Chapter 475: Air combat

"The empire is almost over!"
"Even this pool of water... mistake me!"
Duke Hailan covered his face and wept. He was so excited that he immediately fell into a coma.
After the cowards made a half noise, they were awakened by the dull loud noise of a collapsed wizard tower.
They looked at each other and immediately gritted their teeth, starting to get busy.
First, using the seal of the Duke of Hailan, he found an army that could be mobilized around him and concentrated it in the Duke's palace, and the envoy with heavy responsibility was sent out.
Obviously, he intends to negotiate with Xiao Yu.
The great wizard who guarded the Hailan fortress in the empire saw all this in his eyes.
But he also chose to close his eyes.
After all, although he didn't plan to surrender to the city of miracles now, he surrendered to the giant.
However, he was also prepared. As long as the fortress' wizard tower was destroyed, he could no longer play the role of core coordination, and he would immediately leave the fortress.
In this way, he can be regarded as a worthy empire for many years.
Why bother with more?
After all, the big ship of the Empire is about to sink!
The great wizard noticed that the war on land continued, but the floating fortress in the sky began to move, and seemed to be leaving.
"These guys..."
The great wizard shook his head and sighed that they were all good things done by the elders of the Qianyu Empire.
If they weren’t in the emperor’s capital after the disappearance of the grand prince, they would be panic-stricken, and civil unrest would come. With the background left by the grand prince, what could it be!
The floating bastion is about to escape, Xiao Yu naturally sees in his eyes, he is bound to get the floating slate, where will he let go of these prey in sight?
Xiao Yu jumped up and stepped on the floating frisbee with his feet, but only a few jumps.
Already jumped to the same height position as the floating fortress with the height of pulling.
"His... The giant flew to the sky!"
On the floating fortress, hundreds of wizard apprentices screamed in shock.
A wizard tower standing in front of him quickly shot a hot beam of light and hit Xiao Yu.
It was easily offset by the dragon and turtle guard shield that appeared in front of Xiao Yu.
With Xiao Yu's right hand violently pressing.
The talented witchcraft virtual and real hand that gathered his full power of mana at this time suddenly appeared, and the materialized giant palm was shot at the floating fortress.
This giant palm is as big as Xiao Yu's half-body, just relying on the force he carried, so that the people below have no sense of resistance.
The thin film formed by the defensive circle of the floating fortress broke instantly.
The wizard tower just below turned into powder under the huge palm in an instant.
Numerous cracks also appeared on the surface of the floating fortress. After Xiao Yu's virtual and real hands disappeared, a clearly visible palm print remained at the front of the floating fortress.
Looking at the palm print at least five or six meters deep into the ground, the wizards of this floating fortress immediately stood up and fled away.
They did not know that the enhanced version of the virtual and real hand as the talented witchcraft of giant Xiao Yu was already the strongest trick that the giant could display without relying on foreign objects.
In a short time, it is difficult to exhibit again.
The four floating fortresses around and the airships dare to rush to rescue.
Hundreds of various fireball wind blades were shot from these air forces.
The wizards of several floating fortresses joined forces to release powerful witchcraft through the mana provided by the fortress, and summoned the wind element flying dragon that is as long as 30 to 40 meters in the eyes of the villain.
These wind element flying dragons are no worse than ordinary dragons. Although they have no entity, they are all formed by hurricanes. Not only are witchcraft clever and melee, but once they explode, they are equivalent to a full blow of a second-level wizard wizard talent. !
It was really close to detonate, that Xiao Yu had defensive artifacts such as eight-foot mirror and dragon turtle guard and had to suffer.
It's just that these floating fortresses and airships have just rushed, and Xiao Yu has thrown more than a dozen grenades-sized iron bumps in his hand.
These iron knots contain extraordinary aura, and at the same time they are extremely fast, they easily break through several layers of atmospheric shields and other defensive witchcraft and arrive in the formation of airships and floating fortresses.
With the start of Xiao Yu's heart, the ignition circle was activated.
The high explosives inside the iron pimples were detonated, and a huge fire mass appeared in the sky in an instant, swallowing almost a third of the airships.
The airship that was not directly swallowed by the fire mass did not rejoice for a long time, and soon screamed with the scorching air waves of countless pieces of iron, knocking them down in random.
Countless airships were hit by leaks caused by shock waves, and fell down.
Although the floating fortresses were large enough, they only shook in front of the shock wave, but the surface facilities were also confused, and even the airships affected by the air waves crashed into these floating fortresses, making their defensive shields extremely vulnerable. The big test.
Many wizards who maintained the defensive circle vomited blood and curled up.
In a violent explosion, the defensive circle of the floating fortress was difficult to recover in a short time.
The wizards could hardly launch an effective attack on the giant in the air.
It was also at this time that the Andean Condor and more than a dozen disk-shaped drones flew over and approached these floating fortresses.
Hundreds of calculated extraordinary barbarians above them mad, shook their big shiny bald heads, waved axe and mace, and yelled: Oh hey!
Then one by one, fearless of death, initiated the leap of faith, jumping from the back of the Andean Condor and the drone.
Every extraordinary barbarian fell like a paratrooper into the floating fortress, and the killing began as soon as it landed.
The formal wizards in the fortress were timid like mice and fled, and a few extraordinary knights chanted for glory and empire.
Then they were smashed into puree by the extraordinary barbarians who stood above them.
At the same time, Xiao Yu also jumped up, the whole body fell on the floating fortress suppressed by his virtual and real hands, holding the hammer of silver to start the demolition cause.
This floating fortress lasted for less than twenty seconds.
Just under the violent demolition of Xiao Yu, the floating stone slabs were forcibly removed, falling apart from the sky for the hundreds of pieces of huge stone fragments.
Fortunately, the landing point is already outside the Hailan Fortress ~ ~ This did not cause greater damage.
The other floating bastion, watching the companion being easily torn down by the giant of the child of God, noticed that Xiao Yu flew over.
Let's look at the extraordinary barbarians constantly raging in the fortress.
The upper wizards of the floating fortress ignored their faces and dispersed.
The remaining middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers summed up and simply shot the white flag.
So under the threat of Xiao Yu, the four floating fortresses surrendered one after another, and after being taken over by extraordinary barbarians, they docked on a plain as ordered.
Waiting for their end is undoubtedly removed.
But the lives of the officers and soldiers on the fortress were preserved anyway.
And soon the officers and soldiers on the floating fortress found out that those who came to take over their captives... turned out to be old acquaintances, the superiors of their superiors!
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