Chapter 1828: No grass grows

The light of peace turned into a meteor falling, striking the ground at an alarming speed.
Under the bang, the earth sags down, and a bottomless pit suddenly forms.
But this warhead broke the ground structure of the impact point with brute force, and went deeper and deeper into the ground!
The whole process may seem long, but it only takes a few seconds.
So much so that the consciousness of chaos dominating the continent has instinctively felt the danger, the mountains and rivers are moving around, the sky lightning and the storm are gathered to try to stop, but they are still a bit slow!
In the end, this cone of peace light projected to a depth of almost 30,000 meters in terms of the country, because it touched a thin film of black solution and then stopped.
Behind this film, it was filled with black strange substances, countless screaming, painful where the residual soul was.
It is the birthplace of chaotic bitter sea in a true sense.
It is also a containment area filled with chaotic mad consciousness.
This absolutely important area can be said to be the absolute forbidden area where this chaotic continent!
This consciousness did not expect that at this time today, it will be intruded and contacted by objects!
Even if it failed to break through, it also caused its absolute mad reaction.
Massive black bizarre substances that exist like entities are covered in the blink of an eye by the warhead, and the body itself.
Even this projectile, in the eyes of the villain, is equivalent to a huge metal fortress.
The consciousness of chaotic is also sure. You can break through the various magical defense arrays arranged on this metal object in one second, and then completely decompose this invading thing!
With the miraculous formations and witchcraft inscriptions of the miraculous city alchemists on the metal body, they were vulnerable to the consciousness of Chaos.
The trigger switch inside the Peace of Light projectile was activated.
This insignificant little switch based on the mechanical technology of modern civilization, but because it does not contain extraordinary reactions, on the contrary, it can always be ignored by the powerful people of the little country, and then pay a heavy price for this.
The mechanism is triggered, and the detonation program that has been set long ago is also activated.
In the depths of 30,000 meters underground where the chaos dominates the continent.
The biggest nuclear explosion ever appeared!
In an instant!
The whole chaos dominates the continent, as if celebrating the blooming of this flower of peace, shaking with excitement!
Some of them used too much force, which led to landslides, landslides, and so on.
The Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, because she had a deep understanding of Xiao Yu, the son of the gods, was prepared in advance, but was still amazed by the changes in the ground.
He knew that the son of God, Xiao Yu, had mastered an alchemy weapon that was not witchcraft at all, but was so powerful.
However, he thought that the power of the alchemy weapon that the Son of God used to destroy the secret realm was already its limit.
Why did you think that compared to the present big meal, the original one was not even the dessert before the meal!
At best, it is the addition to dessert!
The energy of the explosion of light of peace affected the entire chaotic world.
During the earthquake, it shattered and shattered, and the dark sky was even more chaotic.
The power generated by the explosion land also vaporized everything above it, rushed directly above the ground, and in an instant, broke through the sky!
When the white light dazzles and the light clusters that are more than a hundred times brighter than the usual sun rises.
The Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, teleported for the first time, and directly posted it to the highest position of this continent.
It is also here that Yulia, the Queen of the Abyss, felt the shock of the power of this alchemy weapon more deeply.
As the luminous mass covering the tens of thousands of meters at high altitude is still obscured by the front field of view, it seems to continue to explode and expand the expanding white luminous flux.
The dark chaotic bitter sea, at this moment the whole territory is shrouded in light.
It can be said that no matter where it is located on the mainland, whether it is the sea or the mountains in front of you, it can't block the explosive light cluster you see.
The light of peace provided by the city of miracles was reflected fairly and selflessly.
In addition, from this area of ​​the earth, from time to time, weak points blasted apart, and then the same dazzling white light emerged from it.
And the cloud of explosion and fire that is constantly rolling in the white light.
The earth is broken, and the sky is ringing the deafening song of peace.
In this accompaniment of singing.
The violent shock wave swept the entire chaotic continent in an instant.
Thousands of years of ancient remains and ruins remain on the ground.
At this moment was swept away.
The Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, also instinctively opened a crimson shield to block the shock wave.
Even if the distance from the explosion point is already at a straight distance, it is separated by thousands of miles in the eyes of the villain.
The Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, still felt the shock wave coming from the paving constantly washing her shield.
And, behind the shock wave, there was even a tumult of fire.
"Too...too wasteful!"
Such a storm lasted a whole number of ten seconds without stopping.
This caused the survivor Yulia, the survivor of the shield that was constantly shaking and shaking in this devastating storm, to stare deeply at the explosion point, and her eyes were shocked and puzzled:
"Especially in the center of the explosion, I can feel the energy intensity generated there... Even my body can't resist!"
"Why should we release so much power to affect the surrounding environment?"
"Even if the intensity of the destroyed area is enough, is it not good to increase the high-intensity coverage area?"
In the absence of information, it is difficult for the abyss queen Yulia to use extraordinary thinking to understand the thinking of scientific and technological civilization.
In fact, where does technological civilization want to not waste energy?
It really is... they really can't do it!
In this respect, Xiao Yu's my thinking skills had to be innovated in the framework of the predecessors, and miracles could be repaired.
It is impossible to achieve nothing, just rely on witchcraft to micro-manipulate the energy of the nuclear explosion and distribute it...
However, even if the light of peace appears to the Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, there is still something he thinks is confusing.
Used to play a fixed target, undoubtedly performed well enough!
In the area of ​​absolute destruction formed by the explosion of the light of peace.
The film that had blocked the warhead even struggled for a while, and could not fly until it was delayed.
The origin of chaotic bitter sea evaporates instantly.
Hundreds of millions of remnant souls suffering and suffering inside were also truly liberated at this moment!
The instinctive desire of Chaos to dominate consciousness has also been hit hard in this absolutely devastating area!
In fact, if the consciousness of chaotic and continental consciousness are combined into one, it has been formed that it is chaos dominating the continent itself!
I'm afraid this moment ~ ~ it will also collapse!
"Chaos is over."
Even so, Yulia the Queen of the Abyss issued a positive prediction.
Because the Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, has discovered that the subsequent destruction of the alchemy weapon is still accelerating.
After the huge white luminous group is like a big bowl, it is very conspicuous, it is locked in the central position of the mainland and finally does not continue to expand.
The exploding fire cloud overflowing in the light group, like the great flood, spewed out, as if to sweep across the continent!
In addition, as the explosion appeared, the surrounding area became a spell area where multiple curses should be superimposed.
This made Yulia the Queen of the Abyss doubtful.
In this way, even if chaos dominates the continent and is not completely destroyed, it will fall apart.
It’s also a matter of not being able to grow into a desperate place!
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