Chapter 319: 1 enemy 1 army

The streets outside the Sakura Museum are full of various vehicles abandoned by the owners.
The most conspicuous among them is undoubtedly a red fire truck still shining with police lights.
This fire truck had taken a fire call and hurried to the Ginza area. As a result, I saw a police helicopter that was shot down in the sky halfway and quickly slowed down.
Soon as the evacuation order was issued, the air defense alarm sounded, and everyone abandoned the car and fled to the nearest building.
Where did the firefighters in the fire truck still stay in the car, and joined the crowd one by one, hiding in a convenience store in a panic, and then hugged together to warm up, looking tremblingly outside the glass door .
Worried about what kind of monsters will appear in front of them!
Many citizens who do not believe in God at this time are all chanting the gods, praying to be blessed.
Ding Dong!
As the clock of the convenience store rang at 1:00 in the morning.
Outside the glass door, a series of loud noises suddenly sounded, but after a white light flew with incomplete images over countless vehicles, it jumped over dozens of vehicles and fell on the roof of the fire truck.
With a loud noise!
The roof of the fire truck was suddenly recessed and transformed into a pile of scrap iron paralyzed on the ground!
The wheels of a fire truck popped out with a bang, hitting the glass door of a convenience store, and frightened the people inside.
Everyone who dare not get out of the atmosphere was sweating for a moment, looking at the bronze statue coming out of the scrap iron with white light in fear.
Suddenly, a clerk holding a telescope surprisedly said:
"This... isn't that Nanmu in front of the palace being a bronze statue of an adult samurai on horseback?"
"Nanmu is forming a bronze statue?"
"I went to worship last week and prayed to have a girlfriend!"
Boom Boom Boom!
The crowd at the convenience store was calmed down by this sudden joke, when they saw that the standing upright Nanmu was in front of a bronze statue, dozens of fire tongues appeared and hit them, covering them in a blink of an eye. The entire street visually!
This was the first time that the poisonous helicopters over the Sakura Museum were on the ground and launched the first attack.
A wave of rockets was used to wash the street.
"Hit the target!"
"Very good! Keep firing ~ start covering bombardment!"
Boom Boom Boom!
On the ground in front of the Sakura Museum thousands of meters away, dozens of infantry artillery also projected high-explosive shells, whistling and falling around the target.
The explosion flame obscured the sight around the scene.
Everyone in the convenience store stared at the blazing sea of ​​fire, trembling and talking to themselves:
"Tianzhao God, is this a war!"
"Our Sakura Capital... is being shelled!"
"Woo...Why do we encounter such a thing!"
"God, please bless us!"
When everyone in the convenience store wailed, Xiao Yu was controlling Nanmu to become a bronze statue, and also felt that this wave of firepower was different from that of the genius.
"Extraordinary Aura's consumption rate is more than doubled just now!"
Xiao Yu whispered: "Is this Citi's army shot?"
"Um... I try, is the configuration of the exploration technique correct?"
Xiao Yu controlled Nanmu as a bronze statue, while exuding the extraordinary aura transformed by the power of faith to resist the artillery fire, while using the huge energy reserves in his body to try to release.
After failing several times, finally relying on the powerful mana to release the witchcraft that Xiao Yu wanted.
Nanmu is forming the eyes of a bronze statue, shooting out the invisible fine awn.
In an instant, those poisonous snake helicopters under the night sky, as well as those infantry artillery positions, as well as the main battle tank guarding the front entrance of the Sakura Museum, were all under Xiao Yu's eyes.
"It's my turn to fight back."
Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and the war horse of Nanmu was forming a bronze statue. He jumped up and jumped out of the gap of more than ten falling cannonballs. Several landings fell on a tall steel alloy billboard on.
With a kick, the billboard at least 12 meters high was knocked down on the ground. At the same time, the nanmu became a bronze as if flying in the air. After reaching the highest point, it was actually a helicopter with the lowering viper snake. It's at almost the same level.
Da da da!
Feeling that the dangerous Vulcan helicopter fired wildly on both sides of the helicopter, the pilot instinctively started to raise the rocker.
However, the nanmu is forming a bronze statue in the air, but it has already begun to charge when it is still jumping.
After arriving at the booked location, Xiao Yu's thoughts moved.
On the bronze statue of Nanmu, the warrior's hands with his palm as a sword, he swiped forward, releasing Xiao Yu's most familiar martial arts.
Two broken blades visible to the naked eye flew out like lightning.
"what is that?"
"Gosh~ so fast!"
"Damn, can't escape!"
In an instant, the officials in the conference room only heard the horrified cry of the pilots.
He witnessed at least two viper helicopters in the air being hit by the light blade, exploding on the spot and turning into dazzling fireworks under the night sky.
"Quickly lift the height!"
"Damn, it!"
"No! Here again!"
"Hide, hurry!"
boom! Boom!
During the speech, two more light blades pierced the sky and took away two viper helicopters.
During the period of time when the bronze statue of Nanmu Zhengcheng jumped to the highest point and then fell, he released at least ten chopping choppers and destroyed ten viper helicopters, leaving the remaining viper helicopters in danger. Dare to get closer to this bronze statue.
Nanmu is forming a bronze statue from a height of hundreds of meters. It banged and directly crushed a viaduct at the foot of the foot, causing countless boulders and vehicles to fall down!
This scene, like a disaster film like a major earthquake, stimulates the fragile nerves of officials in the country of cherry blossoms.
Many officials couldn't help regretting it. Why do they want to join hands with Citigroup to engage in this plan to attract snakes from their own territory...
Mom sells tell me that this enemy is an army, and the extraordinary monster that destroys a city is a snake?
This is the strong dragon that is turning the river down, OK?
It's a pity... regret medicine hasn't been researched by the institute!
The military officer of Citigroup also had a green face at this time, but he did not show any regrets. He held the communicator and commanded the front-line troops through the information provided by satellites and on-site reconnaissance equipment.
When Xiao Yu proudly manipulated Nanmu Zhengcheng's bronze statue and walked up spotlessly from the ruins of the broken viaduct.
Along with the rumbling sound on the road ahead, Citigroup main battle tanks were painted in khaki.
Although this main battle tank is not the latest and best enhanced model of Citigroup, it is also the most battle-tested main battle tank.
Firepower, protection, power ~ No matter which index, it can be ranked in the top ten in the world in the current serving tank.
After seeing Nanmu being a bronze statue, this main battle tank directly transferred the main gun and gave it an armor-piercing projectile.
The armor-piercing shells fired by the 105-mm-caliber tank guns of the Citigroup main battle tank can penetrate a homogeneous steel plate with a depth of 1,000 mm in the effective range!
In the modern world, unless a miracle occurs, there is no armored unit that can withstand its shelling within a kilometer range.
Xiao Yu discovered this behemoth long ago by relying on the powerful perception of Nanmu Zhengcheng bronze statue.
Also found that the other party was moving and aimed at his barrel.
Although Nanmu is forming a bronze statue at a faster speed than a cannonball, I really want to hide it. It is still okay~ I only need to move faster than the barrel!
But curiosity made Xiao Yu have no choice to avoid. The strong belief of hundreds of millions of people in the country of cherry blossoms in the past century made him want to try to challenge this steel beast on land!
Under the eyes of all eyes, as the main battle tank fired, the Nanmu hit by the shells was formed into a bronze statue. Under the blaze of the explosion and the huge shock wave, the entire body was blown out by the shells and fell into a building behind him. , And directly smashed the tightly closed rolling door on the ground floor of the building.
Seeing that his main battle tank successfully flew the Lord Wushen in one bombardment, the Citizen military officials whistled.
Although the detection instrument can see that the nanmu is becoming a bronze statue, it hasn't broken up yet.
But in the eyes of everyone, it must have been hit hard, and then... the victory or defeat has been determined!
"The next round changed to a high-explosive shell and solved it completely!"
Citigroup's main battle tank had just been ordered, and the captain, who was about to execute the order, suddenly stunned, preventing the actions of his men.
The veteran captain with 20 years of military service experience was surprised to the hole in the ground floor of the building bombarded...
A bronze statue of a samurai is slowly coming out on a war horse.
The location of the chest of the bronze warrior can be clearly seen!
An artillery shell deformed severely in the heat was cuddling in his hands.
"Oh my god... how is that possible!"
"This monster caught the shells we fired with both hands?"
"Quick! Change armor-piercing warheads!"
"No, change special warheads and use super armor-piercing bullets!"
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