Chapter 1875: volcanic

The kindness and might of Yanhuang civilization.
The top of the home star was shocked.
Especially after elaborating the details of the conversation from Ellia's mouth.
Congressman Black and others have also keenly discovered that the great Yanhuang civilization did not disrupt the tribal human order or other additional conditions.
In this way, they are fully able to reach a new world and start a new life.
As long as the system is not chaotic, they believe that under their powerful wrists, the original order will not be greatly damaged.
They can still retain most of their power position.
As a result, they did not say how hard they were to make the big migration happen, at least they did not add chaos.
Let these guys not add chaos, this is also Xiao Yu's request to the elite class of the Sanmu tribe.
As for the power and wealth in the hands of these guys...
Eh... Let's not say that Xiao Yu feels that he has already been compared to these mortals, has become extraordinary, and has lost sight of these mortals.
It was Xiao Yu who suddenly got up and thought that he would take it and be His Majesty the emperor of the trio.
Just ask, what tribes who have settled in Guwaxing, what can they do to block their demands?
That is to say, whoever approves and who disapprove of the estimate will become.
With the end of an emergency meeting.
The enlarged national meeting was held.
An hour later, as the meeting closed, a shocking news swept all the social circles.
On this day, all Sanmu people learned how cruel the home star is currently.
They only knew that the original inventory had been destroyed, and various natural disasters would become more and more terrible and terrifying.
If they don’t leave their home star, they can’t even support it for half a year!
When I saw this, a lot of social groups with viable tribes began to gather people, planning to take advantage of the chaos, maybe they would have a chance to get tickets for the shelter.
But, waiting for the news to be sent out, these people saw the post, and found that their high-level tribal seniors had hooked up with the extraordinary power that had come to warn!
And really got the assistance to deal with it, was allowed to go to the new world.
And, it's not like in the novels and movies that only lucky ones can get out.
The Yanhuang civilization is very generous and promises to allow the Sanmu people to migrate to the new world.
As a result, the largest migration plan in the history of the Sanmu tribe is about to start.
All Sanmu people will be mobilized.
All factory equipment, scientific data, and humanities collections will be packed and taken away.
In the mouth of the speaker of Yizheng.
Action should be as soon as possible.
Because every day slower, there will be one more point of danger, and more countless compatriots will die in a deteriorating environment!
After a formal order was issued, the whole nation was in an uproar, and then they were busy.
With the city on the Great Plains in the middle of the mainland, the news that Bhopal City was designated as an evacuation point was officially announced.
The largest migration wave in the history of the Sanmu tribe broke out.
Thousands of people use different methods to move toward the central area of ​​the continent.
It is also due to the fact that the Sanmu tribe has entered the era of informatization, and the alliance's official control is also okay.
This did not cause any humanitarian disaster during the migration process.
Only, even so.
The whole process was frequently accidental, and the schedules made by the experts were constantly disrupted and redone.
As a result, the entire management team of the alliance worked continuously overnight under tremendous pressure and exerted great efficiency.
Mr. Black, who had to deal with affairs, was a little surprised.
Unexpectedly, under pressure, they can still squeeze out so much potential!
Of course they did not know that Xiao Yu did not want the Sanmu tribe to lose too much, especially the tech elite among them, but also the baby in Xiao Yu's eyes.
Therefore, taking advantage of the incarnation of the greedy person to provide reiki to these lawmakers who deal with affairs in the city of Montaque, Xiao Yu directed Ying Ling to give them a little help and brushed dozens of beneficial states.
Even if an ordinary trinocular man is thrown up, he can cope with high-intensity mental work.
The night passed quickly in a busy day, and the day came.
After processing an expedited report, Mr. Black found that no new expedited report appeared, and he could not help but take a breath.
"Is it daytime?"
Mr. Black looked at the window and saw the blue sky and white clouds outside. He could not help feeling that he was relaxed and relaxed a lot.
Then, Congressman Black remembered Bishop Ellia.
This young girl, who can be called the savior of the Sanmu tribe, seems to have left the city of Montech to help protect a number of important cultural relics?
She should be fine?
"Alas, Bishop Ellia is certainly safe, but the Pobala Volcano... if it erupted before the migration was completed, it would be bad."
"Congressman Black!"
Just when Congressman Black felt a little worried about the analysis of the trend of the Pobala volcano I saw last night.
Suddenly, an anxious voice came from the communication equipment:
"The Speaker convened an emergency meeting, which was related to Pobala!"
Mr. Black's heart throbbed, and there was a fate that tricked the illusion of their trio.
On a highway leading to the evacuation point.
Six twelve large trucks lined up in two rows and galloped forward.
Behind this large truck, followed by thousands of large and small private vehicles, followed immediately to the evacuation point.
"Oh, these people, I heard that Bishop Elliar is also in the team, and they all followed."
In the carriage of the foremost truck.
Several priests of the Church of the Holy Mother and Aaliyah whispered while checking the goods.
"It's not that there are rumors in the north, some convoys have been attacked by demons, and there are no bones left!"
"So those people also want a security."
A priest explained to the civilian vehicle behind him.
Bishop Aliyah frowned slightly when she heard this.
In fact, she also heard about several demons attacking the convoy, and she couldn't rest assured that she ran to protect the convoy.
However, as Airlia arrived at the team and started working.
Because of Ellia's noble status, a lot of information was handed over to the Parliament.
This allows Airlia to understand that the team was not attacked as rumored.
One third of them are related to sudden natural disasters, such as earthquakes, such as being hit by a tornado and flying into the sky.
The rest is basically.
Even if the official has repeatedly ensured that everyone can go to the new world, at the same time, it shows that the order is still in the hands of the alliance, and all criminal acts will be punished, even if it is in the new world, it will be traced back.
However, human nature is evil, and at the right time, there are still three-eyed people who take risks in order to obtain benefits.
Especially when it comes to precious metals.
In today's tribal society, everyone tends to believe that after the migration of the established system, the original currency valuation will be very problematic.
But precious metals are naturally currencies, and even in the new world, they still have great value.
And the three-eyed person who carries enough precious metals may take this opportunity to climb up to become a new upstart!
This fact makes Airia a little sick.
Hearing what the assistants were talking about now, Aaliyah thought of it, but he was not willing to say it.
I am willing to believe that the devil did it, but it's actually very good...
"Master Bishop, look, we have entered the range of the Pobala Volcano. There has just been a volcanic eruption in the vicinity, and it has been scorched everywhere. It is really miserable."
In the compartment, a female assistant suddenly turned on the projection, projecting a picture of the ground raged by volcanic lava outside the convoy.
At the same time, the carriage began to shake violently.
However, although this highway was repaired urgently, it was hit by a volcanic rain.
"That's the highest peak, Pobala?"
Airia turned her head to look at the projection screen, and saw the magnificent and sacred mountain standing in the projection between heaven and earth.
With the Pobala volcano as the top, the mountain range it spreads across, it even spans the east and west sides of the entire continent.
It wasn't until the Sanmu tribe entered the industrial age that they really overcame this mountain range, opened a tunnel, and connected each other.
"It is rumored that the Pobala volcano is becoming more and more active...I only hope it will erupt again after we leave."
Ellia whispered piously, somehow, after entering this area.
She became uneasy and even scared.
Ellia could not help but remind the team to be careful of this area.
Suddenly, the team's management did not dare to neglect it, and did not care about the bumps and uncomfortableness, and immediately let the team speed through.
The team just started accelerating, but Ellia was shocked and immediately shouted:
"Wait... there is danger ahead!"
"Stop! Stop!"
Ellia's warning shocked the assistants around.
Then, the old drivers in the car were forced, but they still obeyed the order.
The team began to stop slowly.
Just stopped, on the road ahead, a large plot suddenly started to rise and fall.
Then, a large group of black mist rose into the sky, and in an instant, filled the front of the team.
In the dark mist, the roaring and screaming of the monsters kept coming, making everyone in the convoy pale and sweating.
"Demon, there is really a demon attacking us!"
Many people remembered a certain rumor and exclaimed in exclamation.
This is also the time.
A loud noise like thunder came from the black mist.
The roar carried a terrifying mental shock.
With the exception of Airlia who could barely resist, the others were so frightened that they were in the car and lost control of their bodies.
The atmosphere of despair filled the team at once.
Aaliyah gritted her teeth and moved herself, leaving the car, climbing to the top of the car, and then opening her hands to the black mist as the tradition learned, and silently chanting a spell in her mouth.
It's just that there is no Reiki assistance in this area.
Ellia’s spell is undoubtedly useless.
This made Aeliya's beautiful cheeks also flash a sense of powerlessness.
In the black mist, a pair of black mist lingered, and you could vaguely see that the arms covered with black scales stretched out and smashed through the highway floor.
Immediately, the head of the monster with its head larger than the front of the truck extended out of the black mist.
This is from the super-large filthy World of Warcraft in Martians.
Relying on the binge eating talent, the adult body can be as amazing as a hill.
After being released by Xiao Yu, this monster was enough to resist the attacks of most modern weapons.
Coupled with the pollution characteristics of the power of filth, it is no exaggeration for one person to sweep an army.
The overall combat power is definitely above the legendary peak in the villain.
If it is a frontal battlefield, it can even be equivalent to those large-scale Warcraft in the morning star.
When the gluttonous goblin just stretched out his head and his neck was still stuck in the dark mist.
Outside the field of vision, more than ten air-to-ground missiles landed on it and made a harsh explosion!
The sound wave of the explosion made the team members close to cover their ears instinctively.
Before the exploding firework dissipated, the monster rushed out of the firework unscathed and roared at the enemies that could not be seen in the distance.
Ellia also saw the original face of the Gluttonous Goblin.
It is like a human with four arms and four legs, but likes to walk.
Unspeakable weird, evil.
After rushing out of the bulimian golem, instead of heading towards the nearest convoy, it rushed straight to the Pobala volcano.
This scene made Airlia stunned slightly, and was immediately shocked.
"not good!"
"The target of these demons... is Pobala!"
Ellia shouted at the same time.
News of the demon appeared in the crater that had been closely monitored for a long time, and it was also informed to the Parliament as quickly as possible.
Afterwards, the seniors of the Sanmu tribe also saw the demons of Pobara Crater through satellites and high-altitude reconnaissance planes for the first time.
Although I don't know what these demons are going to do.
But instinctively, everyone judged that they...must not have good intentions!
"Quickly stop this demon!"
"What about nuclear bombs?"
"What about sunglasses beam cannons?"
"Quick, stop these demons!"
The MPs shouted loudly The Speaker also decisively ordered at all costs.
Anyway, although the gluttonous statue moved a bit strangely, it ran really fast enough!
Moreover, thousands of flying monsters flew out of the black mist.
These monsters also put their targets in the crater.
Compared to these monster seas.
The firepower of the Sanmu tribe in the vicinity of the volcano is nothing but a lot of money.
Soon, these monsters broke through the defense line and climbed to the crater of the highest peak.
Then, under the gaze of the Sanmu tribe.
The son of gluttony spouted a black light and entered the crater.
At the same time, the flying monsters, like moths, fluttered into the crater. @B
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