Chapter 1803: Praise the stars

  The sun of the star system where the water blue star is located is in the middle age.
   is only 4.6 billion years old, and he still has at least 5 billion to 6 billion years old to live.
   is a perfect sphere combined with a thermal ion and a magnetic field.
   His size is 1.3 million times that of Blue Star!
  'S size makes the Beni spaceship far away from the other party, and the view has been occupied by the majestic light and shadow of the sun.
  The outer shell of the spaceship Benri emits a faint blue light, and the faint and direct light and heat interlace and merge.
   "Really great creation."
   "My Lord can create such a majestic world and praise my Lord."
  A observatory, dressed in priest's robe, Fr. Ashuram, straightened his waist and looked directly at the solar body outside without protective glasses.
   He shed tears of blood because of eye pain, and praised the Lord.
  After all, according to the holy Lord classics, everything was created by the supreme noble.
  Sun is no exception.
  At the moment of looking at the sun, the young priest's faith became stronger.
Near Father Ashuram.
  Ampecoff wore sunglasses-like protective glasses and looked at the sun body with curiosity.
   He could feel it. His heart was shocked by the wonder, and the gods in his body seemed to be trembling and moving.
   Indistinctly, Ampangfu was given the illusion that he would wait for his own to escalate.
   It was just that he watched the sun for an afternoon, and when he had dinner, he still didn't get through the upgrade of the gods. He could only shake his head regretfully, preparing to wait again.
   In the extraordinary living area.
  The Qingyun Jianxian who is invisible to others is in the room.
  Xiao Yu crossed his knees on the bed, his body slightly gleaming with light sunlight.
   Under the sunshine, the temperature in this room has been as high as sixty degrees.
   However, Xiao Yu did not feel any discomfort, but felt that he was almost adapted to the power of the sun at this distance.
   He summoned all the world wonders, and activated the useful artifacts and all kinds of wonders.
   After being fully prepared.
   Xiao Yu then placed his hands on Dantian and sipped:
   "Open your eyes!"
   Drinking more than just a sip.
  Benri spacecraft suddenly appeared a transparent magic circle that ordinary people can't see, and then... Xiao Yu's morning star fascination slowly rose from it, and then his eyelids opened slowly, looking at the sun.
   At the same time, Morningstar's wizard-level perception dissolved into this line of sight and rushed towards the sun.
   Xiao Yu became the first human ever to attempt to truly sense the sun!
  In an instant!
   Xiao Yu saw a golden world unfolding towards his vision.
   Stacked layer by layer, it is the carnival of energy, everything in high temperature, and the mystery of time and space in the extreme environment.
   and... the secret of the void!
   Yes, the void!
   In the depths of the sun, in the blink of an eye of countless sunspot explosions, there are countless void cracks opening and closing quickly.
   is like...the omnipresent void, in this way, stealing part of the energy of the solar nuclear reaction.
   The energy stolen from the void is insignificant compared to the light and heat released by the sun at the same time.
   But Xiao Yu could feel that the void really stole some energy.
  He couldn't help moving, secretly guessing whether the energy from the stars was the opportunity and growth food for the first void creatures?
   After all, the void itself should have nothing, no entity, and no energy.
   is totally unreal, and should not even appear in this world.
   Then the question came.
  Xiao Yu looked at the void cracks that had stolen the power of the sun and secretly asked:
   "Is this the operation rule of the void itself, or... Is this some kind of rule that exists to make the void creature use the void to change?"
   "Considering the transcendental beam, it is very likely to use the characteristics of the void to implement the curvature navigation of ultra-long distance space-time transmission."
   "The rule of stealing stellar energy from the void is very likely... artificial!"
   Xiao Yu's cautious mind complements the worst result, and the more he thinks, the more likely he is.
   Moreover, look at the sun in front of him so great that his mind is shaken.
   Apart from the magic and greatness of creation.
Xiao Yu even thought of it. Such a great sun, which is one million times larger than the water blue star, is actually placed under the background of the starry sky. It is just an insignificant little star, even if it is wise in most star fields. For life, the observatory they built has a high probability of not noticing the sun.
   It's so unremarkable and ordinary.
  The star system where the water blue star is located is, in the final analysis, just outside the bank system, in an interstellar cloud in a bubble zone on the edge of the Orion arm.
  Using the city as a metaphor, it means that it is close to the no man's land outside the tenth ring road of a small third-tier county.
  Yes, the third-tier small county, which is the position of the Milky Way galaxy where the Blue Star is located under the cosmic sky.
   Under the stars, much larger than the Milky Way, much more magnificent galaxies... abound!
   "Compared to the vast universe."
   "My small they are."
   "After I became a wizard of the Morning Star, I swelled for a while."
   "Oh, thanks to coming to Japan this time."
   "Witness the greatness of the starry sky and understand how small I am today."
   "This trip is already worthwhile!"
  Mumbling to himself, Xiao Yu felt his image of the Emperor of Heaven. At that moment, he was more solidified. Many places were sublimated, and his temperament became more and more dusty.
   "Praise the starry sky!"
   "Would it be pity if I could not use it to understand the whole picture of the starry sky in my whole life?"
   "I, Xiao Yu, already have an extraordinary opportunity, so I must climb on the starry sky and see the different scenery!"
  Facing the sun and facing the starry sky, Xiao Yu felt a great aspiration.
   Suddenly, he only felt that his consciousness became clearer.
   In the sea of ​​consciousness.
   A faint ghost image of a miniature solar system checkerboard astrology emerged.
in a blink.
  The other four great beasts, Xiaobai, Rhubarb, Andes and Lizard, who were far away from them, also had huge shocks in their bodies and felt some kind of hindrance. Suddenly they were broken open layer by layer.
   And the three goddesses who presided over the big picture in the villain.
   also moved their hearts one after another, felt the strange changes in their bodies, and immediately thought that this must be related to the Lord.
  Because of this unclear and unclear change, intuition is a good thing. The three goddesses did not worry about Xiao Yu, but they were curious that their Lord hadn’t shown his face for so long. Did they find something good?
  Isn't it, got a real artifact of the moon?
  The ancients said that once they got the way, chickens and dogs ascended to heaven.
   Obviously, with Xiao Yu enlightened.
   The gods and beasts of his contract, and the goddesses of endorsement, also received some benefits.
   For this, Xiao Yu couldn't help feeling distressed. I knew that there was still such a good thing. Before I came, I should contract more gods and beasts, more tune...cough, and cultivate more goddesses in order to lose money!
   withdrew from that mysterious and mysterious state of mind, Xiao Yu smiled softly, and secretly almost forgot the business.
   His heart moved.
   Suddenly, the world wonder obsidian coat of arms appeared three inches before the eyes.
  At the same time, the Fire Phoenix raised its head and swallowed this world wonder, and then sold a cute to Xiao Yu, then flew out into a red light.
  The next second, the captain of the command room heard a report from the staff at the bottom of the headset and twitched from the corner of his mouth.
   "Little Phoenix is ​​going out?"
   "He is going to face the sun at a negative distance?"
   Hearing the staff's report, the captain couldn't help shouting.
  'S voice immediately attracted the attention of those around him.
  Many experts pushed their glasses and touched some bald hair with a puzzled expression.
  What is the situation in this spaceship of the sun, someone is going to make negative contact with the sun?
  Is this a death?
   is the most advanced equipment of the spaceship Benri, and it is only for remote observation and experimentation across tens of millions of kilometers.
  Know that true sun exploration is much more dangerous than in many novels or animations.
   Don't think that the sun is just a big fireball with a spherical glow.
   In fact, this big fireball is not stable, but it is violent.
   There is a light spot on it from time to time. Every time the light spot appears, it means that the energy of at least 10 billion nuclear bomb explosions is concentrated in a certain area. The resulting various beams of light are enough to destroy all known equipment.
   In addition, there are terrifying solar winds rushing from the surface of the sun to outer space from time to time.
   The wind power of these solar winds can generally reach more than 10,000 times that of the strongest typhoon of Aquamarine.
   In the vicinity of Mercury, a distant distance dilutes the power of these solar winds, which also affects the electronic equipment in outer space a little.
   But at this distance today.
   If the spaceship Benri was blown into the air...then we can only hope that the extraordinary power is reliable.
   Anyway, relying on the technological level of the spaceship Benri itself, it can't stand.
   In addition, the sun as a star, the star's forced lattice...... Super gravitation still exists.
   is not in a specific area on a specific track.
   General matter is easily captured directly by its gravity and there is no chance of escape.
   "It, have you considered it?"
   The captain hesitated for a long time before he picked up the microphone again and asked.
   "It warned us, if we don't open the door yet, will break the door violently and leave."
   The voice of the staff who wanted to cry but did not dare to cry suddenly came from the headphones.
   Faced with the unreasonable demands of Little Phoenix, these staff members were wronged.
   "Infinite Heavenly Venerable."
  When the captain was in trouble, a commander suddenly appeared in the command room.
  The captain of the captain they all met when they boarded the ship. They were one of the twelve extraordinary people. They had a mysterious origin. They only knew that they were young talents of the Jindan school.
   looks young, but there is no such thing as to be able to despise the extraordinary ability to get a place to board the ship.
   "Phoenix family has different talents, the poor Dao believes that the friend will be safe and sound."
   This person's voice is very nice, so that everyone around him is like a spring breeze.
  The captain's nervous body also relaxed.
   looked at this elegant young Taoist.
   He nodded, picked up the microphone and gave the order to open the door.
  The staff at the bottom warehouse was relieved, and once again kindly reminded Little Phoenix.
  The staff hiding in the control room activated the hatch.
   Suddenly, the door that was originally used to drop the satellite around the sun opened early.
   Then a flicker of fire flew out of the spaceship Benri, and then circled around the spaceship Benyi. After helping Xiao Yu check that the spaceship was in order, he cheered and rushed towards the sun.
   Little Phoenix is ​​a high-level fire elemental life.
   For it, the living environment like the sun is full of unparalleled attraction.
   But there is one word.
   Even for elemental life like Little Phoenix, the sun is also full of danger.
  If it happens to hit the flare burst area, it will be destroyed by the pure energy of the violent energy.
   It is a terrifying power of nuclear fusion grade, and it can be maintained for a long time.
   is better than Mercury’s nuclear explosion.
  Xiao Yu watched the whereabouts of Little Phoenix, and at the same time gently waved his right hand, re-summoned the Daoist who ran to Huyou by the way to prove his presence.
   Then, the unnamed Taoist quietly closed his eyes, squatted in the corner motionless, and returned to the essence of the puppet.
   An hour later.
  Little Phoenix carried the obsidian coat of arms smoothly to the surface of the sun.
   At this moment, a flame of fire spewed out, carrying the solar wind like a super tsunami on the little Phoenix.
   makes this elemental creature whimper comfortably.
   feels that the fire element in the body is fully active, the Fire Phoenix has not forgotten his mission.
   It swooped into the sea of ​​fire on the surface of the sun, and after feeling a certain change in it, it opened its mouth with an obsidian coat of arms.
   Immediately, the world's wonder obsidian coat of arms revolved like a meteorite, and the plasma that penetrated through layers fell into the sun's constantly explosive ground.
  Leave away as Little Phoenix follows his nature.
   This area soon showed much more dazzling light.
   Apparently, another round of flare broke out here.
  The obsidian coat of arms also activated the ceremony at the same time.
   immediately enjoyed the gentle touch of an unprecedented explosion of tens of billions of nuclear fusion bombs.
   is also at this moment.
   opened the eyes of the Emperor Xiao Yu staring at this scene, a flash of throbbing flashed in his eyes.
  The world's wonder obsidian coat of arms... not overwhelmed by the power of the sun!
  It held up!
   Praise the stars!
   The power of the rules of the world's wonders, that is, the power of stars cannot be knocked down!
  This discovery made Xiao Yu a little excited.
  After all, when such a thing happens, it means hope, and it means that the grand grandeur he set up is willing to realize one day.
   Otherwise... The world wonders where the extraordinary world is almost on the regular ceiling are defeated by the power of What else can Xiao Yu rely on to challenge other celestial bodies that are far more powerful than the ordinary stars of the sun?
   That is not a challenge, it is to die!
   "I always thought that the wonders of the world might have been transformed by the real powerhouse."
   "After all, I have seen the pseudo-world wonders created by Chaos Demon Realm."
"Now it seems."
   "These world wonders...or these world wonders involving the power of rules, the person is one level higher than I thought!"
   "Wonder of the world, is it above the moon, the product of the wizard of the sun?"
   "The Wizard of the Sun, has mastered a certain degree of power to make rules?"
  Xiao Yu thought of some science fiction settings he had seen, and his brain was wide open.
   "Maybe, the villain itself is so strange and illogical, is it a change caused by a sun wizard forcibly changing the rules of that world?"
  Thinking of this, Xiao Yu felt that he couldn't think about it anymore.
   Otherwise, he will think of the vast sky, will there be other sun-level civilizations or extraordinary wizards still alive, even watching him quietly.
If this association continues, Xiao Yu is worried that he will lose his ambitions, and then spins to house it in the water blue star for thousands of thousands of years, and then takes the water blue star human civilization that has reached the limit to go out of the solar system... …
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