Chapter 1788: ceremony

Guros, the chief scientist of Guwa, was deeply moved by Guska's truth.
He squeezed Guska's hands, feeling the cold temperature of the other party, and said movably:
"You are the hero of our ancient tile civilization!"
"We will not forget your contribution to us!"
"We Guwa civilization must not give up heroes like you!"
Hearing this, Guska's lips flicked and wanted to refute something, but Guros preemptively said:
"Don't say it, hold on!"
"I will ask for super civilization, to find those predecessors, in any case, we will treat you!"
"And I also believe that Super Civilization must be able to heal you!"
For Guros, or for most Guwa people, super-civilization can almost become their common sense.
It's just that the super-civilization is too mysterious, and the style is too high.
Even a civilized leader like Guros has no chance of reaching out to super civilization.
It is extremely rare to have the opportunity to meet the representative of Luo Xiaoying, who is super-civilized by the Water Blue Star.
It can be said that when it comes to seeking super-civilization, Guros is really determined to give up everything.
It's just that Guska, the minister of science and technology, obviously does not intend to accept such a good thing.
Looking at the sincere Chief Guros.
Guska sighed deeply and said softly:
"My respectable chief..."
"I really don't need treatment."
"I don't plan to be a Guwa anymore!"
Although Guska was dying on the hospital bed, she said more and more vigorously and loudly and powerfully.
As soon as these words fell, the whole room suddenly became a needle and could be heard.
Guros eyes widened, looking at the old scientist on the bed, the predecessor he once respected.
He wriggled his mouth and enjoyed a few seconds of silence before he came back and asked tentatively:
"You... don't want to be Guwa anymore?"
"I accepted the proposal of His Excellency Tataros and conducted a special test."
Speaking of this, Gusca looked away embarrassedly and fell on the ceiling.
"The test is very successful. I am considered to be very talented in the soul and can become a special individual who retains the flesh through special techniques.
"This body was named Lich by the Water Blue Star civilization."
"Although the lich loses his sense of taste and smell and most of his emotions."
"But it can be exchanged for life expectancy and health calculated in thousands of years."
"They told me that the lich can also be a great scientist, even more agile than I was in its heyday."
Guros looked at Guska's words and couldn't stop his disappointment.
He did not expect that the esteemed senior would choose to surrender so quickly in the face of death.
When Guros saw the ghosts of these ancient tiles, he intuitively felt a sense of crisis and strangeness.
He vaguely felt that those Guwa ghosts looked at himself and others.
It's like watching the dead Guwa people.
It's like looking at the kuro worm that was your favorite food on the dinner plate.
Therefore, Guros has been alerting those Guwa ghosts.
In a sense, Guros's intuition is not wrong.
If Xiao Yu's superior power suddenly disappeared.
I am afraid that the Guwa civilization will soon encounter a natural disaster of undead.
"I'm sorry, I disappointed the chief."
Guros's expression, Guska looked in his eyes, he shook his head gently, but he did not want to say anything about it.
"Hope... you can all go well."
Guros stood up and retreated to the door.
"Chief, please believe me, even if I become a lich, I will not forget that I used to be a Guwa."
Guska smiled bitterly, and said his last promise to Guwa civilization to Guros.
After a few seconds.
Guros left the room, picked up the communicator and started to ask one by one.
The result shocked him quite.
With the completion of the reconstruction of the homeland project.
There are more and more Guwa people who have witnessed the abilities of the Guwa ghosts. Naturally, there are many people who have overcome the fear in their hearts and actively talked with those Guwa ghosts.
Then, naturally, some people are attracted by the ghost of Guwa and tend to be part of each other.
They don't know how much change will happen after they become undead creatures.
It is not an exaggeration to even say that the undead self is just a new life inherited from the old memory.
As a result, the Guwa ghost wizards who were afraid of being super-civilized, even wished to demolish all Guwa civilizations.
I had to follow the procedure, and I only recruited volunteers, not to mention the kind of volunteers who were dying.
In addition, the other party was informed in advance how likely they are to become a tool skeleton.
It can be said to be very user-friendly.
Xiao Yu also knew these things through the eye of surveillance half an hour after Chief Rose left the room.
For the great scientist Gukas wanted to be a lich.
Xiao Yu is also happy to see success.
After all, after becoming a lich, it is also to serve your own overall situation and contribute your own knowledge to your own projects.
And to really become an extraordinary lich.
There is no need to worry about this great scientist's various health problems caused by sleeping and forgetting food, which will slow down the research progress.
According to Xiao Yu's extensive experience of the undead creature dwarf family, let's not talk about 996, even 007 is no problem.
To be honest, from a certain perspective, undeadization is currently much better and more reliable than artificial intelligence.
That is, the intelligence of the undead itself relies heavily on the soul quality of the intelligent beings during the undeadization.
Not a cat or a dog can be used quite intelligently after it is undead.
After a few hours.
In accordance with the customs of the ancient tile civilization, it has entered the rest period.
Many institutes have successively stopped the work at hand.
In other words, the unmanned chemical plant continues to operate according to the procedure, and a large number of parts and basic materials brought by the Water Blue Star civilization through incredible means have been processed and produced again for use in their Guwa people during this time. engineering.
Chief scientist Guros used mathematics to forget the displeasure and disappointment just now.
When the time was up, Guros regained his consciousness and stopped the mathematical analysis process that had broken his mind.
He opened the notebook and looked at the reminder message that appeared above.
It was news from the deputy minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology that the conversion ceremony of Gukas was about to be held.
The other party cordially invited Guros, the chief, to witness.
"Will witness a respected elder not be a Guwa?"
Guros whispered, hands clenched tightly.
He pondered for several minutes before contacting the adjutant and told him that he would go to witness the transformation ceremony of Gucas, the former minister of science and technology.
The transformation ceremony was set in a small canyon not far from the Guwa City of Hope.
When Guros arrived, there were already many Guwa people in the canyon.
Grouth glanced, and there was an approximate number in his mind: about 350 people.
This number of people is not too small for today's ancient tile civilization.
Moreover, there is no shortage of competent officers in the research institute.
Guros saw several young talents that he was optimistic about.
Unexpectedly, these talented young Guwa people were also fooled by those Guwa ghosts.
this is not right.
This situation should change!
Guros gathered his courage and was ready to step forward to put pressure on those who watched Guwa.
Those onlookers gave way in advance.
Immediately, Guros stiffened.
Because he wide-eyed to see Gucas sitting in a wheelchair, he was still standing, the representative of the Water Blue Star civilization, His Royal Highness Luo Xiaoying.
Luo Xiaoying, who looks like a short-haired white ape, does not fit the Guwa aesthetics.
But Luo Xiaoying's momentum as a high-order extraordinary life is common to the pressure and shock of all living bodies.
Even if I saw Luo Xiaoying again.
Gu Luo still sighed in his heart, shocked by Luo Xiaoying's momentum.
At the same time, I can't help thinking more. I wonder if it will be the Blue Star civilization that also supports the small movements of those Guwa ghosts. Want to give the Guwa people as much as possible.
Guros has heard that the ghosts of Guwa have lost their fertility, but are living dead people with memories.
According to biology, it is simply not a race.
If the Guwa people are all like this, the Guwa civilization can be officially declared over.
"Respected His Royal Highness Luo Xiaoying, why are you here too."
Guros picked up his spirit and walked to Luo Xiaoying to whisper after saluting.
Luo Xiaoying smiled lightly, looked at the Gucas who was in the center of the circle, and said lightly:
"I was invited too, so come and see."
"Chief, please rest assured that I, myself, and the Water Blue Star civilization that I represent, will only treat the ghost of the ancient tile and the civilization of the ancient tile equally."
"And, the chief should not be too worried."
Luo Xiaoying's pair of shining eyes seemed to see Guros's mind and used secret words to reach Guros's mind and said:
"According to my communication with the ghosts of Guwa, without the help of super civilization, it is very expensive to rely on them for so-called lichification."
"This is destined to be very limited in their speed of expanding their companions."
"Plus the conversion's persistent failure rate."
"There are definitely not many Guwa who are qualified to be transformed by them, and not everyone can succeed."
Luo Xiaoying's remarks made Guros quickly understand what was in it.
I was relieved in my heart.
But still did not relax the alert to the ghosts of Guwa.
After all, the key contradiction between the opponent and the Guwa civilization robbing talents has not changed.
After a few minutes, all the people who should have arrived.
Several Guwa ghost wizards approached slowly and surrounded Guska, who was sitting in a wheelchair and had a tight face.
"Praise the Son of God, our Lord, our King."
"Oh, our creator, your mighty power knows everything and covers the sky."
"The Lord of our wisdom is the king. The glory of the king shines on the sky, and his power is boundless, imprinted in the stone.
"He gave us eternal life and lamented our sadness."
"Humble creatures."
"Can you accept this sad invitation?"
Prayer words with a gentle sorrow charm resounded through the canyon, making the Guwa people listening around felt a goose bump.
At the same time, some people who originally wanted to take refuge in the ghosts of Guwa were faintly aware in their hearts that these Guwa ghosts might not look so good.
Guska's ear heard these ancient and strange prayers, and he could feel more and more coldness in his body, spreading all over his body.
The corners of his mouth wriggled, and he faintly saw the sad scene he was about to face after becoming a lich.
Guska intentionally flashed a trace of regret.
This is also the instinctive response of every living being, fear and distrust of the undead.
However, Guska soon realized that his body had reached the limit.
If you do not accept the invitation and become a lich, you will really die.
There is great terror in life and death!
Guska used to be bearish on life and death.
But now, in the face of the great horror between life and death, he found that he obviously did not realize enough, and he still couldn't see it!
"I...I will."
Guska could no longer speak, and could only answer the inquiring question with his mind in his heart.
Legendary witchcraft ritual: Lich formation appears.
A circle of red magic circles appeared on the sky above the ground.
The center of the magic circle is facing Guska in the wheelchair.
Immediately, a red beam of light fell from the sky, covering Guska.
Under the dazzling red light, Guros lowered his head, put on the observation equipment he carried, and then looked up again.
He was stunned to see that Guska's body disappeared in a wheelchair in the red light as if it had been broken down into countless particles.
"No, not a failure, but a reorganization!"
"Does this involve reorganizing the body and soul at the particle level?"
Guros secretly made it difficult to estimate how many years of technology the Guwa civilization still needs to develop in order to spot such technology.
Guros thought about this time.
In the red light, Guska's figure reunited.
After a few seconds.
The red light gradually disappeared in front of everyone.
Guska left the wheelchair and stood there.
There were no patches on his body, his skin was pale and scary, and his face looked more like a skull.
Guska opened his mouth hard and shouted the first sound...the whole body shook suddenly.
Immediately, patches of black spots appeared on the skin.
Especially in the head, a lot of ulcers appeared.
What the is this?
The Guwa people around were startled.
The ghosts of Guwa were shocked in their hearts~ didn't expect that this ceremony would fail.
The head Guwa wizard could not help but quietly looked at His Royal Highness Luo Xiaoying, hoping he would help.
Luo Xiaoying swept the opposite lightly.
If it is not the Lord needs a lich scientist.
He didn't need to come over this time, he failed.
Luo Xiaoying's heart moved, and a grey air flowed into Guska.
Guscaben's collapsed body also regained its original shape.
He shook a little, and in his eyes, the buzz burned with a green flame.
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