Chapter 423: Devour the lips of the world

Lescommongo is the head of the thousand-feathered imperial imperial sorcerer regiment enlisted with the army.
Originally, he naturally refused to enter the battle, but as a member of the royal family, after learning that this was the decision of the elders, he could only bow down.
But the most desperate thing was that after learning that he had to go to the front line and the enemy of the Wild Beast Continent, he took out all the details of his family in exchange for a piece of life-saving witchcraft.
Only then did he have the courage to lead the team personally and set foot on the battlefield.
Fortunately, they are not cannon fodder after all, they just have to cast spells from a safe distance.
And when he used his second-level wizard talent for witchcraft, he successfully guided large witchcraft spherical lightning to form and project.
LesComongo's heart could not help but flash a feeling of the other side, but boldly guessed that the wild beast continent may be the way to strengthen the flesh and master the talent, so that there is no wizard to interfere with the magic of the wizarding group.
And if this is the case, then these wizards can apply more methods.
This time, the crisis of invasion of different continents, perhaps relying on the power of the Qianyu Empire alone, can they be rushed back to the sea?
Yes, there are those abyss monsters, although they have been cleaned a lot, but their remaining power can't be underestimated.
Just thinking of this, Leskomongo saw the sky blue flames that were born on the thousands of wizard towers on the gray fortress in front.
Immediately, the deepest fear from the soul of a second-level extraordinary wizard began to warn Leskomongo to flee here.
No wizard will ignore the warnings that self-instincts have given them.
Although Leskomongo did not know what would happen, he still smashed the life-saving rune into white light for the first time.
It was just that he had just escaped, no matter how fast he was, but there was a burst of blue ripples in the gray fortress.
This ripple covered the entire battlefield in an instant, so the wizards and the more than one hundred thousand cannon fodder were all wrapped in it.
Immediately, Xiao Yu on the high mountain and the superpowers of many powerful forces were surprised to find that more than ten fire snakes and spherical lightning near the gray fortress first turned into powder and disappeared.
Immediately afterwards, under the expression of panic, more than one hundred thousand troops also vanished into nothingness and disappeared into the air.
Even the wizards farther away, all kinds of defensive shields released under fright were also broken and disappeared instantly under this strange ripple, and then... A veteran of the Qianyu Empire watching the scene was excited, Fainted.
Xiao Yu shook his head and looked at the battlefield, and found that the wizard group of the thousand feathers also suffered the same end as cannon fodder. Only a white light resisted for a few seconds.
Then it turned into a powder, and the smoke disappeared!
"God, it's Leskomongo! The head of that wizard group!" Seeing Leskomongo was crushed like a fly, the big wizards present couldn't be calmer.
"How could this be, what witchcraft circle is that! How could such exaggerated power!"
"I can feel that there are at least ten life-saving wonders of second-level witchcraft on Leskomongo!"
"But it didn't last for five seconds!"
The sorcerers had somber and terrible faces, and put down their faces and gathered together to discuss.
"This spell is too exaggerated, not even the third-level witchcraft magic circle, can it be the power of the morning star?"
"Impossible, even if it is a Morning Star Wizard, it is impossible to inspire such a abilities only by a certain magical object, and even if the Morning Star Wizard has engraved the Morning Star Wizard Book, they need to use a lot of high-quality magic to cast spells. Stone, are they willing to use it?"
"It should be the power of world wonders!" After some discussion, Xiao Yu heard the conclusions made by these wizards.
Obviously, the other party used some kind of magic circle to strengthen the ability of a world wonder in their hands, and then used the effect of this world wonder to destroy the army of resistance alliance and the wizards of the thousand feathers.
After determining the direction, the wizards began to look through the ancient records.
Especially the veterans of the Qianyu Empire, the books they still keep alive in the era of the Wizard of the Morning Star thousands of years ago, they also contain countless secrets.
With their efforts, they finally discovered the world wonders that are most likely to produce all these effects!
Devour the lips of the world!
Hearing the wonders of this world, Xiao Yu couldn't help moving, and secretly said that the wonders of this world must be related to me!
Then Xiao Yu saw a projection released by the wizard.
Hmm... In order to take care of the giant Xiao Yu, the wizard intentionally enlarged the projected image.
On the image, there are two thick, tight lips made of bronze.
According to the data, this singular thing in the world can devour everything and turn it into the spiritual power required for the cultivation of the extraordinary.
It is an artifact for cultivation that is rare for low-level forces.
But for the big forces, it is not so important. After all, the big forces have a gathering of spirits, and there are a lot of naturally formed holy places. The effect is no worse than devouring the lips of the world.
It is said that this world wonder was first given to a big noble by the wizard of the morning star, and then disappeared into the long river of history with the disappearance of the big noble.
But I don't want to, this piece of world wonders used in the eyes of the great forces in the records swallowed the lips of the world. After being activated by the magic circle, just applying its effect of swallowing everything, it easily destroyed 100,000 troops and empires. One of the trump card wizards!
"This magic circle that uses the characteristics of the world's wonders is definitely not knowledge that the third-level super wizard can involve."
"This is also part of the power of the morning star power? Just studied a magic circle that uses the characteristics of the world's wonders, and it beats all of us present!"
The wizards sighed and admired the end of the morning star that had not appeared.
Xiao Yu took out the explosive bag from his backpack and lit it while using the power of the seal of the Lord of the World Wonder Wind to bless the past and throw it out with all his strength.
It was just that the explosive bag had just flown out of the mountain, and just over the plain, it disappeared.
Obviously swallowed.
"Useless, such a world wonder ability is incomprehensible!" a great wizard sighed: "Even if the chief lord asks you to be helpless, we can only watch the other party stand up here!"
Xiao Yu did not seem to hear it. Seeing that the explosive pack failed, he stood up and lifted a mountain beside him using the floating frisbee support.
Then, under the surprised eyes of others, Xiao Yu growled and threw out the mountain with a stroke of Taishan.
Seeing that in the eyes of the villain, there is also a 500-meter-long earth mountain smashing past faster and faster under the acceleration of gravity.
A sky blue ripple radiated out again.
The earth hills cast by Xiao Yu began to disappear at a rate visible to the naked eye.
But within a second or two, the five-meter-tall earth hill that Xiao Yu cast in his eyes completely disappeared into the air.
"It seems that the speed of engulfing the wonders of this world is not infinite. If the volume is large enough, it will take a lot of time to complete the engulfment."
"The words are so, but where can we find larger objects?"
The wizards laughed bitterly.
Xiao Yu sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, thinking about the method of breaking the formation.
While Xiao Yu was thinking, the wizards were also doing various experiments with personnel.
Reinforced metal and special shields against witchcraft are all tried by them.
The results naturally failed again and again, and the lips that swallowed the world really eat everything!
The nourishment they provided brought in the gray fortress of the Wild Beast Continent. The spiritual strength is no less than that of some mountain gates where the big forces have been operating with the Lingling Formation for a long time.
This is still due to environmental constraints, and a lot of spiritual power is scattered, otherwise it will be more intense, and it is not impossible to reach the standard of the Holy Land.
Xiao Yu's Andean Condor soared the strongest in the blue sky, overlooking the vast continent below.
Xiao Yu didn't think of a method for a while, couldn't help being a little upset, and simply used visual sharing, using the perspective of the Andean Condor to take a closer look at God.
The terrain below is simple, with sandy beaches on the coast, and the plains behind the beaches stand fortresses of wild beasts with a gray-white tone.
The plain is not very big, that is, two or three football fields add up, and the surrounding mountains are surrounded by mountains to the sea.
The mountain is quite high, and the lowest one is 20 meters from Xiao Yu's point of view.
The high mountain range is close to thirty meters.
After the mountains, there is another plain.
This plain is said to be the granary of the Sini Empire, and it was naturally raged by the wild beast giant wolf.
Here has been turned into a barren land, not to mention humans, even wild animals can not find a head out.
"Perhaps... I have found a way to manage these defensive beast continents!"
Xiao Yu broke off visual sharing and spoke amazingly after opening his eyes.
Suddenly, not only the big wizards turned their heads and looked at Xiao Yu as a giant.
Even the black dragon king Susiar appeared suddenly and asked Xiao Yu:
"Naturally is true!" Xiao Yu nodded slightly, confidently said: "I, never tell lies!"
Black Dragon King Susiar blinked, seemingly recalling the giant's information, wanting to know if the other party had any experience of eating words.
After thinking about the results, it seems that except for childish behavior, extreme thinking, and luxury and waste, there are shortcomings in other minor issues.
"it is good!"
Black Dragon King Susiar nodded and said, "Can there be a plan?"
"I can help you!"
"This is natural!"
Xiao Yu is also he said that he has a relationship with the wonders of the world to devour the lips of the world, it is a matter of the whole continent to defeat the invasion of the different continents.
Why can't you do it all yourself!
"I need a lot of wizards and extraordinary monsters to help in my plan, but the amount of engineering is quite huge. Please help you all!"
"This is nature!"
Representatives of other powers quickly expressed their position, and the black dragon king Susiar also nodded slightly, reaching agreement with Xiao Yu.
Then Xiao Yu and the representatives of these forces hid in the far plains and began a detailed discussion.
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