Chapter 1941: Nothing is constant

What do you understand?
The guardian spirit in the ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon felt for a moment that the obsidian giant in front of him was a bit similar to his great master.
Soon, it quickly forgot this bold idea, and continued to control the ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon according to the rules.
"Do you want to fight?"
"Alright, cry to you, and then turn the creators upside down!"
Xiao Yu smiled, holding the spear of killing God and the sword of the Hope Angel King, and collided with the ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon again.
Powerful shock waves continue to be uploaded from the dark clouds.
It attracted the extraordinary people who were in the logistics to be stunned one by one.
Even the power of the forbidden-level forces who have dealt with the abyss has vaguely noticed that the fluctuations above the dark clouds contain the mighty power from the abyss.
They could not help thinking of the sword of hope angel king who fell into the hands of the Son of God.
Someone could not help but shocked the tiger's body, guessing the possibility that the Son of God had conquered this abyssal soldier.
However, how could the abyssal soldier be subdued and used by non-abyssal forces?
This is not an abyss!
Unless...the Son of God still has a way to borrow the power of the abyss?
Reminiscent of the abnormality of Yulia the Queen of the Abyss during this time.
There is a great sense that I may have found the truth hidden under the calm lake.
Deep in the steel forest.
Near the Steel Palace, the aftermath of the war has begun to spread here.
Thoughts from the creators emerged from wave to wave, and then tore the space to invade the invaders.
The steel giants who have strengthened the boarding of the creator family are also in front of the Huiyue Divine Soldier, one by one collapsed into ruins.
Although the crystal warships are powerful, they can compete with one hundred.
However, casualties gradually appeared in the war of attrition.
With the gradual demise of the steel giants, the supreme princes who took the time to hold the Moonlight Soldiers accelerated this trend.
In the steel palace, the deputy chief of the creator family snorted:
"A group of ants relying on the inferior Huiyue Shenbing, let me see you, what is the real Huiyue Shenbing!"
The patriarch sounded thunderously and resounded through the battlefield.
Although many supremes were not angry, they did not refute each other.
It is true that all the moonlighting soldiers of the territorial powers are forbidden.
In the final analysis, it is just a singular thing that uses the organs of the moonlighting as raw materials and then refined by the methods of the Morning Star wizards.
It can be regarded as a semi-finished product made with the use of regular materials plus introductory techniques.
It's not an exaggeration to say fake production.
Of course, the premise is that the other party really owns the Bright Moon Divine Soldier made by the Bright Moon Wizard using the Bright Moon technology plus the Bright Moon material.
Otherwise, who is better than anyone among the major forces?
A bright golden light suddenly appeared in the steel palace.
Indistinctly, it seems that there is a phantom of the sun rising from the back of the palace, just like the rising of the sunrise.
In this round of daylight, the Supreme People stopped.
It was not shocked, or controlled by the other party.
It's just because the other party's momentum is very scary, so that these supremes are worried, no one is willing to come forward as a cannon fodder.
The phantom of the sun behind the steel palace flashed away, leaving only a golden sun wheel, hovering in the air.
The shape of this golden sun wheel is beautiful and beautiful, with many extremely complex inscriptions engraved on the surface.
The strokes of each of these words are more than one hundred strokes. At first glance, the Morning Star Wizard will have a big head.
The supremes looked a few more times, and they couldn't stop trembling and buzzing in their heads.
The appearance of the Japanese wheel also moved Xiao Yu's heart above the dark clouds.
After slashing with a sword and flying a dragon head, he looked at the ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon in front of him and said lightly:
"It seems that the creators' cards turned over."
"So, I can't continue playing with you."
Xiao Yu said, the spear of the god-killer in the left hand gleamed with gold.
A distant horn sounded like it sounded from the sky, but it quickly enveloped the airspace around the ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon.
The whole space trembled.
The three dragon heads of the ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon suddenly stiffened.
Immediately, starting from the head, this ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon began to petrify and turned into a giant stone sculpture that can be suspended in the sky.
It's just that there is a golden spear in the belly of the stone carving.
Xiao Yu glanced at the stone carving, smiled lightly, and turned to leave.
While the figure disappeared above the dark clouds, it also left a self-talk:
"You just kept your hands..."
"It seems that the great power of time can gradually bring about a magical change in the layout of the Wizard of the Moon."
The stone sculpture of the ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon was silent for a long time, and the voice of the guardian spirit was not heard until there was no attention around.
"Nothing in this world can be immutable forever."
"If Huiyue is so, so am I..."
The sound was very small, and soon it was completely silent above the dark clouds.
Under the dark clouds.
The sun of the creators came out.
The form began to change.
Many supremes have stepped back step by step under tremendous pressure.
The Bright Moon Divine Soldiers in their hands are shaking and in fear.
Very powerful, at this time can not play 50%.
In addition, there are several undead lords from the Canyon of the Dead, who have been hit hard by looking directly at the sun wheel before they even shot!
Had to withdraw from the battlefield in advance.
Fortunately, this battle came from a coalition of major ground-level forces.
Otherwise, the gangsters of the Canyon of the Dead, I'm afraid they will all be here now.
The shadow supreme people of the shadow world, one by one old tycoons have saved them, otherwise, if they look directly at the sun wheel, their attributes will also be almost the same.
This is when the major powers are in a dilemma.
Xiao Yu fell gently from above the black clouds.
At the moment of landing, Xiao Yu was caught between the sun wheel and the supreme men behind him with the body of his obsidian giant.
The huge back gives the supremes a sense of security all at once, and the fear of the Moonlight Soldiers has been reduced a lot.
The strength that can be exerted has been restored from 50% to 70%.
The sun wheel behind the steel palace, after Xiao Yu landed, the light erupted was even stronger.
Even in the airspace affected by it, a group of searing flames of fire burst into the obsidian giant transformed by Xiao Yu.
However, the Obsidian giant is not afraid of the real sun, and naturally it is not afraid of this evolved tongue.
Xiao Yu waved his hands and flicked out his tongue, looking at the sun wheel in the air, revealing such an expression:
"Is this the original card of the creator family? A real Moonlight Soldier!"
"It's just that this Bright Moon Divine Soldier, like the ultimate phantom silver three-headed dragon, doesn't belong to your creator family."
Speaking of which, Xiao Yu began to step forward.
In the steel palace, the voice of the deputy patriarch shouted:
"Despicable giant! We are the only legal successor here, accept the anger from the real Moonlight Soldier..."
With the emergence of new extraordinary waves in the steel palace.
With the ruby ​​boarding of the vice-patriarch cracked.
A golden flame appeared in the hollow of the sun wheel behind the palace.
The flame color is like gold in the sun.
When it appeared, it made the supreme people all around feel terrified.
The Supreme in the Shadow World even issued a warning to remind everyone:
"Attention! The energy fluctuation contained in that flame exceeds the mighty power of our shadow artifact!"
"I feel it too! My magic soldier is madly warning me to stay away from that flame!"
"Son of God, let's fight together!"
Some people suggested that more people start to prepare to become a qualified mana battery.
Xiao Yu smiled and suddenly raised his right hand and pointed at the steel palace and the sun wheel behind him.
The creators can see that this son of God just made a gesture and did not release any strong energy fluctuations.
The deputy patriarch hesitated, but still determined:
"It's just a bluff, continue to increase input, let the Japanese wheel destroy the flames of the world, and give the other party equal destruction!"
The sun wheel continued to rotate, and complex inscriptions and phantoms emerged from the sun wheel.
The flame in the hollow also changed from golden to platinum.
at last!
With the full support of the creator family, the white-gold flame saw that he would leave the sun wheel and rush towards Xiao Yu.
Those supreme men, also one by one with a solemn expression, ready to shoot!
Xiao Yu shot.
The world wonder starry night treasure tree appeared in this secret realm.
Under the dark clouds, it was instantly replaced by Haoyue.
In the moonlight, everything is still.
That's the real Moonlight Artifact, the sun wheel... also under the moonlight, solidified in time and space.
"World Wonders Starry Night Treasure Tree!"
"The Son of God actually used this world wonder here!"
"The forbidden enchantment of Starry Night Tree!"
"Huiyue Divine Soldier was also restricted..."
"We all have speculations about the priority of world wonders, which is higher than Huiyue."
"Unexpectedly, it's true... Even the real Moonlight Soldiers will be restricted by the wonders of the world!"
The supreme men suddenly realized that that round of Haoyue.
Immediately, they saw the obsidian giant transformed by Xiao Yu in the enchantment, and slowly moved.
They didn't think there was a problem.
Only the world wonders can fight against the world wonders.
If you want to move in the static enchantment of all things in the Starry Night Tree, you can only rely on your own world wonders to resist.
Considering that the Son of God can become the current Obsidian Giant, it is used in conjunction with a bunch of world wonders.
The supreme are numb.
Of course, after going back, they must remember to remind their companions to stand still in order to fight against the starry night tree.
Even if it is the most world wonder, it can be merged first.
"The creators should have world wonders?"
Suddenly, someone asked to be a blind spot and whispered.
"The world's wonders are naturally collected with the ability of the creators."
"But, as the spiritual state and creator identity of the creator family."
"Do you think that the creator family can be recognized by the world's wonders and integrate with it?"
This remark came out.
The supremes were slightly startled and figured out the joints.
Indeed it is!
These creators are actually creatures similar to the spirit created by Huiyue.
They no longer resemble intelligent life, and they can't change the foundation they were created.
There seems to be no similar examples in the intelligent life recognized by the world's wonders?
Under the moonlight.
A group of creators who realize that the sun wheel is also limited still have the ability to think.
However, they were limited in their mobility, and could only watch the obsidian giant Xiao Yu transformed into, and strode the meteor to their castle.
Then, he extended his big hand, and a huge silver hammer appeared in his hand.
A hammer fell quickly and smashed the steel palace in half!
In an instant, the gems of the countless creators were smashed into the ruins, life and death unknown.
In the breath, another hammer fell.
At this point, the steel palace disappeared in place.
The obsidian giant Xiao Yu transformed, but did not stop shooting, continued to dance the hammer, hammering the ruins again and again.
In the rubble, jewels smashed hard, the remnant souls of countless creators ran out instinctively.
As soon as they ran out, they were immediately sucked into Xiao Yu's bracelet by a force of suction.
Not in the area shrouded by moonlight.
It seems to be aware that the breath of a large number of creators has disappeared, and the ground here suddenly cracked, and a secret room entrance and exit appeared.
Inside, a ruby ​​spaceship with the fist size of a real-world adult flew out.
In this spaceship, there was a very strong mental power of mental fluctuation, attempting to directly impact the position of the starry night tree thrown by Xiao Yu, and end the static enchantment of all things.
Being able to use such means, it can be seen that the creator family in this ruby ​​spaceship is also an old monster.
This wave of thoughts was stopped by a unicorn demon in the protection of the king of all directions.
The unicorn king closed his eyes and gripped with one hand, but sucked all his thoughts into his palm, making him unable to get in.
"King of the Eight Directions! Do you really think we dare to calm down the chaotic realm?"
An angry voice came from the ruby ​​ship.
"I have heard this tone."
The king of all directions continued to close his eyes and said:
"You are the patriarch of the creator family."
"Your clan depends on too many foreign objects. I think that His Royal Highness is weakened very well and we must continue to work hard."
"As for the safety of Chaos Demon Realm, you should worry about yourself first."
Speaking room.
The king of the eight sides has collided with the patriarch several times in the air.
Every time, the world is shaken.
After all, the king of all directions is only possessed, and some of its stamina is insufficient.
Fortunately, this time it was the coalition fighting.
And the opponent is a family of creators of Huai Bi's sin. few of the great will possesses also started.
A dragon ball enchanted by the Holy Dragon Emperor was sprayed out by an Elder Holy Dragon.
An ancient tree of life in the tree realm shattered the amulet and called out the branches of the long-sleeping ancient tree from the deepest part of the tree realm.
The of dawn in the Pantheon shouted the name of justice, and smashed it with a sledgehammer.
In the violent wind brought by the hammer, there appeared a ghost image of the army of thousands of horses led by the of wild hunting.
There is also a main hidden in the shadow, who wields the scythe of death to attempt a sneak attack.
Many of the supreme worlds in the shadow world turned into black mist and came behind the ruby ​​spaceship.
Apart from the mixing of the black mist, the head of the giant snake that could swallow the heavens and earth was transformed into a big mouth in an attempt to swallow each other.
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