Chapter 1736: Stupid Angel King's Necklace

People from the mainland of Ishiman entered the city of miracles.
   Then there is no need to worry about Xiao Yu.
   The charm of the city of miracles will naturally capture their hearts.
   Xiao Yu's focus was on undead witchcraft.
  Although a series of deals have not been reached with the Canyon of the Dead.
   Xiao Yu still got a lot of knowledge of the undead witchcraft from the remains of the White Bone King.
   Coupled with the transaction and the selfless dedication of some necromancers who abandoned the secrets.
   Undead is a cultivation path from elementary to morning star. Xiao Yu has sorted out as many as 36 paths.
   Counts only to the legendary cultivation path, and even directly broke through to four figures!
   such accumulation is naturally incomparable to the Canyon of the Dead.
   but placed on a normal continent is enough to support the prosperity of an undead college.
   used in the real world of the Guwa ghosts, can also be considered to satisfy the knowledge reserve.
   Of course there are differences in environmental adaptability, but Xiao Yu believes in the wisdom of Guwa ghosts.
   They can also be regarded as a group of mature ghosts. In terms of exercises, they can also continue to trial and error and then make fine adjustments.
   Xiao Yu feels that I must trust them a lot!
   Fortunately, this is the once established technological civilization race that covers an entire planet!
   felt that his trip to the Ishvin mainland was very fruitful.
   Xiao Yu looked up with satisfaction, and then once again left the palace and went deep into the Valley of the Gods.
  Ishiwen's Morning Star Wizard and others are completely unaware of this, and are addicted to the prosperity of the miracle city and the sea of ​​knowledge.
   has just completed a full-body examination, but Freya, who is focused on by someone who cares, is moving, and his eyes gently glanced towards the depths of the Valley of the Gods.
   "Is the connection point to the world of the Son of God right there?"
   "Hoo, you have to hold back, you can't go out to explore!"
   "That is a place where I can't even see through the abyss. I will never go on such an unnecessary adventure!"
   Freya felt her heart, but she endured it with great perseverance.
at the same time.
   In the abyss.
  The real Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, stretched on her back is the six wings of the sad angel king, which reveals the sacred meaning in the magnificent and sacred.
   holds the longbow of the desperate angel king in his right hand, and gently holds a spear of fallen angel king in his left hand.
  At the same time, the horn pattern imprinted on the white eyebrows was slowly emitting red light: the horn of the furious angel king.
  The four abyssal soldiers in the body of the abyss queen Yulia appeared at the same time.
   This is also rare in the abyss.
  I just saw the rare abyss lords, but I was scared to kneel tremblingly and sent my humble loyalty to the queen.
   "Where is the necklace of the stupid angel king?"
  The Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, stared at the abyss lords who knelt down on the mainland and asked coldly.
   "Lord... Master."
   A big demon with horns leaned down and shivered:
   "Since the Abyssal Divine Soldier was born again."
   "Necklace...the necklace was taken away!"
"take away?"
   "The old immortal holy dragon's senseless struggle."
   The Queen of the Abyss was not surprised by this, and gently raised his spear to point to the dull sky:
   "The Six Divine Soldiers of the Abyss, I have got the best of six."
   "The attraction between the Six Divine Soldiers will become stronger and stronger. They are afraid and scared, but what can they do?"
   "They can't stop me from joining the Abyss Six Soldiers."
   "Just as they can't stop me from unifying the abyss!"
  The moment when the words of the Queen of the Abyss Yulia fell, a black beam was pierced from the spear of the fallen angel king, and the sky was punctured instantly, disappearing from this continent.
   With the abyss there was a change.
   In the Holy Dragon Island, the Holy Dragon Divine Soldier who was taken out of the abyss by the Holy Dragon Emperor and sealed with the necklace of the stupid angel king also shook violently.
   Even if the seal is in a separate space.
   influence still broke through the spread of space.
  Although they were quickly repressed by the elders of Saint Dragon.
   But the strange breath of this abyssal soldier, but at that moment, affected the consciousness of thousands of dragon members in the Holy Dragon Island.
   Even if the remedy is timely, there are still hundreds of dragon clan dragons who have become dementia dragons.
   Thousands of dragons' IQ has declined, and I don't know when they will recover.
   Such a loss makes the Shenglong family very worried.
   Go on like this, can Shenglong Island still be a holy place for the dragon race?
   "The Six Divine Soldiers of the Abyss, only the necklace of the stupid angel king and the sword of hope angel king have not been unsealed."
   "You should all know that we can't afford to lose."
   "Once the necklace of the stupid angel king was taken away, the queen of the abyss won five abyssal soldiers...I hope that even if we hide the sword of the angel king deeper, we can't keep it."
  Divine Dragon Emperor faced the worrying eyes of many elders and said quietly:
   "As a family of seals, you should be clear that although the Abyss Six Divine Soldiers and our Bright Moon Divine Soldiers are both Bright Moon Ranks, they are different..."
   "Our Huiyue Divine Soldiers are only made with a part of the Supreme Huiyue body."
   "But the Six Divine Soldiers of the Abyss."
   "But it was the king of the six angels under the night goddess Yulia, and the six are all the main god-level peaks, almost the gods of death and wild hunting in the pantheon."
"This is also the case, but at the moment when the night goddess Yulia failed to transform into an abyss, she was forced to break through, and then the entire body of Huiyue's body, including the soul, will, etc., was forcibly dissolved as a part of the abyss magician. ..."
   "No one knows why the abyss did this at the last minute, would it be the backhand left for his return?"
   "We can't bet."
  Shenglong Emperor's attitude is firm.
  Other elders can understand the relationship.
   However, the Sky Dragon Girl who came back from the time-space gate to the mainland of Ishiwen quietly protruded her head and whispered:
   "So scary seal, why not give it to the Son of God?"
"Son of God?"
   "How can he hold such important... things?"
   An elder of Sacred Dragon said half of the Suddenly remembered the information I saw recently, the Son of God is not the Son of God when he was just in contact.
   Others... already have the strength to fight against the forbidden level forces!
   "Let us all remember, the world where the Son of God is located is a place where the abyss cannot see."
   "It is true!"
   "In addition to the majestic throne can not be influenced by the spiritual system."
   "His... This horrible thing can indeed be kept very well by the other party."
   "However, the other party is really willing to accept this thing?"
   "Relax, based on my understanding of the Son of God... Wonders like the Abyssal Divine Soldier, even if he can't use it, he will definitely keep it with him."
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