Chapter 1745: Behold

  Axiulam woke up from the nightmare again.
   In his dream, he saw the destroyed city of the Lord, and even from a high-altitude perspective, he saw the city of Europa that had all been ruined.
It's just that if Asuram tells the psychologist about the dream, he will surely know that his nightmare comes from the fear hidden deep in himself, because the scenes in his dreams are actually a combination of scenes in wasteland games or movies. Dreams.
  Asuram did not think so, he believed that this was a reminder given by the Holy Lord or the Spear of the God of Death.
   He reminded himself that this chosen person!
  Axiulam got up and simply refreshed and came to the main hall of the Lisbon Cathedral.
  He saw here hundreds of priests and believers who were praying.
   These people are older, but they look pious.
   Asuram can also feel that they are indeed very religious to the Lord.
   "The Lord is above, you are all blessed."
  Ashuram saw that these believers couldn't help but feel better. He came to the stage. In the envious eyes of the priests and believers, he opened the book of the Lord, but did not tell the story inside.
   Instead, he began to talk about the holy war in heaven, the existence of the Pearl of Apocalypse, and the unsealing of the Pearl of the Apocalypse, the Knight of the Apocalypse came down, the world, the human suffering will be encountered.
   "Holy Lord loves the world, this is also a test for us."
   "Yes, this is the test of our Lord."
  The following priests and believers nodded their heads in recognition of this one.
  Whether it is the angels of heaven or the four knights of the apocalypse.
From their point of view, they are all creations of the Lord.
   is in the midst of nature, following the arrangement of the Holy Lord.
   The reason why there is a jihad and a pearl of apocalypse is a test of humanity.
   "We must not let the Lord down."
   A priest stood up and shouted:
   "Father Ashuram, please let us be blessed."
   "We are all willing to dedicate ourselves to all mankind."
  Under normal circumstances, even if there is a lot of piety in the Holy Episcopal school, it is definitely a rare thing like a panda that truly sacrifices itself.
   However, as the influence of the Holy City has expanded, various extraordinary events have occurred frequently.
   Plus a sense of mission blessing, naturally makes the difficulty of such rare things slightly reduced.
  Cooperate with the influence of specific environment.
   These people become temporary self-sacrificing believers, it is not difficult to understand.
   Asuram took out the Apocalypse Pearl in her body.
   As a wooden bead, it is a bit too... Lingling is small.
   Many people see this wooden bead as soon as they are far away.
   But it doesn’t matter, as Ashuram inputs the Holy Power, the white light appears on the wooden beads, which immediately becomes noticeable.
  The priests and believers lined up one by one and came in contact with this saint in their eyes.
   After one round, they watched this light ball one after another, and silently prayed at the same time, also devoted their soul power to it.
   Come down for a few minutes.
   Asuram immediately felt the restlessness of the Pearl of Apocalypse became quieter.
   He could not help but silently rejoice in his heart, and felt that with the help of so many like-minded friends, he could certainly avoid the coming of the apocalypse.
  Axiulam worked hard to integrate Xiao Yu's retrospective soul beads.
   Outside the Lisbon Cathedral.
After observing the grand occasion inside, Cardinal White pulled away and left the church to start handling local customs.
   as a place to discover the Pearl of Apocalypse.
   The bishop was worried that Lisbon would become a place where jihad broke out.
  The dark biological events that appeared in the twenty-four hour period also proved the worries of the cardinal.
   Just one day down.
In the area around Lisbon, the priests have discovered three ghoul incidents and two ghost incidents.
   Compare this with other parts of Europa.
   It's too abnormal to be frequent here.
   gives a dark creature that converges instinctively towards the Lisbon area.
   This also made the Lisbon official very nervous, so he did not hesitate to pull down his face to find the support of all parties.
   agreed to send reinforcements to the Holy City.
  European Parliament also passed a resolution to send a quick response brigade.
   Don't look at it just as a brigade.
  The Europa area is so large, that's the total of three quick response brigades.
   Every brigade can be said to be the elite among the elite.
   Many advanced equipments are given priority to them.
   In the downtown area of ​​Lisbon, it was just at dusk.
   Suddenly, the alarm phone sounded like this!
  Answered, it was all related to extraordinary anomalies!
  Many parts of the city have witnessed reports of dark creatures!
  Especially in the sewer, where it was originally cleaned, I don’t know when there was a large black sludge.
   A sewage worker saw the mouth of a strange fish sticking out of the silt and stopped working.
   In addition, the investigation bureau and the special operations team of the security department, which had cooperated with the extraordinary priest to solve the dark creatures, were also exhausted with the frequent appearance of dark creatures.
   Such a weird scene, anyone with a little knowledge can feel that dark creatures are about to move.
  What conspiracy is brewing by evil forces!
   "The storm is coming."
   Cardinal stood in front of the Lisbon Cathedral Parish, looking at the gradually somber sky, his heart became more and more uneasy.
   Beside him, two extraordinary priests accompanied him and were about to say something.
   Suddenly a stench appeared on the street where the parish was located.
   "This is the smell of ghouls!"
   An extraordinary priest took out his pistol and frowned:
   "After smelling it once, I will never forget it in my life!"
   Another extraordinary priest took the cross-shaped sword rebuilt after melting with the cross from his The sword is engraved with the exorcism brand that Ashuram branded during the day.
   This is also a reflection of Ashuram's use of his divine knowledge.
   is also an embodiment of the subjective initiative of being a person.
   Cardinal sighed and opened the heavy suitcase behind him, after a quick action.
   actually came out with a Gatling gun.
   Extraordinary flesh makes the Cardinal hold the big weapon and sweep around.
   "Is there an alarm for civilians to evacuate?"
   asked the supernatural priest who was holding the sword.
   "This can be reassured, after the frequent occurrence of strange things during the day, the civilians near the parish were forcibly evacuated."
"That's good."
  Father Long Sword heard this, and after being relieved, he gripped the hilt sharply:
   "If you say that, those people moving in the windows of the apartment building opposite are not civilians..."
   "Is it a monster?"
  The eyes of Cardinal White glowed in white, and the magic from the Spear of the God Kill strengthened his eyes.
   Suddenly, the white cardinal saw an apartment building one hundred meters away.
  The dark creatures surrounded by evil breath are staring at their side!
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