Chapter 712: Thoughtful

The outside looks dark, and it should be empty in an office building.
Located in the large internal conference room on the highest floor.
The tables and chairs have been rearranged for a long time. A wooden six-pointed altar was placed in the center. Under the illumination of the lighting equipment, a cultist in red robe used sheep blood to deepen the mark on the altar.
On the walls, a lot of bone products and wild animal products are hanging.
Under the soft light design of the ceiling, it looks a bit eerie.
This place, which was obviously converted into a place of worship, had more than 50 men, women, children and children gathered here.
They all wore masks and silk clothes that were fashionable only in the classical period. They surrounded the altar and whispered with candles.
Although they hide their faces and can't see their expressions, they look at their behavior and behavior.
At least they all look very religious.
It seems to believe the existence of the true as claimed by these cultists.
It's just that inside, a middle-aged man wearing a white sheep mask who was particularly pious, looked at each believer carefully while praying.
Especially the cultists wearing black masks as organizers, he paid more attention to the target.
As one of the best agents in Citigroup’s intelligence service, the middle-aged man replaced the Aries masked believer in disguise and came to participate in this evil meeting for almost a week.
From a week ago, they got secret information, saying that a group of rich people who had recorded cult cults had suddenly changed and became mysterious.
Citigroup Intelligence, who was concerned about the anomaly, immediately took action.
During this period, the middle-aged man in the Aries mask they caught made them more interested.
Because they learned from their mouths that these empty, lonely and wealthy people started out at first, but in fact it was just a sect that worshipped the of the morning star.
The reason they joined it was to satisfy the mystery and satisfaction of the selflessness.
Strictly speaking, this sect belongs to a kind of ancient religion. Besides slaughtering cattle and sheep for sacrifice, it has no taboos. Therefore, after filing, it has been kept closed by the local government.
However, unexpected things happened.
According to this middle-aged man, their latest sacrifice received a response from the gods!
Even more apostles, who gained divine power, appeared and collected them logically.
Then naturally they used their money contacts to develop secretly.
In the opinion of the intelligence department, this is the old routine of the old cultist pulling sheep.
Without the extraordinary events of this period, these cultists who attempted to bypass their squeeze money had already been interviewed by them.
I haven't acted, just taking into account the fact that the mysterious power is the cause.
Tonight is the last night in his superior plan.
If, after this night, this cult organization fooling a bunch of rich people still can't come up with real things.
Then they will wipe it out.
Those backbones and organizers who preach the doctrine of ignorant people will be severely punished by the law.
As for those rich people who want longevity and extraordinary education, in exchange, the agent’s superior does not mind that the charitable foundation of their department suddenly gets more kindness on the next day.
"True God is on!"
Everyone sang the last prayer together, and then held the candle together under the arrangement.
Suddenly, the six acute angles of the altar suddenly burst into flames, illuminating all around, and at the same time, the space seemed to start to tremble slightly.
Such a vision made several female believers who had just joined believers exclaimed.
"Trick and worm skills."
The agent frowned slightly, feeling more and more in his heart that he was pretending to be a ghost.
He was ready to notify his colleagues around him who were ready for the arrest.
However, suddenly, the cultist standing on the altar looked at the agent.
Looking at each other's eyes for a moment, the agent only felt a chill suddenly emerge from the depth of his spine and quickly spread to his whole body.
Let him as a whole fall into the ice cellar, instantly losing his ability to act!
"How is it possible, how is this done!"
"Hypnotism? Gas medicine? Or... extraordinary power?"
When the agent was terrified.
The cultist on the altar had already opened his hands and shouted: "Just the real told me that we have a traitor!"
"He did not believe in God, but quietly mixed into us, trying to destroy my sacrifice!"
"Tell me aloud, what should we do with such a traitor?"
In the crowd, several cultists who came with this altar immediately raised their candles and screamed enthusiastically: "Sacrifice him to God!"
"Burn him!"
"Yes, burn him to death!"
With a roar, a fanatical atmosphere suddenly rose in this conference room.
Several cultists the agents and pressed the altar.
Heading back slightly, his eyes swept around to look at the believers behind the mask with a terrified look.
Judging from his thirty years of missionary experience, if this sacrifice can be completed today, it will definitely cause an unprecedented psychological impact on these rich people.
Then it was time for him to harvest.
Thinking of this, his heart became hot.
His life goal is to be like the great predecessor of that year, to be able to seal the king in Citigroup and become the king of the country!
Although the Kingdom II died, it is undeniable that the leader did enjoy the wonderful taste and honor of the leader of the country, and he was still alive!
But to succeed, you need not only talent but also money.
And how to make these rich people a lamb is the most critical step in this process.
"The goddess of luck is with me. Bless me, and everything will go well this time." For the first cultist, he touched the ornament hidden in his chest, when the atmosphere was the most intense.
He stepped forward and pulled out a dagger. Slowly, under the excitement of many believers, he placed it on the agent's neck.
"Nothing beats the hearts of the people more than offering the same kind."
"Hoo, this time I must..."
Just when this cultist intends to cut it off.
Suddenly, he heard a sound of holy music ringing in his ear.
His face changed slightly.
As an excellent magic stick, he is well aware of the importance of coordination between environmental atmosphere, medicine, and hypnosis.
In the environmental atmosphere, in addition to decoration, music is also an important part of it. If something goes wrong, it is likely that the effect you want to achieve will be halved or even counterproductive.
Therefore, he glared fiercely at his companion and asked him to deal with it quickly.
Suddenly realized that the music is getting clearer and clearer, so that he has the illusion of wearing headphones.
I have hallucinations?
At this critical time?
As a magic stick with a hypnotist qualification, he first realized that he had a mental problem.
Immediately, he found out that he had heard the holy music that was getting louder and louder.
Suddenly he felt the chest ornaments become hot and tingling.
Immediately, he saw his altar suddenly bleed a lot of blood.
Blood flowed into a river, but it just gathered on the altar and would not flow out.
The cultist retreated instinctively, and just realized that he had made a mistake this time. As a sacrifice, how could he leave the altar?
Just don't wait for him to remedy.
The flame suddenly boiled from the altar.
Then, a demon with wings formed by flames, a fierce face, and a demon with a height of at least three meters, accompanied by flames coming out of the scared the agent who was still at the altar, his legs were soft , Sitting on the altar.
"Evil... demons?"
"Is this sacrifice true? Did these guys really summon demons?"
The agent's mind was a mess.
It's just that those cultists are actually confused at this time.
Although they are cults under the official definition, they also engage in flesh and blood sacrifices, and they are also fooling people, but they really do not worship demons!
People worship is one of the ancient gods recorded in the classics at a fair price.
Unless the ancient was played by a demon from the beginning, otherwise... how could this rite summon the demon!
Is this his...thinking about it!
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