Chapter 561: Out of time

Father Cui raised his head proudly, making himself a demon preacher.
After accepting the heartfelt thanks from the cultists around him, he began to explain the teachings of the devil slowly.
These teachings are similar to those of the cult classics handed down from ancient times.
The key difference is the sacrifice.
Judging from the past experience of the cultists in the Kingdom of Sticks, the best sacrifices are undoubtedly those of minor children.
Many large-scale cult ceremonies, if you don’t sacrifice a few children, you will be questioned that you are not professional and informal.
The second is the adult, the elderly, and again the human blood and some human waste.
Only the most dismal cult organizations will use animal offal and blood instead of offering sacrifices.
But in Xiao Yu's revised doctrine, what the demons want most is not the young children who are not stinky.
The devil's favorite are those sinners who are unforgivable, full of chaos and madness, and do whatever they can to do things, and the cultists themselves.
For example, the few priests present who assisted the high priests in their countless evil deeds are the best sacrifices!
With the encouragement of Father Cui, hundreds of believers here took the medicine and rushed over, grabbing the four sacrificial offerings who wanted to escape.
The believers stripped off their clothes and began offering sacrifices according to the doctrine.
The sacred screams of despair were made by the priests, and it was at this time that they suddenly realized how terrible scenes the sacrificials they had usually killed had once experienced.
"This is called giving back the person with his own way."
Xiao Yu walked to the utility room in the auditorium and saw several thick diaries placed inside.
Looking at these diaries with a lot of photos, Xiao Yu feels fortunate that he is already a sorcerer and has a strong spirit.
Otherwise, you will be infected with the contents of the diary and lose confidence in humans, completely blackened?
"These cult lunatics...are simply malignant tumors in human society!"
"They ~ it!"
Xiao Yu quickly read through these diaries, so he was firm in his heart that he wanted to do something big, and he noticed that the priests who had drawn a lot of blood from the believers and also lost a lot of body tissue have been one by one. Die.
He stretched out his right hand, and a small sand-like world wonder appeared on his palm to summon the ring of destruction.
The black gemstone on this ring of world wonders flashed slightly.
The souls of the four priests were instantly sucked in, and they were accompanied by Fang Cai’s first tragic high priest soul.
The souls of these cultists are full of madness and desire for destruction, and they are the best trading products recognized by the call of the Ring of Destruction!
Xiao Yu believes that the devastating monsters in Chaos will definitely love these evil souls.
I just don't know if these souls can survive a few days in that chaotic world!
"As far as I know, the and the abyss are as pure as little white flowers compared to the cruelty of that chaotic world."
"But you don't have to thank me, this is the retribution you deserve!"
After Xiao Yu murmured softly, he ignored the celebration of his new life and approached the revelry of those devotees who were close to the devil.
Open the Book of Undead, and begin the memory of the high priest and the four sacrificial souls.
"Interesting, in addition to self-implication and proper maintenance, the strength of this high priest is actually related to a demon artifact!"
"Mirror of Hell!"
Xiao Yu gently pronounced the name of this seemingly familiar artifact and recalled the memory in his mind.
The mirror was finally found in the news media as early as ten years ago.
This is a bronze mirror made by an unknown master in ancient Roman style. It has a history of hundreds of years.
Because each of its masters became a cultist, he went mad and died.
The popularity of this mirror has grown, and it is secretly believed by cultists that it is a mirror of hell. It is believed that it has the ability to connect and let demons come over.
Xiao Yu suspected that there was a magic stone similar to the sage's stone on this bronze mirror.
And with the belief that cultists have been more pious and fanatical than orthodox believers in the past few hundred years, they have initially shown some special influence.
For example, the secret of the eight-foot Gouyu extorted by your own blackmail, and the Zhenwu sword from Zhenwuguan have the ability to subtly allow users to get certain benefits.
"Huh? The Mirror of Hell was snatched away by the White Horse God Church?"
Xiao Yu continued, trying to find this mirror.
Unexpectedly, it was discovered that as early as two years ago, the high priest was missed and the bronze mirror was snatched by the peer of the White Horse God Church, which had stronger power and more official power.
It is also because of the suppression of the other party that the Qiming Star Church will now be like this. It will not be said that it has completely withdrawn from the capital. The headquarters is also placed in a remote mountain village that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.
"It's okay, rest assured, the high priest, the White Horse God Church is also my goal. I will take their leader and accompany you!"
Xiao Yu did not rush to run to grab the mirror of hell, as long as the whereabouts were clear, Xiao Yu was not worried that it would run away with long legs.
After all, Xiao Yu in this world has affirmed that he is the only way to do things. Apart from himself, there is no more time to come to be able to use the artifacts of faith and the energy of the magic stones formed naturally!
All the extraordinary resources of the real world... are destined to be unique to yourself!
So... Xiao Yu is not in a hurry!
Ampangfu was very anxious at this time.
After he succeeded in practicing, he found himself being followed after leaving the hotel.
He was a bit unsure, and he was afraid that he would take the person who followed him to the place where Master Qingming Yinyang Master asked for it, something bad happened!
Because of his anxiety, after some psychological struggle, he quickly ran into a dead end with the tracking people.
"dead end?"
"It seems that we were found."
The personnel who tracked Ampangfu came from the security department of Bangziguo. They were ordered to track Ampangfu and were ordered to return to the headquarters for tea if necessary.
After discovering that Ampangfu walked into a dead end, he realized that the security department of the stick country where he and others had been discovered sent five actors into it.
Then, a team leader of the National Security Department of Sticks, who was drinking tea, looked at the surveillance screen, opened his mouth, and let the tea cup hit his precious leather shoes.
"Oh~ West Eight!"
"That guy is a monster!"
The leader exclaimed loudly, hurriedly pressed the alarm bell, and immediately dialed the emergency contact number.
In the waiting time, the team leader looked back at the monitoring screen and played back that moment.
Slow motion.
He was able to see how the five best players he could fight were bitten to death by the short Ampekoff after entering the dead end!
That's right, it's bite!
As you can see from the monitor hidden in the top, Ampekoff in the dead end blushed with red eyes and landed on all fours like a hound.
After seeing someone come in, he jumped an actor's throat in five or six meters.
After waiting for other actors to react, he was bitten to death one by one by Ampangfu.
The team leader looked at the time and found that it had not been more than three seconds before and after!
There is no doubt that Ampangfu has gained inhuman power!
According to previous information, Ampangfu did not gain extraordinary power from Jianxianmen.
Therefore, he must have come into contact with a mysterious force different from Jianxianmen, and got a part of it!
This is an absolutely great event!
Not to mention the sticks of the parliament, the sovereign state of the stick country, Citigroup, cannot be disturbed!
Soon, other forces learned of the news. The three major forces, Citi, Kangzi, and Sakura, all adjusted their emphasis on Ampangfu and mobilized a large number of elites into the region of the capital of Kangguo.
This aroused the interest of other forces, and followed closely with the deployment of manpower to find out.
After Abei Kangfu killed the tracker under the blessing of animal return, he was finally remembered by Xiao Yu, so after no psychological burden, he escaped from the prosperous urban area and went to the mountain village.
Ampangfu did not know that as he was valued, his every move had fallen into the eyes of the caring person.
Soon, the information about the mountain village occupied by the Qiming Star Church was put on the desk of the leaders of various violent organizations.
"Enlightened Star Church? Which one was expelled from the White Horse God Church a few years ago?"
In the country of Bangzi, the leaders of the security department at the meeting could not help saying this when they saw the name.
"It's them, the group of lunatics who can do everything. We were afraid that they would go mad and throw them away, and then let them go, but we didn't expect them to collude with Ampangfu."
An official who was responsible for dealing with several major church organizations frowned.
He picked up the tablet and queried, then called out suspiciously and said:
"This church is a little weird!"
"Weird? What weird!" a colleague asked curiously.
"This church has a new leader, a priest named Hero Cui, who calls himself a demon evangelist, saying that he wants to reinterpret the teachings of the various false belief organizations that worship the devil!"
"Is this guy a fool, explaining the doctrine of demons!" A bald man with a big belly pooped up and sneered, "Who gives him power!"
"The doctrine can be explained by his explanation? What can he do, what can he do!"
The official who just spoke continued to look at the tablet content, but his eyelids jumped:
"Our spies participated in their latest and first sermon."
"And then, confirmed that it was a lunatic?"
"No..." The official voice began to tremble.
"Our spies gave up his faith in the leader of the White Horse God Church and turned to the demon preacher."
"Isn't that possible, the believer of the White Horse God's Church will also be brainwashed by a group of cultists?" The bald-headed man with bowel movements realized that something was wrong and his head began to sweat.
He looked at his mobile phone and planned to inform the White Horse Church of the news as soon as possible.
But for such blatant behavior ~ ~ other officials are blind to it.
After all, as the most powerful White Horse Church in the capital of the stick country, its influence is all over the political arena and folk.
Their leader, in the past few decades, has been a legendary figure in the flurry of circles!
His evangelism and ignorance of great cause are almost unfavorable in the world, and there is no evil.... I also played around with how many rounds against him.
Until he somehow ran to the ancient country of the East to die... Immediately planted.
Fortunately, at that time, he was transferred back to the stick country for trial, and he was able to get rid of it by using the of the highest prosecutor of the stick country. This only converged a lot, and he returned to his old nest to continue to be his leader.
Nonetheless, on the point of ignoring people, none of the people present will question his level.
Even in the eyes of many officials, this leader has already represented the highest level of Fools!
If it weren’t for the occasion, its achievements would never stop there!
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