Chapter 287: Difficult to go to the blue sky

"This is the reaction of the top magic stone!"
   Xiao Yu's eyes shone with extraordinary aura, ignoring the dazzling red light erupted from the Sage Stone.
   He smiled when he looked at this red gem, which was one size smaller than his palm:
   "Look at this reaction after being stimulated by mana, it should be the top fire magic stone!"
"And it's still such a big piece!" Xiao Yu's eyes brightened: "The magic stone ore veins of the villain three-headed dog family can't produce so much in ten thousand years! The energy problem of my giant soldier can be solved! "
   "Many large-scale witchcraft magic circle core energy startup problems can also be solved!"
   "This is really... so good!"
   When Xiao Yu was happily admiring the Sage Stone.
In the office of the investigation team, experts are using limited data to analyze the principles of the Sage Stone.
   At the same time, I also sent the situation here to a higher-level command organization, and I did not forget to send a copy to Jiang Detective, who was investigating in Longshan.
   just helped the local county to solve a murder case. Jiang Detective, who was standing in a cave in the Longshan Mountains with a schoolbag on his back, pushed the black frame glasses to open it when he noticed that the satellite communication device in the waist was dropping.
   "Oh, the stone of the sage glows in the hands of Qingyun Jianxian, and there is a mysterious phenomenon that science cannot explain?"
  After reading it, Detective Jiang touched his chin and thought, "It seems that this sage stone is also a treasure that practitioners can use?"
   "From this point of view, my direction is not wrong."
   Detective Jiang scanned the cave, turned on the flashlight and looked at the mural inside the cave.
   "Blue Cloud Sword Immortal, Thunder God Zhao Mang... These practitioners can use those ancient relics!"
   "As long as enough ancient relics are collected, we may not be able to make a request!"
  The cave where Detective Jiang is located is a cave school in the depths of Longshan hundreds of years ago. It engraves the ancestors' perception of the practice and the story that has been passed down.
   In the past 100 years, the last descendant of the school has already gone down the mountain and never returned, and the cave house was abandoned.
   In recent years, the local government has considered developing this as a tourist attraction, but after the on-site inspection, it was found that the difficulty was too great and the funds were insufficient, so it was regretted to give up.
   Detective Jiang came here and heard that there is still such a place, and naturally ran over with excitement.
   Then he noticed that the stories in these murals mentioned one thing, that is, this sect also has several gods.
   "This is a clue." Detective Jiang crouched down halfway: "I have to call for support, I just hope that these things will remain in the country!"
  Xiao Yu appreciates enough sage's stone and puts it in his personal space.
   then thanked the deputy leader of the investigation team for a fist.
  The deputy team leader naturally spoke a set of mandarin, and then asked softly to Xiao Yu if he knew about Zhao Mang, the Longshan Wumen deserter.
   Xiao Yu blinked, blushing and beating, saying: "I have met Zhao Mang several times."
   "His path is different from ours, so I don't know the specific situation."
   Qingyun Jianxian said that this paused, and continued: "However, I think he is magnificent, and should be a generation of heroes who are bright and upright in their lives."
   "I wouldn't want to commit evil with the court!"
   "In addition..." Xiao Yu looked at the deputy team leader and said: "I think you are also practicing my exercises recently, just to practice a journey, you need great perseverance, great wisdom and great opportunity to get started successfully."
   "Then even if the entry is successful, by relying on the power of immortality to cooperate with the practice, most people just get a little superficial effort."
   "It is difficult to practice, it is difficult to go to the blue sky."
  After Xiao Yu said this, he left with something to say goodbye.
  Leaving there is indeed a practice, but the vice leader who can't get in the door can sigh in the lobby.
   "Great perseverance, great wisdom?" The team leader of the investigation team tapped the desktop with his finger, whispering:
   "Is this a guess that we are organizing to practice the cheats he gave?"
   "But... although it's just superficial."
   "But it also works well, doesn't it?"
   The leader of the investigation team looked at an exquisite general with the five senses.
   The man nodded slightly: "We selected a hundred warriors from the whole army who were able to get started, insisted on taking white turnip liquid, and practiced the exercises given to the Jin family by Qingyun Jianxian day and night."
   "At present, the effect is much more significant than other martial arts. The reaction speed and explosive power of almost all fighters have increased."
   "Well... But the other party mentioned this matter specifically, it seems to tell us that the effect of the practice has stopped for most people?"
   "Let's not think that practitioners are so easy to cultivate?"
   "Have you an unrealistic fantasy?"
  The leader of the investigation team actually guessed the truth this time.
The exercises provided by Xiao Yu came from the library of the Kingdom of Steel Capital. After thousands of years, tens of thousands of extraordinary knights participated in it. After gathering the power of the predecessors to modify the summary, they were able to write the most suitable for the cultivation of the human body. And lay the foundation skills.
   In a sense, these cross-generational exercises are much better than the health gymnastics currently promoted in various countries.
   Regular practice can indeed enhance physical fitness.
   It's just that there is no extraordinary food like Baiyuanye that provides enough nutrients to push the body to the limit.
   Those soldiers practiced till the end... and they got a strong and powerful effect.
   Perhaps a gifted person who can come back to be as light as a bird, will reach the limit.
   But even if only such an effect, think about it, what kind of Olympic Games in the future, domestic gold medals can get soft hands?
  Football or the like, after the physical quality is improved, the performance will not be so embarrassing?
   Maybe, can I get a World Cup back for the country?
   Xiao Yu returned to his hometown satisfied with the sage stone, and after studying the instructions of the gem cutter, he took out the stone egg.
   "Start work!"
   The cutting machine started up at once, and slowly approached the stone egg under Xiao Yu's operation.
Xiao Yu concentrated on staring at the stone egg, but did not worry that the puppet heart would be destroyed. Thing.
   Xiao Yu cut towards the stone egg. After more than ten seconds, Xiao Yu was surprised to find that the saw teeth of his cutting blade were all dull!
   However, fortunately, Xiao Yu saw cracks in the shell of the stone egg.
  Gem cutting machine is not in vain!
   Xiao Yu was suddenly full of energy, changed his sawtooth, and continued to work, which was considered to be on this stone egg bar.
   Finally, when the sun goes down.
   Xiao Yu broke open the stone egg and saw gray beads of the same size as peanuts hidden inside.
   There is no doubt that this bead is the heart of the puppet! ) Download the free reader!!
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