Chapter 739: Krypton gold practice

"Such an effect must have been a powerful hand beyond my heyday!"
The Uturu wizard saw the ability to believe in the artifact and restored the corpses of the dwarves, and sighed in his heart:
"The background of Lord Son is really unfathomable, my choice is not wrong!"
Then, the Uturu wizard looked at the time, and began to remind Xiao Yu to release the witchcraft.
Xiao Yu was reminded by the Uturu wizard, and after nodding slightly, the rune was fully activated.
Suddenly, Su Shengshu, the morning star deceased obtained by trading with the undead lord, turned into a white light, covering the basin in front of Xiao Yu's eyes.
Gradually, a miracle appeared.
In the pile of dwarves' bodies, a strong dwarf shook and moved.
They climbed out of the corpse hill and stood on the basin looking blankly.
As dead dwarves, they have self-will and realize their existence, but they don't know why.
As the number increased, some death dwarves spontaneously became their leaders, and began to command the remaining death dwarves together.
Xiao Yu ignored the little movements of these dead dwarves and ignored them, just waiting for the passage of time, until there were no dead dwarves in the corpse mountain for a long time.
He signaled that the Uturu wizard would fly to these dead dwarves and declare their fate.
"Giant from Canyon of the Gods?"
"The lord of the miraculous city, the guardian of this continent?"
"But... even if we are the deceased of the dwarf clan and are resurrected by your witchcraft, our ego will not succumb!"
Among the declared dwarves, a dwarf wearing a crown and rusty armor suddenly jumped out, his hands spread out and his hands roared:
"Dwarves are never slaves!"
After saying this, the Dwarf King, who didn't know it was the first generation, summoned in his hands a black hammer that was twice its height.
"Huh? This is the Earth Hammer talent witchcraft of the dwarves, but it is actually due to the undead and has the power of shadow and plague!"
Sorcerer Marfa was very interested in seeing the movement of the dwarf king:
"Su Shengzhi's technique of the morning star deceased seems to be successful, and the second-level talent witchcraft can be reproduced, not to mention the extraordinary talent that can also be released?"
Xiao Yu nodded and faced the jumping dwarf king.
He stretched out his right hand, and gave that gentle grip to the dwarf king who was far apart.
Suddenly, the entity of the virtual and real hand appeared in front of the dwarf king, and the big hand unfolded already blocked the dwarf king's sight.
And with this big hand clasped.
The dwarf king instantaneously turned into a mass of indistinct objects, and with the disappearance of the virtual and real hands, it whistled and flowed down to wet a basin of land.
"Who else wants to rebel against my rule?"
After Xiao Yu made this insignificant blow, his eyes swept the dead dwarves with coldness.
Wherever his eyes were, all the dead dwarves knelt before his eyes.
These dwarves were not heroes who regarded death as their own life, and recovered after death, except that they retained their inherent obsession and hatred for the living because of the undead.
I am afraid that the existence of the self must be more important than before!
After all, the dead dwarves of this life have lost their sense of taste, they can’t taste the wine, they can’t reproduce, they can’t enjoy the taste of popping.
The only thing that can attract them is that they are still thinking that this is themselves.
The overall situation was fixed, and the wizards flew over to shackle the dead dwarves.
For these dead dwarves, Xiao Yu did not intend to give them citizenship at the beginning.
They are just tools.
It can only be a tool!
After all, they are undead, and nature is the enemy of all beings!
Don't see that Xiao Yu and others can trade with the undead lord, and they can talk and laugh.
In fact, once the undead king thinks he has a great advantage.
It will not hesitate to fight with Xiao Yu.
And once the battle begins.
All the undead will become the natural help of the undead prince.
Just like the abyss, nobles can't resist the abyss even if they are strong.
Undead creatures are also unable to defy the orders of the undead lord.
Even if there is a high-level undead with a new will, even if the heart does not agree, the body will still be honest and effective.
This is the rule of the undead.
The power of miracle cities that are not today can be changed.
"His Royal Highness, we have harvested a total of 5,100 dwarves. Thankfully they are all dwarf artisans and can serve us."
The Enodian wizard flew back to Xiao Yu's shoulder, and he replied excitedly:
"This is the blessing of the witchcraft wonder that His Royal Highness just brought out. Otherwise, we have calculated that from the bodies of these dwarves, the recovery of more than two thousand is also good luck. "
"Five thousand and one hundred?"
When Xiao Yu heard this specific number, he smiled and said: "Take them all to the factory, closely monitored by the black guards, and let them work for me to synthesize reinforced metal 24 hours a day!"
"This...Is afraid that their mana cannot keep up?"
The Enodian wizard said with some concern.
"Oh, it doesn't matter."
Sorcerer Mafa narrowed his eyes with pride: "I improved the magic circle that condenses the power of shadows, and then cooperated with the injection of mana potions given by His Highness."
"It's perfectly guaranteed that these dead dwarves who work tirelessly work hard for His Highness."
"Great, we will surely get a new breakthrough in our strengthened metal production!"
A royal wizard smiled happily: "Our laboratory can also apply for part of the cost."
"I'm afraid this won't work. I plan to allocate the output of these dwarves to the Uturu wizard and let him transform the interstellar battleship."
"Later, I also intend to let him use enchanting knowledge to transform and strengthen a large number of parts for me."
"I'm afraid that for a long time, the reinforced metal will still be unable to make ends meet."
Upon hearing Xiao Yu's answer, the royal wizards fell silent:
The efficiency of the wizards has to be said to be quite efficient, especially when there is a great continent guardian above them.
But five hours have passed.
A small town in the middle of the mainland due to the invasion of wild beasts was transformed into a factory for dead dwarves, and the wizards arranged them to enter.
After Xiao Yu directed an undead giant to ride an electric tricycle from the city of miracles, he transported several tons of steel and hundreds of kilograms of bronze.
The family of dead dwarves began to provide Xiao Yu with the reinforced metal they produced.
After getting a sample from the commander of the Black Guardian.
Xiao Yu held the piece of metal and nodded slightly: "It's exactly the same as the one made by the living dwarf, which is really gratifying."
"It's not worth the price I paid."
After Xiao Yu finished speaking, after giving a few words, he began to hurry up to practice.
Soon, a week passed.
During this week, Xiao Yu was working Chi Yuejing, and even the massage practice of the maid group she was keen on was temporarily put down.
Every day, except for five or six hours back to his hometown, he is almost using red moon crystals to boil his body to practice witchcraft.
Such hard work will naturally not be fruitless.
After all, the red moon crystal in his hand, but also because of Xiao Yu's absorption and refining, became smaller.
If a wizard in the villain learns that Chi Yuejing can still give the wizard a practice like this.
There will be a loud cry of no humanity, because poverty limits his imagination!
After all, if they were given to these wizards Chi Yuejing, they would not have taken a trace every day, and then hurriedly transformed it for ten and a half months with careful transformation, for fear of wasting even a 0.01% effect!
And Xiao Yu's non-stop absorption for a long time will definitely distribute part of the drug power, and it can absorb up to 80%, which is not bad.
"Huh... I feel my body is full of vitality! My strength is doubled!"
"My upper limit of mana has also been increased by at least half!"
"And the most important thing is this Chiyue Eucharist!"
Speaking of which, Xiao Yu's eyes gleamed with dazzling red light, and on his forehead, there was a round of scarlet crescent marks.
With the appearance of this crescent-like crescent moon, a faint vague appearance appeared behind Xiao Yu.
If you look closely, you can see that the phantom phase is a remnant moon suspended in the space!
"Is this the Eucharist, not yet second-class extraordinary, let me realize the power of Fa-phase in advance...Although this Fa-Phase is currently an illusion, it can't be done, but the sentiment can't be faked."
"And... bonuses are indispensable!"
"After turning on the Eucharist, not only did I double the total attributes, but the quality of the extraordinary aura seemed to be half as high!"
"Maybe~ I now have the power of a second-level wizard!"
"And when I reach the second-level wizard, will I be able to challenge the pseudo-third-level wizard!"
Xiao Yu understands why the arrogant sons of the gang can overcome the challenge.
This kind of talent bonus simply does not give ordinary people a way to live!
Fortunately, fortunately, the natural talent of these arrogant sons is zero.
But the talents of Krypton Gold are still available and can be obtained.
And listening to the analysis of Uturu wizards, his own talents relying on krypton gold will not be much worse than those of the heavenly pride in the later stages...
Just when Xiao Yu adapted to his successful cultivation of the Chiyue Eucharist.
Suddenly, an explosion sound that rang through the outside world caught his attention.
Without going out of the palace, soaring in the sky, the Andean Condor, who realized the power of the Warcraft blood in his body, became Xiao Yu's eyes and looked at the accident site.
But in an alchemy school in the city of miracles.
Speaking of which, explosion accidents at Alchemy College are actually quite common.
Not to explode several times a day, alchemists are embarrassed to come out and meet people.
It's just that this explosion was a bit big.
A wizard tower with a height of 100 meters in the eyes of a villain was blown apart in half, and the protective cover of the alchemy school was also exploded.
Looking at the back garden hut with fire and smoke, you can guess that the core of the defensive circle may be destroyed.
The cost of repair will be an astronomical figure.
"Damn, what's going on, could it be that a wizard is experimenting with third-level witchcraft!"
The Black Guardian commander rushed in with a large number of masters in a black face.
He said a little ecstatic when he saw the scene.
"Cough, our wizards have a special witchcraft experiment field, we don't need to come to the alchemy school."
A black wizard came out and said eccentrically:
"And I didn't find much witchcraft left here."
"Maybe this was made by the alchemists?"
"Huh? Those alchemists have such a skill?"
A few black masters stunned slightly, and instinctively did not believe it.
The villain has always been a world where wizards are kings and knights are secondary.
The status of the alchemists is rather awkward.
They are often seen as a supplement to the lack of wizards of certain forces.
This is indeed the case.
The power of the alchemy artillery can be comparable to some low-level destruction witchcraft, but the flexibility and accuracy are far from the same.
As for life, some inventions in transportation.
On the one hand, it's not worth looking at.
On the other hand-to be honest, wizards tend to do better with sorcery!
Like an airship, it is already the best work of alchemists in hundreds of years.
But compared with the floating fortresses created by the wizards!
Who even blasted the sky, wouldn't he count?
Therefore, they can hardly believe that the explosion that made them feel scared just now was made by the alchemists!
But as the investigation deepened.
These black Weiwei helplessly found that this is really the case!
It was a pair of brothers in their twenties who caused this accident.
They were originally from the Qianyu Empire, and they were born as nobles, and were able to be trained as first-level wizard apprentices.
It was only soon that with the change, they were abandoned by the college because they did not have family financial support.
The pair of brothers who did not want to stay in the academy and spend their entire lives as alchemists became alchemists and followed their mentors from the kingdom of Fiya to the kingdom of Egret until they entered the city of miracles, and were favored by Xiao Yu. laboratory.
The subject of their research is one of the many conjectures proposed by Xiao Yu, involving dangerous explosives.
They were just experimenting with this explosive.
I did not expect them to succeed, and it was still a great success!
Blow up the Alchemy Academy all at once!
Xiao Yu quickly learned the truth and laughed involuntarily at the report.
Secretly he was wise!
The reason why these alchemists came to the city of miracles in large numbers is naturally related to the excellent treatment of Xiao Yu for them.
Xiao Yu, who grew up in a technological and civilized environment, instinctively has maintained a fairly high level of favorability and anticipation for the alchemists who are alternative scientists in these small countries.
As a result, they have been happy to give them angel investment.
Even if some of the alchemists don’t look so reliable, they should still be treated well.
Anyway, in Xiao Yu's This sum of all angel investments is nothing more than the cost of a snack.
Even if it fails completely, you will eat one less snack~ Amount, it seems wrong, you can actually afford it without having to eat less.
And what if it succeeds?
Isn't that profitable?
And this explosion today.
This shows that Xiao Yu's investment has achieved a staged result!
"To summon the pair of brothers."
Xiao Yu smiled and said to Princess Alice who was waiting around her:
"By the way, the whole continent is announced!"
"Alchemists have developed a new kind of alchemy bomb, which is powerful enough to be comparable to the pseudo-three-level witchcraft of the destruction department!"
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