Chapter 646: Jin Ge Continental's request

Xiao Yu looked at the news notice of Wanjie Zijing, and after touching his nose, he quickly opened it and looked at it.
Xiao Yu found that most of these messages were notices for the morning star wizard Uturu of Jinge Mainland to agree on the next trading time.
It can be seen that his last transaction made him very satisfied, and he can't wait to trade again.
However, the information left in recent times has become much more urgent, and the frequency has become more frequent.
Xiao Yu looked at the transaction request time left by the last message.
After writing it down, I started a day of normal cultivation in the little country.
In the evening, Xiao Yu summoned many high-level miracle cities and gathered together in his palace to open the Wanjiezijing.
call out!
Shortly after the opening of the Wanjiezijing, a burst of blue light appeared, and the ripples spread out, and the morning star wizard Uturu appeared in the Wanjiezijing.
At this time, the morning star wizard Uturu, exudes a lot of death, his hair was already gray and withered, and the skin exposed on his face was slack and dull.
His eyes were still shining, but he could clearly see his body shaking in his breath.
He... hasn't changed much from the ordinary old people who are okay.
Instead, Xiao Yu surprised him a little now.
The Enodian wizard seemed to have guessed Xiao Yu's heart and whispered:
"His Royal Highness, this Uturu wizard is a great morning star wizard, but I can see that the fire of his soul has dimmed."
"He is too old, and the soul of the abyss hit him again."
"Even if he has the power of Morning Star and is a noble wizard like the son of the continent, he will still die soon!"
"Don't you die soon?"
Xiao Yan was a little sad to hear that, without the morning star wizard standing in front, Jin Ge will soon slide into the abyss plane.
At that time, his trading would stop and he would not see so many abyss monsters.
This is a great mental loss.
After all, it's wonderful to see the enemy's hapless refreshing feeling.
This is especially true when you don't have to play in person.
"Do you need to continue trading weapons this time?" Xiao Yu regained his spirits and asked Uturu, who looked at Jinge.
The morning star wizard Uturu nodded, breathing black dead air in his mouth:
"I used your weapon last time to drive the three-headed abyss flame demon and an abyss lord back to the abyss."
"And left at least ten incarnations of nobles of the abyss, they have been desperately disregarding attrition, and accelerated the invasion of my world."
"They even started digging the ground, destroying the veins and releasing venom to contaminate the ocean."
"I can hear that my continent is making a painful cry."
"Because of this, as a Morning Star wizard, the continent's power blessings I have received continue to increase, making me continue to the present."
"But, it's almost to the limit..."
The morning star wizard Uturu said here, slowly tearing his clothes to reveal his chest.
It immediately caused a breath of breath from the wizards in the palace.
Because they saw that the body under the neck of the morning star wizard Uturu had turned into a disgusting and ugly black sarcoma.
A few short tentacles grew out of the heart, and after exposure to the air, they greedily opened their small fish-like mouths and kept trying to bite.
"Abyssalization, this morning star wizard is also abyssing!"
An old wizard stood up and said: "This is no witchcraft! I have never heard the morning star wizard do this!"
"Is it possible for any curse to affect a morning star wizard for a long time?"
"Yeah, it is said that the Morning Star Wizard has undead power and can even be reborn with blood!"
"Why...may be abyssed!"
"Are rumors deceptive?"
The morning star wizard Uturu heard these whispering whispers, smiled bitterly, and said the secret of the morning star wizard with a gasp:
"Every continent will have only one Morning Star Wizard, and every Morning Star Wizard is called the Son of the Continent."
"Do you think this is just a far-fetched meeting?"
"No, this is the price of becoming a Morning Star wizard after gaining a piece of continent recognition and power."
"When the continent under my feet is corroded by the abyss, no matter how I change my body."
"It can't save the abyss in the depths of my soul."
The wizard Mafa glared silently and whispered, "That's what happened. The wizard became the Morning Star Wizard by the approval of the mainland, and the Morning Star Wizard was naturally integrated into the destiny of the mainland!"
"No wonder, the continent with the Morning Star Wizard can move in the void according to the Morning Star Wizard's will."
"No wonder! A continent without a morning star wizard will be called a lost continent!"
"Because every morning star wizard is the son of the destiny of the mainland!"
"The mainland is a sea ship, and the Morning Star Wizard is the only helmsman and captain on this ship!"
"Once the ship sinks, the captain can only sink to the bottom with one of them!"
The morning star wizard Uturu nodded at the metaphor without disproving it.
He paused. It seemed that everyone had digested this amazing secret before he continued:
"I need a lot of weapons and ammunition."
"In addition to the PKM machine gun, I also need the bazooka and the six-barrel hellfire gun you mentioned."
"As for the price I can give..."
"Hehe." After a few wry smiles, Morning Star Wizard Uturu panted heavily: "Giant, are you brave enough to accept the legacy of Jinge?
"What legacy?"
Xiao Yu was slightly startled, and could not help asking.
"If you dare to accept, I can use Jinge's last resistance to bring me this continent close to where you are!"
"At that time, you can send a fleet to enter the ocean of my continent from the space-time gate between the continents."
Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and when he heard this, he thought of the Wild Beast Continent. Didn’t this guy send a large army to run across the ocean directly to find himself in trouble?
It's just that although there is no morning star wizard in this continent, there is a bright moon goddess who has become a by guardian commitment.
The morning star wizard of the wild beast continent did not dare to come down.
"You plan to let me send a large army to support you?" Xiao Yu asked.
"Do not!"
The morning star wizard Uturu shook his head and smiled indifferently:
"Both Jin Ge and I have already fallen ill and have no medicine!"
"My bloodline descendants, and those bloodline descendants who have followed me for thousands of years..."
"They dare not follow me to hell."
"I hope you can accept them, and they will not fail your trust and life-saving grace."
"People who have lost their own continent have no threat to you and can bring Jinge Continent's complete inheritance for so many years. I believe this will do more harm than good."
"Huh!" Wizard Mafa opened his mouth excitedly and breathed: "The complete inheritance of the extraordinary power of a continent for thousands of years?"
"Oh my god, after the thorough research, it will definitely play a great role in bypassing the category!"
"Your Highness, this is a good opportunity!" Wizard Mafa suggested out of a desire for knowledge: "And the survivors of the Jinge continent will also become good warriors and wizards in the city of miracles!"
A cautious old wizard rushed out and shook his head: "Don't forget, there is a place heavily polluted by the abyss, who knows how many of those refugees are abyss depraved!"
"The risk is too great!"
"The knowledge of a continent is worth our risk!"
"No, it must be more secure, and if you have knowledge, you can also get it by using Wanjiezijing!"
Speaking of which, the morning star wizard Uturum shook his head silently.
Obviously, if Xiao Yu did not agree to leave a living path for the blood and descendants of Jin Ge.
The morning star wizard Uturu was going to rot his knowledge in his stomach.
Xiao Yu thought about it and asked the wizard Anodia: "Is the greatest danger to be infiltrated by the abyss?"
"Yes, Your Highness." Wizard Enodia nodded slightly, and then said: "The other danger is that we sent our fleet close to the Jinge continent, which will definitely attract those abyssal monsters to fight back."
"Although the morning star wizard Uturu will definitely explode to support us, will the fleet loss still be inevitable?"
"If so."
Xiao Yu thought of his aristocratic aristocratic imprint, and he had a heart in his heart.
The abyss depraved who are afraid of is not a thing for yourself!
Who made his real world so powerful and isolated from the abyss' gaze and influence?
This makes him the only one who has captured the abyss nobles as captives!
And the abyss is completely unknown.
Otherwise, Xiao Yu wonders whether the abyss will drive all the abyss lords to find themselves desperately angrily!
But I shouldn't think about it.
After all, the abyssal will itself has been in chaos.
Unless it encounters the legendary kind of joint invasion by multiple superpowers, which stimulates its instinctive consciousness to resist.
Otherwise, generally they will not drive those abyssal lords to sell their lives.
It apparently prefers to use the power of the abyss to seduce the abyss monsters to make continuous efforts to expand the abyssal territory and organisms.
Xiao Yu stared directly at the morning star wizard Uturu and said, "I agree with your bold request."
"I will accept the refugees from Jinge mainland and give them the same treatment."
"You really are not afraid of revenge from the abyss."
The morning star wizard Uturu coughed and reassured: "For me to stick to it next... I don’t know which weaponry?"
"Naturally will trade for you."
Xiao Yu nodded slightly, but continued: "But you still need to pay for this transaction."
"Knowledge is just the price you have to save your bloodline descendants."
"I will exchange the remaining Jinge mainland specialties with minerals."
"If it's not enough..." Morningstar wizard Uturu can see what the giant wants.
The last few trades let him know that this giant must have caused more than one side of the abyss, and at least one Morning Star wizard was in trouble with him!
He sighed: "I use the power of the soul to enchant you with weapons."
"Anyway, I have no chance to use it in the future."
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