Chapter 1652: Uninvited

The sky blue continent is a super continent in the villain.
The sea and land account for half of each, and the total area is more than ten times that of Xiao Yu’s lost continent.
The comprehensive concentration of Reiki, and the production of all kinds of heaven and earth treasures are more than a hundred times more than the poor lost continent!
The ore veins that can produce extremely high-quality magic stone sky blue heart are also one of the most important specialties of the sky blue continent. The reason for the name of this piece of mainland sky blue.
Although the azure continent has a royal family, it is an implementation of the Zen system.
In the long years, the ten major families of the sky blue family have appeared the morning star wizard or the morning star peak powerhouse, no matter which one has a very deep background.
With the help of mystical artifacts, many old monsters that have not died for thousands of years are still alive.
It makes the sky blue continent more peaceful in the fight for power at the highest level.
After all, no one can help anyone, and Morning Star Wizards can’t do it alone, but let the Sky Blue Continent develop better together, which is everyone’s consensus.
Which disciple is the best can be the first candidate, waiting for the abdication of the contemporary Morning Star wizard to let the virtuous.
Basically, candidates can work hard to become the new Morning Star wizard, and be able to control most of the important rights of the Azure Continent.
That's right, in the Sky Blue Continent, the Morning Star Wizard can use the abdication to let the sage rather than wait until it falls.
The abdicated Morning Star Wizard has suffered a great loss of strength, but is also in the Morning Star Realm, and will be enshrined as the elder of the Supreme Presbyterian Church to get a share of the Azure Heart, and usually live longer than many Morning Star Wizards.
Such various systems and opportunities are blessed together.
The number of morning star powerhouses that caused the sky blue continent is extremely dazzling.
There are no fewer than twenty on the bright side.
Plus a lot of talented next generation.
Therefore, it is considered by the major forces of the Little People's Republic of China as a hidden continent with first-class power.
The gap with the powers of the forbidden level, that is, none of them have advanced to Huiyue and left a blessing for future generations before going crazy.
The white wooden warship that the shrine wizard was riding quickly reached the highest altitude and came to a sky blue light curtain.
The spearhead wizard took a deep breath and controlled his facial expression.
This is the first time he has been on a mission, but he can't embarrass his family and embarrass Skyrim!
According to the procedure, the temple wizard took out a round mirror and wiped it gently.
As a result, he was slightly startled, and saw the person holding the token, standing on a steel continent, and there seemed to be a few blurry figures beside him.
"Not coming alone?"
The shrine of the temple wizard groaned, and his expression relaxed.
He noticed that the figure of the Uturu wizard was all legendary and below.
He could not help guessing that this might be the descendant of the morning star wizard?
Sky Blue Continental is not a precedent that has not received other small families, but Sky Blue Continental does not collect waste, and those with bad talents will be thrown away to avoid wasting resources.
Would it be possible for the morning star wizard to accept this arrangement?
In addition, where is the other party's countertop?
Otherwise, how big is the size of the steel surface?
Fortunately, this floating island does not seem to have much alchemy atmosphere, which is not as advanced as its own white wood battleship.
However, it is possible to lay so much steel to make the ground.
The wizard of the temple could not help thinking a little deeper, wondering if he could get to the moon near the water tower, and borrow the steel floating island of the other side on behalf of the family.
Then use it to transform it, maybe a battleship larger than the sky dragon royal ship will be made!
"Left sacrifice."
Near the temple wizard, two white wizards approached, hesitating a little:
"It's a bit wrong."
"We have just launched the battleship detection circle and found that all of us are in front of us with metal and energy reactions!"
"The guest's car seems a little too big."
"Oh, it should be a floating island. Floating islands that can navigate in time and space are extremely rare. Maybe the guy got the core of space and time!"
The so-called shrine wizard who was called the priest thought about it and wanted to answer, and he made a reasonable answer for his brain.
This should not blame him.
After all, the sky blue continent has never established any enemy of life and death.
Under the protection of this harsh space-time environment and the cube light curtain, the evil gods have escaped, and the abyss has never had the opportunity to harass each other.
More than half of the top ten forbidden land forces are friendly partners of the azure continent every 100 years.
The time and space are large.
Sky Blue Continent has no rivals!
As for the city of miracles, the Son of God?
Ha ha, perhaps the highest level of the azure continent, such as the Presbyterian Church, has learned some news of this emerging force through some secret channels.
However, this class of shrine wizards and other classes did not know at all that time and space had changed dramatically.
The temple wizard raised his mirror and shone the light curtain in front of him.
In the next moment, the sky blue light curtain opened like a curtain.
With the light curtain slowly tilting.
The Ark that Xiao Yu was riding on started to squeeze past.
The temple wizard and the other white wizards on the deck of the Baimu battleship were stunned. They witnessed the bow of the ark that occupied what was visible.
I can't help but cry for a while.
They have fallen into giant phobia.
The shrine of the temple wizard was shocked, and after a few seconds, he woke up and quickly stepped back.
Looking at the steel warships that are constantly being shown in depth and can't see the end...No, it is clearly a steel continent!
He shivered violently and gave a loudest cry of exclamation:
"Quickly close the light curtain!"
"You can't let this behemoth squeeze in!"
"It's too big!"
As the mirror in the hand of the shrine wizard flashed.
Blue light curtains in all directions came around again in an attempt to wrap the Ark.
Xiao Yu smiled slightly and didn't need to shoot by himself.
The three goddesses have opened their beautiful eyes and released their divine power.
The current power of the three goddesses is at the peak of the true god, which is a little worse than the main in quality, but fortunately, it has pure faith and powerful divine power, and it is not lost to the general master god.
Put in the villain state, it is equivalent to the Venerable level of the peak of the morning star.
They all shot together.
The light curtain around Ark was stretched out.
From a distance.
Just like a steel warship, he stabbed into a sky blue cube fiercely, and regardless of the resistance of this cube, he quickly squeezed it in completely.
As the body of the Ark entered four-fifths of the sky blue continent ~ ~ the whole sky blue continent also clearly reacted, realizing that the comers were not good.
In front of the Ark, the Whitewood Battleship is as weak and helpless as a toy ship in front of the warship.
Only the air waves generated by the advance of the Ark made the white wood warship crooked, causing the wizards inside to wailing and wandering away from the behemoth.
The strong man who helped Uturu, who had been waiting for his children to bring good news in his manor, also flew out of the cultivation secret realm, picked up the family secrets and took a large number of family disciples to the sky.
"How could Uturu have such a big steel continent!"
"Did he unearth the wizard's graveyard?"
"No, it's impossible, this guy is more be bullied?"
"However, what the are the forces, I dare not invite you to come to my azure continent!"
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