Chapter 360: The monster is here!

Xiao Yu was busy at the bottom of the lake for more than ten minutes before drawing the magic circle like a gourd scoop according to the description of Runestone.
Then he sat cross-legged in the center of the circle, and took out the tears of the Kraken as a burst, activating the circle.
This was a deep blue lake deep in the sky, and a beautiful blue halo appeared slowly.
With the blue light shining deep in the bottom of the water, the entire Taihu Lake waters, large and small schools of fish, seem to have been fatally attracted, and they swung their tails desperately and swam past!
The large and small fish ponds destroyed by the water element summons sent by Xiao Yu, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of tail pond fish also rushed out of the gap, following the inexplicable induction, ran to Xiao Yu Located in the waters of Lake Heart Island.
There are hundreds of tourists taking pictures at a tourist spot in Taihu Lake. Among them, a team of film crews carrying professional camera equipment are particularly eye-catching.
Their staff walked over to the lake and sprinkled a wave of fish food across the fence.
They are here to prepare for the scene where thousands of fish compete for food.
According to the previous understanding of this water, this is not difficult.
However, this time it was like seeing a ghost. More than ten seconds passed. A large amount of fish food floated on the water and wobbled, but it did not attract a lake fish!
This frowned the photographer.
Also let the person in charge be puzzled:
"What's going on? The lake fish here are not on vacation today?"
"Or is there no fish in this water?"
"No, this is a tourist spot, many are ornamental fish, it is impossible to overfish?"
A photographer whispered, picked up the phone and started to contact friends, want to ask what is going on?
At the same time, in another fishing ground in the waters of Taihu Lake.
The workers who were fishing for fish discovered the abnormal behavior of the school of fish and called the fish pond owner immediately.
The fish pond owner went to sleep in the nearby small building. After listening to the phone report, he anxiously put on his diving goggles and took off his jacket because of the water's strength. He plunged into the fish pond.
Immediately, the fish pond owner was surprised to see the hundreds of thousands of tail pond fish in his fish pond. In addition to being trapped in the water tank, the rest were gathered into a group of fish and stayed there. Under the pond water, a line of fish came out from a gap and fled into the distance!
After the fish pond owner floated up, he broke his mouth and scolded: "Which cut my fence?"
"Look I won't kill that bastard!"
The fish pond owner ordered the workers to quickly find something to block the gap, and quickly rushed to the computer room, opened the surveillance camera under the water to check it back up.
The fish pond owner suspected that this may be the ghost of the fellow who wanted to buy his own fish pond last month, but he felt that the price was low and not for sale.
"Well, see who it is!"
"Don't die him!"
Papa, the fish pond master cursed and pressed the mouse hard.
Finally, before the mouse was destroyed, he found the video. Unexpectedly, it happened not long ago but not long ago!
"I'm going to kill... Ha!"
Seeing the murderer who broke the fence in the video, the fish ponder's scolding choked up.
He was surprised to see that the murderer on the video ~ it is not human!
It's a water monster with a long tail and a weapon that can't speak Naga!
"This is the legendary Taihu monster!"
The fish pond owner yelled, watching the water monster in the video easily tearing open the fence, and his face was white.
Since ancient times, there have been rumors of water monsters in the Great Lakes. Taihu Lake is no exception, and there are also myths and legends such as Taihu Water Monsters.
These myths and legends are mainly circulated in the fishermen's circle. What kind of dragon lord is showing spirits?
After all, it is human nature to add oil and vinegar to gossip, not to mention that in ancient times, not all of the people who fished in this inland lake were good people. It is good to seek money and kill lives, not to mention natural disasters. This black pot is pushed to the fairy demon.
Over time, even if the science is now savvy, the elders who rely on Taihu for dinner still believe in ghosts and gods.
And... Plus Qing Yu Jianxian and Na Qingming Yin Yang Master transformed by Xiao Yu also pushed behind.
Recently, several fishery tycoons have called everyone to a meeting to discuss whether to repair the small family-like Taihu Dragon King Temple for a little more style?
The fish pond master thought of this, and his left hand, which was about to report to the police, could not help staying in the air.
If this monster is listening to the orders of Lord Taihu Dragon, will he call the police for revenge?
Thinking of his diving, he saw the strange movements of the fish school, and the fish pond owner became more and more sure.
At that moment, he even wanted to call the workers: Don't fill the hole!
Just thinking about the small money represented by that tail pond fish, the fish pond owner was once again entangled.
Fortunately, this entanglement will soon be continued without him.
Two black cars stopped, and six men in black suits walked into the fish pond under the leadership of two officers in marine uniforms.
They found the fish pond owner and saw the monitoring screen.
At this time, the water element summons had already left, but the broken gap could still be clearly seen.
At this time, only a few tail pond fish will swim out unconsciously.
Most pond fish did not have a high IQ to escape.
A man in a suit walked to the computer and skillfully operated the software.
The picture began to fast-forward, and soon a strange scene appeared. The pond fish in this fish pond actually gathered together regardless of the population to form a school of fish, and then came out from the gapped fish.
"This cannot be spontaneous behavior of fish," a marine policeman whispered.
"They are affected by something." A black suit standing behind the fish pond pushed the black-frame glasses and glanced at the fish pond master:
"Have you found anything?"
The fish pond owner looked at the sharp eyes of the two marine policemen next to him, and then thought of those black suits who looked majestic and full.
After guessing that they may be a violent department that can't name fish pond master naturally spoke all he knew.
Jiankang City, in the office building of the investigation team.
As a department that has been dealing with mysterious forces, Taihu’s anomalies are undoubtedly also responsible for them.
Detective Jiang has just assisted the local government to destroy a smuggling group selling antiques, and is preparing to celebrate with the female deputy in the revolving western restaurant.
Unexpectedly, the romantic atmosphere was completely destroyed by the Taihu Lake before it started.
Detective Jiang looked at the data with bright eyes.
The female deputy's face was black with frustration.
"This is the prototype of the Taihu Water Monster?"
Detective Jiang zoomed in on the large-scale high-definition pictures obtained from several fish pond monitoring screens and then synthesized by a large computer.
He couldn't help but sigh.
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