Chapter 685: This world is already filthy

After having a plan, Xiao Yu was not in a hurry.
After all, this matter requires long-term consideration. It is best to let Citigroup actively wave a small flag to welcome its incarnation to run down to demons and demons.
This... is actually not impossible.
After all, I now have an evolutionary version of the world's wonder and disaster pocket watch!
In a sense, if you want to become a real-world demon, you can do it easily!
However, Xiao Yu thinks that he is not a mad person, and he does not hate the current order of the world.
Therefore, Xiao Yu expressed no interest in destroying the world and purifying the world.
Food, movies, animation, music and other luxury goods that can only be provided by the real world, but still deeply attracted Xiao Yu!
"Huh, it's the backhand that was originally placed on the devil's egg, and it can be started."
After Xiao Yu made a plan in his mind, he grasped the connection with the devil's egg thousands of miles away, and then started it!
At this time, Citigroup across the ocean.
Its most sophisticated high-tech research base is located in an inland desert in China.
This inland desert is an uninhabited area of ​​Citigroup. Almost no one except the military and scientific researchers has been able to get close to it.
Because of its mystery, so many decades ago, there were countless rumors about this research base spread all over the world.
So, from time to time, some good people heard some news and ran to the neighborhood in an attempt to find the legendary research base for researching aliens.
Naturally, they were all expelled by the patrol.
If you want to resist, you are directly detained in a local jail. With the help of countless prisoners, you can reflect on your mistakes.
As for professionals from all over the world, apart from instigating and igniting on the Internet, they will not easily die.
Their penetration route is more collected and analyzed through peripheral channels, or to buy some key personnel.
After all, the location of this secret base in Citigroup is really good.
Hundreds of miles away, there is no one to say that there is no obstacle, there is no obstacle in the sky and underground, a satellite, a large radar can view the entire field.
Infiltrating such a scientific research base, there are really no professionals in the real world.
Therefore, in the annual survey of security in advanced scientific research bases all over the world.
This security, called the Hoover Research Base, has always ranked first.
However, after a big man came forward in person and sent a magic black stone egg to this Hoover research base.
Several first-class experts and their assistants who studied the black stone egg have been declining rapidly.
This black stone egg seemed too unscientific and weird to them.
The more research, the more cracks appeared in their three views, not to mention the strange spiritual events that made them tremble.
Several experts who have been in front-line research positions have auditory hallucinations and even hallucinations to varying degrees.
A young female assistant with a bad heart suffered mental disorders due to a nightmare and was forced to go to a psychiatric hospital for rehabilitation.
Although news came in the past few days, the female assistant recovered quickly after receiving treatment.
The experts have been reluctant to deal with the black stone egg.
They did not know that this black stone egg was a witchcraft wonder created by Xiao Yu. In addition to monitoring witchcraft, there was a slight psychedelic magic circle that had been running slowly.
This psychedelic magic circle has little effect. Xiao Yu's original intention was to make it more conspicuous, and let others see the extraordinary of this thing at a glance, so as not to lose this black stone egg.
I don’t want to think that as a first-level wizard, Xiao Yu is still a wizard who takes a lot of Yuehuayulu potions and is equipped with high-quality magic stones. Its foundation is not inferior to those famous in the history of the villain The proud sons.
The magic circle he laid down lasted for a long time after running. When someone was in contact with it for a long time and was continuously affected by psychedelic surgery, natural reactions such as neurasthenia would naturally occur.
Although the personality is split and the madness is not overwhelming, the spirit is declining, and nightmares are inevitable every night.
Therefore, after the experts organized a protest to the above.
The big figures of Citigroup were not surprised, but instead showed their expressions one by one, and then issued a death order. It is important that the experts carry out the research.
Of course, in order to appease the emotions of the experts, in addition to providing them with more assistants to replace the first-line operations, various promises are also doubled, coupled with human justice, making it difficult for these experts to refuse.
These big men are eager to know the secret of the black stone egg.
Unbeknownst to all, it just happened to fall into a gluttonous feast prepared by Xiao Yu for them.
Visa, now 50, was originally a young and promising scientist in eastern Europa and Eastern Ukraine.
A sudden outbreak of civil war completely destroyed his life and life plan. As Dongwu officials and international capitals took advantage of the war to divide everything and make a fortune.
Visa's scientific research department collapsed, and related batches of company factories were also bankrupted and acquired.
Suddenly, as a high-tech talent, Visa suddenly discovered that a country like him would be unemployed!
Actually have to run around for three meals a day!
Visa was naturally unwilling, and he was full of pessimistic predictions about the future of East Ukraine. He had to accept the olive branch thrown out by Citigroup and travel to a foreign country to devote his meager power to the modernization of Citigroup.
However, Citi is not a paradise for high-tech talents.
There is no such relationship as Citigroup academic circles like Visa, and it is easy to control. But it is not the top technical talents. It is often fought by the military. After signing harsh contracts, they are arranged to work in these secret bases.
And now the top-secret level in the Hoover Research Base may have dangerous research, but it is even a place where unlucky scientists like Visa need to use their waste heat.
After all, in a sense, for the top big names, these alternative technical talents are also a consumable.
"Experiment No. 27 started."
"Visa Assistant, please be sure to follow the experimental process."
In a laboratory dominated by white tones surrounded by four sides, a large round table with a glass cover, a black stone egg quietly stopped in the center.
Visa and two other assistants with similar backgrounds were arranged in this laboratory, conducting experiments according to the instructions of the experts.
From time to time, Visa needs to use his expertise to make guesses about the nature of black stone eggs.
Among them, the most important point is the mental response.
During the experiment, Visa was repeatedly asked related questions, which made him irritated, but he couldn't help but realize that the black stone egg horror was not as simple as the above people said.
Sadly, Visa has no solution to this. After all, all of his family members have come across Citizens across the ocean in recent years.
He does not think about himself, but also about his family!
It was when Visa mourned from the heart and lamented that fate made people wrong.
Suddenly, a gruesome laugh came from the black stone egg, penetrated the glass cover, and resounded in the white laboratory.
Echoing constantly, let Visa and others take a breath of air, one after another.
"What's going on, the information doesn't say that this black stone egg will laugh!"
"I request the experiment to be terminated!"
An assistant shouted loudly at the surveillance camera.
"This black stone egg's reaction may be due to our experiment!"
An expert shook his head. His eyes were seriously deprived of sleep, staring at the black stone egg: "This is a good opportunity to find out the truth! We can't miss it!"
Several companions beside the expert hesitated and nodded in agreement.
So the big man above responded to the request of the laboratory to continue the experiment, using some kind of radiation to continue to stimulate the black stone egg.
Listening to the laughter of Black Stone Egg, Visa gritted his teeth and had to continue to step forward.
Even his vest was already soaked in cold sweat, and his breathing was much quicker.
In his heart, this man who has always felt that he is a materialist, is constantly praying that the benevolent holy Lord can bless him through difficulties.
As the experiment continued, under the light.
The experts who followed this experiment, as well as the big people who were just there, were glad to see that the black stone egg in the laboratory actually reacted!
Not only did they make strange noises, they even fluttered and floated in the glass cover.
"Great, it seems that our experiment is effective!"
"According to this idea, perhaps we can find the key to the mysterious power!"
Outside the laboratory, the experts who had been tortured by black stone eggs for so many days cried with joy, and felt that the current black stone eggs reacted because they found the correct experimental method.
In the distance, Xiao Yu sensed the surrounding reaction through the arranged surveillance eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and said secretly:
"You guys, I really want to."
"I just want to cooperate with you, so I activated the magical devil egg."
"Woo... Then you can start the phantom array module."
As Xiao Yu began to operate.
In this lab at the Hoover Scientific Research Base in Citi.
Everyone saw the black stone egg emit a black light, and after penetrating the glass cover, it happened to hit the head of Visa's assistant.
Suddenly, Visa only felt dark in front of her and sat on the ground all of a sudden.
There were exclamations from the assistants all around, and the experts looked at Visa with concern.
Several generals quietly raised the alert level of this layer.
Compared to those scientific researchers, these generals knew that the real origin of the black stone egg was nothing strange.
It was found from the scene of the Mosca super earthquake.
And it may have something to do with the sealed demon king!
Only this point is enough for the generals to feel that they cannot be too careful.
"How is it, Assistant Visa, are you still awake?"
"Visa Assistant!"
After a few inquiries, it was just when the experts were impatient and planned to open the laboratory door.
Visa woke up wobbly and stood up.
Everyone suddenly saw signs of bleeding in both ears, eyes and nose under the face mask of this Visa wearing a chemical suit.
"How could it be, were you attacked by Visa?"
"No, it's not an attack."
Visa shook his head to deny that after taking a few breaths, he held the wall to the black stone egg in the field and said in awe:
"It's a message, this sacred object of God, conveys the message to me."
"Huh?" The experts stunned slightly, realizing that this Visa actually called this black stone egg god's sacred object.
They could not help worrying, wondering if Visa had been brainwashed by mysterious forces, and there were phenomena such as auditory hallucinations.
Visa knew that these people would not easily believe in himself, he quickly said:
"All I said is true. This is a sacred object called the Egg of the Holy One. It is a wonder of the world that God has gifted to us."
"As long as we worship it and worship it, we can communicate with God and get eternal life..."
Visa would continue to say that the organ in his chemical suit was turned on, and a shot of tranquilizer quickly calmed him down.
The laboratory door opened, and a team of chemical protective clothing rushed in and dragged Visa.
Experts announced the termination of the experiment and began to analyze the data of this experiment.
For the nonsense of Visa, to be honest, these experts didn't believe a word.
The generals were even more convinced that the black stone egg had something to do with the devil. The unlucky Visa, it seemed that after activating the black stone egg, the power of the devil was brainwashed by the power of the devil.
Their guess is quite close to the truth.
The illusion witchcraft set by Xiao Yu belongs to the single witchcraft with stronger flicker effect. After directly hitting the target, the message to be expressed is directly infused into the target's mind through the illusion.
Navisa equals the experience of being alone with the great God in the space of consciousness for just a few seconds.
After this experience, plus the messages that Xiao Yu instilled in the past and the three views of Visa's own shaking.
He suddenly felt that he had received apocalypse, and it was not incomprehensible to become a fanatic.
And Xiao Yu believes that he has just used this witchcraft singularity to stuff a part of the private goods, but it will be verified soon.
By that time...I don’t know if Citigroup can continue to calm down like this?
When they arrive, will they regret that they have picked up such a hot potato!
In the medical room of the Hoover Scientific Research Base, the doctor announced that after a detailed body examination for Visa: Visa had no health problems.
Naturally, there will not be any known infectious diseases.
So Visa was quickly taken by the military to a confinement room ~ ~ began interrogation.
Although he already thought that Visa had been brainwashed with black stone eggs, the big guys were still curious about what the black stone eggs were and what they wanted to do.
The interrogation soon began and was seen by the big men.
"Hehehe, you foolish ants."
Visa's expression at this time is very relaxed, and it seems that he who has received the Apocalypse is already a superior person above all.
He defied the interrogators and said:
"Your behavior is so wrong!"
"You want to know what God told me, right? Ha ha ha, let me tell you."
"God said: This world is already filthy..."
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