Chapter 1602: Evil general

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The King of the Black Moon left the Fort of the Black Moon with the core of time and space escaped. The figure flickered and appeared in the chaos of time and space.
Knowing in his heart that Bronze Dragon Bleu has amazing perception, he was very cautious in stacking multiple shielding enchantments for himself, plus the harsh environment of time and space turbulence.
The King of the Black Moon thought that it was the arrival of the Supreme Prohibition at the forbidden level, and he never wanted to find himself.
In the Black Moon Fort, the bronze dragon Bleu also immediately noticed the plan of the Black Moon King.
With a sound of a dragon, the main guns and sub-guns of the Starship Battleship Miracle turned one after another and began to fire around!
In an instant, this expanse of space and time was bursting with explosion sparks.
The wave of the explosion spattered in all directions, causing spherical ripples to spread out in the space of time and space.
"An attempt to use shockwaves made by alchemical weapons to perceive my existence?"
The King of the Black Moon was surprised, but deep down he was not in a hurry:
"Hehehe, what if I found out?"
"I don't believe you can follow me and fire!"
The King of the Black Moon snorted softly, clenched the crystal staff and cast the teleport again.
The next second, the figure of the King of Black Moon appeared again in a sea of ​​time and space.
He thought that the King of the Black Moon, who had been far away from the scene for hundreds of kilometers, froze the first time he opened his eyes. He found that the distance of the toy-like Black Moon Fort from his distance seemed to be...not far away?
"The teleport failed?"
"how is this possible!"
"Could it be!"
Realizing that something was wrong, the King of the Black Moon activated a gemstone in his body, and suddenly a dazzling white light emanated from his body, sweeping hundreds of miles around.
Also under this light.
A humanoid black armor monster with a height of three to four hundred meters tall emerged from the chaos of time and space, and gave a cold laugh.
This black armor monster is one of the four generals of the Martian alien, with a horns and a film-shaped wings on the back!
After he came to the villain with Xiao Yu, he was soon assigned by Xiao Yu to follow the bronze dragon.
Relying on the talents of filthy monsters, this evil general will be as flexible as the fish and water in the chaotic flow of time and space, and his latent ability is excellent.
Even a morning-star wizard like the King of the Black Moon has to be taken carelessly.
After the evil general appeared, his wings flapped into a black remnant and hit the king of the black moon.
The great power brought by its giant shape of more than three hundred meters, and the particularity of the dirty magic.
Even if his state seemed to be the pinnacle of legend, he failed to break through the shield of the Black Moon King.
However, he also flew out the King of the Black Moon for several kilometers with great force.
As soon as the King of Black Moon stabilized his body, he was shocked to realize that his body was contaminated by the filthy magic.
"The power of the abyss?"
"No, no, it is different from the power of the abyss, but the essence is almost the same!"
"This monster comes from a place where Weili is no less than an abyss!"
"Just... how is this possible!"
"Such a place should have been as famous as the top ten forbidden prefecture-level forces. How could I not know at all?"
After the King of the Black Moon realized that he was infected, and the force of the invasion was terrifying to the power of the abyss, he couldn't help but panic.
As an veteran, he pays great attention to his own safety. For the abyss, Evil God is equipped with many special purification runes to prevent accidents.
However, in the face of new unknown evil forces.
After the King of the Black Moon finds that his preparation is equal to nothing, how can he not panic?
However, the monster on the opposite side will obviously not give him time for calm analysis.
If he couldn't hit it, the evil general would shoot again.
While fighting again, the fist general's double fists suddenly softened into two mantis-shaped sickle hands, turning into thousands of light and shadow on the shield of the king of the black moon.
The King of the Black Moon waved a witchcraft shot by waving his crystal staff, although it easily broke the extraordinary aura shield of the evil general.
It can only leave insignificant scars on its strong body.
And these scars with the most broken skin are the slowest, but they recover as soon as a few seconds.
no way.
The general of Mars is the realm because the accumulation of time is only the level of the legendary peak knight, but the flesh is the body of the morning star compressed by the afterglow of satellite consciousness and the physicalization of the filthy insects in Shanghai.
Resistance, resilience, endurance, etc., I am afraid that they are the pinnacle of the Morning Star Knights, but they are no better than these Martian generals!
Coupled with the size, the absolute advantage in quantity and energy.
It is the morning star wizard, not the super-large morning star witchcraft, which is not a real threat to them.
So, the king of the black moon watched his witchcraft fail, and he was like a sandbag, beaten by the black armor monster.
Until after ten or more seconds.
I don't know how many sickles I have suffered.
The King of the Black Moon felt the magic stone in his chest shatter.
Immediately, the shield disappeared, and the opponent's sickle pierced his face.
Although I know that a sickle cannot hack myself.
But the king of the black moon still saw the future scene of his defeat and fall from this hit!
"and many more!"
The Black Moon King raised his hands:
"I am willing to submit to the great city of miracles!"
The evil general stopped his attack and grinned:
"The king told me that he can believe that there is no one but the owner."
"So, let you lose your resistance before accepting your surrender."
The evil general opened his deep and dark mouth, and a deep black beam spewed out of his mouth, instantly submerging the black moon king who raised his hand and surrendered.
The King of the Black Moon stared wide, and just wanted to release the Fa Fa, he was surprised that his Fa Fa was covered with black worms, and it was bitten and crippled.
It was just hesitation that the King of the Black Moon had no time to resist and was struck by the black beam directly. The whole person lost consciousness and turned into a black cocoon.
The evil ghost grabbed the cocoon and threw it into his mouth.
With a grunt, the king of the black moon fell into the abdomen of the general, inserted by countless black blood vessels, and turned into a part of the energy supply system of the evil general.
in a blink.
The evil general gave birth to black scales on his arms and feet.
The horns on the head are sharper and brighter.
The breath of his body suddenly crossed the peak of the legend and reached the realm of the morning star.
Such changes are seen in the eyes of the bronze dragon.
It made the bronze dragon Bleu keep drumming and secretly surprised what terrible origin the new reinforcements received by His Highness in the Yan and Huang clan.
Why are each one so terrible, so strange that it's not so magical!
Lord God’s Son casually leapfrogged his opponent.
How can he bring his subordinates to get rid of the opponent, and get promoted.
It seems to them that the avenue of cultivation is extremely difficult, as if it does not exist?
The evil general swallowed a morning star wizard and flew back to the Blackmoon Castle, looking at the members of the thieves who surrendered below.
Frightened the thieves to explain their crime facts faster than one, and quickly went into the interstellar battleship Miracle to be held in custody.
Bronze dragon Bleu commanded the Guards to evacuate the inventory of the Black Moon Fort, and then slowly pulled the Mirage Star Battleship away from the island.
Without the core of time and space, the enchantment of the island will soon disappear.
Immediately, under the erosion of the turbulent flow of time and space, the island will soon be broken down into a handful of dust, and then scattered in the endless space of time and space?
Xiao Yuren sat in the palace, and good things were delivered over and over again.
The harvest of the raid of the Black Moon Fort was quickly placed on Xiao Yu's table.
Xiao Yu was interested in a time and space core.
As for the Black Moon wizard, when he learned that the evil ghost general was digesting, he could read the other party's memory, and Xiao Yu agreed to let the evil ghost general slowly digest this morning star wizard.
"This time and space core is too small."
Xiao Yu picked up a space-time core that was not as big as a fifty-cent coin with the hand of a wizard. After looking at it, he handed him over to the Uturu wizard and asked him to take it to the battleship Valkyrie, which is undergoing intensification. use.
This Valkyrie battleship is naturally the spaceship that Xiao Yu borrowed to Mars to travel between planets in the solar system.
After letting it fall to Mars, Xiao Yu, with the help of Mars' filthy lair, was incorporated into his own secret realm, and then brought back to the villain for witchcraft modification.
With this core of time and space, it has saved a lot of enchanting processes to resist the turbulent flow of time and space.
In addition, according to the early study of the Mafa wizard.
The Valkyrie battleship with the core of time and space installed, the distance and safety of teleportation can be greatly improved.
Xiao Yu's possibility of controlling this spacecraft to display pseudo-super-light speed movement and pseudo space jump and other black technologies has been greatly enhanced!
think about it.
If the compatriots of Mercury Blue suddenly found that a spaceship with a sense of sci-fi appeared outside the starry sky, and the spacecraft can also move beyond the speed of light and jump in space...Will those experts shout real aliens with excitement? It's coming to the solar system!
Xiao Yu commanded a few words, and divided most of the talents he had recently obtained to the Uturu wizard to show his importance to the new warship.
Later, Xiao Yu began to study hard.
The Black Moon Bandit Group is, after all, an episode.
This episode caused a lot of waves.
The existence of the Martian general was exposed to the eyes of the major forces for the first time.
Let them realize that the Yan and Huang giants have given the child of the Austrian aid.
At the same time, intelligence work against Martian aliens has been carried out.
The four Martian generals under Xiao Yu gradually became active in front of others.
The endlessly powerful general Niu Demon, the impenetrable six-armed General Asura, the speedy flying general and the evil turtle general who can eat everything.
All make the senior leaders of the forces who know the details tremble.
Especially on top of the four generals, according to the speculation of the people who traveled on the morning star knight, there is also a king who is at least ten times stronger than the four generals.
Many first-class powers directly regard it as a supreme-level powerhouse that is comparable to that of a banned prefectural power.
Many people even vowed to say that the king had at least two or more organs glowing.
It is the same level as the of wild hunting and death in the Pantheon.
People have different opinions.
What followed was that more and more clan families and even noble families were entrusted to the city of miracles.
The Enordia wizard looked at this growth trend and was very excited to report to the Son of God at a report meeting.
At most one month, there will be no more open space in the tenth ring of the city of miracles.
The development of the eleventh ring must be put on the agenda and started overtime.
In addition, in order to increase the space capacity, according to the prompt of the Son of God, they also began to study the feasibility of the underground city.
It may not take long for a scene where the poor live in the ground and the rich live in the ground.
When the city of miracles was in full swing.
As the space-time merchant ship sailed for five days, it docked on the frozen continent.
Gulza, who had become a knight of the morning star, walked out of the hatch with great enthusiasm and returned to his hometown.
Stepping on the familiar homeland, blowing the biting cold wind.
Gulza thought of a drama he had seen in the city of miracles. He slowly squatted down, ready to sniff a handful of dirt.
Looking down, Gulza saw thick snowdrifts.
Reached to sweep the snowdrift, so the ground of the native land was already hard like a diamond.
Gulza took a look at his extraordinary heroic appearance reflected on the ground. After a smile, he stood up and strode forward.
Only a few kilometers away, Gulza saw him and greeted his tens of thousands of people.
The headed high priest looked at Gulza with a smile of relief, and after coming in a hug with him, he asked kindly:
"Congratulations, my family's hope!"
"High priest, thanks to your support, rest assured, our days will be better from now on!"
"I believe this, Gulza, how much remains of the ancestors?"
Gulza stiffened, and then said softly:
"The bidding quota is much more expensive than expected, and the relics of the ancestors were temporarily pledged to the city of miracles."
"But rest assured, high priest, we will become stronger in the future and we will be able to find the relics of our ancestors..."
According to the regulations of the City of Miracles, if the pledge is not redeemed for one month, it will be disposed of by the official of the City of Miracles at will.
In a month, Gulza naturally couldn't get enough money to redeem it.
So he used one to get it back and continue to tell the truth.
The high priest had expected it. Hearing that there were no relics from his ancestors, he was still sad.
However, he quickly cheered up and began to inform Gulza about the recent events on the frozen continent.
The royal family on the frozen continent was very angry with Gulza's behavior at first, and even prepared to take all their families as hostages.
It's just that after the cardinal continent next door was invaded by a group of green Even the Morning Star Wizard had fallen.
The royal family on the frozen continent suddenly withered.
On the contrary, he continued to send people to ask for warmth, not to mention the relationship, but also expressed that after the morning star wizard fell, the royal family was willing to compete with the other party for the next morning star wizard.
Gulza went to the city of miracles, watched more dramas, listened to more stories, and considered rich in knowledge.
I immediately realized that there was a problem!
He summoned the diplomats left by the royal family overnight.
After figuring out what the group of green orcs are doing.
Gulza lay in a trough, and without a word he found the statue given to him by the Church of the Goddess of the Moon.
Start praying loudly and send out a distress signal!
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