Chapter 2145: Sapphire Lion

The sapphire lion shook his head.
The sapphire curls on its head slowly evacuated, revealing sapphire crystals.
Huh huh!
These sapphire crystals surround the sapphire lion, and at the moment of formation, an illusion of a sapphire lion a hundred times bigger appears on the satellite.
In terms of momentum, it seems to be stronger than just three points.
However, in the eyes of the emperor.
But it can be seen that this sapphire lion is just the end of the force.
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However, even seeing the reality of the other party.
His Majesty the Great Heavenly Emperor still did not immediately suppress it.
But a thought fell.
The king of Mars Moses Adra was released to join the battlefield.
Moses Adra, the king of Mars, who held a magic blade in his hand, made the phantom of the sapphire lion blurred when he shot.
The sapphire lion did not expect that the Fajun Huiyue in front of him would not fight him head-on at this time. When he was angry, he had to put his anger on Moses Athara, the king of Mars.
However, Moses Adra, the king of Mars, also has a body guarded by the Moon God Soldier.
And the filthy magic power on his body has condensed to its limit a long time ago.
It slashed out, and all the filthy power it carried burst out.
Thousands of turbulent currents burst out under intense halos of various colors.
The sapphire lion's body suddenly opened its mouth, and it happened to bite on the magic blade swung by Moses Adra, the king of Mars, causing the eyes on the hilt to open.
At this moment, Moses Athara, the king of Mars, disappeared in front of the sapphire lion.
Back to the side of the Heavenly Emperor Faxiang, the king of Mars Moses Adra has lost his arms.
But at the moment when the magic blade was bitten, the Fang Fang, which was materialized by the opponent's fierce power, spread and shredded.
Had it not been for Moses Adra, the king of Mars, to retreat fast, I'm afraid there would be nothing left now.
Without his arms, Moses Adra, the king of Mars, was not at all afraid or angry.
It stared at the sapphire lion indifferently, and said a spell.
The blade of the demon soul that the sapphire lion bite burst out with blue light.
Not only in the mouth of the sapphire lion, but also in the cracks in its skin, blue light appeared.
The sapphire lion had to let go of the devil's blade.
Losing the physical contact of the opponent, the Demon Soul Blade was freed and immediately returned to the chest of the King of Mars Moses Adra.
"You, not bad!"
Seeing that one of the strongest subordinates under his seat, the king of Mars, Moses Athara, also suffered a small loss in the mouth of this sapphire lion.
Xiao Yu nodded slightly, approving the sapphire lion's ability.
To show respect.
Xiao Yu shot.
Tiandi Faxiang slowly stretched out his right hand, and gently pressed it down!
Over the satellite, a large hand made of stars appeared, and it fell down like the sky had fallen!
The sapphire lion raised his head and roared, his only remaining eyes were staring at the large hand of the starlight that was pressed down, solemn and cautious as never before.
Obviously, this sapphire lion also knows the goods, and feels that the power of the radiant moon contained in the palm of the heavenly emperor's law is extraordinary!
The sapphire lion's nine-section whip-like tail slammed the ground, and a deep crack was formed. The tail banged into a cyan afterimage and hit the palm of the sky.
At the same time, the illusion of the sapphire lion violently raised his head and hit a piece of texture on his palm.
this moment.
This small star has been illuminated by the dazzling blue light and blue light without the third color.
It is also at this critical moment when the enemy and us are confronting each other.
On Xiao Yu's side, there were many changes.
However, the more than one hundred forbidden sacreds in the secret realm have activated their luminous moon gods to condense their true meaning.
After that, the true meaning of the more than one hundred false Huiyues was inhaled by Xiao Yu's Void Mirror.
Suddenly a mirror surface appeared in the palm of his hand, and it sprayed out!
As a result, the sapphire lion, who was fully resisting the palm of the heavenly emperor, was really dazed.
Aren’t you finally willing to fight one-on-one with supernatural power?
Why did such a trick come all of a sudden? can you not forget the sneak attack at this moment?
The sapphire lion is careless, it didn't flash...!
Oh, no, the current state of the sapphire lion can't flash.
Even if it has been prepared, it cannot be avoided.
So from this point of view.
Xiao Yu felt that this proved that he did not sneak attack!
Everything is the result of his wise and martial tactics!
The power of the pseudo-luminous moon of the forbidden land-level supreme slammed the sapphire lion's head in one breath.
Scraping scraped out a lot of bluish gleaming sand.
Seems little effect.
In fact, at this critical moment, it is already useful enough.
The illusion of the sapphire lion jumped to pieces at this moment.
The nine-section whip tail also recovered from the afterimage.
The Heavenly Emperor God's palm then gained absolute superiority, pressing on the head, back and tail of the sapphire lion.
The sapphire lion was crushed to the ground and plunged into the depths of the satellite.
Hundred meters, kilometers, three kilometers!
at last!
Then the Heavenly Emperor Faxiang's right hand slammed into the void!
The satellite in front was completely broken!
The sapphire lion flew out from the other side.
The whole majestic body is already full of cracks.
With the mighty circles of lion heads, no one can be seen intact now.
"You are not bad."
"Do you want to cooperate with me."
Xiao Yu's thoughts then fell in front of the sapphire lion, and sent kindness to the sapphire lion that had been seriously injured.
Well, this is an excellent experience of Lilliput.
If you want to subdue those noble monsters, you have to stop talking before talking.
If you don't agree, you can fight again. Generally speaking, the success rate is very high.
The jade lion's expression stiffened, and his mouth opened to reveal a mouth with a broken tooth:
"I am the original incarnation of the Lord of Spiral. Do you...Do you think I will become a subordinate of your newly advanced Huiyue?"
"Despicable young Huiyue, you are dreaming!"
Roaring, the sapphire lion turned his body and faced the emperor's face, suddenly turned into a blue light and rushed over.
The Emperor Fa sighed, and countless golden chains appeared in the void.
Huh huh!
These golden chains were wrapped around the body of the sapphire lion, making the body of the sapphire lion stagnate in space.
"Locked up?"
In the rear ship, some extraordinary people who were brought to the world looked at the fierce battle in the projection, and cheered with some surprises.
As soon as the sound of surprise was yelled, these transcendents stared at the projection in amazement. The sapphire lion suddenly threw its head up and its tail moved.
Then the golden chains around it were broken.
Then, the sapphire lion tried to continue to charge forward.
Huh huh!
The golden chain flew out again, locking the sapphire lion.
And this time, Hun Tian Ling, the celestial soldier of Huiyue, appeared, directly entwining the tail of the sapphire lion.
On the back of the sapphire lion's neck, the black iron rod Chaos Soul Breaking Rod also cooperated and shook again.
When the sapphire lion just wanted to resist, his brain roared.
In addition, in front of the sapphire lion, the Void God Mirror appeared again, ripples appeared on the mirror surface, and a big eyeball appeared.
The body of the sapphire lion was set in the starry sky.
No matter how hard it struggles, it can't break free anymore, it can only stay where it is and listen to Xiao Yu's voice.
"Don't keep thinking about one or two?"
"If you feel that the cooperation is not good, you can become a working lion and work for me."
"You... shouldn't be reconciled to just being the incarnation of the Lord?"
Xiao Yu's eyes seemed to see through the heart of the sapphire lion.
The sapphire lion indeed flashed a fierce light in his eyes.
In the next second, the sapphire lion closed his eyes and did not look at the image of the heavenly emperor, but continued to accumulate energy in an attempt to break free.
Xiao Yu smiled, not angry.
He just asked the Heavenly Emperor Faxiang to stretch out his index finger, tap the sapphire lion lightly, and release a move to destroy the star.
The stars flashed, and the distant fleet felt a certain shock.
The sapphire lion was directly knocked back to the gaseous planet.
Next, the explosions produced by the star-killing finger exploded on the surface of the planet again and again.
In the end, the majestic body of the sapphire lion burst completely.
There was only a small green lion statue left, staying where it was, and being taken into the secret realm by Xiao Yu.
"This is self-sealed."
"Unfortunately, you met me."
Xiao Yu felt the sapphire lion statue.
Knowing that this should be the last way to save the life of this Huiyue incarnation.
Not to mention, after shrinking myself into a slap-sized sculpture like this.
It itself has become more indestructible than most of the Lunar God Soldiers.
Even if it is thrown into the depths of the star, it may not be destroyed.
It can just stick to it like this, wait until the great era comes, be saved by the Lord, or wait for the opportunity to get new opportunities.
Xiao Yu temporarily threw the jade lion statue into the Wanjian Mountain to suppress it.
At the same time, smiling and leaving a message:
"After a week, I believe you will have other ideas."
The sapphire lion that turned into a sculpture coldly snorted and continued to shrink.
It is also the incarnation of Old Huiyue.
After following the Lord, what big storms and waves have you never seen?
It is the monster of the hostile galaxy, and it has encountered it several times.
Speaking of it, it produced a counterintention, and in a sense, it was also affected by the world's wonders in the hands of the hostile Huiyue, which gradually produced a subjective will.
In addition, the master is obviously not working.
Let it become the incarnation of Huiyue, and gradually have the idea that I can take its place!
After all, the incarnation of Huiyue is a spare tire for resurrection to the body.
When to resurrect, it can only be determined by the body, not the spare tire.
Otherwise, there is only one origin, but there are two of the self-proclaimed ontology. What does this make other Huiyue incarnations think?
For the spare tires, the main body's policy is always very accurate:
Freedom, initiative, sustainable development?
I can give these, but you can't grab them!
Therefore, when the Lord discovered that there was a back bone, the sapphire lion was thrown directly into the gaseous planet and served as a guard.
At that moment, Sapphire Lion knew that he had actually been abandoned.
But so what?
The Lord is the Lord after all.
I... It's not impossible to replace it.
Just swallow all the other incarnations on the Lord.
Wait until the Lord is beaten to death!
Ha ha ha, isn't it the new master?
The Sapphire Lion idea is very good, although somewhat difficult to achieve.
But it is also one of its spiritual support all the time.
After becoming a sculpture, the sapphire lion has the same dream and continues to encourage himself.
Just when the sapphire lion was already thinking about how he would develop for the first thousand and two hundred years after he became the Lord of the Bright Moon.
The sapphire lion suddenly felt that he was released and re-contacted outer space.
"Hey, there is still a depleted environment without spiritual changes."
"Such a starry sky battle can only rely on the power of the void and starlight, and the tenth-tier force can only play 50%."
"I don't know how the young Fajun Huiyue did it, where did his spiritual power come from?"
The sapphire lion closed his eyes and thought, and suddenly felt something abnormal.
My heart was suddenly empty, and I felt it had come from a great crisis.
Had to open his eyes.
The sapphire lion shocked the spot!
In the depths of the dark starry sky, it suddenly saw that a neutron star was slowly approaching in the distance!
From the resonance between that neutron star and Fajun Huiyue beside him.
Damn it!
This is not Huiyue!
How could this young Falun Gong practitioner contract a neutron star!
"This is impossible!"
"This is one of the strongest neutron stars in the galaxy!"
"In ancient times, those who could contract neutron stars are the noble monarchs of the sun."
"And this is just a legend. In fact, Huiyue has never seen a neutron star in contract status!"
"This... how can this happen!"
Looking at the neutron star in front of you.
The sapphire lion is already a little incoherent.
Only then did it look at Xiao Yu again.
Some can't understand what kind of background this plain wizard has.
How can you get so many good things and this neutron star!
Sapphire Lion had a bold idea.
This young Huiyue.
Could it be the reincarnation of a certain sun power?
Before the catastrophe, there was also a secret rumor.
The conflict between the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy has drawn in several sun powers.
Each of them has the ability to destroy the creatures below Huiyue.
And as a result, just after the outbreak, they performed their own tricks.
Caused their respective sun damage.
Creating a catastrophe that covers the two galaxies is actually a compromise product that the sun energies of the two galaxies have learned and are unwilling to pay the price for the battle.
They use the billions of stars in two galaxies and intelligent civilization as their chessboard.
Play a point-to-point game.
After the catastrophe, which galaxy developed faster, stronger and more ferocious.
In the future, it is natural that the civilization of the galaxy will have the advantage and gain more territory and resources after the fusion.
The winner will naturally get the right to set more rules!
Then, use this as a background.
You Huiyue guessed.
Maybe there is the power of the sun that was hurt by the origin in the last war.
Want to repair, it is better to reincarnate and rebirth.
Rebirth is like rebirth from the ashes, reborn, and even further.
Although how to practice after Xi Sun, Huiyue was completely unconscious.
But it can't prevent them from making up their minds.
And let the sapphire lion overheard one or two.
Look at the neutron star.
Feel the resonance between heaven and earth.
The sapphire lion took a deep breath.
Vaguely feel that maybe he has found a better way, maybe?
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