Chapter 160: Sage Stone

Last time, although Qingyun Jianxian suddenly disappeared in Jinjia Villa.
But no one wants to believe that the person of Jianxianmen has mastered the technique of teleportation or the technique of instant movement.
After all, the appearance of Qingyun Jianxian in the previous few times clearly showed that it was a short walk.
The top of Mount Tai is along the mountain road.
The auction house is no different from the normal process of ordinary guests!
The last time I came to the Jinjia Villa, I used the power of Xiuxian to successfully evade the ticket and let the bus travel for a long time.
If there is real power to move instantaneously, why? This is not in line with the judgment of experts at the beginning!
Therefore, based on the previous information, the investigation team believes that the last time they were run away, it was because of their loopholes in, or they were interfered with by the other party, so they did not find that the other party secretly left!
This time it takes longer to prepare and more experience, I thought I would not be caught by surprise like last time!
I never thought that... I was still directly general by Qingyun Jianxian!
People arrived at their destination directly this time, and met the father and son of the Jin family.
I waited for others to do my best, and worked like a dog... Now it seems to be in vain again!
"Damn... Qingyun Jianxian!" A female investigator blushed.
During this time, she personally braved the wind and rain, equipped with various instruments, and worked overtime to conduct a large number of tests and data analysis.
Now Qingyun Jianxian appeared in Jinjia Villa for a while, undoubtedly made her painful to blow the wind away!
How can she not be depressed?
"Why didn't he just play according to the routine!"
When the female investigators thought about it, the men in military uniforms shared the same feeling.
And began to worry.
If the means of this sudden appearance of Qingyun Jianxian is unclear... what hard means are they talking about!
What threat?
When someone disappeared, they could not find each other.
Really plan to be an enemy with the other party, threatening the other party will be headshot by sniper?
Men in military uniforms feel that their superiors will not be so stupid!
Otherwise, let’s not know what the Qingyun Sword Fairy Master’s gate is, just the Qingyun Sword Fairy himself...if you can’t kill with one blow!
Do you really think that Flying Sword can't take the first level beyond a hundred steps? Do you really think that being protected by someone can guarantee that your head will not suddenly disappear?
In the face of the unknown sword immortal means, no one can guarantee this!
Therefore, men in military uniforms believe in these simple truths, and they and others can think of it. It is impossible to think of these above!
After all, it’s really a fool like that. It was killed hundreds of times by political enemies before climbing up!
In the Jinjia Villa.
After Xiao Yu was transformed into Qingyun Jianxian this time, he did not rush in to collect supplies.
Instead, after sharing some cultivation experience with Jin and his father and son, and the feeling of breaking through their own limits.
They also took out two Chikitanes for them to take.
After seeing that both of them were digested almost, Xiao Yu coughed, left his hand clasped, and released a hard disk to King Jin.
This hand made the Jin family's youngsters shine, and the dark road is this the necessary portable space for the legendary immortal cultivation person?
Well... I just don’t know which piece of equipment is the effect of the master. After all, the master’s hands have no rings or bracelets!
"Qingyun said, you took out this hard drive..." Jin Father saw his son start to think again, and quickly asked after whispering after taking the hard drive forward.
"It was requested by the young aunt in the teacher's door."
In front of the father and son of the Jin family, Qingyun said a shy expression: "After reading the video you brought, the younger sister has always been very talented in singing and dancing, so she imitated some of the self-directed cover of the video content. Songs and dances."
"Little Master, I hope more people can hear her voice and see her dance..."
"So, please, please upload these contents to the Internet!" Xiao Yu said sincerely: "My little sister, I want more people to appreciate her dance and singing!"
Faced with the request of the peerless master Qing Qing, the father and son of the Jin family were ashamed.
Their brains were a bit overwhelmed, and it was difficult to connect Xiuxian to singing and dancing.
In the conference room, none of the people listening to the conversation smiled.
They are keenly aware of what the move of Qingyun Jianxian means!
"Jianxianmen...hehe, there really is more than one Qingyun sword immortal!" Pi Xiaorou, the team leader of the investigation team, looked at the technical staff around him.
"Wait for the origin and sales of the hard drive."
"Eh..." The person in charge of the technical department wiped his head cold sweat: "Team leader, no need to check, we have this hard disk on file!"
"What?" The team leader looked at the head of the technical department with some surprise: "Why can you be so sure about this!"
"Because, just when Qingyun Jianxian took out the hard disk, the positioning signal that we set in the hard disk appeared." The head of the technical department said helplessly.
The team leader's eyes widened, first realizing that his locator was not destroyed but was blocked by some means.
Then he suddenly felt... This Qingyun Jianxian looks frivolous in the second grade, but this is actually a chain of things.
Without the hard drive I took last time, there will never be a video of the so-called Xiaoshishu implied by more than one sword immortal!
The team leader even guessed that the technical department would submit the report next.
All the equipment used to shoot the video comes from the batch of goods provided by their own side.
Even the hard disk is the second time the other party intentionally asked for it in the name of learning...
It can be said that the way to find a clue from the device is broken!
Also let the Jin family help upload!
Isn't this clear, even if the video caused a sensation, you are not afraid of being hacked to find the address!
Is this Jianxianmen planning to gradually expose their sense of existence?
Every step is very thoughtful.
They all seem quite old-fashioned and cautious!
Could it be that the elders of Jianxianmen taught?
Those people... really exist?
"Team leader, do we still need to contact each other as planned?" Thinking, he asked a man in military uniform.
"Don't use I saw more details of the thought and fear in the Qingyun Sword Fairy Exhibition,
After hesitating for the meeting, the leader resolutely said: "Send a message to the father and son of the Jin family and tell them to tell the elder Jianxian."
"We found similar items for what he wanted."
"But..." The leader smiled and looked at the surveillance screen.
In the villa hall.
After receiving the short message, the young Jin family quickly asked Xiao Yu for the news.
Xiao Yu looked at the photo and recognized at first glance that it was a blood crystal with countless energy essences!
It is a good thing that is one level higher than the magic stone, and it is very helpful for the wizard apprentice to advance to the first level wizard!
Judging from the photos, this blood crystal, which looks like a hexagonal crystal, can almost have the size of a child's fist!
Let go of the villain, even if it is only a magic stone, it is equivalent to one million magic stones!
Not to mention the magic crystal?
Xiao Yu couldn't help but beat his heart, and his longing was almost revealed on his face!
But... this stuff is not in China.
Instead, it was regarded as a national treasure by a country on the Mediterranean Sea and stored in the National Museum.
Speaking of it, many young generations should be familiar with it! After all, in the past few hundred years, there have been many cartoonists who were inspired by it and made up stories of blood or sadness that happened around it one after another!
Yes, in the real world.
Blood Crystal is the prototype of the famous sage stone in the second-dimensional world!
No, it cannot be called a prototype. After all, this blood crystal was called the stone of the sage as early as in the Middle Ages, and was regarded as a national treasure!
It is a mysterious spar that really exists in the real world for hundreds of years! It is a treasured national treasure that everyone can visit in the museum of the country and have the opportunity to see it for themselves!
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