Chapter 47: Little Griffon, let's go!

Although      is still not a real wizard apprentice, this does not prevent Xiao Yu from trying his own extraordinary power in the old house.
   The Griffon Heart is a witchcraft prop made by the wizard from the heart of the Griffon King, and it can be used to control the Griffons of this Griffon King tribe.
  Xiao Yu put the heart of the Griffon on his chest according to the instructions. The attitude of the little Griffon that he caught suddenly turned sharply, and he was very close to himself.
   Xiao Yu released the little Griffon. The little Griffon, which was not much bigger than a fly, cheered and flew into the air. After shaking for a few seconds and becoming familiar with the atmosphere, he began to stroll around Xiaoyu's house.
   Xiao Yu can feel that as long as the little griffon is within 100 meters of himself, he can give orders to it.
   Thoughts moved, Xiao Yu's lips wriggled slightly to make words that ordinary people could not hear.
   The flying griffin suddenly stopped suddenly and then roared as if a glider came to a classic action of diving immediately after a dive.
   "Visual sharing!"
   Successful command, Xiao Yu took out the magic stone and paid a certain price to open the special ability of Griffin Heart.
   Suddenly Xiao Yu felt that he saw what the little griffon was watching, and finally he could see clearly those pitifully small objects!
   is that the size is too small and the sight is limited.
   can't do the real soaring sky so everything is so coquettish.
   But this is enough for Xiao Yu to play excitedly!
   He ordered that the little griffon immediately followed the command and took another dive. This time, instead of a simple demonstration, he aimed at a black ant who had just crawled in through the door to see it.
   This is an ordinary engineer ant, and its presence will not attract the attention of the owner of this room.
  It is awesome that today is not a good day for it. The owner of this room has just gained extraordinary power and is experimenting to use it as a prey!
  The size of the black ant is equivalent to the adult hound in the villain. The little griffon has no idea how much to kill such prey!
  Experience is quite rich!
   No need for Xiao Yu to continue to command, the little Griffon screamed, protruding his claws, and with a puddle grasped the black ant's head and its slender body accurately.
   Then his wings fluttered and took off with the black ants.
  The little griffon once again enjoyed the fun of hunting, and a long roar of excitement could not help.
   Xiao Yu also enjoyed the shock of a first-view griffin hunting. I just felt that the virtual reality videos I watched before were weak and explosive!
   "After learning stealth witchcraft, I will give a little griffon, I also have a super mini monitor in China, huh, it's a breeze to use it to change to a voyeur!"
   Xiao Yu let the little griffon fly back, rubbing his warm feathers gently with his fingers, thinking carefully about the possibility of the future.
   Goo~! Suddenly, the cry of unsatisfactory stomach made Xiao Yu return to reality.
   It took a lot of time to carry out the Kailing, and the rice grain was not exhausted when I came back. I was really hungry after the excitement.
   Xiao Yu let the little griffon fly into his trench coat bag, and said loudly:
   "Little Griffon, let's go! Come together, eat fried chicken and drink beer!"
   Just halfway through, Xiao Yu suddenly thought of a poor, capitalized character on top of his head and could no longer afford fried chicken. He quickly changed his mouth:
   "Little Griffon, let's go! Eat instant noodles ~ drink beer! Let's find blue friends together!"
   Xiao Yu went out with the little griffon... but did not really go to buy instant noodles, no matter how delicious this thing is for so many consecutive days, Xiao Yu has been tired of it.
   went around the vegetable market, bought a lot of green vegetables, radishes and tofu, and after the little griffon's desire, after buying a pound of braised pork, Xiao Yu went home and began to show his cooking skills.
   salty yellow tofu, garlic cabbage heart, carrot and silk wheat soup, although light, but very appetizing.
   The little griffon was also on the side, happily eating braised meat.
   For Little Griffin, the braised meat in the vegetable market is probably the most delicious meat it has ever eaten in its lifetime.
   It almost ate on the table with a full stomach, and could only stop by flapping its wings weakly.
   Xiao Yu noticed the grief of the little griffon, and was very angry and funny.
   "You eat... It seems that you have to pay attention next time, otherwise it would be embarrassing if you become the first owner to support the Griffin."
   Rarely idle, Xiao Yu noticed the cell phone that was turned off by himself. He blinked and turned on again with some uneasy feeling.
   Suddenly, a bunch of short messages popped up.
  In addition to Xiao Yu's parents and teachers, there are many students from the legendary wife Ning Xin!
   Xiao Yu checked them one by one and picked important replies.
  Parents' text messages mentioned that they would go abroad for work reasons recently. Xiao Yu quickly sent a letter saying that he was fine and not to worry, and hoped that they would have a smooth journey.
   As for the text message by Ning Xin, Xiao Yu had a headache.
  Speaking of Ning Xin, Xiao Yu thought of the young girl with ponytail, exquisite facial features, slender figure and full of sunshine.
   She is the leader of Xiao Yu's class. She studies well, is pretty, and has a lively and cheerful personality.
   As far as the standard of boys is concerned with girls, she is almost perfect. The only flaw may be a flat chest?
   Xiao Yu had been thinking about her for three years in high school, but... Hasn’t her last confession been explicitly rejected by her?
  Yes, I was still on the campus network by some unknown who put the love letter on, and the people who made the whole year thought they had a relationship with But...
   I was wronged! I haven't even touched it yet, so I have encountered all kinds of rivalries and hostility.
  Ning Xin's text message first asked why he didn't come, and then all kinds of blame. It really brought the style of her squad leader to the extreme.
   Xiao Yu saw a haha.
  If it had been before, Xiao Yu might have been upset and wondered whether his decision to be out of gangs should have been.
  After all, according to Ning Xin, all but a few of them went out to work in this mountain climbing class.
   Now, glancing at the little griffon consuming food, Xiao Yu smiled lightly and turned off the phone.
  Ning Xin's text message...just leave it here!
  He Xiao Yu was too lazy to return!
  Yeah, besides the Griffon's heart, he still has the puzzle rune that he just got warm.
   This thing can let wizard apprentices control the beast to work for themselves in the villain.
  If you use it yourself, I don’t know if you can control the animals in your world.
   Hope the result is ok!
   By the way, remember that Ainodia mentioned that if the goal can be achieved, the success rate of using runes can be improved a lot!
   Perhaps I can start from this aspect!
  Xiao Yu first noticed that his puppy was thriving.
   Soon Xiao Yu shook his head.
  Wangwang is good and obedient, but it is too small.
   What I want is a fierce war beast that can understand the instructions and can be with him in the world of the villain.
   "Little Griffon, let's go! Let's go find a new partner!"
   Xiao Yu packed up the table, lifted the Griffon and threw it into his pocket, and began a journey to find a new thug.
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