Chapter 540: Tiaohulishan

After putting the pale blue mask back down, the knight of knight clenched his fists and knocked his breastplate.
Then he touched the family coat of arms on the breastplate and secretly vowed:
"Today is the day when my knight, Qian Cang, wash away shame!"
"This battle, blocking my glory and life, must fight beautifully!"
The Knight of Cang gasped and looked at the billows of smoke ahead, calmly driving the duties of the commander, and issued commands one by one, so that the camp officers and soldiers were prepared in an orderly manner.
To be honest, although Cang Qianqian was beaten by a group of novices in the city of miracles, it was forced by the unreasonable attack of Xiao Yu, a non-war crime!
Qian Cang, as the inherited knight cultivated by this generation of the knight of the Cang family, his qualities in all aspects are undoubtedly the best among his peers.
Especially in the march to war, Xiao Zaiyu's forces, who can stabilize the school elite such as the knight of the Cang, are the generals of Babu.
But General Babu’s weakness is also obvious. Although he gained the trust of Xiao Yu and obtained a lot of resources, he was too old and had limited achievements.
So far, it has been the first-level peak knight realm, and then stopped here. General Babu wants to advance to the knight realm...I don't know what year and month it will be.
"Strange, how could it be the Ratman?"
The eyes of the knight of Cang condensed extraordinary aura, and immediately saw the foundation of the attacking enemy, but he was surprised that he was actually the attacking enemy army mainly composed of rats.
Judging from the news obtained by Qian Cang, the ratmen are not uncommon on the plateau. They are powerful and omnivorous. They have always been a huge number of races.
But since the last time I got Xiao Yu to kill a lot.
There are no more rat talents near the Valley of the Gods.
How come so much suddenly?
"How could this happen? The squirrel man of the plateau would be mixed with the plain squirrel man!"
"And, those giant beasts that are several meters tall and look like mutant mice, should be some kind of witchcraft creation? These mice have such strong wizards?"
Qian Cang, the knight of Cang, could not help being cautious and ordered the soldiers in the camp to stick to the main.
"The enemy has reached an effective range!"
Soon there was a report from Deputy Official.
"Huh? Is this effective range?"
Even if the Knight of Cang knew the camp defense situation and the power of those war machines, he still felt an unreal incredible feeling.
After looking at the rat tide that is still five kilometers away, Cang's knight smiled: "This kind of feeling that you can kill the enemy a few kilometers away and make the other person unable to fight back. This is really pleasant."
"You can shoot."
Watching the rat tide move forward in a sloped terrain as the forward speed slows down, resulting in a denser formation.
Cang's knight Qian Cang decisively issued an attack order.
Suddenly the toothpick crossbows outside the Canyon of the Gods sent out crossbow arrows that were thick for the villain.
On a platform, a gunner made the final adjustments and gestured to a few people around him.
So a strong man raised his hammer and knocked on the tail of a toothpick crossbow.
Suddenly, this toothpick crossbow, which is a super large ballista for these gunners, made an echo with the artillery covering his ears and fired the crossbow.
These crossbows leapt into the sky for a long time, appearing like a parabola and falling into the rat tide, immediately taking away the lives of countless ratmen.
A giant rat with a length of five meters was killed by a crossbow pierced through his right eye.
A giant rat was scratched, and although there was no worry about his life, he also went crazy on the spot and stepped on the surrounding companions.
The rat people became confused, but fortunately, the rat sacrifices immediately performed witchcraft to appease the army's heart, and the mad giant rat killed himself on the ground.
"Squeak ~ what's going on, obviously no psychic witchcraft, how could the giant rat beast get crazy?"
A rat-man sacrificed curiously close to the body of the giant rat, and soon it noticed that there appeared to be red substance remaining on the wound of the giant rat.
"Huh, do those abominable humans use poison!"
The Ratman Sacrifice murmured, and immediately trot towards a crossbow arrow that penetrated the Seven-Headed Ratman. After looking at the arrow, he curiously extended his tongue and licked it.
Immediately, in addition to the similar smell, an unacceptable spicy stimulus rushed directly to its brain.
Let the Ratman sacrifice howl and could not help but howl, and fell to his knees on the ground, weeping and weeping.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwe teh with the viper snake pepper?
Cang's knight Qian Cang looked at the action on the battlefield and looked at the painful appearance of the Ratmen's sacrifice. He could not help being secretly surprised.
"General, these venomous snake chili extracts from the great kingdom protector provided raw materials are indeed very powerful."
"Even if it is a wizard, at least a second-level wizard can rely on willpower to suppress its stimulation."
"This is only a small amount of oral contact. If it is directly entered into the body... even the pseudo-three superpowers can't resist it!"
Speaking of which, the adjutant remembered the prince of the crypt when he went out with His Royal Highness.
How great is the Grand Duke, and can he become a mist and escape, but he has also been subdued by this poisonous snake pepper essence?
It seems that after that battle, this pepper essence has become the favorite of the artillery.
"It's close to three thousand meters!"
"The catapult can drop bombs!"
The knight of Cang took a deep breath, and flew directly into the sky with a loud bang, spreading the wings formed by the extraordinary blue light of the blue sky.
The wings of this knight are almost ten meters long, all composed of light particles. With his heavy armor, it looks really uncomfortable.
As he reported a string of numbers, the catapults in the barracks threw out wooden barrels.
The barrels were filled with black powder, and most of the barrels were detonated in mid-air before they even landed.
The detonated wooden barrels formed brilliant fireworks.
The tongue of fireworks roared across every inch of the surface.
In addition, there are countless iron nails, and the cracked steel sheets are scattered from the inside, which makes the rats who have not been cooked by the fire waves for the first time.
Even some ratmen sacrificed to the ground for the first time, and were also stunned by a huge explosion, and then steamed under the heat...
Only five or six seconds after the first wave of explosions, the second wave of barrels went deeper into the rat tide along with the crossbow arrows, creating more blank areas in an instant.
Soon, the tide of the rat, which had been black as a tide, suddenly stopped, and then spread out as loudly as it came.
"What's going on? The thunder is heavy and the rain is small?"
The knight of the Cang didn’t dare to carelessly, fearing that the other party had any conspiracy, and kept flying in the alert state all the time.
It wasn't until the ratmen disappeared on the horizon that the knight of the blue and the stationed adjutants and wizards flew carefully to check the battlefield.
Just arrived in the raging Qian Cang, the knight of the blue, immediately felt something was wrong.
Immediately he screamed on his forehead and said, "No, this is to tune the tiger away from the mountain!"
"These mice are just bait. Someone must take this opportunity to slip into the Valley of the Gods!"
"Go, we hurried into the Valley of the Gods to stop!"
"General, don't panic!"
Seeing that the knight of Cang was frightened, the adjutant quickly comforted: "Is the secret deep in the valley of the gods, which can be detected by the sneaky people?"
"As far as we used to stop, it is not necessary." The adjutant shook his head and said:
"His Highness the Son of God has long been ordered. If anyone who is not afraid of death dares to approach the depths of the Valley of the Gods, let them go to die."
Said the lieutenant with a weird smile: "It should be noted that the reason why we are guarding here is to prevent the innocent people from getting involved in the Valley of the Gods."
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