Chapter 681: As the sun rises

The appearance of the world's wonders and disaster pocket watches made the whole Jinge continent seem to be more violent.
Even in the sea where Xiao Yu is located, a lot of lightning and vortexes appeared in a short time.
Only faced with such natural disasters like the world extinction.
Xiao Yu smiled.
"Sure enough, the power of the rules of the world's wonders is higher than that of a single continent!"
"Through the calamity pocket watch, I saw the final natural disaster that Jin Ge will soon appear!"
"Not only will Jin Ge continent fall apart under the final madness, but the sky will really shatter!"
"It is the abyss itself, but it is not counted as a natural disaster!"
"It's a pity, but it's enough to surprise the old friends of the abyss."
Xiao Yu whispered, activating the power of the world's wonder and disaster pocket watch.
So... the final natural disaster that was about to occur after the Jinge continent went crazy suddenly disappeared.
The earthquake disappeared and the lightning dissipated.
The vortex began to shrink, and the terrifying tornadoes that were forming suddenly dispersed.
The incarnations of the abyssal lords were confused for a while.
"What's going on, Jin Ge mainland is not going crazy?"
"Strange, if not I can feel that the abyss continues and will be completed soon... I thought that the supreme strongman took the shot and pulled the Jinge continent back from our mouth!"
"Not sure...but I have a bad feeling."
An abyss lord who had been in contact with the giant issued a warning: "Perhaps this is related to the giant!"
"How is it possible! If the giant had such power, he would have saved this continent!"
As soon as this point of view came out, it was immediately refuted by other abyss lords.
But after listening to it for a while, an abyss demon just crawled out raised his hand and guessed:
"That giant has a lot of world wonders, maybe this is the power of world wonders?"
"The power of world wonders? Could he get the silent bracelet recorded in the classics of the abyss? Or the cup of sigh!"
"Or...eyes of doubt?"
"No, no, it's impossible for giants to get these world wonders..."
The Lord of the Abyss heard the words, and after thinking for a while, gave answers one by one, but shook his head and felt that these top-level world wonders have masters or guards that are not inferior to the existence of the abyss, which cannot be obtained by giants.
"No need to guess, this is caused by the wonders of the world."
Suddenly, the space splits, and an abyss lord incarnation with a four-winged two-headed giant snake appears beside these monsters, and he says with a serious face.
"How do you know?" Abyss lords stunned and asked immediately.
"Let your senses go to the sea to the east."
The four-winged two-headed snake said calmly: "The existence of the rising sun... is the disaster beast recorded in the classics!"
"It is a monster that does not exist in any world summoned by the ability of the world's wonders of the disaster disaster!"
The abyss lords heard the words and flew up into the sky, probing the perception.
Suddenly, they saw the ocean to the east.
A golden-winged Dapeng was born, and the Japanese rose above the sea!
Feeling the terrifying breath contained in the dazzling golden bird of the new calendar, the abyss lords all dared to startle:
"How could there be extraordinary monsters of this level in this world!"
"The abyss is up, this is not right!"
The four-winged two-headed snake narrowed its eyes, but the whole body contracted quickly:
"Natural disasters that annihilate the world will naturally catalyze world-class disasters!"
"This is the rule of disasters in the world of disasters, which is normal."
"Jin Peng came to the east, and as the sun rises... This is one of the most likely incarnations of the world-class disaster-ridden behemoth in the classical records."
"This means that its strength surpassed the Morning Star Wizard, under the moon ~ invincible in the world!"
"And, with its size of more than nine kilometers, I don't think we can compete with each other for consumption."
"So, lords, please join us, open the channel and leave!"
Hearing this, the other abyssal lords came to understand, why this guy came out of the dark to remind them.
But it is to gather the power of the demons to run!
The abyss lords are all decent people, and they soon reached a consensus.
This continent cannot continue to stay at this time.
Even the abyssal continent close to the Jinge continent can't wait. It needs to run further!
Suddenly, a clear bird song came from the East Sea.
The sound penetrated the witchcraft and talent skills of all the abyssal powerhouses, so that when they heard the sound, they could not help seeing the distant sea in their minds.
The golden ball of light is slowly cracking, transforming into a golden dazzling bird!
The wings of the Dapeng bird are at least nine kilometers long, and when it unfolds, it has become like the sun of the sky, and the light shines everywhere on this continent.
This space where the abyss lords gathered was also filled with the light radiated by the Dapeng bird at this moment.
The tens of millions of abyss monsters who are still raging on the mainland and harvesting unaware fears are also lost in a state of loss and confusion.
Xiao Yu and the people on the floating spacecraft also felt the horror of the light and the disaster-causing beast Dapeng Bird.
That bird song failed to affect Xiao Yu with the majestic throne, but it also caused the people in the floating spacecraft to fall into a moment of distraction.
Fortunately, this spaceship has a psychic defensive witchcraft circle, which makes those wizards sober as quickly as possible.
In the spaceship, the young wizard who was possessed by the former Morning Star wizard Uturu couldn't help but twitched, looking at the monster in the east that illuminated the sky and the ocean, he smiled bitterly:
"Is this a world-destroying monster?"
"Jin Ge Mainland this time... is sure to be over!"
"No continent can survive the destruction of a world-class disaster."
He was about to remind Xiao Yu of this giant, tell him what kind of monster he released, and remind him to run quickly.
He suddenly found that Xiao Yu no longer had to remind him, first burst out of full strength, holding the floating spacecraft to speed up and rushed to the door near the time and space.
Xiao Yu ordered the steel fleet that followed him to retreat He took the undead giant together and lifted a shield to protect the moving fleet.
A wave of birdsong hits, disturbing all living beings.
Fortunately, Xiao Yu released the eight-foot mirror of the belief artifact, and cooperated with the statue of the Virgin from the city of the Lord to contend with the power of the enchantment.
The souls of other parts of Jinge mainland are miserable!
They were groggy under the tweet and had no resistance at all.
The Dapeng bird in the sky is like the sun, but after soaring to a height of 10,000 meters, the wings spread to the limit.
Millions of calculated beams were emitted towards the surroundings.
Each beam of light is like the same energy cannon, and it will melt everything around once it hits the ground.
Whether it is a rock or an abyss monster, or the sea itself, it is among its melting and destruction!
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