Chapter 2139: happy New Year!

"hurry up!"
"Get off the boat soon!"
"At most five minutes, the boat will leave immediately after five minutes!"
"It's the same with those on the boat, don't be too slow, the boat waits for no one!"
At the port of a large continent, a merchant ship from the miraculous city landed here from the sky.
On the bow deck, the captain took a notebook and counted the delivered supplies and communicated friendly with the local bureaucrats.
At the rear door at the stern, the first officer shouted with a loudspeaker.
Beside, standing mighty and mighty crew members, holding large shields and short spears, warning some people not to be clever.
On the deck, the port officials who had ended their friendly exchanges with the captain stood on the edge of the deck, looking down at the port that was a hundred times busier than it was unexpectedly, with emotion in his heart.
In the past few days, the manpower and material resources gathered at the port have been a hundred times greater than before.
This amount is not because the productivity of his continent suddenly soared and exports soared.
But many upper class people are dragging their families and wanting to take a boat to the mainland near the city of miracles.
According to the most authoritative person, the land under the ruler of Bright Moon Law is much more noble than the land promised by the Morning Star.
There are even warlocks who ran out to talk about the intelligent beings who were born and lived in the vicinity of Fajun Huiyue, and the chances of becoming supernatural and Morningstar powers will increase in the future...
Coupled with this terrible curse now erupting everywhere, everyone is in danger.
No wonder those people want to run away.
In fact, the official in charge of the port has also arranged for some relatives to go to the Desolate Beast Continent to study and live.
As for him, it was purely because of greed, and he didn't want to just lose the fat in front of him.
The other is.
This large continent called the Whitewood Continent has not yet erupted in the rumored terrible curse.
"The Baimu Continent has always been a place favored by the goddess of luck, this time it should be no exception, right?"
The officials heard the whispers of several adjutants behind them.
His brows jumped, but he was noncommittal.
Being able to hold such a position, his background is naturally unfathomable in Baimu Continent.
Because of this, he knew that the Baimu Continent had actually experienced many crises.
Real peace has only been in the past two to three hundred years.
It's just that for the new generation, two to three hundred years of peace is enough to make them take everything for granted.
"I heard that a curse had already erupted in the nearby Hoarfrost Continent. In the end, with the help of the patrol fleet in the City of Miracles, the spread of the curse was suppressed, but many people died."
"It is reported that the legend has also died seven or eight."
"The Whitewood Continent is becoming more and more insecure."
The port official thought of this, his eyes wandered.
It took a while before the official made up his mind. He took advantage of the fact that he could still sell the position at a good price, and then took his family to study in the outer continent of the City of Miracles.
The benefits can't be earned, only then can it be safe.
Bang bang bang!
There is a small port more than a hundred kilometers away from this port.
Since the big port was used to receive merchant ships from the city of miracles.
Other mainland merchant ships can only dock at this small port.
This naturally caused some people's dissatisfaction, but also helpless.
Since the dumping of goods in the City of Miracles across time and space began.
Trade between other continents inevitably declined.
Nowadays, the throughput of this small port is already sufficient to meet the trade needs between Baimu Continent and other continents.
Really important trade in bulk goods.
It was already all packed up by the Chamber of Commerce in the City of Miracles.
During this period, it is natural to find all kinds of reasons to protest and oppose the loss of interests.
However, in the face of the city of miracles, the goods are of high quality and cheap, and most importantly, the reputation and strength of the city of miracles are higher than day by day.
The rulers of all continents, as long as their brains are not burned out, they can only grin at the merchants in the city of miracles and say: It's so fragrant!
And in this small port on the white wood continent.
There was a scream from a merchant ship.
Soon the scream turned into a scream.
After that, the place where the screams took place spread out from the ship.
The guards of the small port approached the merchant ship with the airship.
Soon, the guards saw that the merchant ships were full of ghosts turned into black smoke.
These ghosts let out screams and their faces were extremely distorted.
The chief guard is a legendary wizard.
He is relatives with the morningstar wizard on this continent.
In his hand there was an artifact refined by the Wizard of Morning Star, a mirror.
He immediately thought of the curse when he saw the changes in the merchant ship.
Hastily raised the mirror to shine through.
The next second, there was a loud noise.
But the mirror shattered to the ground!
The guard's eyes widened, looked in the mirror, and then at the dark merchant ship.
The chief guard took a few deep breaths, and said to the left and the right with a serious look:
"You hold back for the time being, retreat to the port and blockade this place with the garrison. No entry or exit!"
"This is a serious matter. I must go to the capital in person and report to your Majesty!"
After speaking, the chief guard ignored the complicated gazes of the adjutants, and took the lead in leaving the airship, and then rushed to the distance at full speed.
The captain of the guard just turned into a streamer and disappeared on the horizon.
In the airship, there were two wizards who were guest officials and shouted that they had something to do and left the airship in an emergency.
The two wizards just flew out of the port.
But suddenly something changed!
Dozens of ghosts in the merchant ship raised their heads to look at the escaping wizard.
A breathing room.
The flying wizards suddenly tightened, but they were caught by the tentacles formed by black smoke.
Then he was dragged back to the port at a faster speed!
It's not just wizards.
Other people in this port have also found out.
As long as they leave the port range, they will be immediately attacked by the black smoky bodies and dragged into the merchant ship to scream.
But if you don't leave the port.
The black smoke of merchant ships has in fact been slowly expanding its scope.
The ghosts that wander around the merchant ship are also growing in size within the visible range of the naked eye...
Fear, anxiety, and even despair spread throughout the port.
at the same time.
On the merchant ship in the City of Miracles, the captain was also slightly startled, and learned of the urgent news from above.
As his face changed, the captain shouted and ordered:
"Quick! Stop disembarking and close the hatch!"
"Hurry up, take your place, start right away, and leave Baimu Continent at full speed!"
The officials on the deck heard the captain's hissing lunge roar and were dumbfounded.
He immediately understood what was happening, and suddenly grasped the captain who was ordering.
"Oh, my old friend, you must take me!"
"Even if I am alone, please take me!"
"I have an industry in Desolate Beast Continent, and I also invest in Guanghui Continent."
"Don't worry, I won't lose the boat fare..."
While speaking, the official began to whisper.
The captain was unhappy at first.
After some whispers.
He saw that the other party was not easy, and he had indeed cooperated so many times, and nodded.
Agreed to take this temporary guest to the city of miracles.
And other guests who stayed deliberately.
The captain will not do it.
I just said it in advance and will drop them at the next supply point.
The merchant ship in the city of miracles suddenly started, making a group of people in the harbor dumbfounded.
Just when a group of people began to curse.
A warehouse in the port suddenly burst into flames.
After that, someone braving the flames but not knowing it strode out from the inside, making strange laughter.
"We, 1 is also cursed?"
The port official wiped his brows with sweat, just when he felt it was right to leave early.
Suddenly he flushed.
Immediately, he opened his mouth wide, and his throat couldn't stop laughing hoarsely.
At the same time, the surface temperature rises rapidly, and the moment it starts to burn as soon as it smokes.
In the merchant ship, the goddess of the moon, Feiya, shone out.
The anomaly of this port official was suppressed in an instant.
The captain was also shocked when he saw this scene.
Secretly grateful to the great moon goddess at the same time.
He quickly sent the official to the prayer room of the Moon Goddess.
Face the curse.
They can only rely on the abilities of the four goddesses and the great emperor to protect themselves.
This is already the common sense of the people of New Miracle City...
Whitewood continent.
Their Morning Star wizards didn't respond too slowly, and quickly started.
The merchant ships that have entered the seas of time and space can only watch from a distance the bright spots of light appearing on this continent.
That was the aftermath of the eruption of the Forbidden Light Curse.
The morningstar wizard in the Whitewood Continent is said to be a master of the light system.
Judging from the position where the light spot appears.
The curse that erupted on the Whitewood Continent was not limited to the port, it was already there in other places.
"It seems that the Whitewood Continent has long been cursed, but they did not erupt. It was not until the port appeared before people that a unified explosion occurred..."
"Well, how can this be, how can these curses be so smart?"
Many extraordinary have seen the clues, muttering to themselves, can't believe it.
The captain quickly accepted this fact.
This curse came from the enemy of the Emperor of Heaven.
Just think about it, can the curse that can make His Majesty the Emperor take so seriously, can it be a simple and normal thing?
What more moths come out.
In the captain's view, this is normal.
The captain looked at and planned to go back to the command room.
Suddenly heard an abnormal noise.
In the next second, the captain felt as if he had fallen into the icy cold pool, making him want to struggle, but it seemed that his extraordinary power was suddenly imprisoned.
In any case, I can't get rid of that cold pool...
At this moment of crisis.
With a loud shout, it exploded from above the merchant ship.
Immediately, a golden light arrived first, and then the knife came out like a dragon and plunged into the captain's body.
Under the golden light, the captain suddenly loosened his whole body and escaped from the terrible confinement just now.
When he opened his eyes, he immediately saw that it was a golden celestial general who saved himself with a sword in his hand.
"It is one of the 36 Heavenly Generals of His Majesty the Emperor!"
Seeing the golden armor, the captain shouted immediately.
"Heavenly General?"
The port official lowered his head, and when he heard this word, he also remembered.
It seems that after the Son of God became His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor.
On the side of Yanhuang Great World, the heavenly soldiers and generals were gifted for this majesty to mobilize.
Those celestial soldiers and generals, each one is hundreds of meters high Yanhuang giant.
The strength is extraordinary, and has the blessing of the bright moon gods.
In addition, he also heard that the best among them are no worse than the creation supreme in the Forbidden Land level.
Even if His Majesty Tiandi doesn't make a move.
Relying on these external forces, you can also secure the status of the city of miracles today without shaking!
There are even rumors that His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor of the City of Miracles has long mastered the absolute force to conquer the entire space-time sea.
It's just that the other party doesn't want to act like this.
When he heard this, the official pushed himself to others, and felt that such words must have been made up by a flatterer!
Not advisable, let alone credible!
But now, looking at the golden general.
Vaguely, this official thinks maybe this is the truth?
As for why not be the master of this space-time sea area.
It may be... that your Majesty thinks it is too troublesome to manage so many chores?
Reminiscent of the dense trade routes of the city of miracles, there are countless merchant ships.
The official faintly saw another way to rule.
Heavenly general Wen Qiong swept the merchant ship.
With just a knife, he cut off the curse here.
Then, he looked at Baimu Continent.
In an instant, Xiao Yu, who was a hundred million miles away, also saw the situation in the Baimu Continent.
And immediately hey:
"The curse of this continent is a little different."
"Heh, the Curse of Origin, did it fall here?"
Xiao Yu whispered, his heart moved.
A spaceship immediately set sail and left the port.
On this spaceship.
Sitting cross-legged is a headless warrior with muscles like steel...Xing Tian!
The great Xing Tian has double eyes, holding a shield in his left hand and an axe in his right hand.
Xiao Yu is a powerful subordinate at the same level as Moses Adra, the king of Mars.
Moreover, Xiao Yu also gave out the Silver Hammer on Xing Tian.
It is also the hammer of destruction.
As the incarnation of Xiao Yu's origin. Xing Tian can naturally also use the silver hammer and use its invincible power.
As for backlash.
Xing Tian's exaggerated defensive power and resilience, naturally, there is no need to worry.
Therefore, Xiao Yu believed that it could maximize the power of the Silver Hammer.
"Xingtian's attack should be enough."
"The curse of Baimu Continent can be flattened..."
Xiao Yu whispered and closed his eyes again to receive the message.
To be honest, the curse began to erupt in this month.
Xiao Yu was vaguely aware of the outbreak of this curse, UU reading seemed invisible, and pushed himself.
Let the city of miracles accept the talents of the world, the grand plan of the world wealth has accelerated a very important step.
So when Xiao Yu faced the four goddesses and other cronies.
They have repeatedly expressed their sincerity.
I really didn't know that the curse from the outside world would come to Lilliputian, and it would explode so fast, terrifying, and causing such a big butterfly effect.
He, Xiao Yu, was really unconscious about this matter...
However, judging from the results, unintentional or intentional is obviously not important.
The Forbidden Territory-level forces in the Lilliputian State have also expressed their dissatisfaction implicitly from the beginning to now actively seeking cooperation.
You can tell.
They are learning what to do after accepting the arrival of the new era.
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