Chapter 1800: Sun distance

Water Blue Star is now on the eve of the explosion of technology.
   The collision between civilizations has produced countless scientific sparks.
   Many epoch-making ideas have sprung up like mushrooms.
   such a grand scene, so many older scientists are filled with emotion.
  Water Blue Star human civilization has experienced this kind of prosperous age of science. It really counts a hundred years ago.
  Under the storm, countless stunning generations rose unstoppably.
  Whether it is an ancient country or Citigroup, hundreds of academicians from various departments have been added in just over a month.
   The youngest of them is only twenty years old.
   is no wonder when the list of new academicians is revealed.
   Apart from the envy of jealousy on the Internet, some people lamented the difference between this person and why they can be bigger than people and dogs!
  In the newly established human union, the Ministry of Science has also obtained a great voice in this atmosphere, and many super-large scientific research projects have also been implemented.
  And under the influence of Xiao Yu, the Guwa civilization was consciously influenced by Xiao Yu.
  The first project after the establishment of the Joint Human Science Department is related to the sun:
   "Run to the Sun!" 》
   "We must understand the sun of our own star system in order to make better use of it to serve us, and also lay the foundation for many of our next deep space plans!"
  At a parliament convened jointly by mankind.
   The first minister of the Ministry of Science, a ninety-odd old professor in the ancient oriental country who has taught, studied and lived in both the ancient oriental country and the Citigroup, stood on the stage and gave a passionate speech about the exploration of the sun project.
   This highly respected person can even be said to be the oldest qualified scientist in the physics world at present, and he fully explained his project.
The parliamentarians in the seat listened very carefully.
  Although at present, exploring the sun is not about national economy and people's livelihood, but is competing with the industries here for money.
  However, the Ministry of Science has indeed brought out a lot of good things, so it is full of confidence, so these parliamentarians dare not pay attention!
   They don’t support it now. When the Ministry of Science and Technology produces results and wants to share the fruits, there is no doubt that they have to be behind.
   This is what the forces behind the various members of Parliament cannot promise.
   "To sum up, I suggest to start this project immediately and learn about our Sun Mother!"
   A large group of people stood up and applauded, expressing unprecedented support.
   The old professor nodded with a smile, just left the podium and entered the background.
   Several spokesmen of major forces came around. While expressing their support, they also hoped to receive priority from the Ministry of Science for technical support on stem cells.
   Stem cell technology is an old technology in the eyes of the water blue star human civilization.
  Like nanotechnology, stem cell technology used to be all the rage and became a gimmick for large and small companies to advertise.
  It is just that the research and application of stem cell technology, like the controllable nuclear fusion used to be, has always been in the bottleneck.
  It was more than ten years ago that scientists discovered the caffeine substance by coincidence, which greatly helped stem cell technology.
   So far, the entire technology is still very immature, full of uncertainty and even dangerous.
  In addition to being treated as a life-saving method, it is more used for packaging into high-tech beauty products, ignoring the money of the elderly women.
   Many related products seem to be very large, but in fact they are just a low-quality human stimulant with short effects and uncertain side effects.
   But with the advent of the ancient tile civilization, everything is different.
   Stem cell technology has made a breakthrough, and with the technical support provided by the staff on the Lingshan side, the progress has increased rapidly.
   Up to now, there have been semi-finished products that have been exclaimed by countless people and can prolong life.
   Even if it is only semi-finished products, many old scientists have proved the effectiveness and reliability of these semi-finished products with their own bodies.
   Although it is not as exaggerated as being unable to return to old children.
   can also enable 60- to 70-year-olds to still have a mental state or even physical strength of about forty or fifty.
   It can be said that the packaging of these semi-finished products is enough to be sold as a magic medicine in the previous Aquamarine.
   The old professor dealt with these representatives with great spirits, trying to get as much support as possible for the Ministry of Science.
   as a scientist.
  Old professors, like many big scientists, believe that science is an endless truth.
   and be convinced that what can be done by the extraordinary can also be done by science.
   Not now, but their science is still too backward.
  Compared with the extraordinary, only science can truly benefit the entire Blue Star human civilization.
  Also relieved the old professor that his ambitious scientific research plan was not troubled or even hostile by extraordinary forces.
   On the contrary, the news from the ancient East and Citigroup.
  No matter whether it is Jianxianmen or the Dark Council, they have expressed a strong interest in participating in these projects.
   They even agreed to pay for free to help scientists solve difficult applications.
  This made the old professor full of confidence in the project to the sun.
   Those extraordinary mysterious forces, but even the controllable nuclear fusion equipment is inexplicably done.
   This exploration plan is more difficult. Can it be difficult to control nuclear fusion?
   The first meeting of the Ministry of Science of Human Union ended successfully.
  Thirty-six hours after the successful conclusion.
The staff near the Tiangong Observatory floating in outer space received new missions.
   An interstellar spaceship that is undergoing major changes will be rebuilt again.
   It will become a manned science and technology spacecraft. In the near future, it will fly to the sun on behalf of the Water Blue Star civilization and carry out important scientific research tasks!
   The closest distance between the sun and aquamarine is 149 million kilometers.
Compared to   , the closest distance between Mars and Mercury is only 55 million kilometers.
   Almost three times the difference!
   The performance requirements of manned spacecraft are undoubtedly more stringent.
  All materials produced by Water Blue Star cannot meet the data requirements on the spaceship drawings designed this time.
   However, what surprised the experts in Tiangong was that as waves of parts were delivered, they were stunned to find out that the alloy was still that alloy. Why did the performance improve so much at once?
   For this, experts who were surprised afterwards classified it as a mysterious force, and guessed the truth: there are extraordinary forces that also intervened in this scientific research project.
   In fact, it is true.
  Since Xiao Yu got the world wonder obsidian coat of arms on the abyss demon Murdura, he began to wonder how to maximize the effect of this world wonder.
  Obsidian coat of arms scientific research forms a set of obsidian armor to assist combat.
The upper limit of the effect depends on how cruel the harsh environment is when the fusion ceremony is held.
  It takes as much as seventy-two hours for the fusion ceremony.
   Therefore, Xiao Yu did not use the simple and crude means of nuclear explosion, or the instantaneous high temperature of particle collision, which is ten times the tool of the sun's core.
   Black holes are very good and powerful, but unfortunately the nearest black hole is too far from the water blue star.
   And Xiao Yu didn't dare to guarantee, whether it was himself or the world's wonders, could he be safe from the black hole.
  Weighing again and again, Xiao Yu can only focus on the sun.
  And feel that, relying on the harsh environment of the sun, the world's wonder obsidian coat of arms should also be enough to cope with the dangerous environment of the little country.
   For this reason, Xiao Yu let Guwa ghosts guide those scientists to develop a strong interest in the sun.
   and then fueled the issue.
  Naturally, it will be done naturally.
   Xiao Yu is also full of curiosity and awe of the sun.
   has become a wizard of the Morning Star. He instinctively wants to go to the sun to get some sunshine and feel the tenderness of the mother of all things.
   As the most direct starlight: sunlight.
  Xiao Yu's intuition reminded him that he could understand the sun and understand the sun, which would be of great benefit to his future promotion to the moon.
   "Praise the sun!"
  Xiao Yu returned to his hometown from Xiaorenguo, and he lay on the lounge chair in the yard. He looked at the fireballs in the clear sky and whispered with a hint of breath.
   "The construction of the spaceship is orderly."
   "With the cooperation of drug blessing and extraordinary ability, the scientific research personnel will not have any physical problems."
   "The only problem is my own."
   "If I'm going to bask in the sun, there is no doubt that there will be a time when I am out of the villain."
   "This time... I don't want to see the city of miracles revenge and besieged, so I have to do a good job of intelligence."
  Xiao Yu suddenly thought of this and couldn't help thinking.
   Of course there will be no solution.
   For example, just leave an avatar to pretend that you are still there.
And in order to ensure that they will not be seen by the forbidden prefecture-level forces, they also need to pile up materials in the Valley of the Gods, take them out in batches from that incarnation and put them into the city of miracles, to give outsiders a kind of son of God still maintaining The illusion of logistics supply in Miracle City.
   "Alas, it is a pity that my goddess cannot go with me to see the real sun."
   "But it's not that I didn't have a chance. At the end of this exploration mission, I can give all the data to Guwa civilization, let them build a faster spaceship, and then go to the sun of Guwa civilization."
   "Well, purchase materials first and keep them well."
  Xiao Yu thought of this and immediately set off.
   In the evening, Xiao Yu returned to the villain with a large amount of supplies. After finding a stacking point, he returned to the Miracle City Palace again.
  As soon as he arrived at the palace, Xiao Yu learned from the Weihe mouth that he was not here for more than ten hours, and the villain had an incredible event!
   One of the ten forbidden places, one of the forces of Chaos Demon Realm, broke out into a fierce infighting!
   It is reported that the leader of the infighting is the evil queen. She even took millions of chaotic demons to kill the chaotic demon and escaped into the depths of time and space.
   "It is said that the evil queen has displayed amazing fighting power, and one man has defeated the five supreme demon kings!"
   "Rumor has it that a Supreme Demon King invited twelve Huiyue Demon Soldiers, but failed in one hit, but was killed by him and left!"
   "In addition, there is another piece of information that is suspected to be sent by someone with a heart."
   "It is said that the Queen of Evil has stolen the most important secret treasure of the Chaos Demon Realm, and she is also relying on the help of this secret treasure to kill the Chaos Demon Realm!"
   said this, the leader of the black guard paused, lowered his head and hesitated:
   "There is a saying that is the secret treasure, there is the secret to become the wizard of the moon."
   "Because that was left by the former Lord of Chaos Demon Realm, the King of Nine Colors."
   The King of Nine Colors?
   Xiao Yu was slightly startled, and found out the strong man's information in his mind.
The founders of   Chaotic Demon Realm, the most well-known are the three famous and supreme devil kings of the nine colors, the king of all directions, and the mother of seven sins.
   These three have reached the level of radiating the body organs, and belong to the half-step shining moon-level figure far beyond the realm of the morning star wizard.
   Only if the information is correct.
   These three ancient great powers all failed to advance to Huiyue, and they have disappeared for thousands of years.
   Some people suspect that they will be extinguished like other overstretchers.
   Some people also suspect that their promotion was successful, but they also failed. Before they were about to turn into madmen with the same will of the abyss, they might have fallen into the domain of chaos and sealed themselves with the power of the forbidden level secret realm.
   Anyway, the secrets involved in these three are undoubtedly full of attraction.
"Ha ha."
  Xiao Yu shook his head: "It's really helpful to become Huiyue. The Chaos Demon Realm has already had a real Huiyue strong to suppress this time and space."
   "Most of them are exaggerated."
   "However, we have just beaten the Queen of Evil, and it doesn't feel very powerful."
   "How did you change so much after going back to Chaos Demon Realm?"
   "Could it be that there are forces behind the scenes intervening?"
   Xiao Yu exuded a brain hole and guessed for a while, then immediately showed a smile of happily for the unlucky chaotic domain:
   "I don't want to, anyway, this is a good thing for our miraculous city."
   "Notice that today the city of miracles will hold a banquet to celebrate."
   "In addition, the magic crystal alloys in the Chaos Magic City are all reserved for me, and I have great use."
  Xiao Yu ordered a few and then sat on the throne and opened the Wanjiezi mirror.
  As soon as he opened the Wanjie Zijing, Xiao Yu learned.
   Most forces are happy to see the unlucky attitude of the Chaos Demon Realm.
   Of course, they are also tracking the evil queen, hoping to take away the secret treasure from her.
   Although the Queen of Evil looks very strong.
   But the major forces still tend to suddenly become stronger without any reason and no price.
   The evil queen must have paid a heavy price to activate the temporary enhancement of the treasure.
   Now she must be the weakest!
  In a remote and lost continent, on a plateau.
   A black blazing dragon appeared in excitement from the vortex of time and space near the lost continent, staring greedily at the bubble where the continent was located, and it notified a saint dragon elder who protected it.
   Then, just a few hours.
  The golden unicorn warship broke open, and the turbulence in time and space emerged.
   A head of more than 300 meters of white gold holy dragon stands alone on the deck, staring at the lost continent in the distance.
   "Very good, this continent does have the stench of those demons."
   "Hey! If I could win the treasure."
   "I represent the Holy Dragon family and support you to become the next Obsidian Dragon King!"
  :. :
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