Chapter 570: Devil muscle rabbit

Citizen generals were angry.
They vowed to make the pretend guys look good!
So with the order issued by the commander, the stick country temporarily transferred to set up an artillery position on a flat high ground between the two mountains.
With the sound of firing, a shell was fired.
Xiao Yu has long discovered that these cannons will naturally not allow Father Cui to physically block the bombs. After secretly using virtual and real hands to crush the robot chariot, he quickly let Father Cui hide the gang of cultists in the basement of the auditorium.
The shells roared and landed outside the auditorium.
Under the bang, houses in villages were destroyed.
The zombies of the security forces that no one loved were also covered with artillery shells together with their convoy, and were buried in the rubble immediately.
The auditorium was also visited by several shells, the ceiling is now broken, and one wall has collapsed for the most part.
Fortunately, the artillery was only Liwei, and had no plan to level the ground.
Father Cui and the cultists in the basement can survive.
Intimidated by the sound of artillery fire, they could only squat in the basement with their heads shouted with Father Cui: Zha Zaza's beautiful spell.
Xiao Yu witnessed the destruction of the mountain village and thought that he had no sympathy for those unlucky security forces.
Xiao Yu already knows from the high priest's notebook that this security force for cults belonging to the security department of the Kangzi Kingdom is all a group of scumbags nestled with snakes and rats of those cultists.
They did not drink less human blood and eat human blood buns.
The cult of Bangziguo is so rampant that they are also powerful promoters.
No one is innocent!
Xiao Yu took out the notebook left by the high priest, turned the page again, and looked at the list of gangsters who recorded the entire chain of interests behind the scene of the stick.
He smiled softly, clenched the seal of the abyssal noble, and communicated with the super abyss Devil Rabbit.
The large warehouse with hundreds of thousands of rabbits in the mountain village was also bombarded by shells.
Although it was close to the edge of the mountain village, it was bombed twice.
However, most of its vaults collapsed.
Flames and billowing black smoke erupted in several places.
In the warehouse at this time, hundreds of thousands of colorful rabbits have long been gone.
Even the Abyss Devil Rabbit has only one head in the warehouse!
A large number of abyss aliens separated by Xiao Yu created a large number of abyssal devil rabbits.
But Xiao Yu knew that in the face of a modern military organization that was already prepared.
First-class creatures are not their opponents at all.
Whether it is frontal field combat or street fighting, once the routine is figured out, it will be rubbed on the ground by modern military organizations and will be beaten with no effort!
Even an abyss monster that can still fly like the abyss demon.
Without losing one, they will be directly torn apart by anti-aircraft machine guns, and they can't die anymore!
Xiao Yu can continue to summon the stone giant to pretend to be his immortal character.
Facing the death of the abyss monster, he has no ability to restore it.
Even if it is enough to transform the appearance of the undead, it will not be able to do well in a short time.
Therefore, Xiao Yu simply seeks quality without quantity.
After the abyss demon rabbits have swallowed the food, they will kill each other and devour each other.
In the end, an abyss demon rabbit highly demonized to the end was born.
In addition to intelligence, other aspects of the monster are no worse than Xiao Yu's second-level super knight physical fitness!
The warehouse is full of smoke and smell and the unique smell of rabbits.
With a height of more than three meters, an off-white humanoid body full of explosive muscles, but an abyss demon rabbit with a pair of long ears on the top of his head, standing there in a huff, dissatisfied with the shelling disturbed its digestion.
From Xiao Yu's point of view, this abyss demon has turned into a devil's muscle rabbit!
Humans and animals harmless little white rabbits or something... It is no longer possible to see a little relationship from this blackened rabbit.
With its blood-red rabbit eyes wide open, it looked angrily in the direction of the shelling position.
Xiao Yu let go of its suppression a little, and the abyss demon rabbit immediately made a trembling roar!
The sound of the long scream went straight to the sky, shaking the sky across the mountain village!
Even stranger!
Everyone in the radius of more than ten miles will feel this sound after hearing this roar...
It's like a spring thunder blasting directly in his ear!
The artillery who were in the artillery position all screamed one after another with tinnitus, and couldn't help feeling the burst of chill coming out of the spine.
Frightened them, and even thought of retreating without a fight!
"Well, it comes with a spiritual aura of fear of witchcraft, this trick is one of the big killers against modern military forces!"
Xiao Yu held the seal and silently released his will.
Suddenly, his self-will fell on the abyss demon rabbit, and began to control it with his thoughts, jumped out of the warehouse, and out of the mountain village that has been ruined...
Just one leap has already fallen on the road outside the mountain village.
Then it slowly leaned over and made a sprinter's starting posture.
Heel slammed into a deep hole in the concrete floor. The strong body of the abyss Devil is like a devil's muscles. It is like a super run with a rocket engine. It rushed out and disappeared in several mountain villages. in.
"Then... what kind of monster is that?"
The officials of the Kangzi Kingdom were dumbfounded at the appearance of the Abyss Demon Rabbit.
"Looking at the pictures he took at the start, it looks like a gray-black rabbit with muscles?"
"You mean, in order to fight back, the demon sent out a monster with a rabbit head from hell?"
"What a terrible speed! This rabbit-headed humanoid monster has explosive power beyond imagination!"
"It is foreseeable that its physical strength and strength are also extremely amazing!"
The investigators of the ancient eastern country also saw the performance of the Abyssal Devil Rabbit through their own special channels.
While they were surprised, they secretly guessed the target of this abyss demon rabbit.
Soon the investigation team gave an analysis here and thought that the target of the abyss demon rabbit's movement direction was the bombing position of the stick country's military!
"Citigroup will certainly be able to guess, depending on whether this blackened rabbit can resist Citigroup's means!"
The female investigator said this, thinking in secret if a similar demon appeared in her own country, what would she do?
Although she knows that the easiest way is actually to let the extraordinary deal with the extraordinary...
But in case you can’t move, the country must also be able to deal with these non-human monsters, will people feel at ease?
"Look at the leader! There is information that Citizen's drone unit is going to intercept the rabbit head monster!"
"Let the satellite stare!"
"Let the nearby observation team also hurry up, can't miss this good show!"
"Good, I hope this rabbit won't be able to do anything outside, but let Citigroup's stick country vomit more blood!"
The female investigator glanced at her teammate coldly and said:
"Pay attention to your remarks, this is a very blissful element!"
"We are the staff of a civilized big country."
"If you have any inappropriate thoughts, just think about it, you can't say it, you know!"
Several investigators hurriedly bowed their heads as they should, and then hurried to work.
Dozens of satellites belonging to different forces are staring at this stick country mountain.
The abyss demon rabbit, which is already faster than the fastest supercar, was suddenly submerged by the smoke and fire generated by a series of high-explosive mines buried on the Immediately, in the sky , Four modified and enhanced versions of the drone came and whistled, aiming at the human figure in the thick smoke, eight missiles locked the target and shot past.
The missile hit the target, causing a series of explosions, and the fire waves were large, causing the trees and grass on both sides to burn.
However, the pilots operating the drone were sweating hurriedly to accelerate the drone.
Because they were surprised to see the response of the UAV's detection equipment.
The moment the missile hit the ground, the figure of the rabbit head monster suddenly disappeared.
Instead, it appeared in a canopy hundreds of meters further ahead.
"God, how could it be so fast!"
"No, let the drone rise!"
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