Chapter 1955: 1 cut for crulu

At the high-level meeting of the Sanmu tribe, there was a tendency to be more and more sad.
Don't blame the pessimism that permeates the top management.
It is really Xiao Yu's super-civilized performance that is really mysterious and high-profile.
All the traces left behind are full of what the existing science cannot explain.
The more the Sanmu high-ranking people see, the more they feel their own shortcomings.
The original faith of the outer band has been destroyed with the collapse of the parent star.
Putting it on the water blue star, that is, the trinocular human race nowadays, is in extreme disbelief and is in the trough of its self-civilized identity.
There is a long way to go to change this kind of thinking.
The same period.
Krupp mother star.
The big eyes of Tongtian Giant Tower suddenly moved and looked at the star gate.
Next second.
All the mechanical octopus people heard the sound from the giant sky tower.
follow closely.
The current chairman of the Supreme Council of Krupp Civilization learned the relevant content from a file transmitted by a mechanical octopus.
The director, who looks similar to a young man, but his actual age is more than 100 years old, rubbed the closed third eyebrow, and opened his mouth slightly surprised:
"It turns out that the last invader came to our galaxy through the star gate?"
"However, we are actually required to prepare our army for preparations for the formation of the galaxy after the expeditionary army expedition through the stargate... so as to bring back the perfect material, the real creation of the creator?"
"Ha ha ha... let us these inferior products bring the good ones back to the supreme offering?"
The chairman whispered, and the tone became colder.
In the dark space next to the chairman, there are projections of high-level Krupp people.
One of the projections is that of the Krupp scientist who has only one head left in the nutrient solution.
The great scientist glanced at the meeting, and the first opening broke the tranquility:
"My consciousness was sent 100% successfully."
"If the other party really has the super civilization they said, they will be able to read the information I gave."
"It's hard work."
The chairman of the board nodded his head and affirmed the action of the Klupp scientist.
The other party's operation was also approved by the entire board of directors.
In fact, when the Krupp civilization discovered the Guwa spaceship and heroes.
The entire Krup civilization is ashamed and worried.
Although, by mutual use with the giant sky tower, the Krupp civilization flew out of the planet's atmosphere very early, and through communication with the giant sky tower, they knew that they were not the lucky ones under this starry sky, or even just a group of disabled people. Defective.
But after so many years, the Krup civilization, which has never been disturbed by outsiders, has long been accustomed to everything.
The appearance of the Guwa spaceship can completely see a shocking event, breaking the three views of many Krupp people at once.
Compared with the appearance of foreign civilizations, the Krupp people are more concerned that they have to revisit the scars that have been informed since the civilization consciousness... They are only the descendants of the defective products left by the creator.
Even more so, there has never been, and it is impossible to have the opportunity to control the relics left by the creator of the Sky Giant Tower.
Therefore, when the Guwa spaceship appeared and the hero was captured, Chairman Krupp and others were eager to destroy all the invaders.
Because, combined with the abnormality of Tongtian Giant Tower some time ago.
The Krupp executives are worried about the true good products in the minds of the creators. The trio of tribes based on them will come to the Krupp mother star and then replace all their rights, even if the other party will not ruin the Krupp, Probability will also be... heavenly man!
The upper levels of the Krupp civilization have been fed up with uncontrolled sky towers and monsters that claim to fly mechanically.
Where is there a bunch of gangsters on top of Ken's head?
It can be said that these high-level officials have had a killing intention towards the Sanmu tribe, and even wondered if they could use the power they had stolen from the Tongtian Giant Tower to cooperate with their own power to advance the killer?
It's just that as the heroic spirit was caught, it revealed a lot of specious content.
The upper levels of the Krup civilization were also frightened.
Even when a big scientist heard the secret realm of the local government, he shouted hundreds of times: This is not scientific!
The wooden method, even if there are unscientific creations such as Tongtian Giant Pagoda, grow with them.
After all, the Krupp civilization is a technological route.
The mysterious power of Tongtian Giant Pagoda is mainly based on the auxiliary technology route.
Under such a civilized route, I heard that the Sanmu tribe actually existed in an independent star system, and they were also hated by their own parent star, attacked by the void monster, and then had to migrate from the parent star to live in the new world.
Then the super-civilizations that helped them can enter and exit independent stars, create their own independent space, and use the spaceship that does not seem to exceed 100 tons to load the entire civilization's population and materials.
And he can take a whole civilization and jump to the home called Guwa civilization to find a place for Sanmu people to start a new life.
He also mastered the ability to turn the soul into a spiritual body after death and gain a second life.
have to say.
This super-civilized means.
All are in line with the setting of the super interstellar civilization in the science fiction of Krupp civilization.
It's just that the super civilization set up has surprisingly heard that it also exists in the real world!
Even if it sounds like, the connection between the super civilization and the Sanmu human civilization and ancient tile civilization is more inclined to go hand in hand with strangers.
Or the relationship between observation and observation.
After all, that hero has mentioned that super-civilization has never given too much technology or knowledge to other civilizations.
Instead, he likes to ask many questions and let other civilizations think together to generate a spark of wisdom.
Such observations of lower civilizations do not interfere much with the super-civilized style of normal scientific and technological development.
Krupp Civilization once made a similar conjecture, so not only was it not unexpected, but instead it sent a few more letters.
Although only a few points, they never believed in every sentence of the heroic spirit.
The high-level Krupp civilizations were undoubtedly frightened.
Was shocked by the possible super civilization.
Even if the giant sky tower still stands between heaven and earth.
Nor can these seniors feel much security.
After all, the strongest scientific and technological strength demonstrated by the Tongtian Giant Tower is to integrate the Krup people's consciousness and machinery to achieve the so-called mechanical soar.
However, the ultra-civilized people can directly visualize the consciousness of intelligent individuals into independent individuals who do not depend on foreign objects.
And these individuals seem to have mastered many magical abilities.
Comparing the two, the stronger and the weaker are clear at a glance.
They felt after using scientific analysis.
The super civilization in the mouth of the hero is most likely to be of the same grade as the creator in the mouth of the giant tower.
Even, from this, it is said that the creator is actually a super civilization, not an individual.
Offend a civilization comparable to the creator level?
Krupp's senior leaders feel that they and other people still have a good youth without squandering it.
That's why Krupp big scientists would be Krupp gangsters with their permission and send out the news.
In this way, in case super civilization comes.
resistance? Ah! Encountering civilizations that can move quickly between galaxies, but also plan to resist?
Really think that reality is science fiction, can ants also challenge elephants?
Resistance is impossible. Only surrender is the only way out for Krupp civilization.
And, huh, huh, the Krupp civilization seniors have already thought about everything, and even dumped the pot.
All the bad things were done by the giant sky tower, the pot of the mechanical ascension plan.
As for them, they are all poor Krupp begging for the Messenger of Justice!
With the super civilization, even the refuge of three refugee civilizations like the Guwa civilization can be easily accommodated.
The top level of Krupp civilization feels that there is still a great chance of life-saving if they encounter something unspeakable.
Maybe their power and wealth can be preserved together.
After all, super civilizations seem to have no interest in exerting their influence on the power structure of those lower civilizations?
Fail to count first and lose first.
It is also an old tradition of these high-level Krupp civilizations.
After a big scientist started, he told everyone that he had made plans for failure.
The following members of the board of directors made the speech a lot easier.
"The migration between the galaxies, if it is for the sake of the star gates and not for the apparent hypertext."
"The civilization behind the star gate may not be as strong as our civilization, and there may not even be a super civilization. After all, it is the credit of the star gate to come to our galaxy, not the super civilization."
"As for the Star Gate itself, according to the data, it existed there very long ago, and it has nothing to do with various civilizations."
"Yes, in terms of the spaceship and the captured spirit that we are currently seeing from the Nagwa civilization, our Krupp civilization actually has a great advantage."
"Our manufacturing process is obviously much higher than the other side, and the monsters under the mechanical ascension plan can control the machinery to make the spaceship like an arm."
"Military, we have the upper hand!"
After a military director gave a speech and won a wave of echoes, another young director said:
"As far as the current situation is concerned, the probability of the worst situation is not high."
"Although we are all worried that super-civilization is true, but for all the means displayed by the other party, we have not found any trace of the existence of super-civilization for the time being."
"The words of the so-called heroic side cannot but believe, but they cannot really believe it!"
As soon as the young director's voice fell, the chairman smiled and nodded to interject:
"This is nature, the other party can explore our galaxy through the star gate as a pioneer, it must be a dead man."
"How should the deceased be nurtured, should all of us have common experience?"
The chairman said this and everyone smiled.
That's why they don't believe in super-civilization completely because of heroic words.
It is too easy for a wise individual to deliberately misrepresent fictional information.
Not to mention the power of the state in the information age, that is, the Iron Age, the slave period, it can also create illusions such as heaven and hell.
The reason for the old man in the mountains has never been a story book for high-level executives but a practical and commonly used routine.
Therefore, even if the heroic spirit is under control, the thought is the truth.
That's just what its individual thinks is true.
The only certainty is that the civilization behind the Stargate has mastered the technology of spiritualization.
This technology looks a little bit magical, but considering that its own giant tower also has a mechanical ascension plan, it is not ruled out that the opposite civilization also has a similar creation, and then the ability of this creation is to allow the individual to survive through spiritualization after death.
After realizing this.
A high level of Krupp civilization flashed a greedy and deep desire in his heart.
If you have a choice.
Which one of them, Krupp, is not willing to live another life?
There is a great terror between life and death.
In order to survive, these people can even undergo surgery with a success rate of no more than 1%!
And if the life span can be infinite after spiritualization, it would be better!
Of course, if Xiao Yu knew that Krup’s senior leaders thought this way, they might welcome them all into their own kingdom, and then tell them happily that their souls could exist for at least a thousand years.
It's just that entering my kingdom of God and being a hero for me.
There is no promise of peace without making a big contribution.
Then, for my glory, we must work hard to the end, and burn the last ray of spiritual fire to end.
It just happens that the heroes are tireless.
It is a good material to become 007.
Xiao Yu felt that these guys who were willing to be heroes might make some money.
But I will never lose money!
In the meeting room.
The chairman discussed some details and got the approval of all the directors.
He nodded slightly to conclude:
"Neither, then issue a council order."
"From now on, the Krupp civilization has entered a state of war."
"From now on, all Krupp people who are at least 15 years old must be tested, and those who are talented will immediately be forced into the army."
"Using the authority points we have accumulated over the years, we request the Sky Tower to allocate resources to the nearest colonial planet in Star Gate."
"Then, the war forces accumulated by our families and ethnic groups should not be hidden, let them be used."
"Compared to failure."
The chairman said this, looking around the projection, grinning his white teeth:
"Victory wine is more flavorful?"
"All for Krup!"
"All for Krup!"
As everyone nodded in recognition.
The meeting of the board of directors came to an end, and soon a directive was formed and issued to various places.
In the face of the unknown, it is suspected that they have mastered the spiritual abilities, and it may be the civilization of the so-called high-quality Sanmu tribe.
The Krup civilization has shown extremely high efficiency, and the whole family has begun to mobilize.
The Tongtian Giant Tower itself also follows the setting of getting better quality materials, and fully cooperates with the actions of the Krupp civilization high-level.
In a short time.
The colonial planet near the star gate is already covered with clouds.
Black whale-shaped interstellar warships sailed out of various planets, satellites, and even asteroid belts, lined up, and joined the battle cloud in an orderly manner.
Compared with Krup’s mobilization of the whole family and the scientific and technological civilization accumulated over the past thousand years.
On the side of Guwa mother star, it seems too shabby.
Even if there is the mysterious ability provided by Guwa ghost masters, there is a controllable nuclear fusion engine transformed from the key materials provided by the super civilization.
The interstellar spaceship owned by Xiao Yu can fly very little.
Not to mention the ability to fight.
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