Chapter 1691: Purification

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I am God?
Matthew's black hair fell off quickly.
In just a few seconds, under the harsh sunlight, Matthew's head had turned into a bald head.
He became bald, and his breath became strange and unpredictable.
And when Matthew's breath began to change.
The giant Black Mist, who was beaten without a fight back, also had a sharp increase in his breath, and more than a dozen arms grew out of his chest.
These arms are made of black mist, but they have different shapes. It seems that there are men and women, and there are more inhuman arms.
Uh, uh, uh!
These arms are in contact with the sword light of Tian Congyun Jian and Chi Xiaojian. Although they are in the downwind, they will break off many limbs every time they touch.
But it is abruptly blocked the attack of these magic weapons.
It allowed the Black Mist Giant to escape from the high-intensity battle, and then the Black Mist giant worm's head was surrounded by black mist, and a male face with closed eyes appeared faintly.
The face is not yet solid.
A dragon roared out, and the surrounding space trembled slightly.
Chi Xiaojian evoked the red-colored Jiaolong, and together with the magic sword Bingxin gift thrown by Xiao Yu, the vast moonlight divine power from the Tiangong was gathered.
More than a dozen arms of the Black Mist Giant came together, collided with this attack, and in an instant, their arms were wiped out!
The red dragon also lost its shape and turned into a red energy attached to the body of the magic knife ice heart.
And this magic knife ice heart gift is worthy of the world's wonders. After attaching the super energy of the moonlight and the power of the red sword, it still did not show any discomfort, and rushed into the black mist giant with this energy. Inside.
The magic knife ice heart gift easily broke through the black mist and plunged into the heart of the black mist giant. At the same time, the huge moonlight shone out and wrapped the whole body of the black mist giant, making the whole black mist giant into a pale white light group. .
The light cluster began to descend, moving away from low-Earth orbit, and several satellites passed by.
The light mass quickly sank into the atmosphere, and because of its speed, the friction created a dazzling fire.
Numerous observation stations on the ground have noticed this scene and observed it closely.
But everyone can see that the extraordinary of the Tiangong has the advantage.
So even if he knew that it was likely to be the commander of the Kangaroo country, he would behave calmly and calmly.
He even took the initiative to hold a live press conference to enhance his popularity.
It is Xiao Yu's plan to fight the Black Mist Giant back to Water Blue Star.
Because Xiao Yu discovered that the giant of the black mist is simply Xiaoqiang among Xiaoqiang, and it will not be able to be killed in a short time.
Rather than staying in outer space and saying that there should be no accidents, it is better to drag it back to your true home water blue star to pack up!
At least in the environment of the water blue star, the black mist giant has no way to escape.
And he can mobilize more power to deal with this giant of black mist.
After more than ten seconds.
It seems that the fireball of a meteor fell like a white meteor into the great desert of the kangaroo country.
With a bang, just after landing, it was already so tight that it burst into bursts with extreme energy.
Suddenly, a hot ball of light expanded, and then the outer ring of the ball of light, the gravel emptied, the heat cloud rolled, and the mushroom cloud that was comparable to the explosion of a large equivalent of nuclear bombs took off.
Many people who observed this scene exclaimed.
Xiao Yu followed immediately through teleportation, looking deep into the mushroom cloud.
There, the Black Mist Giant was blown into tens of thousands of pieces, but it was still not destroyed.
The power has just weakened, and the fragments of the Black Mist Giant are re-bonded like memory metal.
In just a few seconds, the head and half of the shoulders were vaguely formed.
The thunder Zhao Mang, who was transformed by Xiao Yu, took a sip, and his body flashed with thunder light before the mushroom cloud disappeared.
Xiao Yu arrived next to the magic knife Bingxin gift nailed to the ground, and gently held the knife handle with his right hand.
Xiao Yu noticed that the engulfing ability of the magic knife ice heart's gift was still effective for the Black Mist Giant, but the effect range was not large, and the small piece of Black Mist wreckage it pinched was completely disappeared after being swallowed.
Eat the Black Mist Giant with the magic knife Bingxin gift... Well, it feels like a big project!
After grasping the gift of the magic knife ice heart, Xiao Yu flew to the upper body of the black mist giant instantly, and split the body of the black mist giant with a knife. The true martial sword and the sky cluster cloud sword appeared again, and launched continuously. attack.
boom! Boom!
Throughout the vast kangaroo country desert, from time to time came a tremendous noise like an earthquake.
However, at the edge of the desert, there are more and more vehicles that are not afraid of death.
These good deeds made the local officials extremely angry, and they sent a number of announcements in succession without saying that they even called for military intervention.
It made the edge of the desert lively.
Tisza is an unknown young reporter in the local media of the Kangaroo country.
She was just twenty-four years old this year. She is very well maintained. Her face is photogenic, and she looks as good as nine points under the Meitu interface.
In addition to having a beautiful blonde hair, Tisza has been depressed in the media industry for many years. She did not want to rely on the spring breeze of live broadcast from the media. Instead, she used her own capital to become an outdoor live broadcast with millions of fans. Big V.
Tisza is a person who has experienced hardships and is not easy to live in, so she especially cherishes her fans and attaches great importance to her live content.
She hopes that her fans can exceed 10 million, so that her status can be more stable, or just stabilize her.
However, today's live broadcast industry is also a red sea, with many competitors, and every day there are countless new people pouring in with enthusiasm and hope.
While a large number of newcomers became stepping stones, many elderly people also fell on the beach. After the waves were beaten, no traces were left.
In such a harsh environment, if you want to go further, you naturally need to take pictures of things that fans are interested in.
And to talk about what fans like most nowadays, naturally there is only content related to extraordinary.
So after learning that there were extraordinary events in the desert of his own country, Thesa.
She was keenly aware of the opportunity, and quickly clapped her own small group and drove to the edge of the desert in the first time in a buggy.
As the mushroom cloud in the distance was shot into the sky, the mushroom cloud flashed from time to time, accompanied by the harsh noise from the sky.
On the live broadcast interface of Tisza, the barrage is boiling, and the number of fans is also skyrocketing in a short time.
This made Tisza even more pleasantly surprised, after learning that the Kangaroo State officials had made up their minds to clear the field, and even sent a military helicopter.
Tisza was a little hesitant and suddenly saw several vehicles with competitors' logos suddenly speeding towards the depths of the desert.
She flicked her long blond hair and gritted her teeth:
"We will keep up too!"
"Tisa, we will be caught like this..."
"Yeah, let's go. The matter of the transcendental is still too dangerous for us."
"It's okay, I'll reimburse all your fees, including your lawyer's fees!"
"The gains of this live broadcast, each of you have doubled the share!"
"Okay, listen to you."
The three in the car were slightly startled, thinking of the weakness that the Kangaroo country has always been able to bully, they nodded their teeth.
Of course, another reason they will agree is that this time the transcendent is said to be the transcendent thunder Zhao Mang from the ancient East!
This extraordinary person and the Qingyun Jianxian are the kind of good extraordinary persons who care about ordinary people.
And it seems that the situation is under the control of the other party?
That terrible monster, trapped in the mushroom cloud, couldn't get out.
These people are just shooting away from each other, the problem is not too big?
Tisza clapped her hands and immediately directed the driver to drive full horsepower in the direction of the mushroom cloud.
Fans of the live broadcast interface saw this scene, and all praised the courage and decisiveness of the Tisza team. The barrage continued for a while, and the rewards continued.
After a few minutes.
Tisza drilled from the roof, revealing her upper body, and personally held the main interface of the latest mobile phone from Haiwei to shoot.
The professional camera screen of the shooter is reduced to a secondary interface.
"I can feel the wind getting hotter and hotter, and getting stronger and stronger."
"I have to thank us for listening to experts when we came and bringing enough equipment."
"Look at everyone, inside the mushroom cloud...Look, is there a black shadow reflected in the blue light flashing?"
"The shadow should be a monster falling from outer space?"
"I don't know if you have found out that the shape of the black shadow reflected after each blue or red light appears is different."
"Can I make a bold guess... This monster is a metamorphosis?"
"Woo... It looks like a very large deformed monster!"
Tisza said, shuddering suddenly, unable to control herself suddenly.
A cold war shut him up.
A trace of chill climbed from the spine to the whole body, and it became more and more obvious against the surrounding hot air.
"Wait, wait... how can I feel something is wrong."
"I'm a little scared."
"Stop, let's stop moving forward."
Tisza said this, and turned to look to the right, and noticed that several cars that were not afraid of running like him were also parked nearby.
Obviously, it's not just you who feel the danger.
Between the reputation of wealth and Xiaoming, Tisza chose heavier life after hesitating again and again.
To this end, she even got off the roof of the car and hid in the air-conditioned car, breathing.
She noticed goose bumps all over her body.
"Maybe we should step back a little bit?"
Tisza whispered this.
Suddenly, blue light flashed in the mushroom cloud ahead.
A black shadow like a person's face suddenly appeared in front of the camera lens.
This face appeared, even across the screen, blocked by the mushroom cloud.
Still let those who see it behind the screen exhale.
It was also in the moment when this face appeared that Tisza only felt a pain in her eyebrows, and her eyes suddenly fell white and fell asleep.
Tisza found herself standing in a block full of ruins.
There is no one here... No, someone!
Tissa looked around and found in a panic that he was not far away. He was clearly kneeling on a bald-headed boy who looked unremarkable and looked a little silly!
However, why did he not see this bald boy at all?
Moreover, is this bald boy looking up at the sun without fear of blindness?
Tisza wanted to get close to this bald-headed boy. She had just taken a step forward, but she was awakened abruptly, and there were countless horror movies in her mind.
As a result, the foot before the step was retracted.
Tisza pursed her lips and watched as the bald boy kept moving away from each other.
Xiao Yu noticed this scene, and was also interested in the blonde woman who was influenced by the giant black mist and then pulled into the dream world.
This woman... kind of interesting.
Only by the influence of the Black Mist Giant can he be forced into a dream.
It is likely that this woman also has a talent for dreams.
According to the information provided by the dream world.
Perhaps this woman can become an excellent dream builder in the future?
Xiao Yu could feel the change of Matthew.
I'm ready.
It's just that the existence hidden deep in Matthew's soul has not yet been activated.
It was quite tolerable.
Did he perceive that the control of the dream world is not a dream-related god, so hesitated?
However, it is too late.
Xiao Yu smiled slightly, secretly said:
Because... I have found you!
Tisza's chaos seems to accelerate Matthew's changes.
In Tisza away from Matthew about ten meters away.
Suddenly two black tears were left on the bald Matthew's face.
Then, with the black teardrop dripping to the ground.
Matthew's radius of 1,000 kilometers, all turned into a black sticky swamp.
Tisza exclaimed and half of her body had just fallen into the swamp.
A Seraph suddenly appeared, and stretched out his right hand to grab the Tissa's shoulder and pulled her out of the swamp.
During this period, countless pale faces emerged from the swamp, and countless pale white hands stretched out and continued to grow toward Tisza's feet.
"In the name of the Holy Light!"
The four-winged archangel raised the flaming long sword in his left hand and waved down strongly!
The dazzling light fell into the sky, and instantly the pale white faces and pale arms shivered and retracted into the swamp.
In the next moment, the Four-Winged Archangel had already taken Tisza out to 10,000 meters away.
Tisza fell to the ground, looking at the four-winged angel who turned and left.
She opened her mouth and made a decision. From now on, she is a devout Christian of the city of the Lord.
"In the name of the Lord!"
The four-winged angel flies into the sky, raising his long sword and exclaiming loudly.
The holy light in the sky shone across the swamp.
These holy lights come from the dream power of the believers in the city of the Lord, Xiao Yu exhausted all his breath.
Then he moved.
I also entered the dream and entered the dream world.
In the dream world, Xiao Yu became a bronze giant up to three thousand meters in the dream world.
Such a tall existence.
Just stood.
Tissa, who had become the size of a villain after entering, was shocked and speechless.
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