Chapter 688: Continue to counsel

The sudden appearance of the disaster beast has indeed caused some trouble for Citigroup's army.
It also surprised the generals at the command center.
At the same time, the sound of the battle also convinced the detectives of the major forces around him that the incident was indeed related to the mysterious forces.
The generals of Citigroup were quite worried at first, but after seeing the destructive power of the disaster beasts, they felt confident.
They quickly calmed down and issued orders to allow frontline commanders to cooperate in digital operations.
The three strange birds in the air first became Wu Xun of Citigroup's military.
Unlike the earth-colored monitor lizard, who can escape at any time, these three strange birds can suddenly show invisible tricks in the air that are invisible to the naked eye.
But as soon as its more than ten meters long body moved, it was exposed under close observation by various observation equipment.
Soon, more than a dozen air-to-air missiles hit the three strange birds and knocked it out of the air.
Following this, a low-altitude attack aircraft whistled and ejected a large titanium alloy net to the three strange birds.
In various highland sniper positions, the snipers of the special forces used the next-generation sniper rifles that had never been disclosed, and fired electric shock bombs and paralysis bombs at the three high-altitude strange birds.
The big net covered three strange birds, and most of the sniper bullets also hit their bodies.
It's just that the three-headed monster bird is a disaster beast, immune to various paralytic poisons.
The effect of the electric shock is to disintegrate part of its body into black mist.
But it still can't help its action.
After the titanium alloy net fell, it blocked the three monster birds for a few seconds, and was forced to squirt acid water to corrode the net, and then tore it apart.
The three-headed strange bird seems to be more violent, and it constantly releases the wind blade, and there are scratches on the ground around it.
Some armed helicopters that did not run very far also suffered, and after hitting the point, a frame fell on the ground and burst into flames.
"Damn, these monsters seem to be hard to catch!"
"A corpse will do, use heavy firepower."
The front-line commander reported the intelligence to him. Although he was not reconciled, he could see that the three strange birds had been moving rapidly towards their position. Fearing that they could not guarantee themselves, they had to choose a more stable plan.
So when another wave of anti-aircraft missiles hit three strange birds and knocked it down on the ground.
A bomber fired a special air-to-ground missile ten kilometers away.
The air-to-ground missile quickly reached the sky above the three monster birds.
Immediately... accompanied by a small sun rising in the Yellowstone Mountains.
After a beat, the huge roar went away with the shock wave, sweeping the surrounding wilderness.
Some armored combat vehicles that were close together even shook violently in this shock wave.
Some small trees and small stones were instantly rolled into the sky.
"The power of our special high-explosive missiles is not so desperate!"
In the town, two Citizen native investigators as observers stood on the high platform and used the equipment to witness the subsequent impact of this shock wave, whispering in surprise.
In the command center, the wired experts denied that the shock wave was formed by its own missile.
Through replays, they found that the little sun formed by the explosion appeared.
The three monster monsters seemed to know that they were not spared. Their bodies quickly disintegrated, and they dispersed at the next moment of the explosion.
This behavior of the three-headed strange bird reminded the experts of the term self-explosive.
They could not help expressing their views, believing that the main source of shock waves sweeping around was the monster's self-detonation.
And from the scene of the explosion, the self-detonation was very clean, so that they wanted to collect the good idea of ​​the body of the disaster beast, which was almost impossible to achieve.
Xiao Yu observed this battle through the Andean Condor, and he also quite recognized the coordination and response capabilities of the Citi Air Force.
In Xiao Yu's opinion, if he is on board.
Regarding the current comprehensive combat power of the second-level knight and the first-level wizard.
If you don’t cheat, after killing a company in Citigroup, you will be chased by the opposing air force to fight a desperate journey.
This is Citigroup's current army, and no other moths appear. may be taught by the opposite.
"But will Citigroup have no cards? Even the thin and dead camel like Mosca has many next-generation gadgets, not to mention Citigroup as the largest country in the real world?"
"Those next-generation equipment that cannot be installed or even produced in small batches because of various factors is a problem. With the heritage of Citigroup... Arming several companies is definitely not a problem?"
"And several company-sized armed military organizations of the next generation..."
"It was already verified in the vicinity of the city of the Holy Lord of Europa."
"Even if it is close to the third-level extraordinary power of Morningstar... it will be defeated and defeated by technological weapons!"
Xiao Yu thought of this, and after talking to herself, he became more and more determined that he would continue to go further and further on the road of the film emperor.
Now it seems that the form is dominant on the surface, which is not the case.
In my true identity... I still have to continue to counsel!
"Hey, the earth-colored monitor lizard has started guerrilla combat!"
Xiao Yu continued to look at the battlefield after thinking well.
Immediately after seeing the three strange birds being killed, the earth-colored monitor lizard continued to fight the army on the ground.
It relied on talented witchcraft to keep diving into the ground, and then looked like a shark living underground.
From time to time, the ground was suddenly broken open, and the blood basin was opened to bite the chariots on the ground that had no time to escape, and then they were dragged one by one into the ground and buried in the mud.
The generals of Citigroup had to let the tank troops hurry up and quickly evacuate the area where the earth lizard attacked.
At the same time, there are constantly snipers trying to snipe this earth-colored monitor lizard.
The effect is the same as the three strange birds, and there is no use of eggs.
An elite sniper from an elite got a new bullet provided above.
After loading his sniper rifle, the earth monitor lizard came out of the ground again, biting a jeep.
The sniper rifle opened fire and thrust the bullet into the neck of the earth-colored monitor lizard.
The earth-colored monitor lizard shook the jeep in his mouth, and with a violent force, the body was severely bumped.
Then he found that the earth-colored monitor lizard that could no longer bite was directly estimated to be reapplied. After taking the jeep into the ground and discarding it, he swam under the ground again.
It was just this time that the earth-colored monitor lizard didn't know his talent ability to avoid underground detection instruments, but was exposed by the bullet with abnormal radiation that was shot into the body.
As a result, the Citigroup military, who was ruthless in its heart, flew over this piece of land with a fourth-generation fighter, and at the same time threw down a remote-controllable ground-penetrating missile.
Under the remote control of professionals, this ground-penetrating missile followed the earth-colored monitor lizard under the ground.
After piercing dozens of meters of mud, he pierced the back of the earth-colored monitor lizard.
As the ground-penetrating missile detonated.
The earth-colored monitor lizard quickly decomposed in the explosion, and then turned into a wave of energy scattered to the surrounding ground.
Immediately, the waves of the surrounding area spread quickly as if encountering an earthquake.
The residents of the small town outside also felt a significant shock.
Calling to ask the Earthquake Administration, what is going on! Are they going to take refuge?
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