Chapter 1913: Black Lion Country

Xiao Yu became more curious about Robert I's hometown.
But because of the appearance of world wonders, another bold guess flashed in my heart.
That is the solar system where Robert I was, maybe the same as the solar system where the trinoculars are, but only an independent secret area that was cut apart.
This is evident from the planet that Robert I mentioned about them.
Plus the appearance of world wonders.
This possibility is undoubtedly greatly increased.
I just don't know, is there a giant body lying in the sun of the star system where Robert I was?
Xiao Yu told Hain Wizard to go back to the prefecture to continue studying and being studied.
Then, he looked at Freya.
Freya was stared at by Xiao Yu's eyes, her body trembling with an involuntary request, her face even showing a fearful expression.
Xiao Yu looked at Freya's rich micro-expressions, and the corner of his mouth twitched:
"Anyway, it is also the embodiment of the Queen of the Abyss, Yulia. Don't be so helpless."
"My lovely maid, how do I call you, Ms. Freya, or... the queen?"
Freya blinked innocently, and her expression slowly became calm and indifferent.
She seemed to confirm that the title she just spoken was not Xiao Yu deliberately defrauding her, but that she really discovered her hidden identity, and she could not help being cold.
"Son of God, how did you discover my true identity?"
"Even if I behaved a little differently, I can't rule out the incarnation of a big man among other forces."
"I said it was intuitive, do you believe it?"
Xiao Yu heard Freya looking at her temperament becoming cold, and honestly said:
"Abyss and I are also old friends."
"When you just came out of the secret realm of the Earth Mansion and saw this endless starry sky, I heard the loud noise from your inner source."
"It just so happened that I only heard this loud noise in the abyss consciousness."
Freya was stunned.
She did not expect that she ended up betraying her.
But soon she was relieved again, starting from being suspected by the Son of God, her final identity was destined to be exposed.
It's just a little bit ahead of time.
The most important thing is that I also want to drop by this huge world, and see what is the difference between myself and the real Huiyue?
Freya glanced across the starry sky on the horizon.
Apart from being amazing, Freya also understood where she was from Yan Yan Giant.
World environment!
Only the world environment of the Yanhuang Giant... can we really cultivate the wizard of Huiyue?
The world environment in time and space will never get stuck in the last step!
At this moment, Freya even realized her predecessor, the night goddess was so well prepared, and even had the protection of the six angel kings, but the result was still a failure, the reason why she had to be transformed into the abyss.
It is a pity that the time and space gate of the Yan and Huang giants isolated her from the abyss.
Freya can't feed back these gains.
And these gains... From Freya's point of view, it's already worth it. Even if you die for this, it's worthwhile to gain from this trip!
That is, it would be a bit difficult to go back.
However, Yulia, my queen of the abyss, has long been aware of this in advance!
So before I came, I actually changed positions with the avatar, and now I am the Queen of the Abyss, Yulia!
Even if I can't give feedback, I have seen Huiyue's path.
Even if I lost contact with the abyss, I could also grasp the origin of Huiyue!
So, I thought it was just the Son of God who I am incarnate, hurry up and imprison me, torture me or want to squeeze out my knowledge, whatever you want...
I just need to be patient and wait until I have completely digested the knowledge I have learned and completed the transformation of my soul, and I can give you a big surprise!
Freya thought she was in an invincible position, nibbling her red lips and looking up at the face of the Son of God who leaned over.
She said indifferently:
"I am indeed the incarnation of the abyss, so how are you going to deal with me, Son of God?"
"Capture me and get the secret of the Queen of the Abyss?"
"Still, prepare to melt me..."
Freya was talking, but Xiao Yu leaned closer to her face, and then felt the heat from the nostrils of the Son of God.
Freya heard a voice that puzzled her:
"Hehehe, you are a member of the talented maid group. Your future right hand is yours!"
"I, how could I treat you like this?"
Xiao Yu shook his head and denied Freya's blind guess.
"Sign a contract with me, I help you this avatar to become the goddess of the new world."
"Are you crazy?"
Freya stared at Xiao Yu incredulously:
"I'm the embodiment of Yulia, Queen of the Abyss!"
"Do you think that after I become a goddess, I will take orders from you?"
"Don't forget, the divine power is nothing in front of the abyss!"
"I know."
Xiao Yu nodded, then smiled evilly:
"But now you are not the incarnation of the Queen of the Abyss?"
"In this world, you have lost the care of the abyss and everything, haven't you?"
"Now you are a gifted wizard."
Was awoken by Xiao Yu.
Freya shook her body, realizing that she really could not get all the blessings of the abyss.
In a sense, the Son of God is right.
She is now just a talented sorceress.
Even if the combat experience is rich and the skills are amazing, the comprehensive combat power will not win a legendary extraordinary.
All she can rely on...there is only a strong soul.
Thinking about the origin of my soul.
Freya restored her confidence.
However, she has a lot of acting skills, but still a little scared.
"Try it, how about being my goddess?"
"Maybe you will feel good?"
Xiao Yu took out a piece of parchment and slowly placed it in front of Freya.
This is a deity contract produced by the Lord God from the Pantheon.
"And, this should also be the only way you can go back to the world of space and time, and feedback your gains to your ontology."
"I am very generous to my goddess. You should be able to see from the goddess of the moon."
An example of Xiao Yu.
Freya believed it.
The goddess of the moon, Fiya, the goddess of war, Morrigan, and the goddess of war, Alice.
Each of these three goddesses can make the envy of the gods of the Pantheon tremble with hands and feet, cold and eyes.
The generosity of the Son of God to his own people is indeed obvious to all.
It's just... wait, why do I think about the advantages of this Son of God?
Freyya had a meal in her heart, and immediately found a reason for her own thinking.
Finally saw Huiyue Avenue, if you can't walk around for yourself, will you regret it for life?
For Huiyue!
It is worth the endurance now!
Freya sighed,
She flew up, approaching the parchment that was several times larger than her body, and at the signature place, Long Feifeng signed her real name.
The parchment contract shines golden.
As Xiao Yu and Freya appeared a thin golden line connected through the void.
The contract is true!
Xiao Yu became a spokesperson for Freya!
And will not be resisted by Freya, the original god!
"Huh, after all, it's super cute."
"Do you think such a contract can hold me?"
After the contract is completed.
Freya was relieved in her heart.
Feeling the full version of the contract, the abyss queen Yulia secretly laughed in her heart that Xiao Yu was too young.
Do you really think that all the contents of the contract can be realized?
Not to mention that many provisions can actually be circumvented by various means.
The origin of a soul like He is actually the existence of a half-step brilliant moon.
It also has the ability to pay a certain price and forcibly destroy the contract!
Yulia, the Queen of the Abyss, couldn't help but look forward to, after he stepped into Huiyue, he released the contract restrictions at a critical moment.
What a wonderful expression on the face of the Son of God who has been fearless?
The careful thought of Yulia, Queen of the Abyss.
Xiao Yu didn't know.
In fact, he always thought that Freya was still the incarnation of the Queen of the Abyss, at most it was a little special, an important incarnation of independent thinking.
Of course, caution is like Xiao Yu.
Naturally, the hope of controlling Freya has not been completely pinned on the deed of covenant.
What Xiao Yu expected was the powerful belief power of hundreds of millions of compatriots on the entire Blue Star.
Therefore, Xiao Yu prepared a special goddess for Freya to inherit.
Moreover, Xiao Yu is also prepared, if the special personality can not subtly affect Freya.
Then you can't make Freya stronger.
Aqua Blue Star.
A black lion country located between Europa and the eastern mainland.
The whole country is in anxiety.
In those days, the Wushi Country was also considered a regional power.
Awed by Europa is called the whip of the Lord.
Whipped Europa every moment, so that the Europa people were so distressed that they had to open the era of the great voyage to find another way of business.
Fortunately, there is a country with the shield of the Holy Lord, otherwise the sense of existence of the Wushi country in the history books of the major forces should still be able to accumulate a bit.
However, as the artillery and machine guns destroyed the knighthood, the Wushi Kingdom was declining.
Wait until you enter the information age.
Wu Shiguo was ridiculed by a group of people for the junior Husky.
Citigroup, Europa, and even Mosca all put a foot on it and drew blood if they could.
The people of the Wushi Kingdom, who are addicted to their dreams of being a great country, wake up and can’t help but be furious!
However, times have changed.
No matter how furious or furious, it can't change the state's decline, and the sense of existence tends to decrease.
In particular, the age of extraordinary manifestation is coming.
Seeing that all ancient civilizations have extraordinary powers.
Even the rest country, although the local supernatural powers fell, was blessed by the goddess of the moon, but it was also blessed by the disaster. It was said that the goddess of the moon sect was stationed, and there was also a moon city that was strongly supported by the union of the faces.
Even if the city is out of the control of the rest country, it does not even need to pay taxes.
Only so many people and materials have to pass through the ports and cities of the rest countries, which has brought great benefits to the rest.
The high-level officials of the Wushi Country were very jealous.
In the mysterious conference held in the city of the Holy Lord, the Wushi Kingdom closed at the conference, and the major forces began to come up with good things for mass production. They realized that there are still such things in the world Things happen.
This gave the Wushi country a great sense of crisis.
After the establishment of human unity.
The senior leaders of the Wushi country had intended to take the opportunity to perform well and show their superior capabilities as a regional power.
Unexpectedly, with all his efforts, the Wushi country just got an ordinary seat in the joint human meeting and got a few insignificant positions.
Wushi country is naturally dissatisfied.
Only, facing the other party's question:
Do you have extraordinary support?
Do you have indispensable resources?
Does your country have the essential high-tech technology?
What? Nothing at all?
Why don't you accept it?
Just because you are a junior high school husky?
Wake up, it’s the era of human unity, in this era of hooligans, it will really be beaten!
In front of the extraordinary, the nuclear bomb is almost out of date.
Now the most diligent weapon system everyone talks about is the moon cannon on the moon.
Although they haven't experimented yet, the experts are already convinced that the power of the shells fired by this moon cannon will far exceed that of Great Blue Ivan, which was once tested by Water Blue Star.
If you really encounter a villainous alien invasion of the solar system.
It is likely that this cannon is the only weapon that has a chance to break through.
After the Wushi Kingdom hit the wall everywhere, it gradually sobered up.
The whole people began to set off a wave of spiritual practice, and a wave of searching for extraordinary.
They wondered that they are also an ancient power with a long history.
The land underfoot is also one of the earliest civilizations.
It was the extraordinary forces that were cut off for various reasons.
Shouldn't... nothing left?
Their black lion country, must, must also have an extraordinary existence!
Wushi Country, an island off the coast.
Even in the middle of the night, the island was still brightly lit, and the sound of laughter and curse was heard from time to time.
Relying on the land, there are many ancient city ruins thousands of years ago, and even the remains of unknown temples.
In the past two years, the tourism industry of Wushi Country has been so tarnished that it has developed extremely fast.
This small-scale offshore island is because an unknown temple was unearthed, and was invested by a tycoon, developed as a tourist attraction, and built a hotel on it.
In the hotel.
Su Ke, a young man from a wealthy family from the capital of Wushi, is studying a parchment map on his desktop with his friend Akjoel in his luxurious bedroom.
It is different from Su Ke, who is adventurous or a little bit in the second place.
Akjoel is more cautious and has some inexplicable concerns about Su Ke's adventure game.
" Have you really been scammed this time?"
"Oh, rest assured, this time I found someone to analyze the composition of parchment paper, it is a real antiquities!"
Su Ke smiled and showed a pair of white teeth, and stretched out his right hand to pat Akyol.
"We have to speed up and find the extraordinary heritage before the official response comes!"
"I, Su Ke, can't wait to become a transcendent and save this filthy world!"
Akjoel wriggled his mouth, and finally did not say the next sentence:
Master Su Ke, the temple on this island is clearly fake, okay!
Speaking of which, the engineering team that built this fake ruin is still in the company of the master!
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