Chapter 1962: Inheritance and sharing

Miracle City.
When the space of time and space stopped.
Inside the city of miracles, it was just beginning to be lively.
As the creators were defeated by His Royal Highness the Son of God, who was the leader of justice, and successfully defeated the other, he saved the dangerous world.
The major forces in the entire space-time area all united, and sent excellent seed players to the city of miracles to concentrate.
The reason is that apart from the fact that the city of miracles is indeed in the coalition camp, it has demonstrated its ability and won everyone's approval.
Another very important point is that, according to the regulations that were formulated to share knowledge and achievements.
In addition to the transcripts of various forces.
Many knowledge transfers that cannot be copied and can only be understood by the unspeakable knowledge must have a place that everyone trusts and trusts to store and provide for qualified people to borrow.
In such a place, as Xiao Yu launched the demolition force, the secret space of the creator family was evacuated in a short time.
In addition, in the deep sea of ​​the lost continent where the city of miracles directly opened up the space, the steel forest secret realm of the creator family has almost been reproduced.
It can be said that there is no more controversy at this place.
Even if some young wizards are envious of jealousy and hate, it does not help.
However, the senior leaders of these forces are fortunate.
His Royal Highness, the Son of God in the City of Miracles, is obviously an honest, reliable and trustworthy figure.
Although the secret of the creator family involves Huiyue, whoever replaces it with someone else will tend to keep the secret, hoping that the whole world will enjoy this secret alone.
After the secret of the Iron Forest was moved away.
Xiao Yu, the son of God, took the initiative to stand up, announced the sharing plan he had set, and started business.
Any member of the coalition who has participated in the crusade against the creators, after obtaining a recommendation letter from their own power, only needs to pay a negligible fee to get the qualification to enter the steel forest and learn and appreciate the knowledge.
This made the major forces shocked and moved, and then sent a large number of visiting groups or messengers to the city of miracles.
And after the first batch of staff proved that the son of God Xiao Yu did not lie.
The follow-up team can be said to be coming continuously.
The arrival of these people can be said to make the city of miracles more prosperous.
Wizard Hain is considered to be one of the top three figures in black guards in recent times.
Lurking the azure continent, successfully completed the task, obtained the information of the creator family, and was also recognized by the diary of Robert the Great, and has a combat power no less than that of the morning star.
Although the wizard of Hain has repeatedly stated that he is still an ordinary agent.
And what's the power of the morning star is absolutely killing.
He can only have the leapfrog power in a short time with the help of Robert the Great.
Can not be considered a strong star in the morning.
Wizard Hain is still a celebrity in the black guard and even the miracle city.
Many people came here to visit the heroic figure of the wizard of Hain, and there were many people who asked diligently to ask the wizard of Hain:
"Brother Hain, do you want a wife?"
In this regard, Wizard Hain is naturally grateful.
Wizard Hain remembers the teachings of his deceased parents. He is still so young that he cannot ask his wife so early.
And he still hasn't finished writing the diary book he went to the club, don't panic!
Regarding the popularity of the wizard of Hain, the commander of the Black Guards commanded Lance, and he felt very regretful, and felt very regrettable that he might not let the Wizard of Hain lurking in the future. Spy!
Regret for the leadership of Lance.
The wizard of Hain was ecstatic.
He only wanted a stable and stable welfare, and it would be better not to be a spy.
Really thought it would be easy for me to get the inheritance of Robert the Great?
Although it’s not as exaggerated as a life of nine deaths, it’s been a lot of effort to fight, right?
Wizard Hain got up early in the morning today, sorted out the etiquette, and walked out of the luxurious apartment building assigned by Black Guard.
After riding on the airship, Wizard Hain pulled out a bottle of nutrients and sipped.
This is his breakfast, a mixture of dragon blood and dozens of medicinal herbs and legumes, a precious nutrient, even if it is taken by a legendary wizard, it can slowly consolidate the physical foundation and supplement human nutrition.
Before switching to it, the wizard of Hain must be reluctant to drink.
But since he was on the battlefield, he exhibited some of the skills of Robert the Great and repulsed the powerful enemy.
Since someone gave it up as a gift.
There are also many points after the return of the Shanghai Wizard.
Even the profligacy is not as good as the older wizards.
But it won't be too painful to enjoy.
In the envious eyes of some people who knew the goods, the wizard of Hain who had finished the nutritional supplement, smiled gently, entered the private space and closed his eyes to meditate.
After more than ten minutes.
This airship successfully landed on an artificial island deep in the sea.
The island is not very big, it is almost the same block as the city of miracles.
But the number of powerful people on the island is extremely alarming.
Sorcerer Hain was stunned a little at first.
On a small island, there are twelve morning stars.
And legendary, no less than three digits!
Moreover, Wizard Hain felt that he was right.
He even saw the figure of pure blood holy dragon and chaotic demon on this island!
Looking at these terrible beings, they are all polite and obey order on a small island.
Wizard Hain couldn't help but flash a trace of pride and pride from his heart.
Proud to be a city of miracles!
"This guy, the lucky black guard wizard?"
Wizard Haine just got off the airship and immediately fell into the sight of several strong ground-level powerhouses.
These forbidden-level powerhouses have all heard about the existence of this Hain wizard.
After all, Robert the Great is also a very special person.
It is the Son of Destiny that even the creators value.
"Poor physique, average talent, is it due to good luck?"
A double-horned demon from the domain of Chaos glanced at Wizard Hain, and he almost saw through the nature of Wizard Hain.
It was a little puzzled that this kind of guy who had been eaten in the Chaos Demon Realm for an estimated 100 years had actually been inherited by Robert the Great.
If he can't guess the truth, he can only grunt, won't he really rely on writing a diary?
What it does not know is that, in a sense, Wizard Hain did indeed write a diary by heart, and then he took this good luck.
Wizard Hain could feel himself being observed, he coughed, a little displeased, but hard to resist.
In his mind, Emperor Robert's phantom came out and snorted coldly.
Observing dozens of sights of Wizard Hain, disappeared without a trace.
They all felt the warning from the great emperor.
"You look at yourself, it's still too weak."
In the mind of Wizard Hain, Robert the Great scolded in dissatisfaction.
The wizard of Hain could only smile bitterly at this, and automatically ignored the advice of Robert the Great to meditate on him, and followed his suggestions to practice more.
Oh, he Hain is not stupid. Following the words of the teachers in Hei Wei, circulate gradually and lay a good foundation, and then advance step by step with the help of the powerful. This is the correct way.
Listen to him, although the speed of cultivation can certainly be a thousand miles a day.
But what about this price? What will it be?
I'm afraid it's possible that the emperor's wedding dress was all made?
Even Robert the Great in his mind was just a dash of diary in his diary.
The wizard of Hain did not dare to take it lightly.
Having seen countless miserable episodes of peers’ lessons, the Hain Wizard knew very well that as long as he took the wrong step, it was his turn to integrate and educate others.
Sorcerer Hain followed his heart and took the communication card approved in black by Wei Wei, and came to a portal in the island.
After accepting the scan test.
Wizard Hain was put in.
After entering the portal, I felt like I was rubbed by cold jelly.
The wizard Haine lit up, and when he felt relaxed, he was surprised to see that a shocking painting of a steel forest was unreservedly presented in his eyes.
Looking at the steel buildings.
And the foot underneath is said to come from the secret realm of the creator family, which guarantees the original and firm touch of the earth.
The wizard of Hain couldn't help but praise the great Highness of the Son of God in his heart.
Then the wizard of Hain saw a guide come to meet himself.
After knowing that he was here for the first time in this secret realm.
The guide made of metal puppets guided the wizard of Hain to a steel mansion equivalent to the novice hall.
Here, the wizard of Hain can receive basic knowledge instillation, and can enlighten several inheritance and wonders in it.
This steel secret has been open for a week.
Incoming guests also exceeded four figures.
However, there are thousands of inherited wonders placed in it, and none of them have really been penetrated.
On the contrary, many powerful people understand the same singular thing, but often come up with the opposite theoretical knowledge.
So much so that academic disputes can almost erupt here.
And in the process of enlightenment, even the knowledge acquired by the strong has changed again and again, just like the viciousness encountered during the promotion.
So that Xiao Yu made the regulations after obtaining the consent of the top leaders of the major forces.
The singularity inheritance is graded according to whether it is easy or not, and the rules of enlightenment are set.
Often the same person can't continue to perceive the same wonder in a short time.
In order to avoid any irreversible problems.
After all, these inherited wonders come from the secret realm of the creator family.
It does not rule out the existence of any followers.
Wizard Hain walked into the building and saw the magnificent hall. He took a deep breath.
Then he began to walk into the library, and quickly read through the magic circle inside.
A series of golden inscriptions flashed in front of Wizard Hain, and after being remembered by them, the next inscription immediately changed.
After everything has changed.
A voice sounded:
"Speak your feelings."
"After speaking, you can also unconditionally share your thoughts including His Royal Highness."
"My thoughts? Then we can see other people's thoughts?"
"It also includes His Royal Highness!"
Hearing this, Wizard Hain couldn't help but goosebumps all over him.
He couldn't help being excited.
You know, the feelings of the strong, it is hard to buy!
How many wizard apprentices humblely serve their teachers, isn't it the teacher's personal feelings and insights?
"Knowledge sharing, so as to innovate?"
In the mind of the wizard of Hain, Emperor Robert's phantom appeared again. This time, phantom's mouth brought a touch of surprise and admiration.
"Great, great!"
"Quick, say what I want!"
Emperor Robert felt a sigh of emotion, and immediately joined it with great interest.
After a few minutes.
Xiao Yu, who was closing his eyes and learning to practice with the four great goddesses, suddenly stunned slightly, feeling:
"Someone has made a unique insight, some meaning, but a different perspective."
"This world before Robert the Great looks very interesting!"
Xiao Yu finished speaking and glanced at the twin goddess Freya who was sitting beside him.
This goddess has a connection with the Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, and is quiet at this time.
Xiao Yu has been in a state of not actively cooperating or resisting.
Xiao Yu has been using her divine power to make many arrangements, but she has not used her to find the trouble of the abyss queen Yulia.
Although Xiao Yu can be sure, relying on the operation of Yulia on the dark side must have affected the queen in the abyss.
But Xiao Yu was still a little steady after all.
Especially after hearing about the recent period, the forbidden prefecture-level forces seem to be tossing, although they have not been able to show the power of Huiyue.
But it also enhanced a lot of cards in a short time.
Xiao Yu was not convinced that Abyss would have a hole card, and was just waiting for himself.
Anyway, Xiao Yu was confident, and time was on his side.
When the interstellar fleet is formed, the nuclear bomb can be spent like a bullet.
At that time, he used a super large Gatling Bodhisattva purification cannon to shoot nuclear bombs into the abyss at a rate of 3,600 rounds per minute.
Xiao Yu did not believe it, and the abyss at that time could be strong enough to resist such an offensive!
No matter how powerful the abyss is, let’s talk about the basic laws?
And referring to the void one eye, you can ignore the power of the nuclear bomb without worrying about the power of Huiyue.
In front of the area of ​​absolute destruction, Xiao Yu estimates that perhaps the peak of Huiyue or the power of the sun will be completely ignored, right?
In the steel forest.
After the Wizard of Hain finished sending his own insights, UU Reading was able to unlock the shared lock and saw the opinions of others in the circle.
He soon became addicted to the ocean of knowledge.
It wasn't until I was guided that I couldn't see it, and I reminded Wizard Hain to wake up.
"Remember, go back and think slowly."
"Your time here is very precious, let's go and see the heritage."
The leader reminded the wizard of Hain, and then the wizard of Hain quickly thanked him and ran to the inheritance chamber.
Controlling the existence of the leader is the guardian spirit of the creators' secret realm.
After the land he had deposited was relocated, he also followed and accepted Xiao Yu's employment as a guide.
At the same time, deep in his heart, as a created instinct, he also hopes that the inherited wonders left by the creator can be inherited by someone...
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