Chapter 480: Homologous

In the real world, since the appearance of blasting gunpowder, the thick city wall is no longer an insurmountable natural danger.
In the Little People's Republic of China, a detonator explosive like a directional blasting also gave them a vivid blasting lesson.
The stone lifted by the huge energy exploded the stone giant and the undead giant.
It also overturned the electric tricycle parked on the side.
As for the nearby imperial guards, they were swept away by the air waves in this explosion.
The boulders overturned, the gravel turned into drizzle, and the operation of the entire imperial dharma circle suddenly stopped abruptly!
The siege wizards who were counteracting many negative curses of the curse system quickly discovered that the other party's witchcraft had weakened a lot.
Can not help but excited, increased the offensive force, trying to seize this opportunity to attack the imperial capital in one fell swoop!
Outside the walls of the imperial capital, the black dragon king Susiar confronted the floating island in the air.
On the ground, the three-thousand-and-a-half dragon guards wearing double anti-magic leather armours held a small round shield in their left and a sharp and poisonous scimitar in their right hand, rushing towards the city wall.
Waves of witchcraft missiles came over, but they were mostly offset by round shields and leather armor, and only knocked down two or three half dragons.
The remaining half-dragons quickly rushed up the city wall and flew out with a layer of white light.
However, the half-dragon people didn't take it seriously. The weakened wall defenses could no longer kill them. The half-dragon people who fell to the ground quickly climbed up again to form a half-moon formation, and the waves washed up like waves.
I rushed up and were shocked, and rushed up and shocked again.
From time to time, large-scale witchcraft bombarded, and instantly burned dozens of half-dragons in the center to char.
However, this still cannot eliminate the fighting spirit of these half-dragons.
They attacked like a madman again and again, and finally for the first time, a half-dragon general broke through the invisible film on the wall and stepped on the wall aisle.
As soon as they stepped into the aisle, the half-dragon felt the whole body lifted, and easily killed the enemy in a tower, destroying the defensive circle inside.
The power of this section of the wall weakened again, causing more and more half-dragons to kill in and gradually occupy the wall.
However, they also occupied the city walls and actually entered the city. They handed over the cannon fodder to the five-nation coalition under the black dragon king Susiar.
It is up to them to consume the mana and magic traps of the imperial wizards with their bodies.
"Both the Giant and the Black Dragon King have broken the city!"
Both the King of Hydra and the Alliance of Colorful Wizards have noticed the situation in other areas. Seeing this, they had to play their cards to attack the city walls.
The defense system of the Imperial Wall of the Qianyu Empire was originally one. This is its strongest point, but it has now become its weakness.
The fault created by Xiao Yu's blast caused the witchcraft energy of this city wall to drop by at least half, and it would be interrupted from time to time, making the Imperial guards realize that the city wall can no longer resist the invasion of the army.
They also began to consciously shrink their forces and began a brutal ground street battle with the Sifang forces.
Street fighting is no more cruel and than field fighting.
In the sky, the battle of floating islands becomes fierce with the fall of the ground walls.
Xiao Yu also felt the pressure given by the floating island and had to use the belief artifact shop many times to help himself resist the other's witchcraft.
call out!
Suddenly, Xiao Yu noticed that a huge translucent white phantom appeared at the location of the imperial palace on the floating island.
It was an old man in a robe holding a scepter and wearing a crown.
"It is the incarnation of the phantom master!"
"The other party should have activated the witchcraft and magical thing left by the great master!"
"If you don't want to have long nights and dreams, just show your true skills!"
The black dragon king Susiar was very knowledgeable, and after reminding, together with his partner, the black dragon, he sent a super-large fireball, which smashed past like a meteorite.
In the Alliance of Colorful Wizards, the old speaker also sacrificed two strips of witchcraft magical objects. At the cost of their breaking, they released a snowstorm that reached the level of witchcraft of level 3 and hit the floating island.
Xiao Yu watched these attacks that no longer keep their hands, and kept them in mind.
These third-level extraordinary witchcraft or talent abilities are rarely seen in the villain, and their cost is too large, that is, now such a big scene of siege warfare will appear.
For Xiao Yu, the second-level witchcraft in the villain has been able to effectively destroy his own real-world protection.
The second-level pinnacle of large-scale witchcraft must use artifacts and other means to be completely offset.
As for these large-scale third-level witchcraft, the power of the heavy artillery in the real world is no less than that.
Xiao Yu thought it was better if he could hide or not.
However, in terms of output, the artifact is in hand, and Xiao Yu will naturally not show weakness.
And Xiao Yu felt that it was not time to use the artifact.
Xiao Yu summoned the summoning creature Snow Maiden and Fire Elemental Firebird from the portable space, and let them rush towards the floating island along with the witchcraft in other directions.
At the same time, Xiao Yu said something in his mouth. After drinking a bottle of mana potion, he threw a rune stone in his right hand.
This rune stone kept rolling and changing in the air.
When it was time to approach the floating island, it turned into a stone giant with a green flame of more than 300 meters in the eyes of the villain!
The giant Flaming Stone curled up like a round big stone ball, crashing against the shield of the floating island under inertia, splashing waves of ripples.
In the next moment, the snowstorm of the wizard and the fireball of the black dragon king Susiar also hit the shields of the floating islands, causing many towers of the wizards in the entire floating island to bang and collapse.
Obviously, under the same intensity witchcraft, the output base of the circle of floating islands is also somewhat overloaded.
At this moment, the silent Hydra King suddenly lifted his invisibility and appeared on the outer periphery of the floating island. Its nine heads were opened together, and a gray light was emitted from close range.
"It's the talented witchcraft of the King of Hydra, breathing in exhaustion!"
"Good energy fluctuations!"
The Black Dragon King Susiar screamed out the Hydra King's ability deliberately: "I didn't expect that after so many years, this Hydra King finally took this step and realized the territorial realm!"
"Your field is energy attenuation?"
Speaking of the black dragon king Susiar also laughed ① flesh hit the shield of the floating island.
With this collision, the floating island flickered, and the shield was finally broken!
The stone giant like a big stone ball took advantage of the shield disappeared and landed on the island's hard stone slab and then rolled and squashed all the way. I didn't know how many flowers and plants, and then stopped and then re-transformed to 300. The giant stone giant.
Snow Maiden and Firebird flew a step late and landed on the island smoothly, and then looked at the palace in the middle of the island.
There, the phantom of the Grand Master is constantly dancing with the scepter, and an unclear wave in the sky is gathering.
Xiao Yu blinked.
I always feel that this fluctuation and my own use of the ring of time and space teleportation seem to be like!
Xiao Yu took a deep breath and moved closer to the island.
So he widened his eyes and made sure.
In the floating islands above the thousand imperial emperors.
There is a world wonder that is homologous to the ring of time and space teleportation I got!
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