need for Xiao Yu to worry about it. Uturu Wizards and others already have a mature operating process waiting for them.
After returning to the city of miracles, Xiao Yu took a short break and took the three goddesses to the lost continent again.
Since the continent has already achieved docking, the past has been more convenient and faster.
But ten minutes.
Xiao Yu appeared with three goddesses on the high mountain near Death Canyon.
"What's your plan?"
"Do I need Alice to investigate?"
The Valkyrie Alice looked at Death Canyon and turned to look at Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu shook his head gently after hearing the words and slowly said:
"That's not necessary. I'll bring you here, hoping to look at your goddess to see if the canyon wall has been opened."
The three goddesses became serious after hearing the words, and looked at them with their eyes glowing.
The three goddesses are all true god-level beings, especially the moon goddess of the moon goddess Feiya’s gaze, and even the master level faintly, which is a little worse than the abyss gaze.
Xiao Yu made the goddess itself come to see it on the spot.
The information left by Death Canyon is nothing to hide.
After a minute.
The message of Death Canyon was summed up by the three goddesses.
The real anomaly in Death Canyon is that the stone wall at the end of the canyon and a kilometer outside the stone wall can be regarded as a restricted area.
Perceptually, as long as it does not touch the stone wall itself, it will not be repulsed.
In this forbidden area, the three goddesses only saw traces from outside intrusion detection.
I thought it was the temptation of the heroes after the Lost Continent discovered the Death Canyon.
Perhaps, in the thick layer of loess at the end of the canyon, there are still the remains of several heroes buried.
The good news is that the three goddesses have always confirmed that there is no trace of the stone wall facing outward.
Xiao Yu still trusted the eyes and perception of the three goddesses.
At least the traces of the Valley of the Gods, which are also in the restricted area, were clearly understood by them.
Xiao Yu raised his lips and smiled:
"It seems that the time-space gate of this canyon has not been opened yet."
"This is good news for me."
"Master, don't be curious what is behind the space-time door?"
The goddess of the moon, Fiya, is also the old man who has followed Xiao Yu in and out of the Canyon of Gods many times. Naturally, she knows what this restricted area represents.
She herself also had curiosity about the world behind time and space.
"Of course I am curious."
"However, I'm not in a hurry."
Xiao Yu whispered: "I don't fight unprepared battles."
"Before investigating, you must be fully prepared!"
"I have a hunch."
"When I finish the merging ceremony of the crown of filth, my strength will be able to go further."
"At that time, I will take a look at what will be behind this time and space gate?"
Xiao Yu's gaze was extremely clear when he looked at Death Canyon, and there was no slight fluctuation in his heart.
This confidence also made the three goddesses glance at each other and bowed their heads to salute.
Xiao Yu waved his hand, contacted the commander of the Black Guard and the Wizard of Enodia, and others, and passed the full projection map of Death Canyon.
Then, a large-scale transformation movement that looked earth-shaking among the local indigenous people started around this Death Canyon.
The steel behemoth, a little bigger than the hill, came and threw up huge steel claws to dig the mountain high, and dug the earth out of a deep gap.
Then, a block of steel towered thousands of meters in the eyes of the locals, and the steel city walls with a thickness of nearly 100 meters were also transported one by one and set up around the restricted area of ​​Death Canyon.
In just a few days, the class built a formidable steel cage that firmly enclosed the Death Canyon.
On these steel city walls, a large number of wizards worked hard to rush to lay out various special arrays.
Outside the city walls, there were stacked high platforms where debris gathered much higher than the highest peak of the area. Alchemy weapons called artillery and missiles were placed there, facing the Death Canyon. The location is staring.
In the sky, the three goddesses, the goddess of the moon, the goddess of war, and the goddess of war, shot together, attracting a white cloud over the death canyon.
This white cloud contains twelve large-scale magic techniques of the three goddesses, which can lower the punishment at any time and block the sky.
Deep underground, a large cave was also hollowed out.
Metal barrels filled with high-energy explosives were stuffed in and piled up tightly.
If something really invincible came out of the stone walls of Death Canyon.
All the explosives in the cave detonated, and the ultra-high temperature and high pressure generated under the confined space cooperated with the strong pressure of magical witchcraft around.
It is the peak-level morning star wizard who believes that he will return to the reincarnation in an instant.
The kind of venerable big brothers who are close to the Huiyue level should be seriously injured without dying.
However, Xiao Yu still felt a little uninsured. He was already thinking about the next time he went to the real world, and he took a few suitcases and bombed it.
Real-world suitcase nuclear bombs, placed in the Little China, is undoubtedly equivalent to a nuclear bomb as big as a house, right?
After all, the actual nuclear bomb in a suitcase is actually not light, it is much larger than the computer bag you think, and it weighs almost 30 kilograms.
Such nuclear bombs are tactical nuclear weapons, and the core destruction area is naturally reduced.
However, it is no problem that the area of ​​absolute destruction covers the restricted area of ​​Death Canyon.
Judging from the eyes of the giant, this restricted area of ​​Death Canyon does not have a regular tennis court, right?
A suitcase nuclear bomb is enough to cover the whole area.
And in Xiao Yu's plan just in case, at least three such nuclear bombs will be arranged to ensure that this space-time door is not in trouble.
But if it is so heavily arranged, if it still can't stop the intrusion of the space-time door.
In that case, Xiao Yu can only admit it. There seems to be no better way than to hurry and escape?
Of course, such an accident Xiao Yu felt unlikely.
If the opposite side is so powerful, at least it must be the Huiyue wizard level or even the sun day level. With such an existence, how could this space-time door never be opened?
Xiao Yu was busy observing Death Canyon.
The miraculous city is also digesting a large number of talents brought this time.
As for the Ark of the Dormition, it was suspended because of an accident because it was only halfway through the plan. Now that it is busy, it will set sail again and pick up those guests from other continents who have said that they want to board the ship. come.
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