Chapter 200: I am going to set this giant soldier!

A lot of liquid nitrogen quickly poured into the pit. Cell phone access
In one go, I drowned the giant soldier who was squatting and preparing to get up!
Under the large amount of boiling white mist, layers of frost began to form on the metal body of the giant soldier!
The Giant Divine Soldier slowly wanted to get up, but was getting slower and slower, until his body was frozen, and turned into an ice sculpture under the white mist.
"How could this be!"
The fire of the soul in the wizard Ogmar's eyes shook violently.
At the same time, its sea of ​​consciousness was even more chaotic, and even the prepared witchcraft structure cracked apart.
It can be seen how great the impact on the giant soldier was after being defeated by the giant!
But it is normal to think about it!
The giant from the Canyon of Gods, in the eyes of outsiders, was nothing more than a countryman who had dominated the country in the countryside, a stupid big man who was extremely unfamiliar with his extraordinary powers.
Even if the giant has repeatedly demonstrated its terrifying power, it will still make pretentious superpowers unable to let go of contempt for him.
Compared to giants... that giant warrior is different.
Especially this is a giant soldier from the Qianyu Empire!
This is a real artifact that can suppress the luck of a country!
It is indeed a national weapon that can affect the war between empires and can kill the city and destroy the country!
This kind of existence, its prestige is smaller than Xiao Yu, the giant protector, I don't know where it is going!
It is a truly famous continent, a name that can be called the presence of extraordinary forces bowing!
However... a scene in front of them made it difficult for these people watching.
They adore the awe-inspiring giant soldiers who are even hard to sleep, and they are actually at a disadvantage!
It was frozen by the giant using strange materials!
Outside the battlefield, the lone Thunder Black Dragon is slowly retreating in an attempt to leave the battlefield.
It couldn't help but be thankful that he had to be cautious and let himself hide, otherwise it would be too difficult to escape from the giant's hands once his body was exposed!
"Unexpectedly, the giant is not even an opponent of the giant soldier!"
The Thunder Black Dragon, who was crawling back, suddenly heard someone speaking on the side, and couldn't help looking away.
Suddenly it saw a heavy body armor wearing only half of its face. It seemed that an iron man more than three meters tall was standing on a hill and looking at himself.
"Who are you? The enemy of the giant... or a subordinate?" Feeling that the power contained in the opponent's body was not inferior to himself, the Thunder Black Dragon cautiously spread his wings and asked.
"The giant's subordinate...I'm not even worth it." The iron man took out a kettle and drank a large bite of the burning knife, and spouted out the gaseous airway:
"After all, he was called the teacher somehow anyway!"
"Hey, although I dare not admit this title on the bright side, but looking at the disciples is so arrogant and powerful, my teacher is very happy!"
General Nuhar, the friendly teacher of the Iron Man or the protector of the Great Kingdom, said that he raised a sledgehammer more than two meters long, and screamed out of the extraordinary aura and jumped to the Thunder Black Dragon!
"Roar!" The Thunder Black Dragon didn't expect the other party to dare to fight with himself if he didn't agree with each other.
But it was a paw, and the opponent was rushed to the front with his arm, and a hammer hit his mouth.
"It's you!" Thunder Black Dragon, who fell to the ground and guessed the identity of the Iron Man, was frightened: "Nuhar! You dare to play for the giant!"
"This is the felony of rebelling against the Qianyu Empire!"
"Haha!" Nuhar hit another hammer and threw an eye on the Thunder Black Dragon. He laughed: "Following a force that can fight against the giant Divine Soldier, do you think I will worry about becoming the rebellion of the Qianyu Empire?"
"You won't understand, you stupid Yalong!" General Nuhar said with one hand, touching the head of Thunder Black Dragon with a hammer: "What a terrible potential that giant has!"
On the battlefield, the fighting in other places has long ceased.
As the giant warrior was frozen, the Lich Ogma and other high-level undead were willing to fight and fled their lives.
Xiao Yu let the Andean Condors and Xiaobai rush to catch the scattered inhumans.
I didn't dare to relax.
Because he can clearly see that the giant soldier who lost his power under liquid nitrogen, his eyes are still red!
It... is not finished yet!
"This giant soldier does not invade the water and fire, and his body is not bad, no wonder it can be used as a national weapon!"
Xiao Yu whispered with admiration: "That is when I met someone like me who didn't play cards according to common sense, and engaged with other extraordinary forces, almost immune to all second-level and below witchcraft giant soldiers, who can resist!"
"It's just an artifact like a plug-in!" Xiao Yu said strangely: "It's really strange, Qian Qian Empire has such a powerful artifact, why don't you go out and expand the empire territory?"
"Is it because other empires have similar artifacts of the town state?" Xiao Yu guessed blindly, and he was shocked in his heart, feeling that he had been a little too arrogant and arrogant about the villain's long-standing ambitions.
I have never seen a second-level power or higher, and have never suffered any setbacks. I really underestimated the heroes of this villain's country!
"You can't be so complacent next time!" Xiao Yu looked at the Giant Divine Soldier and secretly kept this in mind.
Immediately, he came to the electric car and took out the gas tank for cooking. After the ignition, the wizard of Enodiana set up a detonation circle and threw it into the pit.
Looked at the giant soldier who could gradually reactivate as the liquid nitrogen disappeared.
Without saying anything, Xiao Yu started digging the earth with the big yellow dog, filling the pit, and buried the giant soldier with piles of loess.
Buried in this way is not really thought that you can smother the giant soldier, but to maximize the power of the gas tank after the explosion!
After all, the smaller the space, the more concentrated and more terrifying the explosive power.
The landfill is complete, and at the same time, it feels that the Giant Divine Soldier is about to unfreeze.
Xiao Yu raised Dahuang quickly and backed away.
With Xiao Yu's growl, the Wizard of Enodia immediately activated the circle.
Suddenly the narrow space under the ground.
The bang was very dull but even the distant guards could feel the loud noise of the shaking of the earth!
The big ball of fire exploded, and the scorching air wave lifted all the newly filled soil of Xiao Yu and the big yellow dog into the air, and the rain turned down into mud!
Soon after a large swath of soil fell, I felt that there was no movement in the pit with fire and a lot of expansion. Xiao Yu ran over and looked into the pit.
"Awesome... this giant soldier~ I have to make it!"
Inside the giant soldier was exploded and pressed against the wall of the pit, and fell deeply into it.
The red light of the eyes no longer, apparently has exhausted energy in resisting the explosion.
But it is worth noting that every inch of armor and every metal on this giant warrior never had a slight scar on it.
Whether it is liquid nitrogen or the flame shock wave of a gas tank, it only consumes its energy, but it does not really hurt its main structure.
"Horrible creation!"
Xiao Yu moved the Giant Divine Soldier out, and from time to time knocked on the body bone of the Giant Divine Soldier.
"Ainuodia, can you restart and transform this thing into our country's weight!"
"Your Highness...this..." Wizard Enodia looked at the Giant Divine Soldier with a look of embarrassment: "We have never studied the Giant Divine Soldier... I am afraid we can only do our best."
"Well, try your best." Xiao Yu didn't demand, he pointed to the armor of the Giant Divine Soldier: "This metal looks like steel, but it is obviously not, and it is much stronger and more durable."
"Do you know where this came from? Aindia, how can I break this metal!"
"His Royal Highness, this is actually recorded in the royal family of the Kingdom of Phalan." A royal wizard quickly stood up and said:
"It is rumored that the Giant Divine Soldier was personally refined by the great Morning Star Wizard, and used the Starfall Iron that can only be melted and transformed with the power of the Morning Star!"
"Meteorite iron?"
Xiao Yu shook his head secretly: "No, the reality is a lot of meteorite iron, I have never heard it so powerful!"
"Well, anyway, this giant soldier is already mine, I don't believe it, relying on a world as a backing, I can't dismantle this metal armor!"
ps: Recommend a rare novel "Animation World Adventure" that traverses the world of classic domestic animation
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