Chapter 2068: special

"My Little Country (
Let the old king become the loyal lackey of the archangel, and began the secret layout.
Xiao Yu's gaze no longer stayed in the double moon stars.
However, it didn't take long for Xiao Yu to realize that Double Moon Star was not as simple as he thought.
As more and more information comes from scouts from other places, comprehensive analysis is carried out.
Xiao Yu realized that this is a special planet.
Although it seems that the closer to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the denser the galaxy, and the more abundant energy and materials.
There are also many more terrestrial planets.
However, the closer you are to the center of the Milky Way, the easier it is to be touched by various ray bursts under supernova explosions.
For example, the position of the silver disk in the center of the Milky Way galaxy will be swept in all directions by the ray burst every tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.
Under such dimensionality reduction, to be honest, even those terrestrial planets can give birth to life.
It also lacks important conditions for the birth of intelligent life.
Every at most hundreds of thousands of years, we will start over again.
No matter how favorable the conditions of these terrestrial planets are, the birth of intelligent life must follow the basic rules.
Hundreds of thousands of years, I want to give birth to intelligent life, and then these intelligent life have to come out of ignorance to establish civilization, and develop to be able to avoid the threat of radiation storm...
It's so difficult to think about it!
The central area of ​​the galaxy is simply the birthplace of hell-level difficulty for a new civilization!
On the contrary, those galaxies in the suburbs where the Aqua Blue Star is located may be less resourceful, and the distance between the star systems is a little longer.
But at the very least, civilization can be born, grow, and mature in a relatively stable environment.
However, even so, with so many terrestrial planets, it is still an absolute minority that can give birth to intelligent civilization.
Otherwise, when opening the star chart.
The light of the star gate should have spread all over the Milky Way long ago!
The scouts Xiao Yu sent to each neighboring galaxy all reached the terrestrial planets in the local galaxy.
Hundreds of terrestrial planets were surveyed by angels or heroes.
Only one tenth of so many terrestrial planets have signs of life.
Moreover, none of these planets with signs of life existed in a higher intelligent civilization.
In other words, let alone any wisdom and civilization, even single-cell life is extremely rare.
Most planets with signs of life are just a few bacteria born.
So, after the comparison.
With a beautiful environment and so many bi-lunar planets with intelligent civilization, it is particularly eye-catching.
If you consider the neighbors of the bi-lunar planets again, it would be the unfortunate Doron planet.
And since Duolun planet has a star gate, it means that this place has the bright moon power and even more.
Deep down in my heart, there is Xiao Yu, who always has the idea to harm me.
Be cautious immediately.
Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.
In addition to cultivating, Xiao Yu strengthened his attention to the neighbors of the planet Duolun.
The movements of the archangel became more concealed.
Bilunar planets.
In the royal city of Double Moon Kingdom.
The prince was desperately confined in the mansion.
The followers were also driven out of the royal capital by the old king's sudden use of thunder means, either killed on the spot or banished.
This surprised many courtiers and hurriedly showed their favor to the little prince.
In their eyes, the old king preferred the younger son, which can be seen by the blind.
Now that he has been in business for many years, the prince who is considered the most orthodox heir has fallen.
How do you think about the successor, it's the little prince's turn?
The little prince was also particularly pleased. In the past few days, he has been smiling and drinking.
Behaved more and more unscrupulously, rampant.
Many important ministers who really wanted to be good for the kingdom shook their heads secretly.
In their opinion, the prince is the best heir.
The little prince is on top, I'm afraid the kingdom will be unstable.
They connected in private, intending to prevent the little prince from succeeding to the throne in the next ceremony.
However, these ministers soon discovered that they did not need to take such risks.
The old king... did not mention the meaning of choosing a successor at all in the hall.
And someone with a heart noticed that the old king was blushing, and he was very angry when he spoke.
It doesn't look like a dying person.
Especially after handling the chores in the hall, the old king unexpectedly announced that he would lead his troops to the border barbarians.
He also beat the generals who had stopped speaking in court, showing the same force as when he was young.
The remaining important military personnel also became enthusiastic.
Throughout his life, the old king of the army clearly knew how to quickly get military support.
Ever since.
Three days after the meeting.
The little prince, who also received the ban, stood on the watchtower of the palace wall with a dazed expression, staring blankly at the old king and the army walking through the street, and then went straight out of the city gate.
Looking at his father's back that became majestic.
The little prince felt that the old king was becoming stranger than ever before.
"Why? Why do I feel that my father suddenly doesn't love me?"
The little prince was crying without tears, muttering to himself on the watchtower.
Several cronies around kept their heads down, silent.
But in my heart, I understood that this little prince was the most favored by the old king, and he was arrogant and domineering, so there was no such thing as a master.
Now the king is obviously the same as when he was young and strong.
And at that time, didn't the king hated the person who was greedy for enjoying hard work?
The old king led three thousand cavalry, ten thousand infantry, five hundred chariots went to the border barbarians.
Successful in World War I, tens of thousands of man who refused to convince Wang Huaman had been captured.
These barbarians are said to be barbarians, but in fact they are also the Hulk family.
It's just different tribes.
After the old king returned from the victory, taking advantage of the power brought by the victory, he suddenly announced that he had received a revelation from heaven and wanted to worship the noble Supreme Supreme.
The old priest of the Double Moon Kingdom also received a little help from the archangel.
As the one who should be opposed the most, at this time, he raised his hands in agreement with this change and systematically reformed the doctrine.
Not to mention, the archangel conspired to revise it, absorbing the new doctrines gathered from the experience of countless large and small flickers from multiple planets and several civilizations, including the Aqua Star.
Whether it is humane or logically self-consistent.
All of them are well beyond the 100 streets of primitive religion in the Kingdom of Double Moon.
As long as you recite the noble holy book once, no one dares to underestimate this doctrine.
Read the entire teaching again.
People of insight all worship.
And wondered if the king and priests really got inspiration from heaven!
I think of the recent physical condition of the old king and the priests that seem to have suddenly returned to light.
Many people can't calm down inside.
In a short time.
The Kingdom of Bimonthly accepted the new religion.
The original statues of the temples were smashed down.
It was replaced by a spherical statue named Supreme Supreme.
The reason why it is spherical is that the supreme supreme in doctrine has no specific form, but it can be the greatest of all things.
It can be the stars in the sky, or it can be the moon in the sky.
It can also be the sun that is greater than the double moon.
And since the supreme supreme in doctrine is the most powerful.
Then the totem is naturally described in the shape of the sun that they seem to be the most powerful.
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