Chapter 2162: Nolan Civilization

69, the fastest update of my little country!
Captain Xiaobai slowly stretched out his slender white neck.
A pair of cat eyes, gleaming with dangerous stars, stared at the black spot that was fast approaching in the distance.
The black spot is actually a cuboid spacecraft about twenty meters long and five meters high.
The spacecraft stretches its wings composed of three pairs of solar panels, providing stable energy for its forward movement.
This spacecraft is named Hope Seven.
Although only ten meters long.
But it is also one of the best spacecrafts of the intelligent civilization of this star system.
Hope 7 was originally a scientific research ship, and its recent mission is to cooperate with the latest astronomical telescope to observe the conditions of the neighboring galaxies.
A series of wars broke out on Guwa's home planet.
After a delay of more than ten years, it was finally received by the intelligent civilization of this galaxy and aroused their interest.
During the time when Captain Xiaobai came over.
There are many intelligent individuals in this galaxy who believe that there is an intelligent civilization in the neighboring galaxy.
In the science fiction world, as early as a hundred years ago, someone wrote about the result of the wisdom civilization of Guwa's home planet entering the end times.
It is simply the great prophet alive.
"Nolan will live forever!"
In the spacecraft, an officer with a serious expression saluted the national flag stuck in the room and read the oath he had made when he joined the army.
Then, he straightened his coat and hat, and entered the command room with meticulous performance.
One enters the command room.
He saw the captain and chief astronomer of the spacecraft looking at himself worriedly:
"Major Marta, I feel that it is too risky for us to rush to the anomaly."
"From the beginning, I have been in the wild with extreme fear. I suggest that we return immediately."
The captain made another suggestion to the major.
However, facing the suggestion, the major who still behaved meticulously, coldly shook his head and refused:
"This is the decision of the Norland Republic, the Supreme Council."
"Our actions are extremely important to Nolan's future."
"Captain, you'd better do what you are responsible for."
Speaking of this, the major called Marta paused and added:
"Your mental condition, I will mention it to you, maybe you have the opportunity to take your team back to Nolan in advance by taking the reserve."
After the major said this, he sat in the co-pilot. He, who was just the deputy captain, had the real power of the spacecraft after receiving orders from the rear.
His warning to the captain was not without worry.
It's just that he tended to believe that it was the reason that the captain was too old, so he was affected by deep space claustrophobia.
This voyage may be the last trip of the captain, right?
Since deep-space claustrophobia has caused many interstellar spacecraft crashes and disappearances, the Norland Republic has in principle no longer allowed persons with this symptom and mid-term abnormalities to board the ship.
As for the danger...
Wealth and wealth are in danger, but there is no danger. Which is the turn of a small person like yourself to fight?
And, how much danger is there in this star system?
At best, there was another astronomical anomaly that astronomers didn't understand.
These things, invented from words, are still missing?
Maybe, I can become the name of this phenomenon?
Marta planet?
The major thought.
I suddenly felt goose bumps all over my body.
My mind buzzed, as if I felt something extremely terrible, staring at me?
The major screamed, and fell limp in his chair.
This vision immediately attracted the attention of the crew around.
"How is this going?"
Dense beads of sweat came out of Major Marta's forehead.
His brain began to recall the feeling of extreme fear just now.
And I want to know what I thought of that made myself so scared.
This is not a dream, it is in reality!
Could it be... I am also sick, and I am not too sick!
No, it can't be like this, I obviously have a better future waiting for me!
The opportunity for meritorious service lies ahead!
The major recalled the fear, only to feel a pain in his head, and his body was so soft that he fell directly from the chair.
"Deputy Captain!"
The crew realized that the problem was serious, and hurriedly embraced it.
After several seconds, the major struggled to get up.
There was no initial confidence in his eyes.
In his pain, he suddenly remembered his old parents who were still waiting for him in his hometown.
Thinking of the two younger brothers and three younger sisters who paid off their debts and went to school.
I also thought of the Norland Republic, but I plan to introduce myself to my blind date after big data analysis in the second half of the year.
If his condition continues to deteriorate now, there will be nothing left.
The major bit his lip unwillingly, but still couldn't stop the fear that came in his heart.
He handed over power to the first officer.
Then, he forcibly took the captain team who wanted the spacecraft to leave together, squeezed into the reserve compartment, and then initiated the evacuation procedure.
Accompanied by a jitter of the hatch.
This small reserve cabin, which looked like an iron coffin, separated from the spacecraft, and activated the only fuel to eject flames, propelling the spacecraft toward the parent star.
As far away from the spaceship.
Major Marta found that his mood was finally calmer.
Looking at the captain, there was also a hint of approval.
The captain still stared at the major angrily.
"You obviously have the same feeling as me, why do you still refuse to let the spacecraft return?"
Facing the reproach, the major did not continue to say that it was just a deep space claustrophobic attack.
He answered honestly:
"If this is just a claustrophobic attack, I have no reason to stop Hope 7 from continuing the mission."
"If it's not, but we did foresee the danger for some reason."
"That shows that the mission of the spacecraft is more important to Nolan than expected, and they have no reason to give up!"
"Sacrificing for Nolan is worth it."
The major looked at the captain's angry and distorted old face, lowered his head and closed his eyes and stopped answering.
The captain furiously furious for a while, and slumped back to his seat, looking at the dark starry sky through the ship window, expecting that everything was just thinking about it.
Everyone... will be all right?
Thinking like this, he gradually became tired and fell asleep.
In my sleep.
The old astronomer saw a mighty and majestic animal beyond the aesthetic limits of ordinary people, beyond the white tiger mythical beast depicted by the artist, and appeared in front of him, full of discrimination against him looking down on lower life.
Just watch.
It made him unable to move, and entered a state of extreme fear, life is better than death...
Until, the dream was shaken by a violent shaking.
The captain woke up from the nightmare.
And seeing his wife and assistant, looked at himself with horror.
"Fa... what happened?"
Upon seeing this, the captain, who realized that it was not good, asked quickly.
Then I learned the news. Just now, Hope 7 suddenly lost all signals.
And the last message they sent was that they were approaching the target area, and they found that the light in that area seemed to be distorted.
After that, there was a sound of scum, and then there was no signal.
"So, now the Nolan Supreme Council desperately wants to know whether all this is a natural phenomenon or something else?"
After the captain listened, he thought of the white tiger beast in the dream.
He rubbed his eyebrows and decided that no matter how ridiculous he was, he would report everything he knew...
at the same time.
Captain Xiaobai personally took the shot, imagining a thousand-meter-long double-winged thunder white tiger, and swallowed the Hope 7 spacecraft in one bite.
After entering his stomach, Captain Xiaobai took out the souls of dozens of crew members on the spaceship into the sea of ​​consciousness with a mental movement.
Several undead witchcraft smashed over.
But where can the crew of ordinary mortals carry these?
In a short while, they all turned into low-level undead creatures.
Became the loyal undead crew of Captain Xiaobai.
The Hope Seven spacecraft also turned into a ghostly ghost ship in the blink of an eye.
Captain Xiaobai also learned about the wisdom and civilization of the neighboring galaxy from these loyal undead crew members.
This wise civilization called itself the Nolan tribe.
The home planet rides on Nolan.
Their civilization has been recorded for more than 100,000 years, and it can be regarded as a long civilization.
During this long period of time, Nolan civilization has lived through many trials of life and death.
They all survived the ice age, the terror plague, and even the wasteland period when the nuclear war broke out.
Now the Republic of Norland that unifies the entire planet.
In fact, it is the surviving Nolan people, a civilized government re-established on the wasteland.
Therefore, their urban agglomerations are so much less than technological development.
In addition, because the previous wars and extravagance waste too many resources.
The newly born Nolan civilization chose to vigorously develop sustainable new energy.
Without achieving controllable nuclear fusion, they chose solar power to replace the original thermal power.
For this reason, they have laid massive solar panels on the plains, mountains, and even in space.
Their solar panel technology has also been greatly developed.
If there is no mysterious power to help.
With the current technology of Aquastar civilization, it is at least one era behind the other side.
The Norland Republic currently has a population of approximately 1.5 billion.
On the whole, it is in an ascending period after civilization has fallen to the bottom.
This is the second half of the so-called smile curve.
Civilization at this stage, regardless of east and west, is the most difficult time.
Geniuses come forth in large numbers and civilized self-confidence is bursting.
Even if you encounter an invincible enemy, you will always try to find a countermeasure.
For example, the Nolan civilization chose to go deep into space.
Also encountered deep space claustrophobia.
There is no goddess prayer room to help.
They finally thought of a way.
That is the belief in collective consciousness.
For example, all crew members must take an oath to strengthen their position and importance in civilization after a certain period of time.
In this way, with the help of the power of collective consciousness, as much as possible to avoid the big outbreak of deep space claustrophobia.
Coupled with the lessons learned, the critically ill patients are forced to retire.
The deep space journey of the Nolan civilization, at least in the local galaxy circle, is still feasible.
If there is no outside disturbance, no civil strife.
Perhaps, the Nolan civilization has hope to develop to a level similar to the Krup civilization, allowing colonies to spread across the large planets in the star system, and using these resources, for another hundred thousand years.
Captain Xiaobai knows this.
Instead, the corners of his mouth curled up with a smile.
This kind of little bug that won't be knocked down... just fun!
As the nature of meow.
He likes those stubborn ants best.
"Remove the pretense!"
"Announce our arrival to an unfamiliar civilization!"
"tell them!"
"Open the door!"
"free trade!"
Captain Xiaobai directly yelled out the lines on the game screen he had seen before lying on Xiao Yu's shoulder.
At this moment, I feel very vigorous.
In the stars.
The twisted space returned to normal.
A starry sky mother ship the size of a steel city gradually became clear from the darkness and blur, and slowly moved closer to the planet in front.
With the starry sky mother ship unabashedly debut.
Astronomical equipment in Nolan's home planet, I saw this uninvited guest for the first time, this behemoth!
"Outside... alien invasion?"
The old captain in the escaping cabin stared wide and saw the starry sky mother ship that could be seen behind him without a telescope.
Thinking of the disappearance of Hope Seven, his heart was cold.
The same goes for his assistants.
The more you study space, the more you are in awe and even fear of space.
I also become more and more concerned about civilizations that can cross the distance between star systems. UU reading feels a huge sense of powerlessness and sacred each other.
On the contrary, it is a soldier like Marta, although he is shocked, but he is not willing to admit his fate and get caught.
"This is an alien mothership, otherwise it won't be that big!"
"Such a starship... suddenly appeared in such a position, this must be a premeditated military plan!"
Major Marta was very excited, his hands creaked.
"I must apply to join the frontline troops!"
Major Marta said seriously.
"Ha ha."
Next to him, an assistant smiled with an ugly expression:
"I'm afraid you don't have this chance."
"Have you not noticed that the spaceship is getting bigger and bigger?"
"Our speed... is too slow."
The assistant rubbed his hair desperately, and imagined in his mind the images of aliens conducting various inhumane human experiments on them.
The assistant's prediction was soon realized.
The starry sky mother ship leaped over the back compartment in a few minutes.
And ejected a small spacecraft, captured the reserve compartment, and dragged it into the mothership.
The moment the door was forcibly opened.
Major Marta raised a pistol and fired.
It's a pity that ordinary kinetic energy bullets are ineffective against undead warriors who are at least an extraordinary level.
These undead warriors in armor did not even move their brows. They carried the opponent and shot, came to the opponent, grabbed the opponent's throat, and dragged it down.
On the side, the ghost wizards of Guwa watched the whole process.
They are quite curious about the Nolan people.
These Nolans are very similar to the Aquastars except for their colorful hair.
It makes them a little bit suspicious, is there any relationship between the two?
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