Chapter 629: Contribute to world peace

Mosca appeared in the presence of Father Alexander and borrowed the Great Cross of the Holy Cathedral, which soon caused a wave on the Internet.
Countless young people discussed with enthusiasm what faction the priest dressed as a transcendent, and what faith he believed in.
Interestingly, several factions claimed that they analyzed the priest’s movements and clothes through video and found that he should be the priest of his own faction...
Many onlookers said one after another that tomorrow's headlines seem to be giving way to this handsome priest.
However, when the sun rose the next day.
The waking people were shocked to find that the extraordinary priest did not grab the headlines.
At this moment, almost all the headlines of the media have been snatched away by the big moves of a country.
Just in the early hours of last night, the top of the polar bear country Mosca suddenly announced that they would hold an ultra-large-scale live-fire military exercise involving all services in the hinterland.
Code-named world peace.
This military exercise will not only carry out routine projects such as biochemical warfare, assault warfare by the Corps.
A new type of nuclear bomb will be tested on a target.
They, the polar bear country, are ready to detonate nuclear bombs again!
After reading the news, each one was a little overwhelmed, felt unreal, and even panicked.
This is clearly a long-lost nuclear test!
Oh my god, nuclear tests between big powers have not continued on the ground for decades after the end of the Cold War.
Suddenly it started again... It was still the beginning of the polar bear country, and some people who were worried about the sky even began to worry about whether this would cause a new wave of cold war atmosphere.
However, to their surprise, after Mosca's senior management announced this decision, soon, Mosca's senior management received unanimous praise and support from all major forces in the world.
Such a result has stunned countless analysts, critics, and kings.
The direct change of the world is too fast, so that they can not keep up with the pace of the new era.
What surprised them was that Citigroup even announced that they were very happy to cooperate with the Polar Bears in a military and win-win situation, and said that they would send a domestic combat team to participate in this exercise.
It is better to work together with the polar bear country to promote world peace and make due contributions.
Some interested people found that after the Citigroup's government made such a statement that it was obviously close to the polar bear country, their domestic opposition did not jump out and accuse the ruling faction Tongxiong!
This is really a rare thing in politics!
Since when has Citigroup become so united in dealing with international issues?
Did their brain circuits recover suddenly? This shouldn't be!
Those with brain supplements cannot help guessing, perhaps because of the appearance of the extraordinary, which has made the senior leaders of those countries vigilant.
Thus, under external pressure, Citigroup has achieved a unified position on its foreign policy.
This is really good news for world peace.
At least the infighting between people will be greatly reduced.
Some courageous critics even guessed whether they could witness the birth of a global joint court in their lifetime!
After all, at present, it seems that after the top leaders of various countries have begun to compromise with each other because of worries, such trends and driving forces will gradually form.
In the Presidential Suite of the Mosca Hotel, Xiao Yu, who finished a night of meditation, swiped across the forum on the tablet to speak. He was silent and chuckled:
"Oh, it looks like I am really contributing to world peace?"
"Speaking of it, several places of war have just ceased to exist, won't it really be because of me?"
After complacent, Xiao Yu sensed the consciousness of the world's wonder and disaster pocket watch, and confirmed that the disaster did not change without the fan of his butterfly.
As Anderson, he dressed himself and finished his grooming, and then picked up the videophone delivered to him by the director.
The phone rang only once and was picked up immediately. Obviously, the call was managed by someone in charge.
"Hello, I am the champion of the Necromancer Contest, Anderson."
Xiao Yu exhaled softly and said in a gentle tone:
"Would you please contact the Mosca House for me?"
"The master asked me to be the messenger to come and convey a message to you."
"Boom, wow!"
After a while of silence, Xiao Yu heard a loud noise on the phone, and after a quick breath, a mature male voice picked up the phone and preached:
"Dear Anderson, we have received your message."
"Please wait a moment, our commissioner will immediately invite you to the mansion."
"Is that right? Okay, then I'm here to wait."
Xiao Yu nodded slightly and turned off the videophone.
On the other end of the phone, the security department's monitoring room was in chaos.
Because they all know it, the Anderson boy once said that if the transcendents can handle this crisis, they will not bother the secular regime.
And if they come to the secular regime.
It means... the trouble this time is beyond their control.
Polar bear country is in big trouble!
"God bless our country! We will be fine!"
The Minister of Security loudly reminded his men with fear through the microphone sound.
"Arrange personnel to pick up Anderson immediately, and increase safety tenfold along the way!"
"Insufficient manpower? Withdraw from the local military area, seconded from other departments!"
"It's about our country's life and death, which one of them dare to make trouble, let them die directly!"
"Secretary, sort out the information and follow me immediately to see Mosca the Great!"
"Yes!" The secretary next to the security minister saluted immediately and became busy immediately.
After three minutes.
The street of the Mosca Hotel leading to the Mosca mansion is forbidden.
Residents and tourists who had no time to evacuate were taken care of.
After another three minutes, dozens of armed helicopters flew around the Mosca Hotel, and the commanding heights along the way were controlled by snipers.
The underground waterway of the street is continuously inspected by exploration robots.
A team of bulletproof RVs stopped at the Mosca Hotel to welcome Anderson.
Anderson entered the RV and left.
A team of the best agents then entered the presidential suite to check to ensure that the target was not penetrated by the hostile forces.
A female agent opened the door of the bedroom, slightly startled.
She saw the luxurious bed in the bedroom.
Three beautiful white women with beautiful and distinctive features are hugging together and falling asleep. They do not care that they only have thin silk pajamas on their bodies.
The female agent hesitated and walked into the bedroom. After checking the surroundings to make sure that there was no problem, the three sleeping beauties were photographed.
After learning that they played the ancient mahjong for a while, they fell asleep because they were too sleepy.
The superiors of the female agents nodded each other in understanding, thinking they could understand the reason.
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