Chapter 564: Devil's Gift

"Azas, Zazas, Azaa ~ Zazas!"
The evangelism meeting continued. While Father Cui commanded everyone to pray, Xiao Yu also allowed the three abyss demon who had been alienated by the abyss to begin eating happy on the stage according to the orders. .
They eat very quickly, and as a lot of blood fills their stomachs, their demonized bodies also grow larger and larger.
Invisible, the primal and instinctive fear and coercion they bring to other people is becoming more and more amazing!
It was just that the fanatical cultists around them took this exclamation for the power of the demon, but instead became more and more excited in the shudder.
But the security department of the stick country prepared outside saw the abyss demon after the alienation of the alien alienation on the online monitoring screen, and then expanded a circle.
The panic in their hearts made them cautiously suppress the advance time of the security forces so that more equipment could be mobilized in case.
After all, this is not the first time that extraordinary forces have been exposed to the real world.
The night ghosts that appeared in the cherry blossoms of the country of cherry blossoms, and the archangel Michael who appeared in the city of the Lord, all showed the terrifying power of one enemy and one army.
Although the demonic forces in the capital of the stick country still seem to belong to the flesh and blood of the organism itself.
But no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents inside, there will not be a big demon suddenly popping out, and then swept away the thousands of troops in the security department!
The three-headed abyss devoured the cattle and sheep sacrifices, and roared and looked towards Xiao Yu.
Xiao Yu touched his chin and rumored it to Ampang Fu, who was silently watching the surroundings, and asked him to bring in more live cattle and sheep.
"Living thing!"
Several cultists have just seen these cattle and sheep, and thought that Father Cui was about to come to the ceremony of the heart of the cattle and sheep in the living area.
Unexpectedly, the three abyss devil grinned and split their mouths into flowers.
Puff puff!
A sharp thorn with a straw was pierced by the ripping mouth, and it was pierced into the body of these cattle and sheep at once, causing them to scream with pain and want to chaos.
However, in the face of the devouring organs of the abyss demon, the cattle and sheep fell from the pain to the ground, only two or three seconds.
Such time allows these cattle and sheep to have no resistance at all!
Can only be watched by the abyss demon engulfed in clean body nutrients, leaving only a bone covered with intact fur left in place.
The abyss who had eaten the living creatures obviously entered the next stage of demonization.
It was quiet for a while.
"Everyone's belief, the devil has accepted it!"
Father Cui also raised his hand in satisfaction at this time. He opened his mouth, and the sound of the Azaz spell just echoed disappeared.
It can be seen that this priest Choi has already established enough leadership in the hearts of these cultists.
"You guys, accept the gift from the devil!"
Father Cui said that a dining table was pushed over, and a stainless steel basin the size of a bathtub was placed on the dining table.
Everyone just felt that as soon as they saw the flowers, Father Cui blew over the bath tub with a lot of liquid like blood.
"Drink it together, demon children, this is a gift from the devil."
"It will give you mysterious power and make you better please the devil!"
After finishing, Father Cui nodded slightly and did a tasting gesture.
The first circle of cultists stood up and took the initiative to approach the bathtub. Each person divided a small spoon, used the spoon to scoop up a spoonful of liquid, and drank it without saying a word.
"Um... this taste is not unpleasant, a little pomegranate."
A middle-aged cultist who had finished a spoonful had just tasted it, and was taken away by the next one and squeezed out of the ranks.
His taste is right.
Most of this pot of liquid is indeed made of pomegranate juice and water. Of course, can something given as a devil have nothing special?
Xiao Yu boldly mixed the blood of the snow apes and orcs into it, preparing to take these guys to do more experiments.
Soon, among the first cultists who drank the liquid, more than a dozen people began to heat up, and after falling to the ground, they continued to twitch up and down, as if they were going crazy.
This situation naturally caused many people to wait and see, even the craziest cultists also showed a trace of confusion in their eyes.
However, as Xiao Yu secretly used the pot of the greedy one to transform a lot of spiritual power, he launched a set of magic circle to emit a lot of heat to accelerate the cultists to absorb and merge the blood of the snow ape orc.
Soon a middle-aged cultist woke up and shook up to reveal his white teeth and tore his upper body clothes.
Immediately, everyone was pleasantly surprised to see that the upper body of this middle-aged cultist suddenly showed gray dragon-scale-like scales, which shimmered under the lights.
The cultist took out a dagger and pierced his chest fiercely.
The dagger and the scales touched the fire, and the dagger could not pierce this scale!
There is no doubt that this is extraordinary power, this is a gift from the devil to this believer!
Following that, what happened to their hearts happened.
The cultist seemed to have mastered this instinctive ability, and then covered himself with scales all over, and turned into a scaled monster, and then shook his body again, and the scales disappeared, revealing his original luster. skin.
"Praise the devil!"
"Praise Chaos!"
Seeing a companion get such a wonderful extraordinary power, the cultists madly shouted slogans and rushed to the bathtub, hoping to tear up the queued peers.
Fortunately, Father Cui, who represents the demon, is in the air, and they dare not dare to be wild on such occasions!
They are proud, they revel.
Xiao Yu looked coldly in his eyes, his hands kept recording the state of these cultists.
More than half of them have talented abilities ranging from strong to weak, and those without activation can feel the body full of power.
However, only Xiao Yu knew that the reason why the blood of the snow apes and orcs had such a miracle effect was that they contained vitality, which was not something that water could bear.
Abe Kangfu used his Baiyuan liquid to reconcile and lay a solid foundation, so that he could barely do more harm than good, but because of this, the road to upgrade was broken. Not to mention, under the return of the ability animal, maybe which time it will be out of control will turn into The beast no longer has a self.
In front of these cultists, in addition to a few lucky people who successfully integrated the blood of the snow ape orc, in addition to inspiring the talent of blood, they successfully reduced the risk of side effects.
The rest of the cultists, in Xiao Yu's eyes, are actually not much different from the dead Yuan flowed through their bodies, making them feel energetic, in fact, they are penetrating into their bone marrow.
When they were completely infiltrated, that is, when their vitality burst out and turned them into a pool of blood.
And this is also the end of the vast majority of people in the world of the villain after injecting blood containing vitality such as snow apes and orcs.
Only the lucky ones who are really sheltered by the goddess of luck can thus get the basis for becoming warlocks...
Speaking of this, in the real world, these cultists are less than two thousand people, but several people have the basis of warlocks. I have to say that in terms of talents, the real world is really a lot of talent!
However, such a warlock foundation is of no use to Xiao Yu.
He has no interest in cultivating several cultist warlocks to do things with himself.
At most, Ampangfu became a half warlock, endorsing himself in the Sakura Kingdom and collecting extraordinary materials.
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