Chapter 765: Who can beat me

Panshi is not an indigenous creature lost in the mainland.
It came from another place called Rock Continent in another eccentric plane, but it was an obscure member there.
However, as the recognized morning star creature in the world of the villain world, no matter how obscure, the stone, after being summoned by the morning star wizard, came to this place quickly by virtue of talent, and became a man on this continent. The presence.
In addition, the intelligence of Panshi is no different from that of ordinary people, so for a long time, Panshi even felt that he was called to feel good!
Otherwise, where can we get so many precious resources and become stronger, and where can we enjoy the services of countless people?
It is a pity that the only fear of the existence of Panshi, his master suddenly chose to seal the Panshi because of a change.
It didn't take long for the beautiful apes of Panshi to enjoy it, and they were forced to fall asleep again.
When Panshi woke up feeling a witchcraft breath, he thought he had just slept for decades.
It was just that as the perception gradually recovered, but still could not perceive the connection between the morning star wizard and the underworld, which made Panshi wonder.
Fortunately, it was also mixed with the wizards for hundreds of years. Pan Shi knows that this situation means that his master, the only adult he is afraid of, must have happened, maybe he has fallen!
This made Pan Shi not only be frightened, but secretly ecstatic in his heart.
If the owner is absent, does it restore the free body?
In this case, it will have the opportunity to use its talents to communicate with its peers on the Rock Continent.
Once the communication is successful, let the compatriots of the Rock Continent occupy this new world, and its Panshi will definitely receive the king's reward and the sacred mating right!
As a male, when Pan Shi thought of this, he couldn't wait to try to arrange it immediately.
Fortunately, Panshi, who had been tuned by the Morning Star wizard, overwhelmed his instinct with reason, and after detecting a wizard reaction, he flew over and grabbed the other party, and then used the witchcraft he learned that year to learn the second. The new common sense of the continent in the eyes of an apprentice wizard
The Goddess Canyon, which is 180 meters high, is a city of miracles gathered by hundreds of thousands of extraordinary people.
The city of miracles is also equipped with a steel behemoth that drives more than 200 meters in length and height...
After reading the fragmented worldview of the second-level wizard apprentice, Pan Shi shook his head in disbelief.
In its view, the giant may be there, but it must not be so high, and the city of miracles may also have mastered some cheap fortification formula.
The extraordinary number may be able to break 10,000, but these guys who are promoted by drugs must be difficult to upgrade again!
The rumors heard by these second-level wizard apprentices are nothing but people!
It's a steel behemoth... This second-level wizard apprentice has seen it with his own eyes, and has left a memory of images to let Panshi know.
However, Panshi also found a reason for this, thinking that it was nothing more than a super-large alchemy machine covered with iron.
The enlarged version of the metal puppet is at the expense of combat power.
In Panshi's view, he intends to kill these steel behemoths, at most ten minutes!
As long as there is no morning star wizard, let me fly in this world!
Believing in this point of Panshi, relying on the comparison of memory, I quickly realized that the Academy of Mysterious Towers that served me was nearby.
Then it saw the wizards of the Mystic Tower Academy coming.
In fact, Pan Shi saw through these mysterious tower academy wizards at the first glance that they were no longer in the same vein as the past. Although the coat of arms of the costume was still preserved, the practice of meditation was never seen by Pan Shi.
Therefore, the so-called pledge, even if Pan Shi did not take it seriously.
But Panshi, who has been in the human world for a long time, doesn't mind taking it out to the wizards on the other side, so that they can justify themselves and serve them.
Although the wizards of the Mystic Tower Academy in this area have little autonomy, the great powers have been turned over to the city of miracles.
However, Panshi believes that he is comparable to the extraordinary breath of third-level peak Warcraft at this time, which will definitely allow the wizards on the opposite side to see the reality.
As the Dean of the Mystic Tower College screamed harshly.
Pan Shi shouted violently and angrily immediately after stunned:
"Who gave you the guts to dare to question such a morning star's servant!"
"Ah! You shameless wizards, I want to punish you!"
Speaking of which, Pan Shi's feet tightened violently, and the next moment he rushed towards the wizards at a high speed with a residual image.
"It's fast! This monster is faster than the King of the Swamp Hydra!"
"Quick formation defense!"
The dean of the Mystic Tower College did not expect this stone ape to be so impatient, didn’t he know to look back?
After urging the magic circle, he could not help lamenting why the atmosphere of the floating battleship of the miracle city was so well arranged.
He didn't even see it with his naked eyes, but he didn't even notice that this giant had arrived in the nearby airspace!
Panshi hit the shield created by the wizards of the Mystic Tower Academy with the residual image.
It was just a blow, and the light yellow shield had cracked apart.
Then the dozen or so wizards, regardless of level, vomited blood and flew out because of the backlash.
After making Panshi look in his eyes, he growled proudly:
"I haven't tried it yet, you can't stand it?"
"Huh, I dare to make me angry even with this ability! You are looking for your own way!"
"Cough, don't be complacent, you stone ape!" The dean of the Mystic Tower College gasped and looked up at the sky: "The great city of miracles will not let you off of Warcraft!"
"City of miracles? City of miracles again!"
Hearing this noun that was constantly appearing in memory, Pan Shi was very angry, and he shouted:
"I am the Panshi Warrior Panshi!"
"This continent without the Morning Star Wizard... who can defeat me!"
Just after roaring, Pan Shi suddenly found that the sky was suddenly dark, and a large shadow appeared on the ground to cover his shadow.
"So soon?"
Pan Shi was slightly startled, and suddenly felt wrong: "No, when I woke up, there was no cloud..."
"Is it a floating island!"
Panshi noticed the anomaly, and quickly looked up, looking at the interstellar battleship Miracle that helped him cover the poisonous sunlight.
I found that it wasn't the floating stones of the floating island, but my heart was not happy at all.
For Panshi, it is seven hundred and fifty meters long, and it seems that the whole body is made of metal alloy forged by the miracle star battleship. It really makes it strange but nervous!
"How could there be such a large floating battleship?"
Panshi remembers very clearly that the morning star wizard who summoned himself was also a fan of floating battleships.
It's just that the floating battleship he built at the time is only 200 meters long.
Compared with the ship in front of me, it is simply not qualified to be a kid!
Pan Shi was tight all over, and a gleam of oil appeared on his stone-like gray skin.
He landed on his feet, stepped on the ground, and cheered for himself: "It's just a bunch of floating boxes with auxiliary magic circles."
"I am going to beat it to break the next moment!"
"Let you remember that the gap between the world's extraordinary state and talent is not something that can be offset by the alchemy!"
Didn't wait for Pan Shi to send an active blow.
After confirming that the bombardment will not be injured accidentally, after the rapid fire gun of the Miracle Starship battleship was aimed at this stone ape, with the remote monitoring of Xiao Yu, he ordered to fire first!
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